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 Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha] 
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Sasha pulled Alisha up to her feet after she had given the girl time to get it through her head that she did indeed hold the girl's life in her hands. The glares of hatred she got from the girl only served to amuse her, and she showed it through the smug smirk she now wore. "Now that you're beginning to understand what's happening here... It's time to take you to your stall. You were brought here for one reason, after all, and that is to be one of the master's sex cows." Pushing her forth, Sasha chuckled as she went over to the door and unlocked it, swinging it open to reveal that the two guards were still there. "Let's go, brat." There wasn't really any option at the time, and the succubus watched in delight as her slave soon followed them, well aware that she hadn't given in yet. She still had to be broken in, to realize that her fate was to be stuck here, to understand that she had no choice left.

It was quite another trip through the milking farms, but it didn't take long for the succubus and her charge to arrive at one of the great halls. The hall was still dimly lit, but here the smell of sex was at its strongest along with what was a veritable cacophony of grunts, moans, and groans from all around them. This was indeed where she would be stuck in now. On both sides, from one end of the hall to the other, there were stalls all along them with women occupying them. They were indeed hooked up to milking machines, with pumps attached over their lactating teats and cocks, sucking out every last drop of milk and cum from the poor abused females. Many of them no longer looked alive, but rather just broken and tame, their eyes lifeless even as they continued to grunt out their delight, no longer able to resist the unending pleasure they were doomed to.

"Here!" Sasha barked as one of the guards led Alisha into her own stall, which seemed as if it had been scrubbed clean after its former occupant had been thrown away. The milking device behind her, with all of its tubes and pumps, looked quite imposing. And above the girl, a metal pipe hung overhead, with a thick cable hanging down from it. Unable to even fight back, the girl was forced to slip her hands through the cable, keeping her wrists stuck together firmly and unable to break free now. With her arms forced above her, she was now forced to stand on her own legs or the cable would dig into her wrists. Sasha smirked at the sight of the girl with her breasts jutting out from her uncomfortable pose. "We'll hook the pumps up later, boys... The master want me to break her in first." The demons nodded their understanding and left the two of them alone. Sasha smiled at her slave, clearly enjoying the way she looked now, so helpless. "Ah, first things first..." The succubus chuckled as she activated the collar again, sending surges running throughout her slave's body. Quickly, the girl would begin to feel more sensitive, even the slightest of breezes sweeping past her naked flesh would send shudders of pleasure up her spine.

Not only that, her cock swelled back into life, throbbing hard as it had done so before, as her breasts swelled even further, now possibly several cups larger than they had originally been. The demoness giggled as she watched her slave undergoing these changes, remarking that she now looked no different than the rest of the cows, who were in similar shapes now. Only... those eyes of her still held hatred and anger in them. Rebellion had to be crushed whenever possible. Undoing the button of her skirt, Sasha slipped out of them and kicked them to the side, before she began pulling off her tight shirt, allowing her firm breasts to bounce freely. As she got her shirt off, her clitoris quickly expanded and swelled into a phallic shape, growing and growing until it was quite possibly the largest cock the poor girl had ever seen. Clearly, she was one of those people for whom the phrase 'hung like a horse' had been applied to. Still smirking, the succubus pulled out a small device from the pocket of her skirt and fitted it over the head of her cock, not letting it slide down her length. No, this one would be going into the girl instead. She would be making Alisha suffer one of her favorite activities, turning her into the lowest thing a woman could be reduced to, that of being a cum dumpster. "Now, let's begin..."

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Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:43 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Im not a fucking sex cow Alisha thought to herself. But that wouldnt help her out of this place. maybe, she could escape through a door or something, when going to the stalls. Alisha still glared at the demon as she opened her door. Dammit, dumb and dummer are still here... That screwed her plan up from running. The demons probably knew this place inside and out. And that succumbus only had to think about hurting her, and Alisha would be reduced to crys of pain.

Alisha continued to try and think of ways to escape as the smell of cum and the sounds of sex hit her. What the hell?! she said in shock as she looked down the hall. Girls, were attached to machines that seemed to be sucking the milk right out of them and everyone of them had dicks too, just like Alisha, which were also being milked. Alisha stopped moving. No...there was no way she was going to end up like them.

