Shokushu High School

A Magical Night (Clarice)
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Author:  Calidare [ Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  A Magical Night (Clarice)

Sensing a very high amount of Mana in the area of the girls dorm had perked my interest, I decided to head in that direction to see who this individual was, I felt her around before but the output of Mana was never this high before. I had expected her emotional state could have been cause for the renewed amount of Mana and always seemed to be tied to when a person felt as if they was about to go over the edge of sanity to the realm of the insane which always ended badly in some form or another.

I had pinpointed where this girl was and being invisible I had phased throw the wall where she was. I looked at her in her room and noted how pretty she was, like most of the women at this school she was as beautiful, I began to think they only recruited those of remarkable beauty and those with physical sex appeal was one reason they brought them her, and from what I’ve notice is they all had something very special about them.

I watched her as she went about her normal business inside her own room, her bright blonde hair was very striking and her eyes for most human was very intriguing to say the least, looking deep into those emerald eyes with sapphire around them made her quite appealing to me, she had a very shapely body and if she was on the human would I could see that she would beating boys off her with a stick the size of a baseball bat, there was something that appeared to be troubling her as she moved about and I decided to link my mind with hers, a rush of scenes and images flooded my mind, normally I have to poke around but with so much Mana within her it flowed freely to me, I had smiled at some of the images I saw but sadden at others, most of her younger life was the saddest area of her life.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Normal girls wouldn't have to deal with near death experiences or the daily ravagings Shokushu students had the pleasure of going through. But perhaps things were worse off to Clarice because she had not seen Kanoe for a few days. A single day was fine, but for two days of absolutely no sign and absences from classes... it would make anyone worry. But there was little she could do. It wasn't as if Kanoe or herself had dissapeared for extended periods of time. But paranoid and delusional thoughts told her otherwise. That and well... it was this school after all.

Clarice's pride over the passed few months had been dealt a ehavy blow, where most of it was directed to dire situations. Outside of such events, it was absent as her depressed state told onlookers all too well. Recently she had been caught by a Head Girl for a uniform violation which was dealt with rather harshly in the form of torture in the basement. She had really nothing to cling to and was basically just going about her bussiness like a robot. A smile hadn't been seen on her face for a few days straight. Even Kanoe's presence was waning to have any affect on her slow slip to insanity.

Finished with her homeowrk and chores of cleaning the dorm room, she simply flops on the bed and stares blankly at Kanoe's empty bed. She wodnered where the woman was, if she was alright, or if she could possibly be hurt. Clarice didn't used to be such a pessimistic girl, but from her perspective there wasn't much to be happy about. She would no doubt look quite sad and pathetic for any monster to target. Nights usually were pretty bad for Claire, so as of right now she could care less of having the door unlocked or the windows open or for her very mana to floruish as it pleased. She just seemed so... drained of energy.

While she lied on the bed, her chest pushing into the soft bed below her, she mouthed her lvoer's name as if that would somehow make her appear quickly and spontaneously out of nowhere. But after several minutes of staring at the bed she sighs softly before turning her head away from it. Maybe monsters would take pity on her and leave her alone for one night. As if...

"Well... can't get much worse than this. Tch..."

Author:  Calidare [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

I felt pity for the poor girl and was about to leave when that wave of sickness feel on me, I feel on one knee and my invisibility had failed me as my wings was spread wide I was at the foot of her bed my head bent down my hair acting like a curtain hiding my face, the only thing keeping me from falling completely to the ground was the fist I had placed before me. The devices must of sensed that I was going to leave this girl alone and acted, the sense of peace and conflict could be felt by most with little or no ability in magic from me, in some way being on this island it was a warning to those girls, few to non ever heeded its warning and those who did didn’t really have a chance to get away.

I had intended to leave this heart broken girl alone, but that was to late now and the more subtle plan was out the window if she heard be fall to my knee. Taking a few breaths while in that imposing position to regain some control over my self my eyes glowing a deep blue, I looked up to where the girl was from the foot of her bed between her legs that was spread open slightly as she was laying on her stomach, she began to move and I tried to vanish but when I did the sickness returned again, it seemed I had no choice but to face this girl, as I tried to force the lust out of my eyes the glowing of them had faded some to where it was easy to see the color of my emerald eyes.

