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 First Dusk (for Vespira) 
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Post First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika sighed as she pushed the door open to her new room. She'd been juggling through administrative and bureaucratic hoops to get herself properly registered and signed up to classes for hours (not to mention the tedious lecture on rules and regulations). So the delinquent had been pleasantly surprised to find out that Morgan, her new...

...acquaintance? Accomplice?

...friend? find out that Morgan had managed to make arrangements for them to room together, and had left her a notification telling her so in the pigeon-hole she'd been directed to by a staff member. And now finally, as the sun started to sink below the distant, foreboding, ever-present sealine, she'd made it here, duffel bag containing her few meagre items of underwear and toiletries in one hand, her new uniform in the other. Beyond the camo-print tank-top, jeans cut off above the thigh and a pair of beaten-up old boots, this was all she currently had with her. She hoped she'd be able to get some more clothing somehow, and soon. Though never a follower of conventional fashion, Rika didn't like the idea of only having a school uniform and an immodest and revealing outfit, one she normally would be repulsed by the idea of ever wearing outside the comfort and privacy of her brother's workshop, to choose from.

Rika slumped a little in the doorway, her shoulders drooping as she dropped her luggage to the floor. No sign of Morgan, even this late. She shrugged to herself, allowing herself a little grunt of indifference as she booted her luggage over the threshold into her room. Perhaps a little privacy as she settled in wasn't such a bad thing...

First things first. Boots; off.


Half an hour later, having initially tossed her heavy boots across the room but then feeling bad about causing a mess when she was sharing a room with someone and pushing them neatly under her bed, Rika had made good progress on "moving in". Not that she had all that much to do, of course.

She'd put her uniform for her first class on a coat-hanger, ready for it's first outing in the near future. Holding it up against her body, Rika frowned as she observed herself in the full-length mirror mounted on her wardrobe. She couldn't see her tank-top and shorts for the uniform obscuring them, and frankly that made her uncomfortable. Rika hadn't work a school uniform for a long time now, not since she "graduated" to her brother's gang. Prior to that, she'd actually attended school, and had been the ring-leader, or sukeban, for a small gang of girls. They'd all affected that certain "delinquent" style, though Rika had avoided some of the aspects of it. She'd always preferred to be identifiable by reputation and actions rather than a visual style, though had gone along with the standard modifications to her uniform as a show of solidarity with her subordinates. No chance on the perm, though.

Rika scowled a little. Most of her old gang had been satisfied with merely attaching themselves to the arms of members of her brother's gang once they'd all gotten older. They'd stopped fending for themselves and become lazy getting by on support from them in exchange for sexual favours and being something of a "trophy". The concept was unthinkable to Rika...

Her brief resentment drifted away as she returned her attention to the matter at hand; her uniform. It was a little bit... slutty. The skirt was far too short, for starters. And the white blouse wouldn't do at all. Rika furrowed her brow; she had a few inches on Morgan, but if she took one of her longer-than-standard skirts and let the hem down a little, she could wear it just above her ankles. And wearing the jacket intended for cooler weather, if buttoned all the way up and with it's collar popped, would make the uniform more acceptable in Rika's eyes.

But then there was her intention to not stick out too much at Shokushu. The nature of her being sent here when compared to the stories she'd heard from everyone else left her ill at ease. She had a bad feeling about this place, and didn't much like having to choose between modesty and fitting in...

Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:05 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Her previous trip to Shokushu was so pleasant and relaxing that Vespira scheduled a second visit to the lovely resort. She managed to find a future investment that held a certain grace and charm to her while also finding a business partner for her future endeavors. The Gorgonian spent majority of her day relaxing in the sun and enjoying the cool waters of the lakes that reside a distance from campus. The alien woman already had her first prey decided for the night. She wanted to see just how her little pet has developed since she was gone. Poor little Morgan was struggling within herself when she left her back at the lake that wonderful night. Would the woman realize it was useless to lie to herself? Probably not but she would have it no other way. It was far more enjoyable to break her prey little by little over time.

The snake woman's forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air as she returned to the dorm building she first encountered her prey. She could pick up faint traces of the student's trail and quietly slips inside. It being the middle of the night, everyone was in their soundproof rooms. It was certainly a nice touch for Shokushu to make the walls soundproof. Each door was like a present waiting to be unwrapped by one of the island's many guests.

