Shokushu High School

Keyra's new room. (Open RP ^_^, monsters be nice o_O)
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Author:  Solilen [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Keyra's new room. (Open RP ^_^, monsters be nice o_O)

She stumbles into her door frame with a loud squeal, hitting her shin against the threshold to the room thats to be her new home over (until she finds a way to run off once more). Dropping her single suitcase luggage with a colorful and wholly unfeminine expletive.

With a whine, she bends down to rub the small bruise on her shin..."le sigh..." she mutters, pouting her lips into a frown, eyebrows furrowed. She looks up briefly, eying her vacant, new room. It's ceder-lined walls and and overstuffed (as well as, for her, oversized) fullsize bed completely foreign to her - so used to the gray metal black and sharp angles of her people's architecture.

"I' another age of human development." she mutters indignantly.

Standing up slowly, carefully, with a frown. Slowly, she moves about her room slowly on her tip toes, small steps. Brushing her hands delicately across the wooden cabinate, the soft and fluffed bed mattress...while in her mind, guessing at to the current price of wood on the interstellar commodities market. Finally, she leans forward as she draws her foot behind and up, nudging the door shut with a soft giggle. She stands straight, grabbing her luggage and setting it to the bed with a huff.

"," she counts on her fingers. "In that order. Hm."

She runs a hand up to her chin, nipping at her finger tips out of anxious habit...murmuring between them: "Room Computer, COMMAND: brighten lights."

No acknowledge tone? No chime? Most importantly, no light at her command?! What kind of barbarians run this school?!

Author:  planeswalker [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

(I'll be nice, I promise.)

The sharp nose of a girl squealing could be heard in the room, and the noise caused something to stir. Siolazar had been sleeping in the room that this girl was in, taking solace in the shadows beneath the bed, where it was relatively safe. It somewhat annnoyedly sent it's pooled form out across the floor, peering out from underneath the bed.

Gazing upwards, it caught site of the girl sitting on the bed, and the shadowborn quivered absently, still somewhat groggy. Another one? Girls seemed to be everywhere lately, no matter where Siolazar attempted to take solace. Of course, it had come here in order to study the humans and experiment on them, so it should at least not be so grouchy about it. Besides, it's not like the work was particularly hard.

Author:  Solilen [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

(mtay ;p)

Crossing her legs with a short huff, hands holding a white button-up blouse by the corners to the light before carefully folding, setting it down by her open suitcase. Her PDA lays at her side, a stock ticker zooming across its screen beneath the music player's controls - a soft pop song playing through the tinny speaker. Singing to the lyrics quietly as she folds a few undergarments beside the top...

"Huhm," her hands fall into her lap after setting a pink thong down. She shivers, folding her arms across her chest with a murmured "s'cold," looking up at the AC vent just above her dresser drawers. She clutches at her shirt collar in a tiny fist, leaning back into the headboard with a quiet sigh, legs straighten and stretch out along the bed. "PDA, Command: Music player, track skip twice. And mebbe order a pizza, a ride outta here and a loan from Hyrosara Financial? Mebbe? Please?"

She smiles as the computer skips a track, and then tries to justify why it couldn't complete her other requests. Picking up a cute pair of pink boyshort panties from her suitcase with her toes out of sheer boredom, letting it drop on top of her blouse with a playful "le Sigh"

She sings to Hotel California on the second verse, eyes closed as she fiddles with her hair...

Author:  planeswalker [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

As the girl spoke out to her PDA, the shadowling pondered what to do with her. She seemed to be used to a level of technology unlike the one here at Shokushu. If she was so used to the instant gratification of wherever it was that she came from, Siolazar mused that she probably wouldn't be quite used to what it could do either.

Using the low lighting to it's advantage, the shadowborn slowly slithered up the edge of the bed, it's form thin and barely moving as it made the ascent. It had to be careful, lest it lose the element of surprise. As it made it to the top, it took note of the various undergarments stretched out over the bed. This one was organized, that was for sure.

The PDA on the bed started to pump out music, a very good song, and the vibrations were sensed through the air. Siolazar merely quivered with amusement as the girl shut her eyes, and it quickly slid into her shadow on the bed, not doing anything as of yet, other than offering her leg a single caress.

Author:  Solilen [ Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

A shiver runs up her spine as some...finger..hand...-something- caresses her small calf. Eyes fluttering open, she crosses her arms over her chest as goosebumps form over the back of her neck. Her cheeks blush a cute shade of red...

