Shokushu High School

On the cold night's breeze (for Antiopode)
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Author:  Jag [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  On the cold night's breeze (for Antiopode)

The dull light was beginning to play tricks on her mind. She’d been staring at this book for two hours… the longest time she’d ever spent doing anything this bloody boring, or at least that she could remember…

…not that she could remember much. It didn’t help that she couldn’t remember how she had gotten to this blasted school, or a multitude of other things… but she couldn’t even remember what she had learned last semester! How was she supposed to build upon it when she didn’t know what it was!

“I need a break…” Jag spoke softly, only to herself. At least her dorm wasn’t too bad… nice BIG bed… bigger than anything she figured she’d find in a dorm room. And it was a single so she didn’t have to worry about a roommate. Third floor, nobody was going to rob her, so she kept the window open almost all the time, especially at night when the temperature dipped down, and the cool breezes wafted through her room, giving her wild orange hair a gentle caress.

She was wearing the most comfortable outfit she had on for this blasted study session. A very loose pair of velvet pants were held around her moderately small waist by a drawstring, the material soft and crimson. A matching red silk top hung from her shoulders by spaghetti straps, its loose fit exposing part of her cleavage, though she didn’t plan on leaving the room, so it didn’t really matter. Besides, there were no men on the island anyways…

She looped her arms back over the chair and stretched her back, her chest arching out on display as she did so, lifting the thin top to reveal her shapely belly for a few seconds before falling back down. She kept her arms behind the chair, too lazy to even move them back now. She really wanted to sleep, but seemed to have developed insomnia along with her amnesia… worst of all, when she did sleep she dreamt… weird things at that. Disturbing things that seemed all too real.

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was one of those nights. He hadn't been on this island long, but he'd been having quite a bit of fun with the inhabitants. However, his focus lately had been too much on those two rommmates... he needed a break from them, to find some other people to play with. And here, moving through the dorms, he foudn one, on the third floor, window open and wearing an outfit that screamed sex appeal, and would be infinitely east yo remove. She seemed relaxed, not at all nervous. Maybe she, too, was new to this little school?

He didn't mind either way, honestly. The only thing that mattered was that she was here, and in a position that would allow him to seize her easily enough. He did not have to contend with anyone else, either. She was alone, and she was his. Not that she knew this yet, of course, but she would soon enough. At that time she'd soon grow to enjoy it, for the night would be quite long and she'd be feeling quite a great deal.

His abilities allowed him to be nearby, silent and unable to be detected... until it was too late. She wasn't looking over to see the tentacles moving through the window anyway. They aproached silently, moving towards her with intent to bind her to the chair she was sitting on... at least temporarily. First she'd hear a sound, an attempt to distract her just temporarily, putting her attention somewhere else, away from the window, before two tentacles would quickly rush to her.

Her arms, down lazily behind her, would be seized, the fast, large grasping tentacles easily holding them back, and in her surprise two new ones would grasp at her ankles, holding her there in the chair. If she tried to pull forward, which she almost certainly would, he would tug her back into the chair, holding her there pinned and helpless in the location.

She would hear a voice, beaming directly into her mind almost, like a thought, but not one she had herself. It came not from her body, but directly to her mind. A break... can be arranged. My name is Antipode... tell me yours.

Author:  Jag [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jag twisted her head quickly. She was sure she had heard something over by her closet, but there was nothing there… maybe something had fallen…

Before she could move, she felt pressure around her wrists, dragging her back into the chair, down onto it. At nearly the same time something close around her ankles pushing the loose cuffs of her pants aside and grabbing at the flesh underneath, also pulling back and binding her to the chair uncomfortably. She let out a grunt of shock and pain, not hurt really but caught off guard.

Her head twisted frantically as she… heard something… or did she? It was almost as if it were in her thoughts, but none the less she knew it wasn’t something she had thought up… something else was in here with her, doing this. The girl couldn’t turn her head enough to get a clean look however, and instead was merely sending her loose hair flying in every direction, until finally she settled down slightly, though her chest heaved under her flimsy top with frantic breathing.