Vespira followed Morgan's scent to a particular door which she assumed was the woman's room. Flicking her tongue once more, the alien woman stopped as she sensed another beyond the door. The scent was stronger but not enough to reveal that Morgan was in the room. So her prey found herself a roommate did she? It was a bit disappointing to miss out on meeting her precious pet but this was also a unique opportunity. The question was, how should she introduce herself?

It would be no trouble at all getting a key for this door and letting herself in. She could try luring the woman out of her room by using another student. Or she could use a student to distract her and sneak in through a window. Vespira was not one to do any of those things but she would have little choice in the matter lest she chose to make things more complicated than they needed to be. For now, she merely listened at the door. Though the walls muted nearly all the sounds, the rooms were not perfectly sealed due to the doors and windows. The snake woman would be patient and wait for her opportunity to invite herself in. She could not wait to see what her new prey had to offer.


Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:02 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Unfortunately for Vespira, Rika wasn't the sort of girl to be heard talking to herself. The occasional frustrated sigh would be all she heard through the door, besides the incidental noises of her putting things away.

She still hadn't gotten around to putting away her uniform, however, as she was still two minds about it. She let out an irritated grunt, as she considered that she should probably try it on to make sure it at least fitted her. It'd make things that much more of a nuisance if she found out it was ill-fitting after it was too late to do anything about it. She sighed again, hanging the uniform in front of the wardrobe, before popping open the button on the waistband of her shorts. Rika watched herself in the mirror as she slowly pulled the denim garment down over her hips; the comfortable, figure-hugging black hipsters she wore underneath wouldn't technically be acceptable as part of the school uniform due to their colour. She grunted with yet more irritatation as she shimmied out of the shorts, and they finally dropped to the floor, sitting around her ankle. She asked herself what the hell sort of school dictated underwear to it's students, silently, running a finger across the front of her panties. She'd be irritated if she couldn't find anything as comfortable as these to wear.

She murred thoughtfully to herself, placing her palm on her mound, and slowly sliding it up over her firm stomach and beneath her tank-top, where her fingers found their way to the material of the black sports bra she wore underneath it. Again, a comfortable favourite. She definitely wouldn't be able to wear this beneath a white blouse...

Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:11 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
She was not listening for voices but rather movement. Her arms cross infront of her as she sat on her coils. Vespira could feel through her tail the faint vibrations of movement through the floor as the student walked about putting things away. Her eyes were closed as she waited, considering how to approach the matter. She knew she could not wait forever as Morgon would no doubt return eventually lest another alien decided to keep her over night.

Thankfully, she was not the impatient sort. Though she could not help but consider what her new prey may be like. Was this another new student like Morgan or was this one more experienced? The end result would no doubt be the same but such things can alter the alien's methods of training the woman just beyond the door.

Vespira continued to hear motion beyond the door. The faint sounds of buttons popping revealed that the student was stripping off her clothing and perhaps changing into something else. She heard the woman suddenly hit the floor, perhaps sitting or maybe was clumsy and fell over. Her tongue flicked, tasting the air to ensure no one was coming down the hallway. With her long snakelike lower body, the Gorgonian had no real means to hide herself giving her more reason to not delay much further. It was certainly not her style to barge into a home but this unknown prey would leave her with little choice. The things she would do to satisfy curiosity...


Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:30 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika shifted her weight a little as she absent-mindedly ran her fingertips over the tight, stretchy material of her sports bra, her gaze flitting between the mirror on her wardrobe and the uniform hung up next to it. It dawned on her that it had been quite some time since she'd actually showered. She wrinkled her nose as she considered that she'd not had a chance to bathe or wash herself since before her arrest. And of course, after the arrest had been the questioning, the trial, and the subsequent travel to Shokushu. And on top of that, a day spent on a tropical island.

It certainly wouldn't be a good idea to try on her new uniform in the state that she was in. Rika headed back over to her duffel bag and retrieved her toiletries, before heading over to the bathroom. She might as well use it before Morgan got back.

Setting her shower gel and shampoo on the shelf in the shower, the delinquent turned to the mirror on the bathroom cabinet, leaning forward over the sink to take a closer look at herself. She wondered how on Earth she'd managed to get into such a mess...

Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:06 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Her patience paid off as an opportunity finally arose for the waiting alien woman. She heard more rustling through belongs then footsteps leading to the door but not the one she waited beside. Hearing the door open, she could only assume it was either the bathroom or the closet. Flicking her tongue once more, she could smell the faint aroma of shampoo and soap. A few more moments of waiting would give her the final notice that her theory was correct as the student would no doubt turn on the shower to wash up before the night is over.