"Music stop," she commands in an authoritative voice , and the PDA complies with an affirmative chirp.

She waits, confused, her eyebrows furrowed. Nipping anxiously at her bottom lip, she crosses her legs slowly, a quiet squeak escaping her bitten lip as the feeling shes not alone creeps up her spine.

She runs a hand across her forehead, letting out a worried sounding giggle as she slumps further back into the bed..."ugh...I'm stress'n," her accent reverts to the Caldari offworld twang, what many might confuse to be an odd mixture of Australian and Afrikan Berber.

Shrugging her shoulders, and with a returning (learned) American accent, she calls: "COMMAND: Music play, skip track..."

The small pocket computer gives a quick affirm chirp, and Bob Dylan starts to sing of Thunder On the Mountain...

She lets out a lil sigh, raising her hips ever slightly with a whimper as the feeling doesn't go away, her eyes darting back and fourth cautiously, her heart racing against her chest. Finally, she can't hold back her suspicions, and with a timid call mutters..."H-...hello?"....without realizing it, she's leaned fully back into her pillow, her hands laying just at her shoulder-level, palms out to the ceiling between half clenched fingers.

For good measure, she clenches her skinny thighs tightly together, inhaling sharply.

Author:  planeswalker [ Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Darkness was the only thing to hear the girl's call out to who was there...but sometimes, even darkness lives. The living shadow sat quite stilly, waiting for the girl to calm a bit. She seemed to be a bit worried about the fleeting caress, but then again, most of Siolazar's subjects did panic a bit when something they couldn't see touched them.

As her PDA restarted it's music, the shadowborn pondered on what to do next. It could do several experiments with the girl, testing how far she would stretch, or how much fluid she could leak from her sex when it was over-pleasured. Ah, but it had done such things before. Perhaps an open ended experiment would be good. Yes, that would be most acceptable.

The pounding of the girl's heart within her chest was sensed by the shadowborn, the beating sending out tiny pulses that only it could hear. She was afraid, and fear sometimes tainted the experiment. However, some healthy fear was good. Another caress was delivered to the girl, though this time it was done to her bottom as Siolazar slid beneath her slowly.

Author:  Solilen [ Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:04 am ]
Post subject: 

She lets out a sudden, sharp gasp as something unseen but definitely...definitely felt...caresses her small butt. Arching her back into the air with a bitten bottom lip, she muffles a lil angry groan, smacking her tiny fists against the bedsheet beneath.

"S-STOP! Whatever you are!" She growls, looking behind her angrily. Quick thinking, she calls out "COMMAND: Spectral analysis scan - 90 degrees towards me, report presence of sentient mind synopsis. Execute."

The PDA humms as the invisible beams of it's inherent LADAR scan out towards her. Within a second, it reports in its mechanical tone: "TWO-SENTIENTS. ONE-HOMO-SAPIEN---ONE-ANOMALOUS-UNCATALOGUED-LIFEFORCE---END."

She squeaks, anxiously rolling onto her flat lil belly, punching at the bedsheet angrily as her legs cross tightly shut. She sits up on her hands and knees, trying to feel for this perverted spectre. "HEY! Hey! Lemmeh alone! Get yuh jollies off yet?! I'm onto you...w..what every you are!"

Her fingers kneed into the bedsheets, as she crawls ever slowly over to the bed's edge, covering all ground with an angry lil look to her face.

"I-if this is sum kindah joke, its not funny," she murmurs aloud to whatever it is...."....stop it.

Author:  planeswalker [ Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

The shadowling was surprised as the girl so quickly bolted up and began to bludgeon the bedsheet. Of course, the blows would do nothing to Siolazar, and her fists plunked into it's form uselessly. However, one thing that was not expected was the commands that she gave the PDA, and the shadowborn sensed the beams that the device was using, but was not able to get out of their way quick enough. It was unfortunate as the PDA spoke in it's mechanical tones, but not completely unsalvageable.

The searching by the girl was met with some amusement, as she failed to realize that her attacker was right beneath her, completely hidden for the time being. Sliding along below her, the shadow spectre reached up slowly and took hold of the soft mound that was her breast, giving it a gently squeeze before letting go and hiding once more in her shadow, teasing her with it's tantalizing touches.

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