Shokushu High School

A Tantilizing Scent (for Aleace)
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Author:  Kalia [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  A Tantilizing Scent (for Aleace)

Kalia moved lazily through the dark night, her wings wrapped tightly around her to avoid any notice from a far-off observer who might be awake at this time. She was feeling full and content, having drunk deeply from three separate girls on a very successful day of hunting. There had been challenges, for sure, and some unexpected failures. But now, her belly full of the nectar she craved, and with some of the girls' sexual flavors still lingering on her pouting lips and agile tongue, she could view the entire day as a victory, with some learning added in to boot.

She had planned to head home, back to her cave, but a tantalizing odor wafting from one of the open windows she passed made her stop in her tracks. Her tongue dropped out of her mouth and began drooling wildly. It was fantastic! What a scent! Whoever the girl was that smelled like this, Kalia NEEDED to taste her!

Moving with utter silence, the succubus peeked into the open window, to spy her target.

Author:  Aleace [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thr ough the peeking in the window, the monster would see the young witch laying in her bed, back turned to the window with eyes closed and signs of slow breathing gave away that she was asleep. She had only let the window cracked open slightly to filter out hot air, which seemed to be abundant during 'summer' nights.
Covers were pulled all the way up to her shoulders, which gave way for a view of a nightgown she wore. It was just fitting for her, but the back did leave more space to show off her bare shoulder blades. Beside her head was a small wolf doll, beaded eyes looked down upon the sleeping girl as if watching over her.
Aleace was of course beyond exhausted from today's strenuous work and found that she couldn't help, but get to bed on the proper time. Of course beinf in such deep sleep, she was oblivious to some admirer outside her window. Even is she was a light sleeper, her attention span would catch the largest movement.

Author:  Kalia [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Kalia's hungry gaze takes in the sleeping girl. Perfect! A midnight snack to cap off her wonderfully successful day!

The succubus crept through the open window, moving without a sound, she removed her high-heels, then tiptoed over to the door, making sure it was shut and locked.

She looked at the girl in the dark, wanting to take in every detail. Moving very slowly, she pulled down the girl's blanket wanting to see more of her body.

Author:  Aleace [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Being so vulnerable at the time, she could not stop as she felt the slightest draft drift over her warm being, causing shivers to go up her spine and made her curl up to retain heat. Still she slept, having such a soft feeling it was still unnoticeable...for now atleast.
She made a soft whimper as her arms and legs were pelted with cold winds, causing goose bumps to appear.
She did not exactl understand why she was becoming so cold, and that started to make her stir ever slightly, but not enough to where she fully came back to the real world.

Author:  Kalia [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Kalia looked at the girl's helpless form in pleasure. She sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb the girl. And finally, because she was feeling bold and powerful, she reached down and gently began to stroke the girl's hair.

Author:  Aleace [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:41 am ]
Post subject: 

She made a soft sigh as somethng brushed against her hair. It felt gentle, but then again...why was something touching her? She gave a sign that made her stir more and she began to awake. If she saw this thing petting her...well...that would be a night to end a bad nightmare anyways.
She was actually have a soft nightmare of some...sort've voodoo doll attacking her and Kanoe and that was really not helping her get any great sleep. This succubus merely caught her as it was starting to subiside, but now she was probably going to relive another nightmare once she woke.

Author:  Kalia [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Feeling confident and playful, Kalia moved the girl's hair away from her small ear. The succubus leaned over, extended her long prehensile tongue, and licked around the perimeter of the girl's ear.

She couldn't wait to see how the girl reacted once she woke up! Kalia tensed her muscles and flexed her wings, ready to restrain the girl if necessary.

Author:  Aleace [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Being licked did it. She shot her eyes open and immediatly pushed the succubus off of her chest atleast and already had her hand swirling with fiery light.
"How dare you defile me while I sleep!" she yelled, completely outraged some monster would have the audacity to do such a thing! She narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth, ready to strike if need be. She tried to keep her focus on her eyes, but seeing as how the demaon didn't have any clothes on proved difficult and downright wrong. She let her mouth slightly open incase of needing fast words to say.

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