Shokushu High School

One of those days.. (for Sephriot)
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Author:  Hinata [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  One of those days.. (for Sephriot)

One of those days indeed. Another saturday, another day plagued with useless studying of History. The last thing she needed to read was another campaign in some far reach of the world? Laying flat on her stomach on her bed. Freshly made with clean hite sheets and blankets. Her back arched as she propped herself up on her elbows, presing her fair sized breasts together to form generous cleavage within the drooping neck of her oh too large nightshirt. It was mid-afternoon, dragging on forever. Sighing with frurstration and boredom, she shifted on her spot on the bed and slid her book aside and let her head fall into the warm sheets. Another moment shere she felt as though she might as well just be expelled.

Fidgetting lightly with the hem of her nightshirt, tugging it down passed her knees as her head lifted and looked at her books again. Pulling them back in front of her she turned it to a different page. Something a bit more cheerful, perhaps. If history could have ever been happy. Finding a section about governments and how they were formed, she forced herself to read to get her mind working once again. Chewing on the end of her pen as her toes fidgeted a moment against her pillow.

Author:  Sephriot [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

“I hate these days….” He idly speaks in his mind, the monster in humanoid shape wandering the halls, unseen as it was, almost completely see through, only to be spied when looking longer at him. It was one of these days, one where the busty girl he encountered where already tagged by other monsters that non so kindly made clear that they were their claim. Where left that him? With nothing at all…He grumbled idly, making his way to the dorms. Maybe here he would find someone to have a snack with? Some fun perhaps…? He only could hope.

Door after door he checks, extends his senses beyond to see and sense if someone was within, his mood getting worse with every door with no poor soul behind. “Fucking….” He wants to curse, finally sensing someone, poor, lone soul like he was. So why not toss two lonely ones together to make them both happy? Bright smile on his rubbery like features, mouth the only thing gracing his face as he approaches the door, seemingly loosing in consistence to just a small puddle to seep under that door.

Author:  Hinata [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Idly chewed on the end of her pen a little more as her eyes drifted up to her door. For reasons she didn't understand all too well it just suddenly seemed very interesting. Her curiosity furthered itself for a long time, until she shrugged altogether and went back to her book. Letting out a soft sigh and a little grumble her head sunk again to rest into the soft sheets of the bed. Long raven hair drifted over her shoulders and onto the bed, hiding her face almost completely as she dozed in a bored state of day dreaming.

Author:  Sephriot [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

The small puddle moved effortless under the door, the small crack enough for his body to squeeze through and he was in her room. It was too easy at times...that was when one found a victim. His senses told him she -was- looking this way, a smile in his mind, the girl a sixed sense that told her he was around, even when she didn't know it just yet. He slowly crawled under her bed, where she was lieing on. He thought her lovely, thse asscheeks screaming for a good pounding. But he would wait a bit...
Non the less he subtly sneaked in her mind, setting sugestions into her, the rooms temperature rising, to warm actually...

Author:  Hinata [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Had noticed the change in tempature. Feeling hot indeed. Squirming a bit on her bed as she rolled gently and let out another soft sigh, the rise in tempature doing its job. As she wiggled and slipped out of her nightshirt. Hoping to satisfy the sudden heat, and slip back onto her stomach. Her bra, of course nowhere to be found. Leaving her soft, fairly sized breasts to press generously into the soft sheets of her bed, while her panty clad hips stuck up a bit into the air.

Author:  Sephriot [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

The girl reacted to the sugestion he ste into her, made his form smile, even when he had no mouth for the moment to smile with. "These are too easy..." he murmurs to himself, the next sugestion used, teasing, foreplay in a twisted soft of way for him. A single digits running down her bare back, sesnsual, slow, caressing over each bump of her spine, before the touch would loose itself at the starting of her ass' cleft before it could go lower. That same feeling now would begin anew, set slightly to the left, letting it wander down again, over the round asscheek, just to repeat now to the right.

Author:  Hinata [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:08 am ]
Post subject: 

The suggestion seemed to seep into her little mind. The growing intensity of the heat inside of her soft, fragile form made her squirm. That little voice, if it could be called such, hinting her to stroke over her soft ass. She flushed at this, even more so at how delightful it sounded. And yet, another part told her it wasn;t that bad of an idea. Mixed between emotions, confused at what she was doing, her fingers trailed delicately down her slender form. Caught the waist band of her little white panties and hooked them in her thumbs. Pulling it down over her rump, tugged gently on her thighs. Blushed a bright red, her fingers trailed over her ass cheeks. Unsure what she should do now. Though a heat built in her loins, whimpering as every nerve in her rump seemed to prickle in sensation.

Author:  Sephriot [ Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

He would have blinked when he would have had eyelids to do so. "" he speaks a bit flabbergasted in his mind, the idea, the image of the feelings normaly interpreted by the girls he had met as a ghost like feeling of someone touching. But that did work too, her own fingers tracing over her body, soft shean of sweat upon it, her body reacting to the rooms warmth...even when only she thought it was so warm.
Her body naked, squirming forth and back as she pleasures herself with soft touches, the monster trying again, probiong a bit deeper into the girls fantasys, making her feel like there were invisible hands starting to caress her front that was so softly pressed into teh sheets, as if the bed itself started to pleasure her softly kneading the flesh of her tummy, soon wandering higher with the pleasurable massage, to her breasts.

Author:  Hinata [ Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gave a bit of a start as she realised what she was doing. Though, kept her finger tips on her bare rump as she settled down once again. Cheeks burning intensely as that strange massaging rolled over her soft stomach. Curious as she was, she paid little mind to find the source of the wonderous sensation, and only arched herself up more. Rum lifted into the air as her breasts pressed tightly into the rolling masages. Breathing out a pleasent, tiny sigh. Images flickering into her perverted imagination, an image of a strong lover poised over her small body, stroking a thick member against her rump, while his hands reached under her, grasping at her lovely breasts.

Author:  Hinata [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:23 am ]
Post subject: 

*bumpy bumpy?*

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