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 Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster) 
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Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:24 am
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Post Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
She couldn't take it, sent off to this school for what? Locked on an island where there are no boys, no alcohol, and no way out. At least this place had both majors she wanted to take. Finishing putting her belongings away in the small dorm room Khrystyna felt that it would be a good idea to get a feel for the campus. She fixed her bra underneath her pink t-shirt, and brushed her long black hair from her glittering green eyes. Walking out of the room she locked it behind her, after double checking she had her key and moved through the hallways. The Ukrainian angel moved with an unparalleled sexuality to her, like every motion was meant to accent her curves. She moved down two floors to the ground level of the dorm building into the common room, a TV was on but it was muted and there was surprisingly no students there. She audibly heard the door slam behind her. It made her jump, causing an interesting reaction to her lovely chest and ass, the latter bouncing slightly in her form fitting gray cotton jumpsuit pants.

"I am gonna have to remember to not let door close so hard next time..." she said softly to herself,

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:14 am

Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:27 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Thirteen was in the mood for a nice long... Ok, no. No. Thirteen did not need a break. Thirteen needed a girl. Not a steady relationship or anything. Just a little pretty thing to stuff full of cum that was technically sterile. He was just SO bored. He had situated himself in a common room, messing with the TV channels. He would never understand humans. Seeing as, technically, outside contact was strictly prohibited, didn't it seem a bit odd that students were allowed to watch the news, sports and Girls Gone Wild sex tapes? Wouldn't that make them miss their home even more?

As he gave up on channel searching, a girl came in. Quickly activated his invisibility function, Thirteen muted the tv from his perch on the ceiling. Held in place by six tentacles, Thirteen was master of stealth attacks. And this girl? She seemed rather chipper for a student at Shokushu. Thirteen doubted another student would happen upon this little room, especially on a day like this. Thirteen quickly slunk over to the door she had entered, still invisible. He loved the indefinite waiting periods he received from his "manufacturing." Invisibility was such a fine gift for the monster. His tentacles began to slink to the ground, surrounding the girl warily, but not striking. He quickly shut the door and planned his assault on the naive teenager.

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:06 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Shrugging to herself Khrystyna walked over to the short couch in front of the TV. Typical foam filled cushions and a Wooden frame that left a small space open under each arm. The girl laid down along the couch facing the screen and decided to stare at the screen, images from the screen reflected in her green eyes as she on her back, head tilted to face the device.

Well, nothing better to do I guess for right now, wonder what kind of channels this place has... She mused to herself, unaware of the creature stalking her.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:29 am

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Thirteen silently congratulated himself on keeping the remote dry. Usually, if he relaxed too much, the glands of tentacles would release a potent aphrodisiac, sliming the first thing he touched. Well, not slimed... Thirteen shuddered at the usage of the word. He averted his attention away from his heady rambling, and down to the girl below him. A new kid, no doubt. No student would leave themselves laying prostate in a public location such as this, unless they were begging to get raped. Usually, the horny ones would be panting and begging for a cock before Thirteen even reached them.

This girl was innocently surfing through channels. Prone to attack. Thirteen let loose three tentacles, two latching about her wrists as she seemed to relax. The third tied her legs together. Thirteen left the mouth alone, though a tentacle hovered it, still invisible, but already exuding its potent aphrodisiac. All the girl would need to do is open her mouth to protest her sudden restriction in movement, and in the tentacle would go, lodging itself such that her jaw would be unable to close.

Thirteen gave himself a moment to pat his own back. He was a seasoned hunter now.

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:34 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
The student went to gasp as she felt her arms pulled apart, her legs pressed together, but something lodged itself in Khrystyna's mouth preventing what would have been a scream into only a muffled yell of protest as the gorgeous ukranian was bound violently and quickly. She squirmed in protest as she sturggled against her bonds... trapped.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:03 am

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Thirteen still did not appear before the trapped girl. The most important part was now- poisoning the girl. Making her WANT to get raped by tentacles, to beg and cry until she was filled with tentacle cocks. The tentacle in her mouth was the most important- even now it was secreting its maddening aphrodisiac. All he had to do was wait for some to enter her blood stream. It didn't take much really- it was only a matter of minutes before her crotch would begin wetting itself in anticipation. All Thirteen had to do was wait...

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:01 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
She couldn't quite place the taste of whatever was being forced into her mouth, but Khrystyna had little choice but to swallow it. Within moments of quaffing the liquid, she could feel her body tingle, as if someone was running their fingers along her sensitive areas, her sex, began to moisten as she clearly felt arousal growing within her nubile body. She struggled, causing her ample breasts to shake within their confines as the student tried to free herself from the bonds.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:54 am

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
The two tentacles that once trapped her now loosened as two more joined them, sliding off the girl's clothes. They began to tease her, massaging her breasts, one sliding against her crotch, all secreting more of the Aphrodisiac. The one in her mouth left its lodgings, crawling behind her to unhook her bra. Thirteen was not a huge fan of tearing clothes, and he wasn't about to start now.