“I’m Jag… are you doing this to me? If you are, let me go.” she finally answered, trying to hide the fear in her voice but doing a fairly poor job. She wasn’t used to something getting the jump on her this easy…

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmm. Straightfoward, and resisting, though it would do her no good. He wasn't terribly fond of resistance, though he didn't particularly care either way. He examined the pretty young girl as he held her down, pinned, examined her reactions as well as the way her body responded. He oculdn't wait to make her feel.... much better than she had up until this point in time. She would feel an emotion in her mind, not her own but one of the monster... it was amusement, a bit of enjoyment at her predicament, and, well, anticipation for what was to come.

Yes. This is me holding you. And I will be doing much more to you... just so you know, by the end of the night you will have enjoyed yourself quite a bit. As I said... a break from your stressful schoolwork.

Her resistance continued to be useless, and she would soon see, feel, more tentacles approaching the pretty young woman. It seemed pretty clear what he meant by that, or did it? He didn't know, but he'd be talking to her for awhile to come, actually. The tendrils that approached were slightly different than the ones holding her... they had a different shape, an oddly bump-textured underside which was even a slightly different color... she would feel them moving to her.

Author:  Jag [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Jag could definitely sense him in her mind… whatever he was. Not human, that was for sure.

“I highly doubt I’m going to enjoy anything that I need to be restrained for. Now let me go before I get angry.” She practically growled, tugging fiercely at the tendrils binding her limbs, her body bucking a little on the chair as it tried to get free.

And then… something else in her mind. Amusement? Was this thing enjoying this? Was it just taunting her? Whatever it was, it infuriated Jag and she pulled even harder, still having little effect but fighting like a demon, seeing more tentacles around her suddenly.

“Let… me… bloody… GO!” she screamed. Maybe at least the other students would hear, she thought… not aware that audio dampeners in the walls would make sure they did not.

Author:  Antipode [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

You've never heard of bondage, then, have you? There was another grin, an emotion of amusement entering her mind. He wasn't malicious, however, there was no cruelty in his emotions or voice. However, he intended to have her, and he knew very well she would be enjoying herself soon enough... in time her body would be screaming from the pleasure, and her mind would be unable to even think coherantly. At least, that was what he expected would happen, and he was generally correct, at least when it came to this.

Let you go? No... I do not believe I will. By the end of the night, however, you'll be thanking me, I'm sure. Well, maybe not. But even so, he wouldn't let her go. He intended to take her, that was all there was to it. She would feel more tentacles approach, and though he was in the room now he would still nto be seen... at least, not his core. The many tentacles around her would be pretty clear. He was going to screw her until she went mad.

She would feel several of them on her legs, moving slowly up her body. They reached her drawstring quickly, and one of them managed to undo it. More tentacles wrapped around her waist, arms, legs, and she would soon feel herself lifted up into the air, her pants, and even underwear, dropping down suddenly onto the floor below. She'd feel a tentacle move up her shirt, slowly coil around her breast. It was somewhat large, and wrapped around quickly. Another did the same to her other breast... she was bound, and unable to move. She would not escape his minstrations.

My suggestion would be to stop fighting and enjoy yourself. I'll even... I dunno, give you a request or two. Though I won't stop, I will take you, that is certain. However... if you have any other requests, I'll consider them.

Author:  Jag [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

The girl scowled… there was little she could do in this position, with it behind her somewhere, likely still out of reach, and her arms bound behind her. Bondage… and it was laughing too… just what did this thing intend to do to her?

More and more tentacles began to appear around her, slithering closer, coiling up her legs around the loose pants, the velvet pressing against the soft flesh of her calves and thighs as it did so… it began to pick at the drawstring to her pants, lacking the dexterity of a finger but even so, eventually the loose knot came undone and the pants slide down on her waist slightly, giving a glimpse at her hips and small but toned bottom.