The guard roughly grabbed her and forced her into a stall. It must had been recently cleaned. For what escaped Alisha. It wasnt like she was going to say "hey, well at least its clean!". Alisha struggled as her hands were forced into the cable above her, the machines behind her. She tried pulling her hands out, but the cable seemed to dig into her wrist. Let me out of this you stupid goons! she snarled at the guards. The way she was standing was extremely uncomfortable and exposing, leaving her larger than normal breast pushing out futher than they usually would.

Alisha smirked, with hatred still burning deep in her eyes. So im guessing you dont get fucked enough, is that it? your 'master' only fucks you every now and then, so you feel the need to fuck people who cant de- ahhh Alisha bit her lip as her cock became painfully hard, and her breast began to swell, causing her to lean forward. She quickly stood straight up as she felt the cord dig into her wrist.

Alisha watched as the demon stripped in front of her, and formed what could possibly be the dick of a god. Sasha's dick made Alisha's look like a little baby dick in comparison. Alisha moved her legs closer together staying silent. She prayed that the cock was used only to scare her, becasue it would rip Alisha in half if Sasha fucked her with that. Lets begin?!!? Oh fuck

The Story of a girl

Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:14 pm
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Sasha smirked as she took notice of Alisha's face, taking delight in the way she suddenly fell quiet. The poor girl must have been praying she wasn't going to get the cock used on her. Well... There were no gods down here to answer her prayers. The succubus grabbed her slave's legs, forcing them open easily, because if she had resisted then the cable would only cut into her wrists painfully. Either way, she was stuck between a rock and a hard cock. Instead of letting her suffer from the cable, the demoness lifted her up, allowing the girl's body to slump against her own. After guiding the head of her hard shaft to Alisha's sex, Sasha sighed in utter delight as inch after inch of her cock began sliding into the girl's tight hole, the thick girth prying her inner walls apart easily.

It was not long before she had finally reached the entrance to Alisha's womb, the tip of her cock forcing its way into the most sacred of her places. It was here that the device Sasha had placed on her cock activated, expanding enough to secure itself within her cervix, preventing itself from being pulled out or pushed inside. This little toy, as innocent looking as it was, was possibly one of the most devilish objects down here. In place, it kept a mucous membrane that allowed the succubus to slide her cock in but it would also prevent her seed from leaking out. In short, it was effectively a one-way stopper. Now with her cock completely buried within the girl, Sasha allowed her slave to settle, letting her body back down enough to let her relax. With her head tilted one way, she had left her neck open to the girl, where there was only but a tribal symbol on her shoulder. "There, doesn't that feel wonderful, slave?"

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Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:07 pm
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Alisha glared at the demoness as she looked at Alisha's face. It took all of the control she had not to lash out verbally against Sasha. If she did, no doubt she would get ripped apart then. Alisha watched helplessly as the sucumbus slowly advanced toward her, since she had no where to go. She hissed as she tried to move away from the demoness' touch, but the cord cut into her wrist.L-let go of me you spawn of sat- AHHHH!she screamed, as the head of the beast-like cock started to inch its way into her. She couldnt move or she would force it into herself quicker. The pain was unbearable, litke a blunt object cutting her in half.

She felt gravity take its toll on her as it naturally forced her futher onto the cock. She continued to scream in pain as the dick reached her womb. She didnt feel the device actiivate, with as much pain as she endured.

AHH! g-good!? ITS FUCKING RIPPING ME APART YOU BITCH!! she screamed. She glared at the demoness' tattoo. If im going to suffer, so are you.. she thought as she bit the tattoo hard and tried to rip it off.

