Shokushu High School

In the shower (open to any monster)
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Author:  overblue [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  In the shower (open to any monster)

Caroline Tweety stepped naked into the shower turning on the water to cold. She leaned back letting the water run down her small breasts. She pressed two fingers into her pussy slowly while massaging the area with her other hand. A small groan of pleasure escaped her lips. She was unaware she was about to be attacked by a monster.

Author:  Crush [ Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

His mouth stretched open, revealing a proverbial bear-trap of teeth. Crush had woken up early, considering he was generally nocturnal. Around five in the afternoon, he figured it was a good a time as any to start on his nightly rounds. The demon pulled himself to his feet, off of his cot in his janitors closet. The 'broken' janitor's closet. No one had been able to open it for years, some students even say its haunted.

He grinned. Oh how they all went for it, how how easily rumors spread and caused disilusion among the students. He loved it. He got in a good stretch, then folded his wings against his back and jumped into his air vent system. The air vents round this dorm were great, spacious, a grate to see into every room. They made it too easy.

He casually crawled along through. Empty room, Empty room, Unconcious student He kept the last one in his mind, he didn't like it they were cold, or when it was probably sloppy seconds, but sometimes he had to settle.

He passed by a room, then paused. He pressed his ear against the metal, and heard the familar sound of a running shower. He grinned again, backtracked to said room, and listened. He slowly began to unscrew the vent into the room as he listened, looks like he had a live one.

Author:  overblue [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Caroline looked up at the soft noise. She then ignored it and went back to pleasuring herself. She pumped her fingers in and out of her special place while using her hand to press againest it. Groaning in happyness.

Author:  Crush [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

He heard a few feminine noises and decided that he would go with the, "sneak and freak" method. He finished unscrewing the grate to the overhead air-vent and pushed it to the side. He looked down and grumbled, he was too heavy to drop down lightly.

He paused, then shrugged, Oh well. He dropped to the ground, shaking the entire room. Walking up to her bathroom door, he grinned and slammed it shut. Now would be a good time to mess with her head.

He punched his hand into the wall, though, not through the wall, she would simply hear a sudden splintering of wood and drywall. He reached into the wall and grabbed a hold of a pipe. He could feel the water rushing through the pipe, most likely into her bath. He grinned and his hand lit up. "Metrear..Valtalator..." the pipe started to glow. He closed his eyes. "Sazboon!" He pulled his hand away, leaving behind a seal on the pipe. The seal looked like a drop of dark liquid.

He grinned, any water in that pipe, any that passed through it would turn into blood now. Very cheesy, very effective though. He began to think of what he would do next.

Author:  overblue [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Caroline looked up from her shower. She felt the room shake and saw the door close. She screamed as blood came raining down on her. She turned the shower off and quickly dried off with a towel. Being on alert for anything else that might happen.

Author:  Crush [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

The shriek was nice, but she only shrieked once. He listened as she turned off the shower, hearing a ruffling of towels.Hmm.. He calmly reached further into the wall and pulled out an electrical cable, he looked to the crack between the wall and the door. It was pitch-black in that room now.

He laughed, "Thats Dam, Chosech...maybe...Tsfardeia now.." He cleared his throat and placed his hand down low on the door. "Metrear...Sceptil...Sazbane!" A seal appeared on the door, and in the darkness, snakes appeared, only a few at first, but they began to double and triple, and in a matter of 20 seconds the entire floor was covered in snakes, hissing loudly and rattling their tails.

Of course...none had any poison...or fangs, he had specially summoned this bunch, to not cause major injuries. Hell, she didn't know that though. He leaned heavily against the door, he could magically seal it shut, but he figured she wasn't strong enough to push her way out.

Author:  overblue [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:53 am ]
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"Eep! Oh drat!" she said as soon as the light went out. She watched the snakes holding very still hoping they would not attack. As the floor became covered with them she slowly backed towards the door.

Author:  Crush [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:12 am ]
Post subject: 

He raised an eyebrow. Oh drat? The demon couldn't help but start to laugh, in all his years, he had never quite heard a response so wrong for the situation. He felt her try the door. "Nope, sorry, guess you're stuck in there with the snakes hon." He said, loud enough to be heard over the hissing. "You see, I know the things you've been doing, all the sins you've been committing."

