Shokushu High School

Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)
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Author:  Calidare [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

It was night, the skies clear and the air crisp with a hint of salt from the near by ocean, I was perched in a tree near the dorms, feeling restless thanks to the hidden devices around the campus that had more then one use other then hiding the screams of some of the victims who received the attention of the so called monsters that don’t really exist here on the Island, but in truth the school was much more then what it appeared, little did most of the students know they were going to be slaves of pleasure unless they managed to be freed before the creature that had taken a fancy to selected student wasn’t able to bypass there boarder line in space then they would most likely join with the Alien Defense Directorate or also known as A.D.D.

I notice one of the new student sneaking out of the dorm and smiled to myself. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Ah yes she is new and it seems unspoiled, think I should give her a warm welcome.” I chuckle to myself and quickly turn invisible to avoid any unnecessary detection from this student till I wish to be notice, I link my mind to hers and start perusing her memories as I give one powerful flap of my snow white wings soon I’m high over the campus looking down at this girl, who seemed to be on a midnight stroll.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Ducking around corners the raven haired beauty moved into the courtyard of the Dormrooms. The large central open area was filled with a warm breeze, as was usual on the island. She had just recently arrived, only been to classes for about a day.

her white sating nightwear clung to her lovely body; long shapely legs and arms, slender neck, pert round butt and while not overly large, nicely sized perky breast all were framed in the shimmering material, a T shirt, and drawstring pants. she wore white sneakers over plain white anklewhite socks. The way her clothing clung to her you could tell she wore no bra, but some form of underwear.

It was late, too late for students to be out and about the campus but Lucia didn't care. She also did not know of the creatures that inhabited the island to prey on nubile female flesh. Or that one was currently stalking her probing her memories, finding out she knows martial arts to a degree, and that intimately, she has never been with a man willingly. A dark memory of a night she wished she could forget, of three men in a park of some urban habitat. Memories of family that sent her here to be schooled, the plane ride that her memory cuts short only to awaken on the island.

[i]Good[/i], she thought to herself, this place is nice and large, plently of exploring to do and maybe even some quiet getaways outside of my room where I can stargaze and study in peace.

Author:  Calidare [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Looking down at her from my position was a quite pleasing sight as she walked under the tree I was perched in a was able to tell she was not wearing any bra and had a nice view of her cleavage, smiling and still probing her memories I caught the fact she never been with a man intimately which gave me a good idea where to focus on, looking deeper into her mind I searched her deepest desires and what would attract her to a man, I followed closely behind from above making no noise what so ever.

I was admiring how she walked as her hips swayed to the left and right, I could tell she was trying to be sneaky not wanting to be caught by the staff but had she known about the creatures on the island.

I doubt she would have tried to explore during night time and lacking company, but like the girls who formed a secret club long ago to bond with each other and hoping the numbers in there group would help protect them they soon found out more monsters would come to play with the group, so that was the way of this island. It gave most monster great pleasure when they fought back.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Her mind raced as she looked around as she came to another tree backing herself against it. The position reminded her of fantasies she used to have about being bound to something as the guys she was attracted to had their way with her. She bit her lower lip as the thought crept into her mind and she looked for the next spot to move too. She leaned off the tree to look around it, keeping her hands and ass pressed to the bark which caught slightly but didn't tear. She noticed that there wouldn't be any cover till the other end of the courtyard. leaning back up against the tree she decided now was as good a place as any to catch her breath and take in the scenery. The school was beautiful, the island kept the nights warm but something was off.

She couldn't quite place it but as she gazed upwards a bit at the sky she couldn't make out a single formation. This sky was alien to her.

The night was lovely, relaxing, she would stay here for a moment, lost in her thoughts. Those of a boy back home, fantasizing about what it would feel like to have him run his hands along her, brush his lips against her neck. It made her grin to herself as she closed her eyes, another beeze causing the fabric of her top to graze her nipples, becoming slightly erect at the feeling. A soft moan left her lips and her breathing became deeper. Oh to be helpless against someone. The thought alone made her aroused.

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Thinking to myself and smiling ‘So she enjoys the idea of being tied up does she?’ I notice how the tree caught to her drawstring pants which gave me an idea, I manipulated the bark to snag more to the pants so when she bolted to the nearest hiding spot it would rip them almost completely off, but just to make sure I weaken the stitching in the pants to fall apart at the right time when she pulled away from the tree.

Now to make things to go the way I wanted them, taking the beautiful girl would be best if it was in private for me I looked around the area and her thoughts was true this area was a bit open but I manipulated the area to have a bush conveniently to run to and hide behind, it was a low bush and at first glance she would have thought she missed seeing it, to make sure I imprinted it in her mind that it was there.

’Hmm what would make her move from this spot?’ I asked myself, I looked around where I could get her to go and so the tree line was be the best place and created an illusion of the boy that she was fantasizing about and placed him by a tree crouched as if trying not to be seen looking at the dorms window I made him look like he sighed and walked into the tree line disappearing from sight, before having him completely disappearing from sight I made sure she notice before he walked into the tree line.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Looking at the form she couldn't quite make it out but as she stepped away from the tree she could hear a tearing sound and quickly stopped to look back at her satin pajama pants caught on the tree, she tried to pull it off but instead it just tore, leaving the upper portion of her pants making them look little more than ragged shorts. Leaving the remains at the tree she sprinted for the tree line, wanting to catch up with the shape she saw that was oh so familiar.

