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 Cramming session (For Pyro) 
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Post Cramming session (For Pyro)
Jen’s robe was fanned out on her bed behind her, her books in front of her. She couldn’t even remember what it was she had been studying, she’d been cramming for so long. A comfortable pair of velvet drawstring pants covered her legs, while her prominent chest was visible above her matching, loose fitting tank top, her position pushing her cleavage out a little between the bed and her body.

The girl groaned… she wasn’t learning anything anymore but she had to know this by tomorrow’s test. She lowered her head a moment, resting her eyes…

Jen's Bio

Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:58 am

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Knock knock. The sudden sound reverberated throughout the small dorm room, a sharp distinctly wooden sound, but with the most unnoticeable hint of a metallic 'klang'.

Pyro tapped his foot as he waited for a response, simulating agitation. Other than the situation about to take place, his associative memory was dabbling in some old television, the phrase "What's behind door number one?" rang through his head repeatedly, in slightly varying accents and tones. It was a valid question, though; What would he find behind the door? His impatience grew, a thousand thoughts and scenarios flying through his brain every microsecond. "All in due time", the human idiom crossed his mind, and repeated itself endlessly as he waited for a response from the room.

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:18 am
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The girl shifted a little, already on the verge between sleep and the waking world, as she heard the knocking at her door, the slightly off quality of the sound not even registering with her dulled senses. “Coming… just a sec…” she yelled, looking down at herself and leaving the robe open. She cursed under her breath as the book she had been studying fell from the bed as she rose, flipping pages and losing her place. “That’s just great…” she groaned to herself, heading for the door and undoing the lock. She opened the door quickly, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes.

Jen's Bio

Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:48 pm

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The second the door was cracked a booted foot pushed it the rest of the way and held it open. "Hey there." Pyro looked out of place for the dorm rooms; Firstly being male, secondly being dressed so off-color for the campus. He wore a sly, treacherous smirk, and his voice held a hint of contempt.

The girl who opened the door was more beautiful than he had expected. Short, adorable stature; luscious bust; thin waist. Jen's appearance sparked off a passion inside him that only a human could feel.

"Mind if I come inside?" the android more commanded than asked, proud of the Freudian pun he had just concocted. This would be a night to remember.

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:52 am
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Jen shrieked and jumped back as what appeared to be a man pushed the door open and stood in the frame of it, looking at her. She backpedaled into the room a little more, scared, hoping someone might have heard her cry. “I’d just as soon you not… what’s the big idea ya weirdo, barging into my room in the middle of the dang night!” she said, looking around for something. Something heavy.

She glanced at his odd attire… it didn’t take a genius to know this guy wasn’t supposed to be here. The fact that he was a guy made that obvious enough. “Get outta here before I call for campus security…” she threatened, her voice trying to sound intimidating but failing on multiple accounts. Her hand finally settled on a textbook and she slipped the weighted book off the table and behind her robe…

Jen's Bio

Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:20 am

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"Whatcha gonna do, give me a physics lecture?" Pyro snickered slyly as his foot pushed the door closed behind him, both hands resting relaxedly in his pockets; He saw the sag on the girl's shoulder no more than a fraction of a centimeter, she had lifted something that weighed approximately a pound and a half, and her bed was scattered with books. Simple deduction.

The apparent young man moseyed casually across the room towards Jen, standing in front of her bed like a mother ready to defend an infant. Pyro stopped and looked down at the adorably short student, hands still in his pockets, calm smile on his contemptuous face. The mechanical mind extrapolated, generated and delivered:

"Actually, I stopped by to help you study. Let's start with..." he paused briefly, leaned closer, spoke more softly: "...anatomy." He made no attempt to mask the malevolence in his voice, watching with great excitement the fear and fading confidence that had taken the girl's face.

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:16 am
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The young woman’s eyes darted between him and the door as he approached her… he was partially blocking any escape she could hope for, and apparently he had seen the girl “arm” herself. A strange though crossed her mind, wondering if she could afford to damage the textbook and still afford tuition.

“Told ya… get outta here. I don’t want a freakin study partner, ya pervy jerk.” She growled, a little louder. “Get out now or I’ll scream… and everyone will come running.” She said, not really aware of the sound dampening structure of the room yet. The girl contemplated throwing the book at him and running but wasn’t sure it would distract him long enough… not to mention fear was making her bones body lock up.

Jen's Bio

Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:00 pm

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"Thanks for the heads up." In one swift motion Pyro lashed out and grabbed the girl's delicate frame, twisting her around, holding her up against his body so that her back was pressed against his chest; Right hand covered her mouth firmly, left hand wrapped tightly around her waist, her feet hanging a good six inches off the ground.

"Did you know..." the android began smoothly, "...That the nerves in your nipples..." left arm still holding Jen in place, his left hand moved up and grabbed one of her ample breasts, forefinger resting directly over her sensitive nub, "...Actually branch out from more than one nervous stem..." the index finger began to swirl lightly around the tip of the girl's breast, "...making it unique from almost every other area in the body?" Pyro's whole hand became involved in the unwanted fondling, unnaturally strong arms still holding her in place.

"Yes, you'll learn a lot tonight."

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:25 pm
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Jen tried to lunge at him with the book but ended up losing it as he struck faster, grabbing her about the torso and pressing her to him body so that she could feel his massive frame against her back. She hadn’t even time to scream before he clapped a hand over her mouth.