The Story of a girl

Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:29 pm
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
It was possibly the most stupid idea she might have ever thought of, much less put into action. It was also something she would probably regret at first. The tattoo, such as it was, was no ordinary tattoo but a symbol of the succubus' power. All such beings carried their own, jealously guarded and kept out of the reach of others. To a succubus, it was the equivalent of being overloaded with sheer delight, their bodies wracked with overflowing pleasure. And for them, it left them vulnerable, temporarily under the power of those who exploited this weakness. Such a thing was something few among the succubus enjoyed, since none of them liked being weak in front of others. They were the kind to dominate others, not be dominated, after all. For a brief moment, Sasha was angry with shock at what Alisha had done.

Then it faded away, replaced by unbearable joy. The succubus couldn’t help but keep her arms tight around the girl as her cock began twitching like crazy, throbbing more than ever. It was then that her cock began erupting with seed, filling her womb up with the demoness’s hot cum. More than that, her cock did not stop coming after a few moments. Instead, it kept on coming and coming, and already Sasha could feel her slave’s belly swell against her own, already full of her hot seed. She couldn’t utter any coherent word, couldn’t stop the girl from biting her further. Instead, she clung to Alisha, holding on to her as her cock kept on spurting out rope after rope after rope, hoping it would stop soon and at the same time, hoping it would never end. Instead, she moaned and grunted out her sheer delight, mouth open with salvia drooling down the side of her face.

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:31 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
The pain that overloaded Alisha kept her jaw closed tightly around the tattoo. Why she had choosen to bite the tattoo was unknown to her, but it seemed like a good target. She couldnt see the demoness's face, but was sure that she was extremely ticked and pissed. Thats what you get bitch. she thought triumphetly. She procceeded to bite down harder, her fury and pain egging her on.

She came to regret that. As she bit down, she felt the phallus begin to twitch and spasm inside her, moving around and ultimately causing more pain. And then it came, litterally. A flood of hot cum blasted into her womb washing it over with heat. Alisha gasped as the endless flow of seed seemed to get trapped in her womb. Her belly soon started to swell painfully from the cum, growing larger and larger seemingly not stopping any time soon. AHHHHHH MAKE IT STOPPPP she cried out in pain.

The Story of a girl

Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:44 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Even after the girl stopped biting down on her, it took a while for her cock to finally stop spurting out cum. Already, the succubus felt a bit drained, having gotten so much of her seed out of the hard shaft. Still unable to say anything, Sasha could only gasp now and then, trying to get her breath back and stop herself from shuddering so much. It had felt really good, but she hated the effects afterward. It was far from over for the two of them, though. Far, far from it, unfortunately.

"Well, well!" A voice rang out from behind as Sasha turned her head slightly, trying to see who it was. But even then, she knew. "Wat is this Ivonna has stumbled across?" Yet another succubus could be seen, smirking at the two of them. Ivonna, as she had generously introduced herself, happened to be the vice warden, just below Sasha in the chain of command around here. Unlike Sasha, she was not so mean. Instead, she enjoyed bringing pleasure and joy to others.

Instead, she enjoyed making trouble for her mistress, Sasha, and for all those under her care. And here, the Head Warden was stuck with a new sex cow who had just stumbled across a weakness. It only ignited the succubus' desire to wreck havoc. "Allow Ivonna to help, dears!" The succubus giggled as she pressed herself against Sasha's back, staring at Alisha with a smug smile on her lips. Then she bit down on the other succubus' tattoo, sending new surges of incredible pleasure through her body. Sasha barely got the shout out before it died away in her throat, replaced by a strangled gasp as her cock twitched back into life, pumping more of her hot seed into the girl. This time around, the succubus showed no signs of stopping as Ivonna kept on biting down, watching in delight at the girl's face.

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:06 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Alisha continued to scream and moan in pain as the seed continued to fill her. Breathing became a task as it was hard to draw in a breath due to the overfilled belly of cum. Her stomach seemed like a balloon, stedily getting filled with air, growing closer to her popping point. She whimpered in pain as it finally stopped. Her legs shook and she was glad that she was being held up, or else the cable would have dug deep into her wrist

The good news was that Sasha looked equally drained as she did. Though the line of drool down the side of her lip hinted she had enjoyed it. The bad news came in the form of a question. The voice of the newcomer sent chills down her spine, and sasha didnt look too excited to see her either at her time of weakness. Alisha looked at the woman praying that this demon was one of compassion. Help me..she rasply whispered to the succumbus, though she was sure the demon didnt hear her.

