Shokushu High School

Settling in (open)
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Author:  Lynne Aika [ Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Settling in (open)

Kaida glanced mournfully around the room. Her parents had not even had time to come see off, since her mother was off socializing with somebody and her father was in an important business meeting. Although used to it, Kaida can't help but be a bit upset that her parents did not come to say goodbye to her. "I had no idea I was so tired, I thought I could get some reading done, but alas it is not to be." Kaida shakes her head. "Well I suppose I should get unpacked." She sighs disconcertingly and looks around the very, at least to her, small room. "I suppose it could be worse."

Laying her bags on the floor she quickly unpacks her things in an almost compulsively tidy way making sure everything is perfectly neat and tidy. Finally finishing unpacking she lays down on the bed with the door open for any who might want to come in and begins to read an obviously well read book.

Author:  Aurora [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Aurora is wandering the dorm when she notices the door open to one of the rooms.
Rather unusual - most of the students keep their dorms closed - and those who know the truth, keep them locked! Not that that seems to help much.

The pale amazon looks into the room, noticing the young woman reading on the bed.

"You must be new here." she says in a soft, musical voice.

The priestess stands there in a soft white robe that seems to emphasize her curves, and the long legs that appear through the slits on the side. "I'm Aurora." she says with a smile as she leans against the doorway, respecting the other girl's privacy unless invited in.

Author:  Lynne Aika [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

As Kaida was very deep into her book she did not even notice the strange new girl until she spoke causing Kaida to start slightly and turn around. Smiling brightly Kaida put down her book, and got up of the bed. "Indeed I am." Standing up Kaida did a rather melodramatic curtsy. "A pleasure to meet you, my name is Kaida and I pretty much just got here this morning. Had a fantastic sleep so I feel fresh and ready for anything today!"

Author:  Aurora [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

((OOC: Sorry - don't know how I missed this doing all my posts last weekend))

The priestess smiles slightly at Kaida's curtsy, and will give a respectful bow in return.

"I didn't mean to disturb you, I just saw your door open... and well, not many students keep their doors open around here." she says softly, still standing in the doorway since she hasn't been invited in.

"I'd be careful about saying that you were 'ready for anything' too loudly though. You never can tell who might hear you, or what they might take that to mean." the white-haired beauty says with a troubled laugh. It's almost like she's trying to brush off her own comment as a joke, but that a true warning underlies her words.

Author:  Lynne Aika [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

((OOC: It's fine I was kind of busy all last week anyway..))

Kaida laughed as well upon hearing the priestess' last sentence. "Something might hear me? I think you are being a bit paranoid it is not as if a coach is going to come over and make me do laps or a teacher make me start school. They are not that cruel, I hope. And as for your previous comment, well if I had not left my door open then I would not have met you."

Kaida smiled and winked at Aurora. "Alas what a tragedy that would have been, my life would never have been fulfilling as it could have been. Oh I am being rude, would you care to come in?"

Author:  Aurora [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Aurora blushes and laughs softly when Kaida talks about the 'tragedy' of not meeting her, but bows slightly to her when she is invited in.

"Thank you Kaida. And 'tragedy' might be overstating things just a little, but I'm honored and pleased to meet you as well." she responds as she walks into the room, and goes over to Kaida's desk to borrow her chair, rather than taking a more intimate seat near Kaida on the bed.

"As for the cruelty of the teachers - that all depends. But no, I was more speaking of the other girls hearing you. Being 'ready for anything' could easily get you invited to visit the 'orgy room'." she says with a playful smile, but watching Kaida intently to judge her reaction to the idea of an 'all girl orgy'.

Author:  Lynne Aika [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Blushes but grins none the less at the mention of an all girl orgy. "Ahh what a pity it would be if I was invited to one of those. I would feel obligated to come." Winks at Aurora again. "And if I was forced to come I would guess I would have to participate as well. Such as pity that would be."

"And as for the first part of the statement, are there really teachers that are cruel? I thought that school was quite nice, the teachers especially." Frowns slightly at the prospect of dealing with teachers who are anything but nice.