Author:  Calidare [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

I smiled as she went after the illusion I had setup to get her to move where I wanted her, I watched how she ran and disappeared into the woods. I wasn’t worried about loosing track with her because I had linked my mind with her, I knew exactly where she was. With one powerful flap of my wings I was up in the air in seconds moving in the direction she had went and landed a few meters into the brush before her hidden as I change myself into the guy she had a crush on when she was in high school, I make it easy for her to find me by stepping on a branch as it makes a loud cracking sound.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Lucia looks around as she steps lightly through the brush, her azure eyes scanning the shurbbery and trees for any sign of the figure she had just seen. Unable to see anything she hazarded a name. "V...Victor...?" It was just over a whisper, she didn't want to be caught out here. The loud snapping of a tree branch made her jump with a start, causing her perky breast to bounce with the motion of excitement as she spun to see where the source of the sound came from. From the brush, stadning about 5 inches taller than her, a fit, auburn haired young man with a strong chin and a stronger physique stepped into view.

Lucia's heart began to race as the man stepped out, "W...what are you doing here? How did you get here?"

Author:  Calidare [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

I smiled at Lucia, "Hello Luci, it has been a long time hasn’t it? I had no idea you would have been going to this school, I was sure I wasn’t spotted but then again I didn’t think anyone was outside." I slowly walk up to Lucia my finger brushing the strands of hair away from her face. "Still beautiful as always. To answer your question I sneaked over her from the school on the other side of the island, I heard there was a all girls school and wanted to see it for my self." I told her as I straighten out the blazer with the school emblem like similar to the one like Shokushu but slightly different.

"So your staying at this school are you?" I asked even though I knew the whole story since I was already looking at every bit of her memories and desires.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

The rush of his skin, the touch of his hand, something she had missed. They had never done anything back home, not really, one drunken party she made out with him but nothing more. Her heart began to race but there was a sinking feeling in her stomach she couldn't place. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what was wrong. Her eyes closed and she intook a sharp breath at his touch, the sound of his voice. Then it hit her. He was here, something that could not be. When she applied to the school, it was a "private Island". There were no other schools here, what was going on? She couldn't figure it out. How did he get here? Why was he here? And what was he doing out at night checking out this school even if there was another one on the other end of the island. Why not come during the day? All schools have visiting hours, rules, etc.

Opening her eyes she stepped into him, gazing up at his face, her sapphire eyes glittering from the moonlit sky.

"Tell me something...." Her voice soft, just above a whisper as she wrapped her arms around his waist and arms keeping them at his sides. Her body pressing against him. "Who are you?"

Author:  Calidare [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

I smiled at Lucia, "Don’t you remember me? It’s Victor, don’t you remember the party we was at? Umm we both had a bit to much to drink and we started making out, I mean we didn’t really do anything other then kiss but I would think I was a good kisser, or least I had hoped you would have remember that." I told Lucia as I pretended to looking a bit hurt about her not remembering that.

I lightly struggled trying to get my arms free from this grasp she had me in, if I wanted to it would have been easy to do so with minimal use of force, I had stopped and let her hold onto me the way she did. "You know it’s kind of hard to wrap my arms around you like this." I told her as I chuckled looking deep into her sapphire eyes as I sighed and gave her a quick kiss on her nose as I smiled at her, being this close to her I was sure she would have notice something starting to awaken down below and I made myself blush because of it. "Sorry but being this close to you is starting to get me excited." I tell Lucia as I drop my eyes to look away acting as if I was embarrass, I had manuvered my hand so they could least feel like they was holding her hips but remaining bound by her hands and arms.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

Lucia slid her arms up and around her neck as she leaned up as if to move to kiss him. A dream she thought, this must be a dream, Victor was never this affectionate sober, but she didnt care. The trip to the school was long, and she yearned for home. Something tickled at the back of her mind that something wasn't right but she ignored it. The feeling of his warmth against her, and his hands on her hips, she closed her eyes as she leaned in.

"I don't believe you.. But.. If this is indeed a dream, I am glad it looks like you..." She whispered to him

Author:  Calidare [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

I smiled at Lucia, "Well Luci, if this is a dream then you wouldn’t really care what happens to you then would you?" I say to her as I back her into a tree my hands holding onto her ass firmly. She had closed her eyes and leaned into me waiting for are lips to connect and I gave her what she wanted and placed my mouth over Lucia and thrust my tongue into her mouth and began to probe, my tongue encircling hers in a warm fleshy battle of tongues.

My body pressed up to hers as my member slowly began to awaken I let one of her ass cheeks go as that hand slowly slid up her side finding its way under her T-shirt my hand touching her soft skin as I had intended it to cup her breasts but I paused just short of her orb.

Author:  Lucia-Renaxi [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

a small gasp left her lips as she was pushed back into the tree, her mouth then devoured by his as his tongue danced with hers behind her lips. the feeling of him pressing her back against the tree, gripping her ass further aroused her as she and Him kissed. She felt his hands slide up underneath her tank top, and then stop just before his hand reached her luscious breast. She pulled back slightly from the kiss to look at him puzzingly as to why he stopped from reaching his hand around her lovely flesh.

Author:  Calidare [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unwanted Welcome (Lucia Zecchine)

I grin at her as my hand takes hold of her breast and I pinch her nipple. "I guess its time I make this dream into a nightmare for you." I chuckle as I pull my hand away from her breast and I let go of her tight ass. "Boys, its time to tie her up." I place both hands on the top of her tank top and rip it open as a few people come out of the shadows of the trees all men about the same age as Victor, it was apparent they had came prepared as on of them tied one end of the rope around your wrist and wrapped it around the tree and tied the Lucia other wrist making it hard for her to move her arms now.

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