Shokushu High School

Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)
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Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

On the night of a full moon ,Kanoe would be setting the Ritual so She is not disburd by anyone or anything this is the best time for the young mage to charge up and create her Working Tools and charms or even attempt to summon .
Kanoe heard rumors of the nordic snow mage summoned Tyr or so she claims that warmed her bed last month .But also Kanoe's friends also spoke about a creature that it was a God that was fallen .
In the darken halls the Exile wandered seeking new prey slowly after each sexual conquest he grew stronger but sense of mana would him towards Kanoe's building .
Kanoe would hear something hit her door hard like a person being slammed against .

Author:  Kanoe [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

Claire was missing again. They both did want time for themselves but that was not what Kanoe was thinking. She could only think of what horrible things a monster could be doing to her lover right now. It was enough to make a witch shiver. No, she shakes her head. There was no point in worrying about something like that. Claire will come back, she always does.

She heard a few things from members of her coven but she paid little heed to rumors. There were many odd things happening on the island, it would be pointless trying to keep up with it all.

Kanoe pulls out small vials and flasks of various fluids and powders. Some she gathered on her own while others she stole from the chemistry labs or had her scrounger find it for her. The witch had only finished setting out components when something slams against her door. The loud sound made her jump slightly. Not something to hear in the middle of the night. She just hope it was a random stranger who mixed up her room number with another. Kanoe opens her tome and began flipping through the pages, searching for the proper spells to use.

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

The tome is written in a odd mx of languages they are Welsh,Germanic,Arabic,Hebrew,Chaldean and Japanses .The tome's name was "THE FALLEN " .As Kanoe reads theiris a spell that claims that on a Full Moon a spellcaster could summon the being known as the Warbringer .A enemy of Demonkind and Monsterkind .She has everything to make the Circle to summon this being but she reads the ritual item to bind him to defend is three drops of the summoner's blood or the blood of the foes who wish destroyed and a bracelet made of a WitchQueen's hair .
The Exile spotted his bloodfoes fleeing from the building but at this point he needs the tantric engeries to charge himself still weakened at this point .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

Well monster blood was out of the question, it was difficult enough to harm them let alone have the time to collect the blood before being ravaged and raped. She sighs and grabs a knife from the kitchen, it was the best she had. An isolated island school did not allow weapons to be brought here.

She used some of her own hair to weave into a small bracelet. Kanoe was nowhere near the rank of witchqueen, but it was the best she could gather on this island. She creates the pentagram on the floor using various powders she had gathered. The witch had been punished before for causing unneccessary damage to her room but it always seemed to be repaired in short notice. Strange when she rarely sees much of a cleaning staff around campus.

Kanoe was skeptical about attempting another summon. She was still dealing with her first successful summon and ended up getting Claire involved. But if it were a creature that hunted other monsters, it may be of some benefit if it does go out of control. The witch places the thin bracelet in the middle of the pentagram. She cuts her finger slightly, letting three drops of her blood fall onto the bracelet as the spidery words of magic fill the room, beginning the ritual.

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

As Kanoe chants the spell she feels the mana so powerful so rich and pure unlike any spell Kanoe had even seen or cated her room glowed blue like the ley lines .Kanoe would feel herbody take in the Mana .
The Circle is cast and the room has lightning strike anything metallic goinh alround the room .Kanoe would see bluish fire appear in the Circle and see almost a Firebird form but not a firebird but a humanoid shape shifts back from looking beatiful man to a jetblack skinned man .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

Kanoe shivers as the power flows through her veins. It was always a struggle between power and control within herself when she channeled her powers but this was different. The mana felt strangely clean as threads of mana flow within her body. She never had something like this happen before.

She takes a few steps back as lightning struck inside her dorm room and unattended objects flew about the air. Flames burst forth from within the circle, forming into a strange black skinned being. Was this the so called Warbringer? She kept her distrance, unsure if the bindings will even work.

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

As the Mana storm still oves in the room .Kanoe see the cold oxny eyes look at her .In a strong commanding tone " Who are you ?" s the kneeling figure slowly rise dress toal black like the darkness of space .
The near darkness of the room lit by candles Kanoe would be thankful she asleep or in a dark place for this being would be hard to see expect for his teeth which a ivory white .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

Kanoe clenches her jaw. At least the thing could speak. She smooths out her flowing black robes. The dark begin nearly absorbed all the light in the room. Only the faint sparkle of her necklace and the faint glow of her pale skin were showing in the pitch blackness.

"Kanoe...I was the one who summoned you," she said as firmly as she could.

She had to remain confident lest the demon thought she was truly weak and take control. The witch never seen so much mana flowing about the room. Even without concentrating she could see the blue threads. Was this thing that powerful?

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

His oxny eyes watch the beatiful large breasted Kanoe .
The Mana is still enriching the room still this being is no Demon by the Mana it gives off thought Kanoe .
"Kanoe .The witchqueen ?Then show me thy Garters so I can see thy Buckles to see how many Covens created from your teaching.You look worried .I will answer one question before you of your choice ?" asked Exile in very commanding tone .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

Her eyes narrow slightly. Show it what? Her only coven was not only a few women that have grown close to her. They were all still beginners in most senses of magic. In either case she may have to dismiss this summon afterall if what she used to bind it was not enough.

"I have no questions," she said firmly, "Only requests. There are plenty of creatures on this island that may entertain you. The tomes read that you hunt monsters and demons. I can assure you, this place can become a hunting ground with forminable prey."

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

" You are not a witchqueen let you summon me "quiered the Exile as he moves toward Kanoe nonthreatning .His stride is the movements of a great cat that stalking prey and true Warrior .The oxny eyes watch Kanoe to her they were undressing her .
The Exil would flex claws from his right hand .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

She backs away, gathering mana around her body as she prepares to defend herself. Seems the witch aimed too high once more. At least this thing seemed to have a physical body unlike her first one. That means it has the potential to be harmed.

"Stay back," she hissed in annoyance, "I summoned you, I can be rid of you just as well."

Wisps of darkness gather along her arm and form into a small orb in her hand. She was not going to let this monster push her around.

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

The Claws create a Blood red glow as they slice the air in of the Exile .
Kanoe's darkness orb grows in power as in size but Kanoe feels someone behind her As she turns this jetblack male was now behind .
"You said there was Prey on the island ?"a deep low growl from the Exile .
Kanoe would notice he spotted the tome "THE FALLEN " .
"So that is how you summoned me ?" asked Exile .

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

She gasps and steps away from the creature. Kanoe had to resist the urge to attack when the beast asked about the prey on the island. The witch's skin began to glistened lightly with sweat from holding the spell for the moment.

"There are prey on the island, yes," she answered, "Various mythical creatures, demons and beings that can only be classified as monsters. All you have to do is go look about the island."

Author:  Princedarkstorm [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kanoe encounter with a fallen god (For Kanoe)

"How did you get this (pointing at the tome )?It was lost 1000 years ago in the Middle East ."said Exile ."The Mana storm help you and the Snow Mage ." said Exile .Slowly moving extend his right hand to take .
It was for Kanoe to question on what was going thru this being mind was it God or just a more powerful Demon type ?
In a gesture of trust he offers his hand to Kanoe .

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