A spark of hope ignited when Ivonna offered help. Maybe she had heard her after all! She looked with pleading eyes as Ivonna came closer, but the hope disappeared quickly as she saw the grin on her face. Suddenly she wished only to be alone with Sasha again. She would take her chances with her. Alisha's heart dropped into the pool of cum filling her belly as Ivonna bit down on the tattoo. Alisha's scream mixed with Sasha's as her stomach continued to buldge. STOP! STOP! PLEASE STOP! I-I CANT TAKE ANYMORE! IT HURTS!she screamed. In less than 5 minutes, Alisha went from being slim, to looking pregnant, to looking like a litteral cow. p-please she whimpered to the girl biting down on Sasha's tattoo.

The Story of a girl

Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:34 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
It was some time before Ivonna finally stopped biting her superior, letting Sasha gasp for breath again as she tried to hold herself steady. It had been both unimaginably and unbearably good, coming so much. Looking down, Sasha was surprised to see she had spurted out so much of her hot seed, the way her slave's belly looked so swollen now. She really did look like a cow now, the way her belly looked like udders. It was both ridiculous looking but somewhat erotic, she had to admit. "Aw, come on! You don't mean that, do you? Ivonna just can tell you're one of the sluts who likes getting hurt and punished!"

The succubus giggled as she began licking at Sasha's tattoo, causing her superior to gasp with delight, threatening to send her over the edge again. "Beside, Ivonna doesn't have anything else to do! Ivonna want to see you all fat and full of cum, just like the cow you are! Mooo!" She could be insufferably annoying sometimes, even for Sasha. But the Head Warden was in no shape to scold her at all. Instead of taunting her further, the succubus chose to torture her superior's slave by biting down on her again, sending Sasha's cock exploding with even more cum, filling the girl's womb up once again. She didn't stop biting until nearly a minute had passed before she let go of Sasha.

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Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:05 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
time seemed to drag on forever. It felt like hours ago Alisha had stopped pleading for help, or for Ivonna to stop. She had long abandoned the hope of getting mercy from any of these creatures. She would have to get what she wanted on her own, which was practically impossible. Streams had began to flow from her eyes, but she stayed silent, other than the heavy breathing emmiting from her. That ended when Ivonna decided to taunt her. Slut?!!? Says the bitch probably wishing to be in my shoes right now!! she muttered under her breath. Alisha could have said more, but the activity of Sasha's monstrosity stopped her tongue.

Alisha's eyes widened and she gasped again, feeling the cum begin to fill her again. She tried not to move, since it made it feel worse and worse. Anger filled her eyes once more as she looked at Ivonna, who seemed to be enjoying this. What really pissed her off was that, she did enjoy pain. but she was not a slut though. After the minute of cum had passed, Alisha failed to hold her silence. Wish you were the one being fucked instead, huh? she asked, her anger easily detectable.

The Story of a girl

Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:29 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Ivonna giggled as the girl continued to show anger at her, merely amused by it. She had no need to feel threatened by a girl stuck in a stall, hands bound together by restraints. No need to fear just another one of the master's sex cows. Instead, She began pulling her mistress out, gently making sure Sasha was secured within her arms as she lowered the head warden down on the floor, against the side of the stall. It was only then that Ivonna returned to Alisha, sliding her arms around the girl and rubbing her swollen belly. "So you say, but Ivonna thinks you looks good like this, all fat and full of cum... Just like the rest of these cows!" The succubus giggled cruelly, deciding on what to do next. And such a thing was never a good thing, especially when it was Ivonna.

