Shokushu High School

Feeding time (Erica)
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Author:  Pisha [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Feeding time (Erica)

Pisha sat inside her bulb, quivering with anticipation. She had snaked a tiny vine into this girls room, and had begun to pump a powerful pheromone into the air. It was a new tactic for the Plant creature, to make the air of one of these girls lair's into a powerful Aphrodisiac. But she hoped it would work. If she had any sense of time, the rooms occupant would be back soon. She retracted the vine, so that only it's top showed, poking from the corner of the room.
The Door began to open.

Author:  Erica [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I opened the door to my dorm slowly wearing what appeared to be a dotor's breathing mask. I had been studying Mushrooms today on the Island; last thing I'd need was to breath in their spores after all. I wore goggles on my face as well as latex gloves on my hands other than that was my uniform though I had found a small loophole i nthe uniform rules; I was wearing sheer leggings over my uniform's white panties, All I had to do was remind them how bad I thought the sun was for my skin for them to approve it.
I looked to my usual little plant in the corner housed in her usual glass dome powering parts of my room. I lifted the dome and switched back to the school's power source before I gathered furtilizer for er and liberally added it to the young plant's ceramic pot I looked to a group of smaller pots smiling happily when I saw bud starting to grow.

"They're budding Peri!"

'good, I'm happy for us as well erica...'

Something didn't seem right about her voice but, then again plants had fickle emotions they changed too often to judge. I placed her back under her dome and watered her unknown to me however was the plant that was pumping my room full of an aphrodisiac, even if it wouldn't effect me until I took off the mask.

Author:  Pisha [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pisha was a little frustrated that the girl was protected from her pheromones, it would certainly make this a little more difficult. Luckily she was a cuning predator.
Tiny insects had begun to live on Pisha's vines, becoming drunk on her nectar. Until now, the plant girl had been saving them for a snack, but this was too devios an opportunity to miss. She slowly snaked one of the vines downward, behind Erica's head. She slowly, gently shook the tip of the vine until the bugs began to drop off, landing on the girl. Pisha watched with relish as they began to crawl behind Erica's mask.
Once the girl felt the things crawling inside her breathing mask, she'd take it off, and then she'd be doomed...

Author:  Erica [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I blinked slightly when I began to feel something crawling on my face I didn't panic though I had no idea if they were poisonous or had stingers after all. I reached to my desk again to the fertilizer and a few other bottles none seemed to be useful as long as I kept my mask on something I wouldn't do as long as they kept moving.

"Smoke... I need that smoke machine... where the heck did I put it..."

I was too cautious to panic and too gentle to just crush the bugs, a flaw perhaps though it was keeping me safe for the moment.

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