Shokushu High School

Orientation (For Mage)
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Author:  Jen [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Orientation (For Mage)

The room was big… much bigger than Jen had expected. It was almost certainly meant for two people but she didn’t seem to have a roommate yet.

“Oh well.” She snickered, content to have her own place to relax for at least a while. As she finished unpacking, she leaned her guitar against the bed stand and looked around, making sure she hadn’t forgotten about anything.

She couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with this school… it seemed great, it was on a beautiful island… the lack of men was a total bummer but she could live till winter break or so… and yet, it was very inexpensive to attend.

Shrugging it off, she went to the window and opened it all the way. It was already night; she had spent most of the day in orientations and tours getting acquainted with the place and a couple of the other new students. A brisk wind whipped through the open portal and blew her long brown hair behind her. Goosebumps formed on her skin for only a minute and she looked around for something other to wear than the red tank top she had switched to after the tours. The mismatched black strap of her bra was visible on her shoulder along with the garment.

She stuck her hands in the pockets of her ripped jeans as she walked around the room for a couple more times. She really wished she could dress like she was used to each day but there was apparently a dress code for classes and the like here. Then again… probably wouldn’t stop her.

Finally she lay down on the bed, somewhat exhausted after the long day, not going to bed, just resting her eyes for a moment.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Along the barren corridors, the being known as Mage was slowly floating about, tasting the ambient energies from each room, trying to find the next well of mana for her to tap.

She lands in front of one room, and not a second after she already recognizes the mana that was bursting from behind the door. "Dear dear apprentice.... when will you ever learn..."

Off to another door, this one contained a pair of students, and by the sound of things, it seemed they were to busy draining each other for her to get a good enough surplus.

The next door, one student, the energies abundant in this one, but there was another presence, mana not that of a human, most likely another one of the monsters had beaten her to this one. With a scowl, she floats over to the neighboring door. Now this one also contained a single student, and her aura was just beckoning to be drained. This would be her meal for the night, and it was time to act, literally.

She touches down and dispels the illusion that kept her invisible. Her hands clap together, after which her clothes start to change into that of a Shokushu student, while her long purple hair ends up in a pony set high on her head. A pair of wireframe glasses materialize on her nose, and the guise is complete, now to see if those lessons shakespheare gave her were of any use.

Her knuckles rap on the door, followed by her voice calling out in a cheerful tone. "Helloooo.... anyone there?"

Author:  Jen [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Jen’s eyes snapped open as she looked around… without meaning to she had started to drift off to sleep, but someone was knocking on the door. Probably a good thing, as she didn’t want to fall asleep in her day clothes still, but she couldn’t help being a little sluggish in making her way to the door.

The small girl opened her dorm’s door, rubbing her eye a little. She was met with another student, this one with strange but pretty purple hair… purple… ‘I might have to dye my hair that color someday..’ Jen thought to herself instantly.

“Hey there… what’cha need hon?” She asks, trying to perk herself up just a bit, that usual anti-social behavior beaten into submission for the day so she could get to know a few people at the school before fading into obscurity like always. She idly tugged her top down, realizing it was riding up quite high after lying down.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

The door opened, and a sleepy-eyed yet sleek figure answering her knock. the girl was rather shapely, albeit looking like what mortals would call 'rockers' by the way she dressed. Whatever sub-culture she falls under, Mage was going to enjoy playing and draining her luscious form.

She pushes her glasses up on her nose, her gray eyes peeking behind the thin glass as she looks towards the student and smiles.

"Hi, Im Marie Antoinette Chevalier, Representative of the student dorms, Im here to make sure the new students are acquainted with the 'Dorm rules', the ones that werent discussed during the orientation...... May I come in?"

Author:  Jen [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jen smiled and stepped out of the way. “Yeah… that’d be fine, come on in hon…” she says, walking back into the room and propping herself against the desk to let Marie sit on the bed if she chooses. The place was still cluttered and, knowing her personality, would remain that way for the duration of her schooling here. The nice painted walls now sported posters of musicians and newspaper clippings.

“That’s a cool name Marie… sure you get that a lot though, sorry.” She giggles a bit. “This place has a lotta rules…” she says, a little quieter but still smiling to the purple haired girl, clasping her hands in front of her and making her large chest push against the tight top for a moment before relaxing.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Why thank you, Miss, Its not everyday I get complimented on my name"

That is to say, she hasn't used that name since she convinced Joan of Ark to dress like a guy, but that was another story, for now, she focuses on the task at hand, closing the door behind her and magically locking it using a small cantrip, before sitting down on the students soft bed.

"To get started, these aren't so much 'rules' as more they are 'guidelines'..." she spoke in a rather gentle tone "as was stated in the orientation, contraband of any sort is illegal.... but in addition, anyone that disturbs any person in any of the adjoining dorms is subject to 'dorm justice'......"

She fiddles with her glasses again before continuing on "The punishment will be issued by us, the students, and any reports to the faculty will be denied by everyone involved...... Is that clear or are there any questions?"

Author:  Jen [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jen could have sworn she heard the door lock as the girl shut it, but she knew she didn’t see her do it… her mind must just be playing with her or something, she concluded. She couldn’t help but give a little laugh at the way she presented herself… far too formal for a student, or anyone her age.

