Shokushu High School

Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)
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Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar sighed as she walked into the laundromat clutching her laundry basked to one side. She had spent all day working on a paper for class and had almost completely forgotten about doing laundry until she was getting ready to have her clothes laid out for the next day.

With nothing wear tomorrow, she had to do a late night was. Already most of the girls were asleep in the dorms as the blue haired student had made to the laundromat in the basement. All she had was a pair of cut-off shorts that normally were too tight to wear in public and a t-shirt that mostly covered her chest leaving a small potion of midriff exposed.

As she began to pit her clothes in the washing machine, Ishtar was greatful that no matter when anyone used the washing machine and dryers; they didn't seem to disturb anyone above. After getting her whites and collars separated into different machines, Ishtar added the detergent and began to wash. The blue haired student then found a seat and pulled out a romance novel and began to read while she waited for washing machine to finish.

Author:  Therion [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

The soft hum of the machines is the only noise that seems to fill the room as Ishtar enjoys her book. Of course the noise covers up the sounds of the door shutting and locking as a robotic spider like creature quickly scales the wall and hides once again in the shadows up above. Keeping it's eyes trained on her. The camera inside feeds the live feed to the real "monster", Morloch. Sitting upon his throne he watches as the blue haired student relaxes. Her clothes doing little to hide her curves and arousing figure, which only adds fuel to his desire to have her. But first he decides he will toy with her just a little.

The sound of something groaning fills the room as it seems the washing machine she placed her clothes in, is starting to slow then until it grinds to a halt and stops completely. The lights flickering on and off as it seems there was a power surge. Maybe the machine just needs to be restarted or she can just use one of the others.

But when she goes to look, her clothes seem to have vanished, almost as if the machine ate them and the only trace is a small piece of cloth stuck at the bottom of the machine.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar was happily reading her book when suddenly had heard one of the washing machine she was using beginning to make a loud noise from it. The machine began to shake and rattle a bit as all sorts of lights flashed on and off on the machine until it suddenly came to halt. It was way too early to finished alright. What the heck?

The blue haired student put her book down as she walked over to the machine, as she opened it she looked in to find all her clothes were gone. She looked again in disbelief as there was no sign of her clothes except a single piece cloth stuck at bottom of the machine. Ishtar reached down to pull the cloth free in hopes of understanding what happened.

Author:  Therion [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

It seems stuck almost like it's being held by something else but finally it seems to come loose only for something to hit against her ass and push her into the machine itself. It may seem like a bad dream but somehow the machine seems alot bigger inside then it should be as the lid shuts almost leaving her completely in the dark.

Nothing happens for a few moments then something seems to move under her, it almost feels like she is sitting on a floor full of snakes but there is no hisses and they feel quite cold to touch. Like metal.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar was tugging on the free the piece of cloth but it simply wouldn't move at all. As position herself to get a better grip of the cloth, she felt some hit her rear with a great amount of force. Suddenly she tumbled in to the machine, falling inside the machine itself. Somehow, it was impossibly huge on inside as if the young woman had fallen into a washing machine equivalent of that police box from that British show. As she attempted to sit up from the fall, she could see the lid shut, leaving with almost no light.

Somebody, anybody. Let me out!!!!! The woman stood up trying to figure out what to do next. Soon however, she could feel the floor come alive as things began to slither past to her feet, cold to the touch there was many of them. It was like the entire floor had come alive with snakes.

Author:  Therion [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

The bizarre nightmare seems to only continue as these cold steel snakes begin to wrap around her ankles and wrists, moving up along her body slowly. One of them prods at her stomach, the cold steel against her naked flesh before it rubs against it's surface and glides upwards. It pulls away at her top only to dive into her cleavage, wiggling between her breasts as it comes out the bottom of the clothing only to start pulling.

It keeps putting strain on her top until it finally gives, ripping open and pulling away from her body leaving her breasts to bounce free. Her hands are held firm so she can't cover up. She's at their mercy now trapped inside the machine.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar suddenly felt her wrists and ankled get bound in cold steel as the snakes began to make their way up her nubile body. She shivered a little as one of the cold metal thing slid up against her stomach before making its way up to her chest and diving into her cleavage. Ishtar squirmed as she could feel the metal object wiggling between her breasts.

No...please, stop. Let me go. Somebody help. But the metalic creature could care less as it began to pull on her shirt. The shirt was stretched until it suddenly ripped apart, releasing her orbs from the bonds. As she watched her mound bound she realized that she was in alot of trouble.

Author:  Therion [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Slowly they coil around her soft breasts before constricting. Squeezing her orbs hard enough to make them stick out even more only making her nipples perfect targets for the rest to begin rubbing against. Running circles around her nipples before flicking against the hardened tips almost playfully but of course whatever is doing this is just enjoying her body, taking it slow before he really starts to toy with it.

