Shokushu High School

Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)
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Author:  Lilac [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac was, for lack of a better term, famished. It was the wee hours of the morning and she had just finished constructing and delivering a batch of new samples to the scientists in the N.I.C.E labs. In truth she wasn't entirely sure of the purpose of this particular batch of compounds. It certainly hadn't felt like the usual aphrodisiac order. Maybe they had been running low on more necessary materials? She really needed to sneak into the chemistry labs and 'borrow' a book or two. Doing so might even give her a few ideas to test out on a few students. And as her thoughts returned to the female occupants of this school her mind also refocused on the disturbing lack of several key components within her. She needed to get some. And while she was now allowed to access the schools kitchens, chemistry labs and similar locations for her nutrients, she had developed a certain joy in taking them from the sometimes willing and often not-so-willing female occupants of the school.

Checking her surrounding she quickly realized that she was walking through the dorms. She was in her 'human' form, and in the dim light she actually might be mistaken for a woman. At least at a distance. Picking a door of an unlucky student at random, she stopped and slipped her feet against it. Soon her body liquefied and she slid through the gap at the bottom of the door as a puddle of viscous goo, reforming on the other side in her human form. She doubted that anyone would be awake at this hour and all for the better. She never liked it when her prey fought. But if the occupant of the room was awake, or both, she knew she would have to react quickly, despite her hatred on wasting energy in doing so.

Author:  Katie [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Katie was, fortunately enough for her intruder, sleeping soundly. Well, perhaps not soundly, she's known to be a bit of a tumultuous sleeper at even the best of times. For now, one pale leg was hiked up over her black covers, her mouth caught slightly-open as her chest rose and fell with each breath. She lay, her body silhouetted in the moonlight, wearing a pair of little red cotton panties with a thin bikini-style cut, a baggy white t-shirt over that with a design on the front that could only be described as insane. It appeared to be a day-glo yellow skull whose neon pink brains had begun to leak out of its jaws, nostrils, and eyes, long slimy things with teeth crawling out of the eye-sockets.

She groaned as she rolled over, revealing the way the paper-thin bottoms hugged her backside unknowingly to the intruder, pullling some of the covers away from her lower body to shore up the pillows under her head, most of her body pressed up against the wall under the window.

Author:  Lilac [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

The lack of a sudden scream or gasp assured Lilac that the occupant of the room was indeed asleep and it did not take long for Lilac's yellow eyes to focus on the sleeping woman. A grin came to her lips and she slowly advanced towards her, not making a sound and froze as Katie groaned and rolled over. She let out a small sigh of relief, as Katie remained asleep, before silently admonishing herself for the waste of precious resources. She didn't need to breath so she certainly didn't need to exhale. But some automatic human actions still echoed in her behaviors. With Katie still asleep she closed the distance between them until she stood right beside her bed.

Now closer, Lilac took a brief moment to appreciate the sight before her. Katie was a lovely sight to behold and Lilac lazily let her eyes trail over her exposed pale leg and very fine, panty-clad ass. But hunger was not long delayed and she was not long in waiting before moving on. She reached down, trailing her soft fingertips over her leg before gripping the black bedsheets lightly and gently began to pull them away from her form. Katie seemed a restless sleeper, but she hoped that she was a deep, restless sleeper. Or at least one that took a few moments to get her bearings when suddenly awoken.

Author:  Katie [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Katie shivered as she felt the fingers trail down her bare leg, stirring for only a moment. The soft, small goosebumps blossomed along the pale flesh as the blanket was tugged away. She held onto it only as much as was necessary, the covers quite easy to pry from her hands.

At the touch, she mumbled something incoherent burying her head in the pillow, "Nnnngh... mmmmmmfffff Sai...." she said, caught in between a dream and waking, thinking perhps that the early morning visitor was her girlfriend sneaking in to snuggle up under the covers.

Little did she know, of course, what kind of surprise she was in for. She rolled her face into the pillow, her arm pulled up beneath it, making the hem of her shirt ride up, baring her pale, flat tummy and the waistband of those little red panties.

Author:  Lilac [ Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac found the covers rather easy to pull from Katie's grasp, running her hand over the now bared thigh, almost giggling as she felt goosebumps form on the pale skin. Her yellow eyes roamed over the mostly exposed girl and her hand slid upwards to her now revealed stomach before freezing as Katie mumbled something into the pillow. It was mostly garbled beyond recognition, but she caught what sounded to be the beginning of a name. Maybe a nickname. Now she laughed out softly and said lightly, no longer caring if the woman woke up, "Not quite." She had her in a rather defenseless position after all.

