Shokushu High School

A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)
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Author:  Cukoo [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

Cukoo cursed his luck, once again. The massive blob had been to several of his favorite locations on this island today, and no young girls had been at any of them. From the indoor pools, to the large outdoor pools, even the small ponds, not one lovely young girl was anywhere to be seen. The blob's hunger for their delicious juices was nearing it's peak, but despite his hunger, Cukoo knew he needed to return to his cave for the night for some much needed moisture.

As the black mass slowly crawled across the island, he passed a smaller building, what appeared to be one of the dorms on the campus. Typically Cukoo stayed away from these buildings, because it was quite hard to find any suitable place to gain moisture once inside. As the large blob turned passed one of the corners to the building, he saw a lone window open on the first floor of the dorms. Stopping and laughing silently to himself, Cukoo wondered if he should try his luck one last time before heading back to his dwellings for the night. Slowly, the black mass crawled through the open window, noticing no one was in the room. Glancing back and forth, Cukoo's dark eyes spotted a large closet to the side of the room. It will do, laughed the black blob, slowly crawling into the large closet and closing it behind him, wondering if his luck would suit him better in this room.

Author:  Clarice [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

An aggravated sigh leaves her lips as Clarice makes her way back to her and Kanoe's dorm. Demerits, demerits... though she wasn't the typical tree hugger the Prefects here must be happy killing trees for the simple purpose of letting a student know they were in trouble. And for what purpose was this all for? Possibly the most horrible thing a girl could do on this island and not get expelled for it-dress code. The 'high and mighty' women added other demerits for questioning as well. She knew her mouth was large when it came to authority, but Kanoe she feared would be... perhaps a little less then pleased.

Without much thought to her surroundings she quickly lets loose a wild ball of darkness into the wall after shutting the door. Flustered and aggravated, Clarice proceeds to grumble to herself about the stupid and ignorant fools working the system.

"Oh what I wouldn't give to have these inhibitors off the island..." she hisses with venom. A dark aura circles her fist. Such a tightened fashion would lead to possibly cutting into her palm if she pressed any further. With an annoyed sigh of frustration her concentration breaks, allowing the dark mana around her fist to dissipate into nothing more then a scowling student.

But maybe it wasn't the simple fact that she was obviously upset that led to burning the paper demerits in her hand so quickly. It was faint, but signs of a small, slime-like trail into the window made her all the more on edge and tense. It had not rained to her knowledge... something was in here. Her eyes scan the room, but the trail ends at the window. Quite odd as it was, without a clear sense that something may have slipped into their room, Clarice had only paranoia to go on... for now.

"... if there is something in here, just come out. I'm not interested in games... and I know running away will do nothing so... just... show yourself."

She was hesitant to call out. Her false sense of security may be shattered in mere seconds. She would really despise anything if that 'anything' answered back and showed themselves. For a few moments, she remained tense... waiting for the slightest movement to possibly retaliate.

Author:  Cukoo [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

In his rush to get into the closet, Cukoo had forgotten that he had left a think trail of slime leaving the girl straight to his location. Thinking quickly, the black blob slowly disconnected himself from the long trail of slime, pushing backwards towards the window. The thin trail of clear slime slowly withdrew back through the window and out in the woods next to the building, almost appearing that something had just left the dorm room, instead of just entering.

The black blob froze and stared intently out through the small crack given by the closet door. There before him, not several feet away, was a very lovely young girl, her shapely body froze in place just as Cukoo at that moment. As small drops of drool began to form around the blob's large mouth, he continued to wait intently, waiting for the beautiful young lady to make her next move.

Author:  Clarice [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The small trail of slime leaving was enough to disgust her and make her give a grotesque expression. She shivers; her large chest heaved deeply in and out as she holds a defensive stance in place. Completely on end that something had so easily slithered into their room, she proceeds to the window and shuts it tightly with a quick lock.

She fiddles with her braid, another unwelcome present from a certain monster. But it relieved her tension to some degree. But even though nothing had answered her back, it was still the simple fact of that if there was one slime... there may be another. But not seeing any in view, she cautiously proceeds to her bed. A new change of clothes set out before her, courtesy of Kanoe.

With a heavy sighs, she begins to trip her clothing, having her chest to the closet before she begins to unbutton and unclasp her blouse and bra. She had yet to... possibly ask Natsuki for a larger bra since she took it upon herself to make her more attractive qualities ‘better’. It was simple exercise and continuous devotion to the woman that her chest a bit more... well more. Her self-conscious thoughts that she had become inferior physically to Kanoe had diminished, but her mentality had long since taken a beating. To this day she had changed from Kanoe's lover. She was certainly more on edge and paranoid then anything else.

Author:  Cukoo [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

It appeared as though his small trip had done it's job. The young girl still looked slightly worried, but not worried enough to stop her from undressing directing in front of the closet Cukoo currently hid inside. Several drops of drool began to fall from the blob's mouth as he watched young girl unbutton her tight blouse, starting to work her way towards her lacey bra. Delicious, thought the massive blob, watching with the fullest enjoyment as the young beauty continued to undress herself.