Slowly more and more tendrils encircled her body, around her slender waist, sliding easily around the smooth skin there even as her stomach expanded and contracted with flighty breaths. More bound her arms and legs as well, and soon it was lifting her into the air. Her pants slid off easily, the silky material falling to the ground below. Her red, silken panties soon followed suit, drifting down her legs as if by magic, leaving her shaved sex lips bare to him. She clenched her legs shut as much as she could with the things holding her.

Still more tentacles assaulted her, two finding their way up her thin shirt to circle around the impressive mounds of her chest. As they did so, she felt the first shudder run down her spine, her legs still tight but quivering slightly. Her body was already betraying her again…

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

[Sorry about the length of time it's been! I've kind of been away... but I should be back now! ]

He would, of course, notice the ease with which she was aroused. She was fighting against her arousal, clearly, but even so he knew the battle would be short... he had barely even gotten started yet, after all! She would feel the ones on her breasts squeeze harder, giving light pulses on her fleshy orbs. They would coil slowly, the tips moving closer and closer to the tips, soon finally reaching her tits. She'd feel them, under her shirt, open up somehow, and would quickly afterwards feel what seemed like strange mouths on her nipples, grasping them tightly, sucking on her hard. Her nipples would feel little fleshy cilia rub against her stretching little nubs, rubbing at them gently as the sucking continued.

Another tentacle would move up her shirt, and slowly begin pulling it up, with help of the two coiled around her breasts. Soon they'd be up to her arms, which would be stretched up, above her head, helpless to be moved. She was clearly unable to escape, her weight distributed by tentacles holding her body, wrapping around ankles, arms, and even her now nude stomach and hips. Her shirt would finally be pulled all the way off, but wouldn't be damaged... and she'd be able to see the tentacles sucking hard on and squeezing her breasts.

So.He said as several largish tentacles slipped slowly up her legs, from calves up to her knees. Then she'd fele them pull, soon, quickly pulling her struggling legs out wide, exposing her body to her tormentor. His thoughts would continue to beam into her head, along with his enjoyment, finding her first gasps of pleasure. Any requests? I am quite serious about them, what do you want? Me not to take you in your anal passage, as an example of the sort of thing I'm getting at? With her lack of focus, he might have to give her suggestions. Sigh.

Author:  Jag [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Jag’s struggled slowly began to die off as it’s tentacles began pumping her breasts gently, its tips seeming to open up and both suck and rub over her stiffening nipples lightly. Her chest began to bounce faster and faster in its grasp, her breath quickening, firm mounds kneading gently beneath the tentacles as it seems to try to milk them. Her hardening nipples grow even further into the tiny maws sucking them as her shirt is lifted up and away from her, her arms being pulled above her, forcing her chest out further on display.

As her legs were pulled open, exposing her shaved womanhood completely, she began to feel tentacles writhing all along her body. Her mind raced, though she knew it was quickly giving in to her lust.

“I.. don’t… suppose that… asking you to leave… would work… would it?” she sighs out, even now, losing control. “If you must… that would be nice… not to take me… there.” She utters softly.

Author:  Antipode [ Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes... I shall avoid touching you there. Do not worry. She would feel the tentacles approach her crotch slowly. One of them could soon be felt there, rubbing against her outer lips lightly. Several other tentacles moved closer, to her crotch. Then she'd feel their tips open and feel them latch, both of them, on each of her inner thighs, beginning to tug and suck on them just as the ones on her nipples tugged and sucked on those.

The tentacle at her opening teased a little bit longer, rubbing at her, giving slight pressure temporarily and moving away again, lightly touching her up and down almost as if caressing. He was teasing her, certainly playing with her, and would continue doing so until her arousal was much more evident even then it already was.

