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 About Falling (Angel) 
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Post About Falling (Angel)

Icelus attempted to stomp angrily across one of the upper battlements of his palace, Marlowe’s wings wrapped around his shin. She let him drag her across the flagstones, shouting every few feet for his attention. He, however, seemed to be doing his best to ignore her, not exactly a laughable task. Stopping for a moment, he leaned over the stone balustrade and looked out to the crashing black waves far, far below.

“Come ooooonn! Pleeeeeeease! Pretty pleeeeeeaaaase!” she shrieked, her ears flattening against her head as she tightened her tenuous grip on his leg.

“Why? Don’t I give you plenty to play with?”
He looked down, finally acquiescing and paying attention to her strident cries.

“Yeah, but they’re booooooring. It’s the same thing every time: bite, bite, scream, scream, wake up. The girls you bring in look like soooo much fun!”
she grinned up at him.

He let out a sigh, resting his forehead in his hand heavily, “Alright. Fine, we’ll find something for you.”


In her dorm room for the evening, Angel would find her dreams disturbed. When she slipped into sleep she would be met with a vast desert of snow.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:09 am
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Angel had just gotten back from a day of rough exercises in gym, as well as studying to keep her mind sharp in the library so she wasn't completely lost when her classes started. There were periods where she felt lonely since her roomie was at classes or elsewere but she always pushed that aside with a warm feeling and a secret smile.

She gets to her dorm room a little later then usual and to her dissapointment her roomie wasn't there yet but she shrugged it off since she was to tired anyway. She undressed and got into her night attire which was just a t-shirt, shorts and her pink robe and got under the sheet of her bed, not wanting to be a nuisance when alice came in by sleeping in her bed. She quickly fell asleep.


She blinks as she looks around, surrounded by snow as far as the eye can see.

((dunno if she'd feel cold or anything so i'll leave that to you :) ))

Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:42 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Icelus sighs softly to himself, watching the screen with a bit of marked interest. The pretty little girl with the pink hair stumbles to her feet, shivering in the biting cold wind, taking a look around the vast, unadorned landscape surrounding her. He smirks, resting back in a twisting obsidian throne in a massive cathedral, the mirror suspended on a stand that looked like a grasping claw.

“Wait…” he instructed, not even looking to the side to see Marlowe almost bouncing up and down with excitement.

“Let her find her way on her own…” he smiles, resting his hand on his chin, deep in thought as he examines the screen.


The silence around her was all-consuming. Only the soft breath of the icy wind met her ears, the white fields of snow and ice stretching off into the distance around her. Looking up, however, she might see a vast face of ice hanging aloft in the air above her, a huge structure that dominates the sky as the only landmark for miles around.

The ground below her shook, the snow pouring like sand into cracks in the permafrost below, shuddering the earth beneath her feet like a great reckoning. Finally, the gleaming shape of an elevator pushed up through one of the fissures, making a loud, jarring ‘ding!’ as it broke the surface. Gaudy lights shone from within, and the panel of the glass elevator had only two buttons: an arrow pointing down labeled “up” and an arrow pointing up labeled “down.”

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:16 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
In the dream she looks around, hugging herself the t-shirt shorts and robe doing nothing to help resist the cold. Her teeth were chattering as she shivers from head to toe. Her feet were the coldest since all she had on where socks and they were deep in snow. Her nipples where hard from the cold (even in her bed her nipples were hard despite being warm there). She wonders why this dream seems more realistic then the others since she's never felt this kind of stimuli in a dream before. She felt the shock that came from the ground and looked around before the elevator appeared.

'ok.....strange to's a dream' She thinks to herself as she enters the elevator. Since there's only an up and down she bites her lower lip thinking. 'Well, it came from the ground and it's cold so i think up will be better' She thinks pushing the up button.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:37 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
The elevator rumbles as she hits the up arrow labeled “down,” the ice cracking as the elevator slowly surges upward. The ground beneath her feet shakes, loud tremors filling the darkness with a cacophony of grinding stones and sheets of ice. The ice slowly shapes upward, forming a massive stalagmite of permafrost as it pushes slowly and steadily upward. The lights in the elevator flicker, the thing shaking as if it would fall apart as it propels her upward closer and closer to the unchanging face of rock and ice that hangs still in the air above her.