Author:  Aurora [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Aurora giggles and blushes at Kaida's witty response and nods playfully.

"I believe that if you came at an orgy, you would already be participating." she points out teasingly, blushing, but winking at the other girl. The priestess blushes a little more, "Unless you intended to put on a solo appearance." she says a bit pointedly.

When the conversation turns back to the school though, Aurora tries to take it seriously, although she is still blushing and giggling over the orgy conversation. "The school is... strict. You can get demerits, even detentions, for just the slightest of offense. And it seems that some of the teachers, and head girls.. well, they seem to have their 'favorite targets' - even if there are other, more obvious, offenders."

"I wouldn't say cruel - just perhaps not always equitable or fair."

Author:  Lynne Aika [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Kaida flashes a quick grin. "You are probably right I would already be in it, at least I would if I had anything to say about it. As for solo appearance's well I do like to be at the centre of the spotlight. To think I was worried that there would be nothing to do, I think I can most certainly lay that fear to rest."

Kaida after listening to the news on how strict the school is nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm that is quite annoying, as rules are more like guidelines in my opinion. If they actually strictly enforce the rules then I might have to curtail some of my activities." She sighs "Well I suppose I could not mess around forever, eventually I would have to actually follow rules. I suppose I will just have to hope that I do not become a favourite target around here. Well moving on from the boring school side. What is the most fun thing to do around here in your opinion?"

Author:  Aurora [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

"You are probably right I would already be in it, at least I would if I had anything to say about it. As for solo appearance's well I do like to be at the centre of the spotlight. To think I was worried that there would be nothing to do, I think I can most certainly lay that fear to rest."

Aurora blushes (or is that flushes) at Kaida's brazen remarks, and squirms a little on the chair where she sits across from the other student. The priestess tries to hide the fact that her nipples have tightened up against her light robe, or the fact that her eyes keep roaming away from Kaida's face.

What is the most fun thing to do around here in your opinion?

Aurora starts a little at being asked a question, having let herself be distracted by thoughts and daydreams brought on by the earlier sexual discussion. "What? Uhh.. fun.. around here?" And if possible, the pale girl goes even a bit redder as she tries to think past the answer that is upper most in her mind right now. "Umm.. well.. the beach is really nice.. and.. I enjoy walking through the woods myself.." she stammers out a bit awkwardly.

Author:  Lynne Aika [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Kaida's simile starts to widen at the very clear blushes or flushes on Aurora's face. Kaida's gaze is also now flicking all over Aurora's body, not even particularly trying to hide it. She grins and decides to play with Aurora a little while longer. "The beach or the woods hmmm? Well both of those sound like extremely stimulating places to visit, perhaps I should go right now. Unless of course there is anything to do in the dorm area. Such as cards or other such enthralling activities along those lines. What do you suggest..." Stops for a second. "How curious I do not believe I have asked your name, well then, what is your name?"

Author:  Aurora [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Settling in (open)

Aurora keeps getting distracted and flustered at her own growing arousal as Kaida flirts with her. She's barely even paying attention to the other girls words as her eyes keep roaming over Kaida's generous breasts, or down her legs. Thoughts of Kaida taking part in an orgy, with Rora.. or masturbating while Rora watches seem to be the only images that the priestess can keep in her mind.

As Kaida watches, Aurora's breathing comes even shallower, faster.. and the priestess squirms even more uncomfortably in her chair. If she's not mistaken, it looks like the priestess is practically going to have an orgasm just sitting in the chair.

She literally jumps, nearly falling out of the chair when Kaida asks her name again - Aurora's thoughts running wild - hadn't she introduced herself already... she thought she had.. but maybe not. The priestess is so confused and distracted that she doesn't notice that her robe has fallen open, baring one very large breast, and the long aroused nipple that crowns it. "Uhh..I... sorry... Aurora... Aurora.." she murmurs breathlessly, not realizing the Freudian slip she has made.

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