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:16 pm
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Khrystyna grew frantic, she grasped at what she could not see, invisible appendages that grasped at her clothes as she tried to stop them despite how good their molestations felt. Try as she might she lost her shirt, but managed to find a grip on the appandeges and thrashed about trying to keep them from her.

"NO! Stop!" she screamed as she fought her unseen assailant.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:28 pm

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
The monster rolled his single eye. This is how they all start. They start kicking and screaming, but in the end, they're all moaning like whores. The typical student. At any point now, a heat would begin to build up, a heat that would over ride her fear and loathing, and coax her into a more relaxed, aroused state...

Thirteen drew out his tentacles and pushed her down against the couch, stripping off her pants while her hands were occupied.
This is where the fun normally would begin, but as it was OBVIOUSLY the girl's orientation, there was little point in swooping in for the kill.
"Do you really think I'm going stop?" he decided to ask in a sarcastic tone.

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:25 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
"It.. It is ah! question.." Khrystyna manage to get out with that small gasp inbetween her words as she felt a warmth beginning to come over her. It all felt so good, she didn't want to stop the things but she knew it was wrong as she tried in vain to stop her top from being removed, revealing a beige pushup bra underneath her shirt. Her jeans slid off to reveal a matching beige panty. The lovely Ukrainian closed her eyes and tried to stop the growing warmth of arousal in her body, causing her sex to grow moist as she fought against the tentacles stripping her delectable form. Her curves were perfect, her skin a pristine peach ivory save for a single small dark mote on her lower left back. "You could always put girl down da?"

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:29 am

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
"Well that depends. What will the girl do when I put her down? Scream for help? Run? Attempt to stab me in the eye with such a horrid utensil as a spork?" Thirteen mentally rolled his eye, though the actual organ stayed on the girl. He had learned the hard way that a monster couldn't be too careful around these girls. Sure, at first they seemed nice and innocent, almost like they were placed here to be raped, but then they reveal their claws and words of power... and crap just happened like that. It wasn't fun, he wasn't interested in it, so until this bitch was howling like a whore, he was not about to trust her on her feet... or knees...

The tentacles, however, continued with the laborious task of removing the woman's clothing, tendrils snapping away at the pulleys and switches that held her bra in place. Her panties were slid off carefully, with the monster unsure of what material it was composed of. Let it never be said that Thirteen was impatient- he preferred to keep her clothes and sex as far away as possible...

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:27 pm
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
Khrystyna tried to move herself. But, with her assailant keeping her wrists, arms, and legs pinned she could do little more than squirm in the things lewd grip, causing her now fully nude body to shake and writhe. Her mind was a blur of conflict. The substance forced into her and being rubbed all over her was driving her nearly mad. She tried to keep a clear head but her body was on ecstatic fire as she spoke, her voice broken between forced gasps and moans. "I.. I do not know..." she sputtered, her accent thick with each word, emerald eyes glittering with her arousal, showing a mix of confusion and fear. "What it is you want... but...ah!" She gasped again as the invisible tendrils sliding over her caused a sharp rise as the warmth between her luscious thighs began to grow. "I am not thinking you would give me chance. I'm not in spot to make demands I think."

She looked like she wanted to say more but her eyes closed and the students gritted her teeth, her struggling not to free herself but to try and fight the almost mind numbing pleasure crashing over the exquisite body she possessed. It took all she had not to beg this, whatever it was, to fuck her senseless.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:50 am

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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
"Hmm... I'd rather stay in control of the situation for the moment," the experiment replied, a slight snarky tone ringing through his voice. The clothes were out of the way, she was exposed openly to his aphrodisiac, and there had yet to be a single upset to his plans. He kept the girl in a grip as he lowered her onto the couch. "How about this? If you tell me what you want to do, then perhaps I can help you out. Letting you go at this point would quite senseless, if I may be frank."

_________________ being a 13 tentacled freak of nature, and loving it.

Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:55 am
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Post Re: Getting out once you're in(For 1 monster)
"Ah yes," She spoke with closed eyes and slowly writhing body. Khrystyna worked to keep her mind coherent as her body sought to just end her struggling altogether and have her beg to be taken, but she gasped, her struggling much lighter but clearly still defiant.

"Why would you let go girl who you have just removed all clothing. I do not think..." She made a larger effort to move but she was held firm pinned onto the couch. "I do not think you have human morality, By you're touchings of me.." She gasped, her body humming with pleasure making it difficult to continue speaking, the emerald eyed angel closed her eyes attempting to concentrate. "I am assuming safely, you have... reason for my being naked. What I want, is to not be fucked by strange invisible thing." Her struggling became more frantic, not because of fear, but because she did not want the thing to continue molesting her, it was causing her to lose rational thought.

Don't let my innocent demeanor fool you darling. I am not ditsy girl.

Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:11 am
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