Shokushu High School

Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)
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Author:  Miss Steel [ Fri May 30, 2008 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

The small Japanese woman skipped and danced through the halls with undiminished glee. A long, black braid waved behind her agile form as she weaved between the few other students, tapping one happily on the nose, and dodged away to leave the girl standing there confused.
Beneath the disguise modeled on how her father had appeared when she'd first come to school, Steel lurked. Her freer mind reached slowly out into the room stored in memories she'd never lived and brushed delicately on a familiar mind she'd never directly touched before.
She's home! So excellent! She'll want to hear the good news! the disguised monster thought to herself as her feet spun her smoothly to face the door she recognized without ever stepping through it. Her hand took hold of the handle, pushed the door just wide enough to slide within, and shut it quickly. Eyes large with curiosity slowly scanned the room once she was within as her mind formed the words to tell the blue-haired girl.

Author:  Evy [ Fri May 30, 2008 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

yes she was home just now getting up and yawning softly she had a very long nap after all, she would look around the room and then shake her head "damn how long have I been asleep..." she would start to ask her self as she would notice a black shirt and a pair of jeans she would slip them on she would go to the main room and notice the girl standing before her "hello..."

Author:  Miss Steel [ Fri May 30, 2008 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

The thing wearing Sayuri's form tilted her head and smile back broadly, clapping her hands once.
"What's the matter, love? Has it really been so long?" she asked, the voice a perfect mimicry. She spun quickly, sending the skirt of her uniform out in a little flutter, and stepped once towards Evy. "We missed you so."
Beneath, Steel still reached gently towards the student's mind, trying to feel her reaction with anticipation, hungry to know what this news would feel like when it was true.

Author:  Evy [ Fri May 30, 2008 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

she would shut her eyes and shake her head "yeah.... I remember you." she says while kicking her leg up high and started doing some shadow boxing before cracking her knuckles "its been awhile hasn't it?" she says with a smirk

Author:  Miss Steel [ Fri May 30, 2008 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

"Forever." She cracked her own knuckles out in front of her chest and rolled her neck quickly to either side. A playful yet oddly dark grin played across her lips as her feet settled into the loose stance she took for sparring. One arm held forward defensively as the other quickly undid a pair of buttons in her dress shirt. "Wonder if I've still got it, hmm?"

Author:  Evy [ Sat May 31, 2008 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

she would notice the grin and would get into a fighting stance her arm up in front while holding her other arm back to her as she smirks "just like old times huh I'll let you start kay?"

Author:  Miss Steel [ Sat May 31, 2008 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

The small student slid forward on nimble feet with a quick, feinting jab aimed to come well short of the other's head, then curled down and around in a meager bid to flank her. Her right arm curled around, aiming towards Evy's ribs, though the blow was coming relatively slow.

Author:  Evy [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

Evy would just smirk and flip the small girl over and chuckled softly "well looks like I still got it." she says while licking her lips and started to tickle her sides alittle and then her crotch as she grins

Author:  Miss Steel [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

A squeal of laughter erupted from the girl's lips as she was tickled, taken by surprise as she was by the smooth attack.
"N-no! Stop!" she playfully called out as she tried to roll away and escape the other student. "Not there!"
Her voice was shifting as she kept up her little pleas, and her body followed after with a sudden rush that dumped the gray-skinned woman, nearly a foot taller than her guise, in place of the student.
"Ah, forgive me, Evy." Her voice was now reminiscent of a heavy blade being drawn across a whetstone. "I have the most wonderful news for you, though."

Author:  Evy [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

she would watched her changed as she smirked "just as I thought." she says while getting up "I knew there was something not right about you and what do you know I was right" she would then smirks before looking at her "and what is your news?"

Author:  Miss Steel [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

The gray woman leaped to her feet and favored Evy with a smile of pure mirth. "Father's coming back! She'll be here for real quite soon. Do try to be nicer to her than you were to me. I'm afraid she's not the same as she was the last time she shared your bed." The edges of her lips twitched briefly towards a frown, but her smile held as Steel dropped a flourished bow to the blue-haired student.
"And with that, I suppose my welcome is worn and I should take my leave."

Author:  Evy [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

she would nod at the news "I see where has been im guess she was in NICE labs" she says while getting some of Kim's cheese Cake "she must have known I was going to wake up either that or she was making some for Madison and her self oh well." she would look at Steel "so.. is that all you wanted to tell me?"

Author:  Miss Steel [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

Steel's grin turned darker as she all but pranced backwards to the door. "Well, only that, since you mention it, she hasn't been anywhere near the labs, but down in the basement all along. Strange I never found her until recently," she said as her hand settled on the door handle and began turning it slowly. Her mind flashed fast over the reunion she'd had with Sayuri fondly.
She'll be so glad to get back here, she thought to herself. The idea suddenly grew and stabbed her icily in the chest. Her hand released the door without opening it and her head fell forward, obscuring her face from view.
"Father always loved you more. Father will never love me so long as you're here. Stay away from her." Her head snapped up, eyes burning with anger, as tears marked dark streaks down her face.

Author:  Evy [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

Evy was just about to eat the first slice of the cake until she hared Steels warning she would glare those eyes that were now red instead of her old dark blue eyes staring at her "and what if I don't stay away form her?"

Author:  Miss Steel [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Step-child Syndrome (for Evy)

The gray woman took one step forward and halted, her mind racing. It ran in fast circles over her options and found that she might keep Evy from Father, but there was no way to keep Father from Evy. Frustration built rapidly into a sorrowful rage as it shook her body into trembling. She sucked air hard through her teeth as further tears spilled down her face.
"SHUT UP!" she roared. A dozen long, flat bands of living metal snapped out of her back as she lunged forward, hands outstretched in a brutal grab for the student.

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