I was dressed in just a long loin clothe that would reach to my knees if I was standing, the muscle on me was rippled do to the fact I was fighting the inward beast that was my lust stimulated by the hidden devices around the school, my light brown hair draped around my shoulder enhancing the hypnotic quality of my eyes, I slowly regained some control over my self but remained where I was hoping she wouldn’t turn to see me but was sure she was going to. My mind link with her was shaky right now because what had happen just now and I tried to reestablish the link to figure out if she had, it was taking longer then I had time for so I wasn’t sure if it was her mind I was connected to or some one else mind.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Surprisingly enough does Clarice feel a shift in tension. Her eyes turn to their corners, as if she were contemplating whether she really wanted to turn around and see if there was an un-invited guess in her midst. The feeling was not happy so she could almost assume there was someone in here aside from herself.... and it didn't feel like Kanoe.

Tension leaves her shoulders as she turns her head, not surprised to find a being of some sorts here after all. But instead of becoming scared she just layed there, watching him out of the corner of her eye. Her head had not completely turned and was pointed forward but her eye that was visible to him could certainly guarantee she had seen him. She just watches him before that eye closes, possibly along with the other. She seemed quite uncaring that there was a monster in her room once again. These things did not udnerstand human emotions from her perspective so the fact she seemed to regard him and do nothing may be confusing. What's the point of fighting if the punishment is still brought upon you but only worse because you resisted? She had only escaped a few at her peak of power, she wasn't in the same state and did not demand it upon herself to fight.

Slowly does Clarice rise to sit sideways on her knees, facing directly the... comflicted being before her. He wasn't acting 'normally' as a monster should. He should be all over her right now and yet he seemed hindered to his legs up to his mind. She wasn't even sure what he could possibly be, but then again she had met a lot of monsters that she had never thought possible before.

Her eyes betrayed her, showing all the emotions of anguish and sorrow for him to see, but it was doubtful he cared. It was a monster's way after all not to so she expected him to regain his composure and start messing with her. The only she couldn't possibly was in fact to have an elaborate planning being instead of the usual catch, rape, and throw away types.

"Having an issue?" she puts, her hoarse voice made the sentence rather too weak to be a smart-allic tone.

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

I give her a grin as my eyes begin to glow blue once more, look up at her still crouched down on the floor staying balanced with my fist. I say in a husky voice, “You might say that...” I shake my head forcing down the lust and my eyes once more return to the hypnotic Emerald Green color and it seems evident im fighting something within myself. When I speak this time my voice is soft and soothing. “I came because I felt your pain and wanted to help, but I think I was in error by coming...” I tell her as I feel the nausea and dizziness returning. My body begins to shake and tremble knowing what will happen if I let loose my inner lust that this girl will be another victim of my no longer controllable passions.

I struggle to maintain control my voice shaky “I don’t know how long I can contain myself, but it would be a wise course to run and get away from me before your sacred place is violated.” I tell her and it probably sounded cryptic but the meaning was true. My wings spread wide as if an eagle was about to take flight making me look a mixture of mythical angelic pose, to something a bird of prey was about to snatch a fish up.

I had no idea how far I would be able to hold back but knew there had to be a limit to either me or the devices, and I was sure the devices hidden around the school would win. I had fallen now on all fours looking as if I was an angel paying homage to his god. I had whispered hoping she would hear it “Run!!” the glowing in my eyes was slowly returning growing brighter as I look up you can make out tears in his eyes but the Green in it could still be seen under the glow.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Clarice simply sat on her bed, watching the being as he crumbles to his knees. Her watery eyes paid favor in making him a blurry sight of white and green until she wiped them away. She was in no mood to play games and yet this being did seem to be playing the part of a man trying not to turn monster on the girl. Her instincts screamed to run, but her body was weak and exhausted from its daily struggles. Despite her calm facade she regarded the being the being as threat without much emotion to it.