She twisted her small body this way and that as he held her aloft, trying to break free of him, get a finger in her mouth to bite, do anything to help herself. A chill traveled up her spine as he pushed against her nipple through the velvet material of her top, which did little to dampen his progress as he traced around the small bud, her large breast jumping ever so slightly as she breathed in and out, eyes going wide behind her now wild brown hair. Her struggles calmed just a little as he continued to molest her, the swell of her breast kneading firmly beneath his grip as he held her.

Jen's Bio

Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:22 am

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"Well look at that, " Pyro mused, "she really does like it."

Swiftly as he had snatched her, the bionic man turned around and threw the girl on the floor, sending her sprawling, between him and the door. "See, one of the things they teach you back in 101 is that when people get horny, the body releases Oxytocin, the 'feel good' chemical." He picked up his fingers and sniffed them gingerly, as if trying to convince her that Oxytocin had a scent, "You're rank with it."

"Now lets take a look at something you didn't learn in Anatomy." Pyro's eyes closed, his head tilted down, his shoulders flexed, his neck twitched to one side then back, and a den of long, dark-brown tendrils snaked from behind his back, rending his gray over shirt in the process. Each was between 2 and 3 inches wide, they bent and flexed and twitched eagerly, moving outwards and exploring the room; Each boasting a large phallic head and dripping with warm oil. One left a slimy trail across the girl's bed, another wrapped its way around a blade of the ceiling fan and tore the unit down from it's fixture, the fan smashing only a few feet to Jen's left. "Go ahead; scream." With that he boasted forth a truly maniacal laugh, nearly silent from beyond the dorm wall.

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:35 am
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The small girl tumbled roughly as she was flung by her assailant, stunned for a moment as she slammed against the floor and a wall. Before she could do anything else, the “man” had seemed to grow long, tentacle like appendages from his back, each length feeling around the room and over her belongings. She’s about to make a dash for the door when the ceiling fan is pulled from the roof, smashing against the ground and making her duck and cover for protection.

Forget screaming… if they didn’t hear that, nobody’s coming, she thought to herself. She didn’t even look behind, only bolted for the door, hoping she could make it before she was cought.

Jen's Bio

Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:11 am

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A whip-like tendril lashed around one of Jen's ankles and yanked her backwards, throwing her again face first into the hard dorm room floor. Other tentacles hovered just around the student, as if waiting for orders. Instantly Pyro was behind her, flipped her over onto her back (forcefully) and sat on her abdomen, what would have crushed her except for his reduced weight.

"Come on," the beast chuckled, "Do I really have to lay it out for you?" He again laid his hand on Jen's succulent breast, this time working it with more force and vigor than he had previously. "You can either enjoy it..." for about 3 seconds his middle finger buzzed like a powerful vibrator directly on the girl's sensitive nipple, the velvet the only (And somewhat ineffective) damper between her skin and the maddeningly intense stimulation, "...Or not." Pyro grabbed Jen's breast and squeezed it hard while twisting it, not excruciatingly, but memorably painful. "What'da you say?"

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:45 am
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A resounding *THUD* echoed through the room as Jen crashed to the ground, the tendril wrapped tightly around her ankle and holding her fast. The blow dazed her for a moment, plenty of time for her attacker to reach her and flip her over before sitting himself on her taut belly, making it harder for her to breath as his large frame threatened to crush her… still, he obviously wasn’t putting his full weight into it, or she would be in much more pain.

The girl shook her head frantically as he leered at her, mumbling. “Please… let me go, I won’t tell anyone I swear…I… oh…. Nnnnnghh…” she broke off into a sigh of forced pleasure as he vibrated his finger across her nipple through the thin fabric, the swell of her breast rising gently in his hand as he played with the tender flesh, the bud atop it swelling a little under his finger. Her expression quickly twisted to pain as he gripped the fleshy mound tightly, squeezing the large orb harshly. “God… stop… oh god please get off me!” she cried out, twisting and writhing, trying to get him off, or just plain stop the punishment.

Jen's Bio

Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:09 am

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"What, no preference?" Pyro scoffed heartily, "Suit yourself."

Two tendrils relaxedly coiled around Jen's forearms and pinned them to the ground, holding them firmly in place. Another two encircled her legs, also holding them to the floor. The girl forced spread-eagle on the ground, Pyro moved back a little and knelt on the floor between her legs. His one hand continued to please Jen's nipple with it's quick movements and pinpoint accuracy, his other hand reached up and massaged the inside of one of her thighs for a moment, before moving upwards and running a finger straight up the middle of her sensitive region under the drawstring PJs.

Rawr. <3. Bio.

Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:25 am
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Jen was thrust back against the ground, her legs and arms spread wide by her captor, body displayed for him to do as he wished with, which, he quickly made useful as he continued to press against her shirt in just the right spot, vibrating a finger over her nipple and urging it to stiffen. She swallowed air in deep, gasping breaths, lifting her shirt a little from her, revealing more of her flat belly as he teased at her.

Her body stiffened and a louder gasp parted her lips as he ran a finger across her slit… the only thing separating it from his molesting digit being her thin pants… what a night to dress comfy. Her robe spread around her like a tablecloth, her body a feast laid out on the table.

Jen's Bio

Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:24 pm
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