Once she heard the shower turn on, Vespira would unlock the door with a key she 'borrowed' from the receptionist desk. The snakewoman opened the door quietly, closing and locking it behind her after moving inside. "Hmm.." she pondered quietly to herself as she took in the living arrangements for students. It was not overly impressive but it was perhaps good training for future slaves or possible ADD agents to be used to the lack of space and luxury. She slithered about the room for a few moments before turning her attention back to the occupied bathroom.

It would not be difficult to have a simple hiding place to attack from when the time was right. Getting in the room was the difficult part. The rest was a matter of convenience and comfort for the snakewoman. The shower would be much too cramped for her body to enjoy. Instead, she would curl up on the bed that beared Morgan's scent and waited out in the open. When this roommate finally gets out of the bathroom, she would see if this woman was worthy to be her prey or not.


Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:50 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika reached into the shower and turned it on, whipping her hand back out reflexively as cold water sprayed onto her arm, yelping in surprise. It seemed like the shower might need a little time to heat up. She frowned to herself, leaning back against the bathroom wall while she waited.

Her mind wandered back to the events of the day once more, and she considered what to do about her situation. She was still sure that for now her best bet would be to draw as little attention to herself as possible, while she got a feel for how things worked at Shokushu. It'd be easier to get a handle on everything that way, she'd decided.

After a few minutes of waiting, she gingerly poked her toe into the jet of water. It had warmed up nicely, and Rika smiled to herself, looking forward to being able to just soak in the shower for awhile.


She'd left her towel in her duffel bag. Rolling her eyes at herself, she nudged open the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom...

Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:37 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
The Gorgonian barely had time to get situated on the bed when she heard the door open and the young student stepped out. The woman was about the same size as Morgan though sporting short brown hair and was perhaps a bit more athletic in build rather than just skin and bones. She smiled in amusement, seeing both the contrasts and similarities between the two women. Perhaps the two were drawn to each other or was this randomly decided by the school?

Vespira's eyes focused on the no doubt shocked student. "Hmm..." she flicked her tongue out for a moment, "I think you forgot to sstep into the shower, Misss. There is no need to panic. No need to flee. Just relax and sspeak your name." The snakewoman allowed her eyes to do their work on her new prey, drawing the woman's eyes to her own and letting her words soak into her brain. She preferred not having to chase this woman down though it would be a short one as the door was locked. Even with the walls being soundproof, she did not want to listen to pointless yells or screams directed at her. The alien woman did not make any move from the bed she layed on. Her upper body was devoid of clothing, revealing her greenish tinged body and her full luscious breasts. As the alien took slow breaths, light would reflect off her scales giving her body a sheen to it like a polished statue.

"Would you prefer you finish your shower before you come ssit with me or shall you come to me now?" she hissed softly.


Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:29 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika stopped in her tracks as she saw the figure waiting for her on her bed. Her eyes widened as she took the being's form in, and her mouth hung open a little slightly. Though she had lost some of the colour to her cheeks, the delinquent managed to maintain at least a little of her usual composure. After all, she thought to herself, feeling herself calm as she looked into it's eyes, she's being quite polite, beyond having let herself in. No reason to assume she's hostile.

"She"? Not "it"? No, definitely "she"...

And if she is, Rika mused, that'll become a problem for her. A fatal one.

"Rika Inoue," she responded with a polite little bow, though she found herself unable to look away from those eyes, "and yourself?"

Definitely "she", though. Rika considered that the being was quite majestic in her form. Her movements had a definate elegance to them. And the humanoid aspects of her body were extremely statuesque, almost Amazonian. But of course, that didn't stop Rika from being nervous. Her heart had started to race a little, returning the colour to her cheeks with a vengeance. Not all the allure in the world could avert that. Nor could the fact that this wasn't entirely a surprise to Rika. Well, the being's presence on her bed was a surprise, a startling one at that.

But her existence was not. There was enough oddness in Rika's ancestors that she had long suspected that their must be other paranormal and supernatural phenomena in the world, even before her mother had confirmed it when she'd gotten older. She knew that there were dark things that stalked the murky corners between worlds, and this creature, no, this woman, clearly was one of them.

But that doesn't necessarily mean she's "bad", or dangerous, Rika assured herself, starting to slowly edge her way towards the bed, I mean, I'm different too. And I'm not "bad".

Anyone who knew Rika might've laughed at that reasoning, if not for the fear of her violent and decisive repercussions.