“Nobody expects the student inquisition eh?” She giggles a bit as she listens to her continue. Eventually she realizes, though, that the woman is dead serious, and she calms down a bit. “Er… I mean, ok then…”

Author:  BlackWitch [ Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

"I do warn you to be careful miss, it may look like a rowdy mess during the day, but there is some order to this chaos..."

Mage shifts her legs and adopts a cross legged position, an air of authority about her as she scans the room. a few moments of tense silence ensue before she pipes up again.

"Well, everything seems to be in order so far.... and one last thing, may I take a look at your luggage? or is you luggage all that is strewn across the floor?"

Author:  Jen [ Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Jen raises an eyebrow at her last comment. She certainly wasn’t the most organized person but that seemed rather rude from a girl she barely knew.

“I never said there… yeah… yeah I unpacked already. Why ya wanna look at my luggage anyways? Already screened it at the plane..” she asked, already deciding this girl was going to be trouble for her. She idly tossed some of her long brown hair out of her face to get a better look at her.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

"Students are very ingenious at hiding things" she responds "especially new students, trust me, I managed to slip a few things into the school on my first day... but they still got found eventually."

She switches legs again, putting her hands on her knees and staring at the new student through those wire frame glasses. Mage loved to toy around with these mortals, they always seemed to have a dirty little secret or two hiding in some dark recess of the mind, and if not, she would give them one.

"Well? Shall you let me or shall we wait till another day, though I give you this fair warning though, anything found on the first day can be excused, as opposed to something found at a later date." She smirks at the girl, almost taunting, as if she knew she was going to find something.

Author:  Jen [ Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

The teen shrugged her shoulders and leaned back on her desk in reaction to Marie. “Ya’ll can search my room if ya want, ain’t smuggling in fireworks or nothing.” She chuckles. Hrm… she really should have tried that, she thinks to herself.

She looks around her room. Maybe she was being a bit touchy about the whole thing. It was apparently standard procedure, and she was kinda messy… she takes a deep breath, her young chest straining against the top as she looks back to the other woman and offers a slight smile.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, lets get started then, the sooner this is over, the sooner Im out of your hair". Mage begins her 'search' of the premises, not so much as looking for anything, just acting as if she was, looking through various odds and ends, but suffice to say, the girl had good taste in underwear, so good that Mage decides to enchant each pair of panties she finds with a spell that would make the wearer incredibly horny, just for kicks.

Now to the fun part, as she gets on all fours and starts to look under the bed, giving the new girl a good view of her purple G-string as the skirt flies up on her rather plump booty. She reaches for something, but in actuality, she is conjuring up a questionable item, planting evidence, so to speak. She pulls out a large, pink, double ended dildo, throwing it on the bed non-chalantly before looking back at the girl. You might wanna keep that somewhere better" she declares before searching for more. She crawls around the bed like a cat, reaching in at various spots and pulling out several 'dubious' items, such as handcuffs, a ball gag, a collar, and a heavy chain leash, all conjured out of thin air just for the sake of finding things. Finally, she pulls up one last item, a large knife, like the one that was used in the Rambo movies.

"Well well..... what do we have here... you do know it is illegal for students to carry any sort of weaponry on campus...."

Author:  Jen [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:03 am ]
Post subject: 

The just leans up against the wall as the other student begins all but ransacking her room. She furrows her brow as Marie begins going through her undergarments. “I didn’t smuggle in drugs in my panties ya know…” she mumbles but lets it go, shaking her head. She was starting to think she had chosen poorly in coming to this school… sure it was cheap for her but… jeez they were strict. And weird at that.

Her attention snaps back to Marie as she begins tossing things that didn’t belong to Jen up onto the bed… mostly sex toys. “What the…” she starts but then cools off. “Yeah yeah… play that gag on all the new students?” She laughs a bit but then starts to wonder as she produces more and more of the objects, topping it off with a bowie knife. “Uhm… where the heck are you getting these things…” she asks but is interrupted as Marie begins to question her. “Oh come on, you don’t seriously think that would a made it past the screening to get on the plane!” She cries out, a little angry at the accusations, her cheeks flushed to a noticeably pink color.

Author:  BlackWitch [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:30 am ]
Post subject: 

"You didn't see me coming in with anything now, did you?"

She waves the combat knife in the air, before pulling out a kerchief and wrapping it in the cloth, stuffing it in the waist band of her skirt before looking back at the girl. "As I've said, students are resourceful, very resourceful. I'm going to have to turn this in to the ruling body, and they'll in turn, surrender it to the school faculty." She brushes a few stray strands of her purple hair back and looks back at the panicking girl.

"Im afraid this goes past my jurisdiction, if it were something smaller, I would have the authority to punish you myself, but this is quite a serious offense, and requires serious reprimand...."

Author:  Jen [ Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:18 am ]
Post subject: 

A soft sigh parts the girl’s lips. However that thing got there, she was in trouble… if the girl had planted it to get her in trouble, it didn’t matter what she would say, and if someone else had left it there, there was no reason for Marie to believe her.

“Look… don’t do that… I swear it’s not mine. Honestly. Do ah look like the type to carry around a knife as big as my freakin arm?” she says, smiling innocently. “Maybe someone left it… take it, please, but… maybe don’t lay the blame on me? I’ll do yer homework or somethin’ for ya?” She laughs a bit.

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