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 The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose) 
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Post The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
It's nighttime, and once again, the whole island is asleep. Student lie in their bed, with their dreams full of sugary sweet coating, and they sleep snugly and safely.

However, that's on a different island, and a different story...this one is a unique one altogether.

Tonight, the island has been blessed by the moon on it's new began to darken early in the evening, when the moonlight still managed to peal through the dark skies, only to appear to be eaten by some fearsome monster, a sky Leviathan or a huge dragon. At around sometime halfway through, the skies were completely dark, and the moon hid behind a dark umbra, unseen to the naked eye.

It was nights like these when students had their ideas and darkest fantasies fulfilled. Some went out of bed and of their rooms for nighttime strolls with their friends, often on the beach, or in the outdoors. They were out looking for fun, or whatever fun there was to be had. Some just went out for the thrill of it, and some still...had other ideas than just going out for good, clean fun.

This night was different for one particular student. The darkened sky beckoned to her, as if from a distant dream. She was actually jolted out of bed, literally, and there was something behind her subconscious pulling at her, as if there was someone calling to her to go out, risk it all, just for the thrill of it...

In the shadows, however, malevolent eyes abound, eyeing the hallways which were surprisingly full of unseen activity in the dark. Their various states of lightly dressed frivolity beckoned, but the hallways were too populated...even for the stranger in the dark.

He decided to wait and hold back. Opportunity comes a-knocking to those who wait, they said, and he had plenty, plenty time.

The night was only just beginning.

Lilitu, of Hell
Uncle Red's Little Black Book
[always up for an RP, folks...just PM me!]

Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:43 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
Bolting awake, the action causing the rather lovely breast of the blond haired beauty to bounce slightly within the confines of her grey cotton camisole, Crystal found herself surprisingly awake and alert. After trying to go to sleep again, and failing miserably, the azure eyed angel saw the sky through her window and felt strangely drawn to check it out outside. The weather was always pleasant here at the school, in fact, everything was pleasant, except for the monsters that she knew lurked here. It had been a month or so however since her last encounter and Crystal decided she would sneak out and do some stargazing if she could manage it. Sliding out of bed, revealing her toned pale legs, pillars of heaven that led up to her sensual midrift, the area covered by a white cotton panty, she crept over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of white socks and grey sweat pants and pulled them on. She debated putting on her shoes but chose against it to keep her foot falls soft. Fixing the frizz out of her radiant locks she then moved to the door and silently and cautiously opened it.

Making a painstaking effort to be silent she crept out of her room and after checking that no monitors were around she began to make her way down the hall, unaware of the eyes that would surely have noticed her lithe, nubile form. She moved with a natural and sexual grace that caused her hips to sway, the cotton fabric of her clothes clung tightly to her delectable body, toned and fit from working out regularly. An exceptionally attractive girl with a face and body that seemed to have been lovingly carved from the finest of ivory by a master sculptor the student prowled silently to try and make her way out towards the courtyard of her dorm. Her slow, deep, controlled breaths making her chest rub against the inside of her top, causing her pink, small nipples harden slightly. She would stretch around the corners in a provocative but unconscious pose to try and peek around. She pressed her back against the walls as she moved stealthily along the hallways.

It's pretty empty tonight. She mused to herself as she moved.

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Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:08 am
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Post Re: The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
The demon was lurking in the dark. At most, he knew he would appreciate the covers the darkness had given unto him, the silent malevolence of it that gave people reason to avoid going out at night. However, this was an island mostly different from all others, and the inhabitants of it were not of the same mold as the real world was. This was a different time, and an entirely different situation.

He was sifting through the shadows at ease, mainly because on this island, it seemed that there was conveniently plenty of it. There was the forest, and the place where he was going...the dorm building...was built conveniently near the shadow of a great mountain. It could have been a natural mountain, or a dormant volcano, but frankly he did not care. The shadow it cast, with what little moonlight the moon cast, provided him a perfect cover for voyeurism purposes, something he didn't have in the morning. The forest, also near the dorms, was perfect, but he needed to be closer to see if there was someone foolish enough to venture near the shadows.