"... I am weak... I wouldn't get very far for I am... extremely tired from today and can't hardly muster up much of a defense in itself... you may very well seek my well-being and yet... you are too late to even think of comforting me..."

She saw no need in runnign when she would get caught quickly afterwards. The least she could have was her own soft bed to be raped upon. It was a sad and pitiful thing to be able to think so freely on rape, but she should be used to it by now.

She gets up sluggishly despite her previous thoughts and tries to run to her door. The lack of energy makes her slow but she manages to get into the hallway and close the door behind her. How far she would get like this was the million dollar question. Why she should have to run when the being surely knew the error of coming or whatever his itnetions were. She was unsure what to make of the entire thing as she tries to break into running but can't seem to muster the strength to do so.

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

After she had left it wasn’t so hard to control my self and the sickening feeling was slowly leaving, but it was to late for her, I would have to take her or suffer even more later. I was still a little weak from what the devices did but was slowly regaining my composer. She was right when she said she was weak and wouldn’t get far, she was already at the stair well.

A few girls that stayed behind to improve there grades was coming up the stairs when Clarice bumped into them. “Hey what’s the hurry?” one of the girls complained as you tried to get by the two. I had finally regained my mental link with her and decided to begin the game moving it back to her room and not panic the rest of the school students. I had found her roommate mind as well and she was the one she was missing the most, I linked my mind to her as well to make the bluff real, I was thinking it was a bit odd a lot of the students missing was at the Lab.

Taking on the form and even her aura and mannerisms I appeared just out side the building, having it look as if she had a head injury, I walk into the common room my hand on my head as if I had a headache and look up to see Clarice hurrying down the stairs looking very tied and I smile up at her.

Author:  Clarice [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Clarice was already pushing her limits as she enared the stairs in a hurry. The other students were not of her concern at this moment and would not doubt not stop the being in her room from following her still.

Getting down to the last step she drops to her knees in exhaustion, gasping for the very breath of lfie at this point and nothign else. Why she had to leave her own room was beyond her and the monster was stranger then most she had met and fought with.

She hesitates upon seeing the person she desired the most to see... at a time like this the woman simply smiled at her as if she were pefectly fine except for the apperant headache she showed by holding her hand over a spot. Clarice gets up slowly, wiping away ehr watering eyes to see that one person that could make things better.

"K-Kanoe...?" she asks dumbly before throwing her arms around the woman, bellowing out tearful sobs to see the woman alive and well. How she missed her, this moment seemed like an eternity to her before she pulls away and wipes more tears from her face.

"There's an unwanted visitor in our dorm... th-that's why... I'm out here."

Author:  Calidare [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Still holding my head where the bandage held firm pretending I was recovering from a head injury I ask her “What spell did you use to keep him from getting you? How is it you managed to escape?” I said this in a hushed voice so none of the other student in the area could hear Clarice and I conversation.

My arms wrapped around her body still as she pulled away tears in her eyes, I pull her close to me and say. “It’s ok im here now, lets see if we both and cast him out of are room, you look so tired, I hope you wasn’t worrying about me, come lets go deal with this unwanted guess, you don’t think it’s still there do you?” I asked her as I guided her up the stairs.

I slowly open the door to her room and looked in with her by my side, I knew the room was empty when I opened the door but looked in as if expecting something to jump out at us all the same. “I don’t seem to see any thing inside? Should we go in or find some place else to sleep for the night?” I had asked her letting her decide on the course we should take.

Author:  Clarice [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

Claire shakes her head as she peers back to the steps, surprisingly calm in contemplating what she should say.

"I didn't use magic, it just told me to leave.... I do find this monster to be a little... stupid in whatever it's planning, but... I really don't see running will do much good... we're on an island after all."

She simply chuckles tiredly to hearing something about being worried.... of course she was worried... she still was as a matter of fact. As they make their way back to the dorm, Claire didn't seem surprised that monster was gone at all and rolls her eyes with an exhausted sigh.