“Go…” Icelus gestures, resting his chin on his fist, watching her coming closer and closer to his vast palace in the mirror.

Marlowe lets out a cackling giggle and gives him a firm peck on the cheek, skipping forward and spreading her arms wide, beating them to pick up air in the thin membranes and flapping dwon the hall, just barely skimming above the ground.


The elevator rumbles to a halt, giving off vast gouts of steam from beneath it as she passes up through the floor of the icy sheet. It ends up in a steamy cavern, dark and laden with what appear to be tropical plants, the ground moist beneath her feet. The sounds of insects meet her ears, a loud caw echoing in the distance.

The trees ruffle with a breeze, a sudden silence entering the jungle-cavern.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:04 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
As the ground shakes and the elevator lurchs upwards she nearly loses her balance before looking around in a bit of awe. She was skittish about how the thing was shaking and was wondering what would happen since it was a dream if it did break. She was glad that the new area was getting warmer and the ice that was still around was melting. As the elevator stops she steps off and giggles a little at the feel of the ground beneath her.

She doesnt quite know were to go but since it was a dream she didn't care so she starts walking, looking at the variouse plants and stuff along the way.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:19 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
At first the dark chamber seems filled with life, squirming insects chirruping from heavy, dew-laden leaves, birds cawing as they winged across the open air of the massive cavern, small mammals and reptiles scurrying through the underbrush, causing quite a commotion as they darted back and forth.

With a swooping rush of wind, however, all went silent. A hush, a chilling pall fell over the entirety of the chamber, not even a breath from the creatures that surrounded her breaking the silence. A rustling of trees behind her met her ears as something settled into the upper branches, from the sounds of it something much bigger than the small animal life with which she had become acquainted.

Marlowe watched her from up in the tree, eyes glinting in the darkness, reflecting the light cast into them like those of a cat. With a rustling of leather she spreads her wings and takes off again, cutting across the open path and hopping from tree to tree as she nears the girl.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:07 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
She smiles to herself as she walks along, the small animals and other life seemed soothing. She had never been in an actual jungle, just a forest and it never sounded like this. Of course as she walked on she felt a gush of air and everything became a little to quite. She walked on though since it was just a dream she had no worries. She heard the leaves rustle and looked behind her scanning but still walking and see's nothing but continues to hear the rustling. Unworried she walks on.

Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:52 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Marlowe watches the girl intently, hounding her every step from the darkness of the treetops. She circles, a grin spreading over her features as she darts through the trees before Angel, cutting through the darkness in a flash of pale flesh. Gripping the thick bark with her clawed feet, she kicks off in a loud cracking of the soft wood, tearing it from the bough in thick ribbons.

Finally, seeing an opening, she flaps quickly to a tree behind the girl. Landing on the trunk, she curls and gains her footing, claws digging deep into the thick black bark. With a powerful kick, she propels herself forward.

Arms wide in a gliding stance, she hits Angel in the small of the back, tackling the girl roughly to the ground. Though it appears to be a dream, Angel would certainly be surprised to find that hitting the hard ground causes pain to flare through her, and she could feel Marlowe’s scant weight holding her down with powerful, sinewy muscles, the bat-girl’s strange yellow eyes lighting up with a malicious glee.

“Mmmmmnh, hello there…” she trails off with a wide grin.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:10 am
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
She hears it coming closer, as well as how urgent it seemed to be with the cracking of bark etc. She still didn't think it anything untill she felt something slam into her back. She gasped at the feel of pain and in real life in the bed shudders/flinchs. She felt that what ever it was, was strong but light. Despite it being a dream she still didn't take the tackle to lightly, and despite the womens strong muscles Angel was able to pull off a reversal movement which flipped the thing off her back and was able to get her free so she could at least see what had attacked her.

.....hmmmm i'd like to know why you tackled me, what you are, and why this dream is so wierd

She asks ready this time though she seems at ease.

Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:05 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
“Why? Because I want to. What am I? A figment. Why is this dream so strange? Well, it’s got a lot to do with the fact that it’s not yours any longer, it’s ours, and we’re going to be having plenty of fun if I have my way… with you, that is,” she smiles a huge grin, baring a mouthful of gleaming, immaculately white teeth all roughly the shape of daggers.

She leaps again from the ground, this time not bothering to tackle the girl. Her talons close around Angel’s upper arms, locking them in a tight grip as she begins to flap in earnest, picking the girl up off of the ground with a surprising amount of strength and wavering in the air only slightly as they begin to ascend past the treetops. Once they pull up out of sight, Angel can see that, despite being inside, the jungle-like cavern she was in was positively massive.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:55 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
She blinks at the few statements. How could someone force her into someone elses dream? even asleep she knew that wasnt possible so something was up, though if this was her dream she was going to find out what made her dream it ASAP when she woke up. What the thing said last made her shiver at what it ment, which could have many meanings.

She saw the thing, women by the looks though not human of course, fly at her again and was able to throw a fast deadly aimed punch at the womens nose though by the time it would have connected she was already in it's grasp so being swooped up made it so she wasn't able to tell if she connected or not. Despite the vice grip she struggles around seeing how huge the cavern was but pushing that off to the back of her mind as she tried to find a way to free herself.

She tries kicking and kneeing the thing by flexing her body to allow it to connect around her solar plexis in hope she hit to wind the creature carrying her in the air.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:40 am
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Marlowe had recoiled with the strike, and blood currently seeped from her nose, staining her lips. She licked at it, curious at the taste. Honestly, this was really the first time it was her own blood dripping down her face, and the feeling was a little disconcerting to say the least. She didn’t let it perturb her, however, and simply carried the girl closer and closer to a cavern etched in the face of the ceiling, flapping her wings harder as the struggling girl kicked and kneed. Unfortunately for Angel, she wasn’t quite tall enough to reach anywhere above Marlowe’s thighs with a kick, but her struggling did destabilize the batgirl’s flight quite sufficiently.

Nonetheless, Marlowe manages the pull the squirming girl up into the cavern, tossing her to the floor and landing gracefully.

“Don’t put up such a struggle next time, it’ll be easier for the both of us…” she says, panting and out of breath.

The room is large and tunnels near the roof confirm that it isn’t the only one. There’s an elegant Persian rug on the floor, the whole place lit by torches burning merrily in scones. A large wing-backed chair sits in the corner, but truly that’s it for the furnishings, as this is only the atrium of Marlowe’s home.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:04 am
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Even though she couldn't kick above her thigh's she kept trying, and trying until she was tossed onto the floor of some sort of room. She didn't care, though becuase of her training, about her surroundings but did pick up what was where. She looks at the panting girl thing as well as what her earlyier punch did and she smirks a bit.

there won't be a next time

She says running up aiming a round house kick to the girls temple, and if it connected or missed she'd combo it with a swinging back kick with the other leg, her heel this time going to go for the things jaw line.

Of course she wasn't counting on them to hit but if by some dumb luck she was able to hit both she'd be facing toward the girl bouncing on the balls of her feet making sure she was ready since this thing was fast and strong and she'd need all the reaction time she could get.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:36 pm
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Post Re: About Falling (Angel)
Marlowe feels the kick impact her temple and a lovely fireworks show goes off behind her eyelids. The kick to the jaw follows it and the batgirl hears a wet snap as the heel connects with her chin with piston-like force. She collapses on the floor, holding her face, her chest rising and falling with each breath, a little whimper the only sound coming from the girl as she regains her composure.

“Sorry, sweetie…”
she sniffs, standing back up as she takes both slender, shapely hands and snaps her jaw back into place, “This is a nightmare: we don’t play fair.”

She rubs her jaw absently, thumbing the place where it connected to the rest of her skull with a little groan of pain. Regaining her footing, she rears back and plants a foot directly in Angel’s chest. It’s not exactly the most subtle of moves, but the batgirl has the leg strength of a stallion and if it connects anywhere on the girl’s body it should send her reeling.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:21 am
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