As it appears, tonight he was blessed.(Ironic, for him)

As far as he knows, something...or most likely, someone was moving in the halls across him. Even the tiniest sound can be as audible as a loud bang for a creature of the dark, and his senses were all focused right now, when he needed them the most. It was someone, he was willing to bet, and the shadows of the dark halls would provide him a cover. But first, precious energy expended. He closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was somewhere inside the dorms, near the room of some young beauty whose peals were matched by another one with the same pitch and intonation. Jackpot. He knew he was inside, and he looked for the little mouse who made the sound...and upon seeing the source, knew right there and then that this was NO little mouse.

She was perfectly perfect in her dress, that camisole that covered her top but failed miserably to hide those little nubs that made the demon sweat. She was clad down there in socks and sweat pants, but the combination made her look like a perfect example of a sorority high-schooler in heat. At least, that's what he pictured her out, and he knew he had found his prey for the evening.

Time to stalk, he thought to himself.

Lilitu, of Hell
Uncle Red's Little Black Book
[always up for an RP, folks...just PM me!]

Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:56 am
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Post Re: The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
Completely unawares, the student crept down the hall, a cat stalking an unknown prey. Little did the angelic student know, that she was the prey tonight. Without too much trouble, Crystal made it to the last hallway before the courtyard at the center of her Dorm building. An open sky, garden of concrete pathways and beautiful plants. A utopia to the modern young woman during the day. This surprisingly sizable garden was a moonlit paradise to those wayward souls brave or foolish enough to venture out passed curfew.

So far so good, the radiant student mused to herself breathing a sigh of relief. She was almost there, the last time she went stargazing was when she was first here at Shokushu... The memory of that night was burned into her mind for eternity. Watching the comet fall, which turned out to actually be some inhuman creature that... She shook her head dispelling the memory, it was a several months ago, recently things had been quiet for the azure eyed lovely. She prayed tonight would be just as calm.

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:51 am
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Post Re: The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
The calm night was actually affecting the monster as well, him thinking that somehow this night was going to present something different. A bit of help as well, but more than that, there was something with this night that made him more at ease with his actions.

Perhaps it was the serene sky, the moonless sky which showered the dark grounds with shadows upon shadows. Rows upon rows of trees looked malevolent and evil for some reason, and some of the had the illusion of movement, as if there was something hiding behind them, or more like something was moving between them. Yet this did not stop the student from finding herself into the open courtyard of the dorms, which she seemed to frequent, judging from the expression of her face.

The old demon decided to look into her mind stealthily, probing it and finding the reason as to why she was so fond of the place. There were distant memories of a calm night such as this, where she had been...well...the memories were a pleasant movie playing out for the monster, but it did not seem to be a pleasant memory for her.

Moving closer to her, behind the shadow of a great tree, the old demon tried to think of a way to get the girl without much fuss, scanning his strategies for the best way to approach the situation.

Lilitu, of Hell
Uncle Red's Little Black Book
[always up for an RP, folks...just PM me!]

Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:14 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Moon is Dark Tonight...(Crystal Rose)
Crystal moved gazing skyward, glancing at the ways the moonlight played off the trees and bushes of the garden. Her sky colored eyes seemed to sparkle in the starlight as she grinned to herself a pleasant thought moving through her mind as she strode silently and gracefully among the rows of stone pathway that made up the courtyard. During the day this place was filled with students studying or hanging out, but tonight, in the stillness of midnight it was her own private garden. She didn't recognize any constellations in the sky and she wondered where she truly was. The island, this, "school" as it is supposed to be. She knew it for what it really was, this place was a hunting ground for depraved and lustful creatures, to prey upon the students.

Even knowing this she still was out here by herself, the attacks weren't so frequent and she learned that even if she was attacked, it seemed no place on here was safe, she couldn't do much about it. The gym, the outer grounds, the roof, even her own room was not safe. The best she could hope for was escape from one of the heathens before it could get her. She moved up to the base of a rather large tree near the center of the courtyard gardens. She placed her delicate looking hand against its bark and she mused to herself at how old such a tree must be.

Send me a PM if you want to do a scene! I am always up for starting a new scene!
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Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:24 am
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