"We might as well stay here... b-but I have to ask as you can already assume... where... where did you say you were again?"

Author:  Calidare [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

I smile at you, “Well lets see, I fell and hit my head and found myself in the ICU in NICE Lab when I woke up, they bandage my head and after giving me a cat scan they let me go, im still not sure how long I was out in the that bed.” I tell her, the story was pretty plausible and at this very minute the girl named Kanoe who my mind was linked to was there.

I move into the room slowly looking around making it appear I still thought it was there as I look into the bath room. “Well it doesn’t seem to be here, why would he let you go? I’ve never know any monster being stupid to let someone so pretty to get away.” I tell you as I walk over to Kanoe bed and sit down.

I look into her mind deeper seeing if I can figured out if she was asked to practice her magic and was to inform Kanoe how she was doing. “So he just told you to leave? That don’t sound right, what was he doing? You notice any thing odd about it?” I ask the question I was sure her roommate would have asked, I think if I wasn’t im my own shoes I would had asked the same question, at least being in this form the devices didn’t effect me as much but it wouldn’t take it long to figure what happen.

Author:  Clarice [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

She simply nods to the answer and sits down with a sigh. Things were so complicated and now this. The monster knew she was tired and exausted.... and yet the thing was messing with her. It was quite irritating but Clarice was not about to just show how much she was aggravated. With a simple sigh she flops herself back onto her bed and closes her eyes.

"For all I know the thing's probably planning soemthing. No monster is that easy to get rid of... which I guess is why I'm on edge... he could attack at any moment, but it really shouldn't be that difficult anyways. You.... should know how I feel about what would happen if that did it does. I don't think I'm going to fight... I'm already tired enough as it is and well... I'm also tired of fighting..."

Author:  Calidare [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

I sigh in response to her sighing “You know Clarice, I really hate it when you get into these moods... you make it feel like its my fault in some way that your in these moods, it almost sounds like your giving up on life. I bet if there was a knife some where you would have tried to cut your self like those people in the crazy house you see and hear about on television.” I tell her wanting to see how she would react to the action I had taken.

I sigh once more sounding as tired as you but to tired to sleep. “Maybe I should cast a spell on you and see how long it take to get you out of this gloomy mood your in, I know ill summon a sprite to tickle you or ahh hmm not like me not able to think of a cool spell on the spot, oh I know ill cast an erotic type spell on you.” I begin to giggle the way Kanoe would if she thought something was funny.

Author:  Clarice [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

"You're not very amusing, you know," Clarice responds sharply, as if she didn't even care it was Kanoe's voice and Kanoe's laughs, "If I gave up on life.... you would not have the pelasure of comparing me to wrist cutters.... I would've ended much more quickly if I felt like it, thank-you for your patronizing."

She simply rolls her eyes and flips sideways on the bed, her back to being the only thing to view. She seemed extremely livid and depressed at the same time, which wasn't saying much since that was depression to be so defensive. But that was not the reason she was so angry.

"Casting a spell on me would mean you would want me to change. I would not be the real Clarice to you, but if you want to force me into being happy when I'm not, then go ahead. Either that or you can simply put me to sleep and have your way with me..."

Author:  Calidare [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Magical Night (Clarice)

I sigh at Clarice “Aww come on, you know I wouldn’t really cast a spell on you, and its no fun having my way with you when your asleep, I cant help enjoying that moan of yours when your get aroused.” I tell her knowing it’s one of the things Kanoe secretly liked about Clarice. I get up from my bed and sit next to her rubbing her back. “Why are you like this? You know I don’t like it when your like this, I like to see you happy, kind of like when you greeted me.” I smiled at her as my fingers did there magic of removing the few knots in her shoulders as I rubbed them.

“So I guess im no one you want to talk to any more, is it? If it make you feel better I could ask for a reassigned room. Im sorry I compared you to one of those wrists cutter, that was wrong of me to say.” I tell her giving the sound of sadness in my voice to convince her Kanoe really felt sorry about that.

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