Suddenly, Cukoo thought of a clever trick to not only gain this girl's sweet sexual juices, but to also gain his needed moisture for the day. A small patch of the slime left behind as he crawled into the room, suddenly slipped behind the girl, towards the bathroom at the opposite end of the dorm. Sliding into the shower, the slime slowly gripped around the handles working the shower and turned them on. Watching the young girl closely, the black blob wondered if his little plan would work...

Author:  Clarice [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The reaction was direct and paranoia settled in quickly. After nothing had been heard for minutes Clarice had simply brushed it off as being too nervous. But now that a sudden rush of water came to her ears, her immediate reaction was one of pure terror and reflex.

A dark shadow bolted itself from her dark magic, slamming the door to the bathroom loudly as she ducks behind the bed. Her hard breathing was a sign of one to have been completely taken off guard. Her body shook with fear that there was something in here, which only made paranoid thoughts all the more real to her. She knew her magic was almost always ineffective to monsters on the island, and yet hiding behind the bed made it at least a little comforting that she wasn't out in the open.

"I'm tired of games! Just come out already and just... get it over with already!" It was desperation at its peak. If there was some monster in here, then it could at least do what it wanted and leave her be. She holds the covers to her chest as she continues to hyperventilate. Her bra and blouse off completely, she felt very vulnerable without the sheets covering her. She just wanted peace for one night... it doesn't seem to be the option.

Author:  Cukoo [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The blob's silently laughed to himself as the young beauty hurried across the room, hiding behind her bed. However, with his little trick, Cukoo had learned a little secret about this young girl. She was, in fact, one of the few girls on this island who were able to use magic. The massive blob had encountered lovely ladies such as her before who held such abilities, and as far as Cukoo could tell, none of their tricks harmed him in any way.

As the young girl screamed into the emptiness of the room, Cukoo's urge to take her delicious body was at it's peak. He knew how sweet this young lady would be, and despite her being able to wield magic, she would give him all the delicious juices he wanted.

In an instant, several thick tentacles shot out from the closet, converging on the young beauty. A thick black tentacle quickly lashed around her wrists, yanking her arms over her head and binding them together tightly. Another thick tentacle quickly wrapped around her ankles and bound her legs together as Cukoo slowly lifted the young girl into and air and brought her back down onto the bed, her shapely body wiggling and squirming against the sheets below.

Slowly, Cukoo began to emerge from his hiding spot in the large closet. The black blob dwarfed the young girl, standing nearly nine feet tall, his massive form hitting the ceiling to the dorm room. A large hole slowly opened in the front of the black blob, forming his massive mouth, lined with hundreds of thin black tentacles and a thick black tongue. A deep watery laugh suddenly shook the room as Cukoo said, "hello my dear. You look delicious."

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

Oh how she wished she would've tried to run. The silly act of hiding behind the bed, as if that had stopped a monster before, was all in vain. Tentacles by the dozens completely overwhelm her in an instant before she could even think of the word magic, let alone do it. She makes a loud squeak as her wrists smack against each other from above her head, further escalating the severity of the situation. With minimal hand movement she risked hurting herself more then if she actually could damage the monster that decided to come out of hiding.

With no use of magic on her side, she was simple, pride injured girl, n better then the weakest of mortal humans. But despite her understanding and the futility of it all, she squirms and struggles as her back presses into the beds slightly less comforting embrace. With teeth bare and gritted, her eyes narrow and glare coldly at the disgusting creature who would no doubt have its way with her... again.

"And you look like hell," she retorted, turning her head away with her eyes squinting shut. His watery laugh spits thousands of tiny droplets onto her body. She considered that in itself to be the biggest insult. But her pride had already done irreversible damage fro Natsuki's wrath. Being helpless again only furthered the extent of her misery.

"I know what you want... just do with me what you will and go away. Get it over with and leave me alone.... I’m sick and tired of you filthy monsters taking nearly everything away from me."

Author:  Cukoo [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The blob's dark laugh filled the small room as the young girl sturggled slightly against the bed, her shapely form wiggling and squirming as her large breasts bounced freely across her chest. "You may know what I want," boomed the massive blob as several thick tentacles began to extend out from his large body. "The question is, do you know what you want?"

In that instant, a pair of thick tentacles quickly shot out from the blob's black body, quickly wrapping themselves around the girl's soft breasts. Cukoo's dark eyes locked onto her large mounds of flesh as his black tendrils slowly began to squeeze and twist around her bare skin, forcing her smooth orbs to rise and fall slowly off her chest. The black mass watched as her pink tits slowly began to harden as his thick tentacles continued to tighten around her wrists and ankles, allowing her to barely wiggle and flex her body against the soft bed below.

Author:  Clarice [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

"It has been a hard life... living in a cess-pool hasn't it?" she hisses, quite taken aback that the monster would ask something so ignorant of her. She knew exactly what she wanted, but she knew quite well this monster that looked to have taken a wrong turn in evolution would never give her back her freedom for the time being. And despite how disgusted she was, her breath hisses through her teeth as the monster squeezes her large mounds tightly for what apparently was simple amusement at the time.