She would feel the tendrils toying with her nipples seem to bite down, squeezing upon them almost as if teeth would, lightly biting and pulling even harder... her breasts would be toyed with much more roughly than before, squeezed and rubbed with more pressure and speed than before. It was only after several minutes of this teasing, everywhere, breasts, outer lips, wherever else, that Antipode finally slipped the tentacle inside of her body. At first it went slowly, slipping lightly into her wet insides, and soon filled her up entirely.

Author:  Jag [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Jag felt her legs being spread more by the things, played over as if someone where teasing her thighs… and then one of the tentacles was pushing at her opening, only barely, teasing her more than anything else. It was mocking her, telling her what was to come, and she was powerless to stop it.

The teen let her head lean back, further exposing her young breasts to the thing as it pumped and squeezed the fleshy hills, almost biting at her hard tits now, the firm flesh there springing under its tentacles.

She parted her lips in a moan as it finally pushed all the way into her, her tight walls clenching around it, not wanting it… or maybe just a little…

Her wet tunnel was easily penetrated despite how snug she was around the thing. It continued to push in more and more until it filled the girl’s vagina. She panted a little; trying to catch her breath as the thing slowly raped her.

Author:  Antipode [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

He noticed her rapid breathing. She was beginning to give in, even if she was not entirely there yet. In time, she'd actually enjoy it. Her body would be toyed with, new tentacles moving to trace along her flesh, the thin tips rubbing against her sides, stomach, even neck and legs. So far at least he would keep to his word and not touch her down there... and he intended to keep his promise, and avoid that. He always figured it would help to keep such promises, especially if he intended to come back and find her again. He responded to her leaning back by rubbing her breasts even harder, squeezing, fondling and suckling on them all at once, playing with them in as perfect a way as was possible.

She was moved then, away from the chair. It fell down suddenly to the ground, and she was lifted up into the air. More tentacles moved to her back, supporting her weight comfortably while at the same time spreading her body even more, stretching her body out horizontally, spreading her legs even more, and stretching her hands above her head, until they were straight. More tentacles rubbed at her newly free back and arms. It was evident he was really going out of his way to excite her.

Now, the warm, slightly wet tentacle inside her stayed still as she was removed from her chair, but now that she was there helpless in the air above the tendril began moving. It slowly slid out of her body, sliding along the tight, but very wet passage easily, moving until its tip was almost to her entrance, before reversing direction and sliding back inside of her. The tentacle was smooth, slightly gooey, and definitely warm, made even more warm by staying within her small passage. It filled her entirely once again, and moved out again, slightly faster. It was beginning to fuck her, and would speed up as time went on.

Enjoy yourself... and if you have anything you'd like me to do to you, feel free to ask. More amusement. He would enjoy her pleasure.

Author:  Jag [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

The girl’s skin trembled as more things began exploring along her, her tummy especially seeming to jump and quiver as the tendril slide over the smooth but firm muscles there. As she inadvertently presented her breasts to the thing, it increased it’s manipulation of the student’s firm globes, kneading the flesh and making the girl’s mouth part in a moan, her sensitive chest driving her as wild as the one in her young sex.

She was lifted from the chair suddenly, and held up by more of it’s tentacles. It seemed to have an infinite number of the strong, flexible things, and they held her like a makeshift chair… at least some of them. The ones at her limbs pulled her out until she was parallel to the floor, her body stretched taut, a playground for the thing’s appendages. Her hands were pulled high above her head which served to thrust her chest higher for the thing. Meanwhile, her legs were spread even wider, not painfully, but wide enough that her womanhood was exposed completely.

And there, she realized that the thing in her sex had not been moving while she was moved. She realized it when it began to pull from her slowly, then push back inside, a single drop of either her juices, or something from it, falling from her hole as it reached the dip of it’s cycle, before plunging back inside her. It was as warm as her own youthful sex, and slipped through her tunnel easily.

((Sorry about the delay))

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