"It wouldn't do to excuse myself while I have company," Rika said politely in response to the being's question. She calmly made her way over to her bed, maintaining eye contact as she did. There was an uncharacteristic seductive slink to the way she found herself unconsciously moving towards it, and the being. A little wiggle in her shapely hips. One foot carefully placed in front of the other. Lips slightly pursed in anticipation. Not a movement wasted.

She sat on the opposite end of the bed to her guest, breaking eye contact as she turned around to sit on it's edge so that she was facing the bathroom. Her head cleared a little, her thoughts becoming less clouded. She wondered why.

Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:43 am
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Whether it was due to her hypnosis or not, Rika was certainly handling the alien's presence well enough. This pleased her as she watched the human woman slowly approach the bed and have a seat. The young woman even bowed to her in greeting. Two lovely pets living in the same room, she certainly had the luck of the draw in finding her prey. It was certainly a rarity to meet a human who was so polite. Most humans out in the galaxy were too busy trying to sneak into her establishments or aiming a blaster at her.

"Vespira," she hissed, slithering closer to the woman, "Now now, it would not do if you turn your back to your company." With a finger, she turned the woman's chin towards her gaze. "Is that not better?" she asked, letting her eyes pierce deep into Rika's, "You are being a very good girl, Rika. That pleases me, you want me to be pleased. I am very rewarding to those who know how to obey." Her hand slides gently up the woman's thigh and then up her side, grazing lightly along the side of one of her breasts. "You should finish your sshower before the warm water runs out. Return to me afterwards wearing something revealing. You will do that for me won't you, Rika?"

Her hand slid over the woman's chest, gently squeezing a breast as she felt what Rika had to offer her. The petite woman was well developed. She seemed less resistant to the Gorgonian's gaze compared to her previous prey. Perhaps she will have fun molding this one and letting her roommate fill in the blanks while she is away. Vespira would wait patiently, letting her eyes continue to wear the poor woman down.


Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:40 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika took a deep breath as Vespira's hand traced it's way from her gently-toned thigh and up her side, exhaling as the Gorgonian's touch reached her breast. So this is her intention, she mused. The sensation of another's hand against her was an unfamiliar one to Rika, in part due to her nature and lifestyle, but also due to her massive admiration for her elder brother; if a man couldn't at least equal her brother in Rika's eyes, she'd have no interest in him and even less time for him. No man or boy had ever matched up to her brother; she doubted anyone could surpass him.

She'd never really considered girls, of course.

An unfamiliar sensation, indeed, but not an unpleasant one. She felt herself almost melting into Vespira's touch, moving against her hand so that her grip might be a little firmer. Her soothing voice, her reassuring eyes... Rika did want to please Vespira. She wanted, no, needed to be rewarded for doing so. Vespira's hand slid over her breast, and it felt divine, even though both her tank-top and her sports bra. There was a surprised yelp which became a moan of pleasure as the breast was squeezed, and Rika blushed when she realised she'd made the noise. A request was made, and Rika nodded.

She got to her feet, taking cares to maintain eye-contact with Vespira. The juvenile delinquent was extremely nervous, but had become very eager to please her guest.

Perhaps Vespira will be pleased with initiative on my part.

Inching closer to the edge of the bed, directly in front of Vespira, Rika bit her lower lip nervously, her blush deepening further. As her shins reached the edge of the bed, she widened her stance, parting her shapely thighs a little, invitingly. She arched her back and lifted her arms up, resting her forearms on the top of her head, practically presenting her breasts to Vespira.

"...w-would it please you to strip me for my shower then, Vespira?" she asked, quite meekly...

Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:26 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
The new student was molding perfectly. The young woman was like soft clay waiting for a sculptor's skilled touch. The alien woman could feel Rika's pulse throbbing within the orb in her hand. She would feel when the woman's heart began to beat faster as wonderful sounds escaped the student's lips. How easily this girl was put off balanced, she could only guess this one was as inexperienced as her roommate. Breaking this one in personally would help ease this one to her future role as a slave to her or perhaps another owner.

Rika wasted little time getting off the bed and posing for Vespira. The student looked like she was posing for a photo shoot for some sort of magazine. The snakewoman smirked slyly as she traced her finger along the edge of Rika's tank-top. "Mmm... You are sso thoughtful, my little pet," she hissed, "How about you do it for me, put on a little show. Impresss me with your lovely body and think of how good my touch felt on your body. Feel my fingers grazing your bare breastss and exposed nippless. When you take your shower, think of my body presssed against your own."