Her anguish and sorrow never seemed to over-ride what her body felt that was indeed stimulation erupting from her nerves. She could count a dozen or so times she cursed her body for its weakness. That was one trait she could never train out of unless she completely fried her sense of touch. With that being out of the question she was left as being a slightly more powerful human then most. Pity that factor didn't change as her whimpers of misery spring forth.

"Shut your mouth… as if you even care what I want anyways. Self-pleasing worm…"

Author:  Cukoo [ Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

Another deep laugh filled the dorm room as the young girl continued to protest, squirming and wiggling on the bed as her bare breasts were squeezed and twisted by his black tentacles. "My my, such a temper," laughed the black blob as the young beauty was suddenly lifted into the air. Slowly, the young girl carried his well-bound prize towards the opposite of the room towards the bathroom. "Perhaps you need to... cool down."

The thick tentacles suddenly pinned the young girl against the wall of the shower, pressing her back tightly against the tiles. The black mass watched as his lovely prize wiggled and squirmed against the wall as one of his tentacles slowly reached over and turned on the shower, spraying warm water onto the young girl's body. Water slowly began to drip from her curves as his thick tentacles relatched themselves around her soft breasts, twisting and squeezing around her smooth orbs.

Author:  Clarice [ Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

She admitted to herself this just all seemed futile in venomously insulting the creature. It didn't seem to care but perhaps laugh and mock her. All she would want to do was curl up in a ball and simply drift away. The likely chances of that happening with her heart pounding so were slim. It never was a dull moment when it came to being raped.

At the very least this monster was a lot gentler than ones she had encountered. That only made it a little better, though. She feels herself being dragged to the shower, her struggles became anew though it seemed hopeless. She only squirmed for a moments until the cold tiles pushed against her back. Her teeth grit together as she hisses. A single eye open to watch the monster do... whatever it is it wanted to do. The shower she turned her head away from, still trying not to lose it. Perhaps all the water rushing down her cheeks weren't from the shower head.

"Please.... just leave me... alone..."

She flinches inwardly as tendrils quickly wrap around her breasts, squeezing them tightly until she gasps for air. She had forgotten to breathe a few times. Oh how she wished she could just pass out and not feel everything this thing was going to do to her.

Author:  Cukoo [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The blob's dark eyes shifted up and down the body of his lovely prize as she squirmed and wiggled in his tight grasp, rubbing her beautiful body against the tiles behind her. Cukoo's thick tentacles continued to twist and squeeze around her soft breasts, displaying her hard tits slightly more with each passing moment. "Why should I leave you alone," laughed the black blob as he eyed the lovely young girl. "You look so... delicious."

Suddenly, the blob's thick tongue began to extend out from his massive mouth. The black muscle slowly worked its way towards the girl's well bound body as a light blush began to form across her face. Letting out another watery laugh, the long tongue began to slide inside the front of the girl's small skirt, pressing up against her tight panties underneath. Slowly, the black appendenge began to rub and grind against her sex lips through the thin fabric. Cukoo knew he would soon be gaining his first tastes of this delicious young girl...

Author:  Clarice [ Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

"N-No!" she cries out, struggling beneath this disgusting creature. As much as in vain as it was, she slides and thrashes on the tiled floor with all her might. Her teeth grit as the monster squeezes and twists her mounds. Her shuddering breaths said it all, but she couldn't give in so quickly.

It was just too difficult to accept defeat, even to her constant failure to escape any monster that found interest in her. She could only watch while its slimy tongue touches her skirt. She flinches of course but it was inventible to feel the thing's tongue rub up and down between her legs.

"S-stop it! Why can't you just leave me be?!"

Author:  Cukoo [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Lone Visit to the Dorms (for Clarice)

The blob's watery laugh echoed through the dorm room as the young girl continued to protest with what strength she had, wiggling and flexing her lovely body against the tiles behind her. Cukoo's rough tongue began to press slightly harder inbetween her bound legs, rubbing and grinding against the front of her tight panties and pressing against her soft sex lips. The massive blob could already taste her sweet body through the thin fabric as a slight blush spread across her face, letting Cukoo know that her body was slowly betraying her mind.

Cukoo watched eagerly as the yougn girl's breasts twisted and rose slowly as his thick tentacles squeezed aroudn them tightly, displaying her hardening tits slightly more with each hard twist. A thin tentacle suddenly shot out from the blob's massive mouth, extending towards her bound legs. Letting out another deep laugh, Cukoo watched as the thin tentacle slowly gripped around the top of her tight skirt, slowly sliding the fabric down her smooth hips. Pulling his rough tongue away for a moment, the blob's dark eyes locked onto her slender legs as the small skirt was pulled from her body, leaving her clad only in her tight black panties. Tossing the skirt away, the blob quickly returned his tongue inbetween her shapely legs, grinding and pressing against her sex lips through the tight farbic.

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