A nearby mirror lit up as Crush mumbled a few demonic incantations. "You see?"

Every sin that Caroline had ever committed, every time she had done something wrong, or hurt someone, or anything similar flashed across the mirror. There was her, stealing a pack of gum at the age of 7, there was her, sneaking out of the house, there was her, masturbating about 3 minutes ago, all and more had been recorded and were right there.

Crush's face appeared on the mirror. "I'm what you would call...your punishment." It said, smiling cynically. "Now I could punish you any way I want, but you're such a lovely young woman, I have one way in mind..." Crush's face faded from the mirror, and a new image appeared, one of Crush and Caroline having sex, Caroline pushed up against the wall and Crush going at her from behind.

Laughter came from behind the door as they switched into different positions again and again. The only thing that remained the same was the look of horror on Caroline's face.

Author:  overblue [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Caroline was pretty innocent she had not sinned much in her life. She had done a few things like masturbating a lot, but it isn't like that is a sin. She gasped when she saw the images. She really had a look of horror on her face standing there looking at the images. "No....I d..don't n...need...d..." she trailed off standing there in shock.

Author:  Crush [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Crush's face reappeared at the mirror. "Oh, I'm afraid you do.." the image of his face grinned, then the mirror simply broke. Pieces of it fell into the sink and made an awful shattering noise. The snakes began to try to crawl up Caroline's arms and legs as she stood there, still hissing and rattling.

Crush stood outside the door alittle longer, whistling to himself. He gave her another good...30 seconds alone in the dark with the snakes, then proceded to bust his hand through the door. He pulled it out and put his head in the door, grinning similar to the way Jack Nicholson grinned, in "The Shining". "HERE'S JOHNNY!!" he pulled his head back and busted through the door, all six of his tendrils emerging from his sides at once and finding a hold on her body. One per limb, one was around her neck, the other around her midsection.

Crush stood there, the light shining behind him. "Hiya."

Author:  overblue [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:09 am ]
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She screamed when the mirror broke. When the snakes crawled on her Caroline stood as still as possible. As he looked out she screamed again and twice when he entered. Then Caroline tried her hardest to struggle againest the tendrils holding her. "!" she screamed.

Author:  Crush [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

The demon laughed heartily at this, the snakes hissing, the lights started to flicker in the bathroom, showing glimpses of him, then gone again. The sound of wonderful terror, and it was all because of him. He loved the feeling of due...responsibility when he scared the girls like this, he might as well keep up his horror show. "Theres no one around to save you, Caroline!" he grinned, and his tendrils lurched her out of the room and let go. She flew backwards and hit a far wall, not hard enough to knock her out, just enough to disorient her.

He jumped forward, in front of her as the snakes in the bathroom disappeared. The demon stood in front of her, allowing her to get a good look at him. His tail reached forward and gripped her mid-section, holding her down. "Yeah, I know your name. Yeah, I know you have a phobia of spiders, and yeah, I know that you would do anything to get out of this situation." He grinned. "But thats not happening. As a consolation, however, since I went and interupted your shower, I'll give you a small choice."

He looked up for a moment, "you can be on top? In which case you'd be the one in control of the speed, roughness, and etcetera." He paused, "Other wise...I'll be on top, fucking you senseless.." He held his hands out, with a nonchalant shrug. "Your choice hun, you've got 15 seconds, and I can always change my mind about these things.."

Author:  overblue [ Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:23 pm ]
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When he spoke about her possiblely being on top she quickly replied, "Of course I want to be on top. Also appartly you are not all knowing I may be scared of the posion ones, but I think spiders are cute."

Author:  Crush [ Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:47 pm ]
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Crush smirked at her. "You seem to be taking all of this pretty lightly hun.." He unsheathed his claws, "I wouldn't get uppity if I were you.." he got closer, gently running the claws across her stomach, not enough to break the skin though. "Because I'm known to have a bad temper..." he sheathed his claws, then headed on over to her bed. "Don't try running, I have eyes in the back of my head you know."

Author:  overblue [ Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:28 am ]
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She paused a scared look on her face. "I... am sc..scared." she said before following him over to the bed. She sat on the edge of it and studied him with her eyes. "Pl...please d..don't hurt me."

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