"I can hear your heart pounding from here, Rika," she giggled softly, "Perhapss thiss is your first time, yess? No need to be nervous. Realize how good it feels to obey. Thiss will be your new purpose in life. Isn't that what you want? For your life to have a purpose?" Vespira would continue to prod the woman, seeing what made the poor girl tick as she waited for her to obey. If she got far enough into stripping to actually go take a shower, the snakewoman would wait patiently for her return. Something tells her she had little to worry about this one, a perfect contrast to Morgan's more resistant nature.


Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:26 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika sighed almost wistfully as she was referred to as "pet", leaning into the touch and lowering her arm, wrapping it around and underneath Vespira's to keep her hand gently in place against her body. Her own hands she slowly but surely slid up over her breasts, showing Vespira how soft and pliant they were in comparison to the rest of her toned body. She gripped the neckline of her tanktop once her fingers had reached it. But her expression had become uncomfortable, even pained, when Vespira had asked her to "put on a little show".

"...I couldn't, c-can't," she stammered nervously, almost sounding upset about it, "I've never... I don't know, don't know how to..."

She sighed, simply nodding and relaxing as Vespira asked about her previous experiences, or lack of. She continued nodding as Vespira expanded on the situation, silently mouthing the word "Yes" to each question. Bringing her legs back together, one thigh slightly overlapping the other, her stance softened, becoming a little less assertive in poise, if not intent. As Rika looked into her guest's eyes hungrily, almost pleadingly, she gave the neckline of her tank-top a sharp tug, creating a tear running a few inches down her cleavage.

"Please, Vespira..." she begged...

Words from before came to the forefront of Rika's mind, as she recalled what the Gorgonian had told her.

"...please, mistress...

...strip your pet for her shower?"

Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:03 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Knowing little beyond her first impressions of this woman, she could only assume this woman was naturally submissive or her hypnotic gaze unlocked this hidden side of the student. She admired how her pet in training held her hand to the young woman's body as if she were afraid the touch would leave her. There seemed to be some resistance to her first suggestion to strip tease for her but it was not resistance out of defiance. Rika wanted to be stripped by her new owner, tearing her tank-top as if to get things started for the alien woman.

Vespira gazed at Rika, enjoying how she was peeling away the woman's feeble defenses and revealing this wonderful slave to invest in. Such progress did deserve a treat. "Very well," she said finally, her other hand sliding over the other breast and gneading it softly, "But only because you have been ssuch a good little sslave so far." With a yank, she finished the rest of the tear, letting the tank top split apart down the middle and revealing the sports bra underneathe.

Smirking slyly, the alien woman's fingers pinched and tweaked the student's nipples through the fabric of her undergarment. Her fingers then curled under the cups of the woman's bra and pulled downwards until those lovely orbs bounced free from their confinement. "Mmm... So lovely," she hissed, leaning closer and flicking her forked tongue over one of the tender peaks then the other. Vespira slid a hand down Rika's toned body and smooth stomach. She slithered off the bed and stood over the helpless student. Her eyes continued to bore deeper into the woman's psyche as she slipped her hand down under Rika's clothing and undergarment. Teasingly, she traced her fingertip just over the student's netherlips, testing the woman's current state before toying with her further.


Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:52 pm
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Post Re: First Dusk (for Vespira)
Rika gasped a little as Vespira's hand traced it's way down her body and into her undergarments. Still keeping one hand on the exploring her, her other hand hung freely at her side, wringing her fingers reflexively, both through not knowing what to do with her hand, and because of the extremely unfamiliar sensations she was experiencing. As the Gorgonian's finger slowly made it's way towards her lips, Rika instinctively widened her stance a little, parting her thighs in anticipation. She bit her lower lip gently as the fingertip teased her entrance, and blushed in anticipation as it pushed no further. Vespira was being exceedingly gentle and patient with her inexperience.

The delinquent continued to gaze up into the eyes of her guest. Her mind fogged with pleasure, almost becoming numb to all except Vespira's presence. As she stood there, she was only dimly aware of the tattered tank-top and sports bra hanging loosely from her shoulders. She was far more concerned with the still-intact-and-in-place panties she was wearing. She wondered if, and almost hoped that, Vespira would tear those off too. She'd unconsciously gotten them a little damp, as Vespira had teased and tested her.

For a brief moment Rika had a dim recollection of her intention to have a shower, and that it was a matter of some importance. But between the Gorgonian's gaze and touch, it was becoming extremely difficult to concentrate on such thoughts...

Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:05 pm
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