Leaving her alone again, the succubus grabbed hold of several tubes hanging on the wall, pulling them away from their confines. "Now, Ivonna thinks she'll finish the job for dear Sasha. Don't you think so, little slut?" Ivonna smiled as she began fitting the pumps over the girl's swollen breasts, admiring the handiwork of the drug they had likely given her. It did not take long until they were completely fit onto the girl, unable to be shaken or thrown off no matter how much she might try. Shortly after, a similar device was too fitted onto the girl's cock, the pump sliding down over the length until it pressed against her groin. "Now, let the fun times start, eh?" Ivonna giggled as she started up the machine, the pumps beginning to suck down hard on the girl's nipples, drawing out milk easily. The suction began to grow stronger and stronger until the pumps sloshed with plenty of milk. The succubus deactivated the girl's cock ring, allowing her to release her cum as soon as the machine brought her to an orgasm.

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Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:05 pm
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Alisha let a soft moan go, as Sasha's dick slid out of her. She could feel the hot cum slowly drip from her. She watched as Ivonna returned to her and began to rub her now protruding stomach. The only cow i see is you.. she muttered to herself. The look on her tormentors face showed that this torture was no where near over.

Finish the Job? there was more? A fresh wave of fear entered her, which quickly changed to anger.I. Am. Not. A. Slut! she slowly and clearly said, spitting each word at her. She quickly tried to struggle, but to no avail. Ivonna obviously had experience doing this, and soon all of the pumps were tightly fit on Alisha's body. P-please Nooo! she cried out as the machines started. She began to moan as she felt milk squirting from her breast. Soon the squirting became gushing, and louder moans errupted from her. Pleasure spread through her groin as the cock ring was deactivated and her orgasm gew closer. It wasnt long before her cock burst with hot seed into the machine.

The torture seemed to continue forever. you... Her energy was drained with every pump of her breast and every orgasm she was brought to. Ivonna was right, she was starting to look just like the other sex cows in there. How long was she going to have to do this? days? weeks? years? a small steam of tears began to leak from her face at this thought.

The Story of a girl

Wed May 05, 2010 4:18 am
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Post Re: Don't Scare Me! [for Alisha]
Ivonna smiled at the girl's desperate plea to be released from this nightmare. "Un uh! No way, Ivonna wouldn't let such a cute little slut like you go! Beside, Ivonna thinks your moans are just adorable too... Pretty slutty, as well!" The succubus giggled as she continued to taunt at Alisha, quite enjoying getting a rise out of her. "Hmm, Ivonna thinks a week of this should be good for fixing your attitude! So, see you then!" The succubus gave yet another giggle as she helped Sasha to her feet, taking the head warden away and throwing the stall Alisha was in into the darkness, with only the bright glare of a single light above her, just like all the other cows that occupied the entire hall. It was as the two walked away that it would become increasingly clear that she would get no rest at all. There was little else that was worse for new cows to suffer than an entire week of unceasing pumping. It always nearly drove them mad, always nearly broke them. But then again, this was Hell. They could afford to be hard on the cows.

Minutes stretched into hours, and hours stretched into days. For an entire week, there was naught but the darkness to welcome her. For an entire week, she was confronted only by the stench of sex, even that of her own mingling strongly with all the rest. It was humiliating. It was degrading. It was precisely what the jailers had planned for. They all had to be broken down, after all. And there was no better person to break you down than your own body, with all the constant betrayals despite the mind's refusal. For an entire week, there were no sounds save the constant moans of the sex cows, the humming of the pumping machines, and the lewd sounds of their cunts, squeezing down on nothing but empty air, their juices running down their legs as they suffered orgasm after another orgasm. It was only on the eighth day that someone finally came for Alisha. "Well, your punishment's up." Sasha smiled as she stared down at Alisha, expression somewhat angry. It seemed that she was not pleased at all with the way the student had bitten down on her weak spot, her Achilles' heel. She had already sent for technicians to empty the student's insides of all the stored up cum, annoyed at how she had managed to get so much out of her right off the bat. It only ruined the fun for her.

"You're joining general population, slut." Sasha grinned as her guards moved in place, releasing Alisha from the suctions of the machines and from the rope holding her up. The guards then dragged Alisha away, following Sasha to some new nightmare for her to suffer. "You'll be making a lot of new friends, I'll bet, someone as cute and young as you. If you think you're lucky to be released from the milking machines... Think again."

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Sun May 09, 2010 1:42 am
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