As the words left her mouth she pressed her other hand to Katie's stomach as well, both becoming far more fluid-like than human hands ever would be, one sliding into the waistband of her panties, the other under the rather interestingly designed shirt. Her eyes had moved to the pillow covering Katie's face, waiting for the offending item to be removed so she could see her prey's face. She wondered if it was as lovely as the rest of her body. She grinned inwardly, this was why she had refused the offer of the scientists for nutrient payments. This method of getting them was far more enjoyable.

Author:  Katie [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Katie groaned, hearing that voice but unsure if it was part of the dreamworld or something from waking reality. She pushed herself up from the bed, her hair falling half in front of her face as she sat up. Her head still swimmy with sleep, she pushed the heels of her palms into her eyes and groaned, trying to figure out what was going on.

Oh god, how much did I drink last night? she thought with another groan, yawning and feeling how dry and swollen her tongue felt, Cottonmouth, ugh... and I probably smell like the inside of a prosthetic leg... she thought as she yawned again, now finally feeling that strange substance crawling across her front and beneath the waistband of her bottoms, Oh jeez, did I fall asleep and spill the grenadine in my bed again? This is going to take forever to wash out.

She finally opened her eyes, looking to the strange shape before her. She squinted, not unduly worried just yet because it still looked like a girl thanks to the darkness and her sleep-addled brain, "Who the hell are you?" she asked, "How'd you get in my room?"

Author:  Lilac [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac chuckled again as Katie awoke, sitting up and focused her bleary eye upon her form. She guessed that the darkness was hiding her true identity rather well as the woman responded to her as if she was a human intruder. Well she doubted that Katie would be under that impression for much longer. Grin still on her face she replied lightly "Through the door obviously. And I am called Lilac"

Katie's first warning that something, besides Lilac's presence of course, was amiss is that her liquefied hands would continue to slide up under her shirt, ignoring gravity. And if that wasn't enough, upon reaching the neck and sleeves of the shirt, Lilac hardened her skin slightly and ripped upwards, tearing the shirt away from Katie's form. Her panties suffering a similar fate moments later.

Now that Katie was naked and even more vulnerable than she was moments before, Lilac reformed her hands back into the semi solid impression of human ones and attempted to place them on her shoulders and press her to the bed. Lilac wasn't 'strong' by most monster's standards, but she certainly weighed a surprising amount given the extreme density of the liquid within her.

Author:  Katie [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

I am called...? she thought to herself with a shudder, that being the first tip off that something was horribly awry. Oh the horrors that reflexive speech usually signaled on this damn island.

Her second was, of course, the shredding of her clothing, the hands pulling through it and leaving a wide tear in the front of her shirt and her panties, leaving her pale flesh bare and exposed to the hungry eyes of her attacker.

"Jesus!" she shrieked, crawling backwards along the bed as the hands pulled away and re-formed, her chest rising and falling with each breath, "I fucking liked that shirt!"

She fell back at the push of those hands on her shoulders, pinned to the bed by the surprising density of her gel-like attacker, her voice now more frightened then angry as she squealed, her eyes wide, "Wh-what the hell are you doing?"

Author:  Lilac [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

It was odd what the human mind focused on when terrified. Some focused on the situation, mind frantically trying to discover a way out. Others focused on religion or dead family. Even others simply shut down as the mind's panic center wrested the control of their very muscles from them. Katie apparently... focused on the state of her shirt.

Lilac was glad to find that pinning her hadn't been much of an issue. She loathed chasing her prey. Especially when she already was fairly low on both energy and nutrients as it was. As fear replaced anger in Katie's voice she replied lightly "The fucking scientists wanted a few samples. I provided them and now I need to replace what I lost. You my dear are going to provide that. And stop screaming already. They make these places nearly sound proof for a reason. No one is going to save you."

Lilac lifted her leg and slipped it over Katie to her other side and pulled herself onto the bed. Lilac's legs now became fluid like from her 'knees' down and rolled over Katie's own knees and calves, hardening once they had covered them completely. Now certain that escape was impossible and making sure to keep the majority of her weight directly off of Katie, Lilac's hands slid from her shoulders to her pale breast, climbing up their surface till the rested on top of them and she grinned. If her intentions hadn't been completely understood when she entered, they likely would now.

Author:  Katie [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

"I know these dorms are soundproof," she spat back, glaring up at the figure that had ensnared her legs in that strange, cast-like cocoon, "You're not the first person to break into my- Hey! What the hell!?" she looked down as she felt those hands on her perky chest rubbing over the orbs.

She shivered as the hands moved over her breasts. They were oddly dry for the look of the liquid girl on top of her. Dry and smooth, they reminded her slightly of the outside skin of a water balloon. She bit her lower lip harshly, squirming at the touch as she felt the tender peaks of her nipples betray her, stiffening up at the cool touch.