She is pulled up onto her feet almost only for her shorts to begin to slide down her legs, descending slowly as if savouring the moment her ass and pussy come into view, allowing her to feel the fabric slowly slipping off and leaving her naked and unable to cover up or move.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar gasped as she felt the snakes begin around her orbs. As she blushed as she felt more snakes begin to rub her nipples. Slowly but surely she could feel her nipples begin to harden as her breasts swelled. Ahhhh....please....nooo...

However she could feel her shorts be pulled down slowly and methodically. It was as almost like there was an audience watching as her more and more of her private areas were exposed. It wasn't to long until she could feel those shorts slide down her legs as she was left bare to whatever was controlling this washing machine. If it was ever a washing machine to begin with.

Author:  Therion [ Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

If anything, the entire scene seems to become more bizarre as a large spotlight suddenly turns on, focusing entirely on her body and of course leaving every detail exposed clearly. If she looks she will be able to see the "snakes" are actually made of metal and seem to me made of wires tangled around one another over and over like these are machines given life. To make it worse, cameras begin to come into view around her like she is on some from of show.

Of course this will only increase the idea that she is being watched but the far more important questions is by who and how many. If it's a live broadcast or being uploaded just so many people will see her like this. Maybe even sent around the campus.

The "washing" machine seems to have been a trap since the start with her being pulled down into a room below the one she was just in. This one seems to be alive with these robotic snakes and perhaps much more hidden in the darkness around her.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar was temporarily blinded for a second by a bright light, then slowly her eyes adjusted to the light. She screamed as she realized what the snakes were around her, they were just simply wires, wires upon wires. Somebody somehow is making the wires come alive. It was then she notice the cameras surrounding her.

No, not like this. Ishtar struggled to cover her shame, but the snakes were holding her too tightly to let her move. Please don't film me like this. Ishtar face turned beet red when she realized that anyone could be watching her right now.

As she worried about where she was being broadcasts, she was being pulled down to a bigger room. Please let me go. The entire room seemed to be filled with these snakes, at least the part of the room she could see. However, she was sure her troubles were just beginning.

Author:  Therion [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

The "snakes" seem to back off, leaving her in her moment of shame and humiliation as the cameras start to move closer and move around her, almost taking in every detail. Her legs are spread apart to give them a good close-up of her pussy before they back off again as the sound of beating wings can be heard and a buzzing like noise.

If she thought the snakes were bad she's in for alot worse as strange robotic giant wasp like creatures come into view, hovering in the air around her. It's just like a bad dream turning worse as suddenly they begin to dive onto her body. One lands upon her head and starts to poke it's artifical member against her lips until it forces it inside as more begin to land upon her body. One landing on her waist infront and the other from behind as they both seem in the perfect position to fill both her entrances at once.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Suddenly the snakes began backing off the young woman, Ishtar immediately tried to pull her friends apart, but she couldn't free herself from the cables. She had no choice but accept the cameras as they came closer. They scanned every inch of her making sure that every curve of her body was recorded, even her lower lips. Then they too mysteriously began to back off.

At first Ishtar thought it was over, then she heard the flapping of wings approach. Her head turned in the direction of the noise, as her breasts bounce slightly in surprised. She saw things that looked liked gigantic robotic wasps rapid fly in and surround her. She could feel the pressure of her head as one felt like it was perched on her head.

A second later, the wasp's member is driven to her lips and pushes through into her mouth. The blue haired student's protest was muffled as he could feel two more of the creatures land on her back and belly. It was clear where they were heading next and there was nothing the young woman could do.

Author:  Therion [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

The strange artificial member in her mouth is coated with a slime like substance that seems to only add to the humiliation but also serves a purpose as they are coated with traces of the drug Morloch uses. It's not instant and with such small doses it will need her body to be aroused before it really kicks in. In truth he is testing it out. His first test subject almost became another person under it's full control, who lusted and desired for more and more. How will this girl react to it?

Of course the two at her waist leave little to guess as to just what they have planned as they trace their wet members around in circles around her soft pussy's lips and her much tighter ass. They seem to be taunting her by always making it feel like they are about to push inside only to pull back. Finally they both drive inside her body at once.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doing the Laundry (for Morloch)

Ishtar could feel lips and throat get coated in some sort of slime thatwas being emitted from the wasp's member. She couldn't imagine what she looked like with some of the slime dripping down her chin. But soon she was distracted as she felt the wasps around her waist began to act, she could feel them begin to make circles around her sensitive nether regions. Several times they threatened to enter but pulled back at once, leaving her wondering when they were going to penetrate her helpless body. Suddenly they both drove in simultaneously, sending Ishtar's head pointed skyward. She let out a muffled moan as the wasp continued to thrust into her mouth. Slowly her head started to fall forward, she could feel the lust in her begin to build.

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