Her mind raced, trying to think of what to do to get out of this situation. She considered punching the girl, but figured that would just get her hand stuck. Fire might work, but she couldn't reach the lighter in her bedside table. And besides, she couldn't guarantee that her attacker wasn't hugely flammable and would burn the whole room down with her. She settled for glaring, unsure of how she could possibly escape her fate.

Author:  Lilac [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac sighed lightly at Katie's continued sharp and loud tone, a shockingly human response, before saying in a not so pleasant tone "Look. Like I said. I need you to replenish what the scientists took from me. So be a good little food source and be quiet or I am going to have to gag you." She seemed to glare back at her, but it wasn't exactly easy to do so without certain facial muscles and eyelids. It just appeared to be a intense stare of sorts. The again since she couldn't blink she was always staring, but that was beside the point.

Her hands began to move over her pale breasts, beginning by sliding over the entirety of their surface and rolling them slightly. She grinned as Katie's nipples began to harden and gave her breasts a small squeeze before bringing her fingertips up to the hardening nubs. She toyed with them for a while, pulling and twisting them lightly before she seemed to grow bored with that and her hands suddenly shifted into an almost millipede-like appearance, a smooth back with an uncountable amount of smallish tendrils underneath. She brought them down onto her breasts and Katie would feel a couple wrap around her nipples and manipulate them while the rest simple 'licked' over nearly every square inch of her orbs. She had given a small amount of moisture to each tendril so in a way the feel might be likened to being licked by them.

Author:  Katie [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Katie glared, though her righteous anger faltered quite noticeably at those hands groping her chest. She fell back against the pillow, letting out a moan as a blush colored her cheeks, her breath coming in quick little pants as she shook her head, trying to ignore the sensations.

Christ... she thought as the hands shifted, feeling like thousands of little tongues playfully working over her breasts, God help me, I'm a sucker for a cute girl, even if she is made out of jello.

She felt helpless, ashamed, and disappointed in herself as her body reacted. She could really care less about the reasons behind the room invasion, only that she was here now and there didn't look like a way for her to get out.

"Gag me? Why, you obviously know the rooms are soundproof," she groaned at the touch, closing her eyes and shivering, "Besides, I've been complimented on my voice before, especially my singing..." she observed wryly, trying to come up with anything to distract her from the situation at hand.

Author:  Lilac [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac watched intently as Katie's head fell back onto the pillow, a smirk coming to her face. "That's better" Her odd shaped hands continuing to work over her breasts. One applied a fair amount of pressure, squeezing the soft orb as it slowly pulled away, the tendrils holding onto it for as long as possible before sliding away, Lilac's eyes watching the breast bounce lightly. "Oh your voice is quite nice. I just don't like screaming. It gets rather annoying. I have to do this after all" Ok, that was an outright lie, there were more efficient alternative methods than this, but this was the most fun of her choices. She was a sucker for a pretty girl as well.

Tendriled hand that hand just left her breast slid slowly down her body, tickling over her tummy until it crept onto her sex. Tendrils immediately set to work, focusing on running along her slit, netherlips and working on freeing her clit. The other hand remained on one of her breasts, continuing its ministrations to it. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize Lilac was enjoying herself immensely, her smirk remaining on her face as Katie shivered beneath her.

Author:  Katie [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

"W-well, my ap-pologies..." she stammered as she felt the tendril trailing over her flat, pale tummy, making its way between her legs. She clamped her thighs shut upon its approach, but that did little to stop the amorphous limb, the tendril-clad length squeezing through the tiny gap between her thighs and forcing them to allow it entry.

a soft moan left her lips as the little feelers peeled past the lips of her sex, teasingly exploring her tender pink folds, "I'll try... to make this... more pleasant for you..." she gasped between deep breaths, forcing herself to roll her eyes, her nipples achingly erect and her tender, sensitive clit beginning to be teased out from its fleshy hood.

Author:  Lilac [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Things That Go Bump in The... Morning (Katie)

Lilac's 'hands' continued their work over her breast and sex, their movements becoming a tad bit more focused as it was obvious that Katie was beginning to enjoy this despite herself. The tendrils at her breast began to rotate around her nipple, one of them wrapping around the hardened peak and giving it gentle pulls and twists. The one at her sex parted her lips, the tendrils mercilessly working over her pink folds and one wrapping her clit and mirroring the attention the other was giving to her nipple. Lilac leaned in and captured the long abandoned nipple in her mouth and suckled on it, finding the urge to do so too much of a temptation to ignore.

After a few minutes of teasing Katie in such a way she withdrew her head from the abused nipple and surprisingly the 'cast' that had been trapping her legs reformed into two human ones. Looking down at her she said "Roll over and get on your hands and knees." Her voice held both a commanding tone and the assured belief that Katie would do as she asked. What would she do to escape at this point anyways? Her hands loosened their grips on her, giving her the freedom of movement to do as commanded.

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