Shokushu High School

Lock Out (for Ethrach)
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Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Lock Out (for Ethrach)

It was well past midnight and Beth had been studying in the library and forgot the time and before she knew it she was late and was going to locked out. The lock out was a strange new rule that had just been brought into effect and had already caused chaos with the student body with a couple of young students being locked evey night.

Tonight it was Beth's turn as she raced accross the courtyard towards the dorm praying that she wouldn't have to stay outside of the school all night. She was atleast gratful that she was fast and maybe if her luck was in she just might make it. But her hopes were dashed as when she got to the dorm door it as it was locked solid. She shook the handle violently making a noise that echoed around the dark and empty campus.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Abandoning his usual haunts in the forest,Ethrach had chosen to start stalking the campus grounds.Enough shadows and darkness persisted for him to take his nine foot tall height in order to seek out more prey.
Though large in size,his movements were fluid as a cat's and silent as a ghost.He was able to clearly hear when the young student began rattling the door handle.

I could do with a little excercise, he thought with a predatory smile.

Stepping from the darkness,he allowed his tentacles to wave around him,creating a terrifying sight.He wanted to chase her down,have her exhausted and helpless when he finally took her.
But for him to chase,she had to run.He walked right up to her,keeping as silent as possible,until he was almost right behind her.He growled loudly and smiled as he saw her stiffen in fear.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Abandoning his usual haunts in the forest,Ethrach had chosen to start stalking the campus grounds.Enough shadows and darkness persisted for him to take his nine foot tall height in order to seek out more prey.
Though large in size,his movements were fluid as a cat's and silent as a ghost.He was able to clearly hear when the young student began rattling the door handle.

I could do with a little excercise, he thought with a predatory smile.

Stepping from the darkness,he allowed his tentacles to wave around him,creating a terrifying sight.He wanted to chase her down,have her exhausted and helpless when he finally took her.
But for him to chase,she had to run.He walked right up to her,keeping as silent as possible,until he was almost right behind her.He growled loudly and smiled as he saw her stiffen in fear.

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Beth continued to shake the door handle praying that the door would open up she swore, "come on you bastard open seaseme please." Then she heard a loud growl comee from behind her and she turned around quickly and shocked to see a large nine foot tall sliver dragon standing right behind her. She was stuck down by fear as she pinned her self to the door still trying to test the doorknob with one hand. Eventually she got her voice back and said, "Who are you what do you want."

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

His tentacles continued to wave threateningly as he answered,

"What any other full blooded monster on this island wants."

Ethrach lashed out with a claw faster than the eye could follow and ripped through her jacket,laughing as it tore loose.

"I want!"

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

As he tore the jacket she was wearing totally off revealing herself in just her ordinary school uniform now Beth was shocked but she wasn't going to let this monster see any more of her So she ran away from the monster towards the main school building in the distance she just hoped it wass open and gave shelter from the beast.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Laughing in fullest pleasure,Ethrach pursued,making sure he kept the fleeing girl well within striking distance of his one clawed tentacles.
He lashed out with his tentacle,ripping her shirt at the back.He kept pace effortlessly,laughing as they ran in the direction of the shadowy building.

One down,three to go! he thought with glee.

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

She felt herself lose her shirt just as he entered what seemed to be the main classroom building the beast wasn't far behind and she was determined to give him the slipso shee dived into a dark classroom and hid there while he passed outside. She held her breath while he walked by and after he passed did not exhale for sometime.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

The shadows obscured everything ahead,including where the girl had dashed to make her escape.Ethrach roared in fury and cast his senses in every direction to find her.
Nothing but silence and darkness answered his bellows.
Stalking through the hallways he roared again,

"You cannot hide from me,little girl!Show yourself now,and I will spare you the torment I had in mind!"

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:43 pm ]
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She stayed in her dark corner of the small classroom that she was hidden in listening to his voice get further and further away but still she did not move. She decided to her self that she was not going to move an inch until he was gone.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sensing nothing ahead,Ethrach decided to change his strategy.Though anger and frustration had him close to tearing the school apart,he forced himself into stillness.

Slow your breathing.Keep to shadow.Remember,when light enters dark,shadows follow.

Melding into the shadows of the hallways,he waited.Straining for the slightest sound,anything that would reveal his quarry.

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Slowly she got up and walked to the door but before she got there she picked up a book off a desk and carried it with her to the door. When she got to the door she opened it quietly and lent out into the dark corridor. She then spotted that the janitors room was open with all the buckets and mops on show. In one movement the Beth threw the book into the janitors room knocking over a couple of buckets and making a hell of a racket. While she did this under the cover of the noise she ran out of the building towards the gym.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

The sounds of crashing objects brought Ethrach sharply around.With a wild,fanged smile he sped in the direction of the noise.Arriving at the janitor's closet he roared at what he saw.


The book had been thrown to create a distraction.He picked it up with the intent of throwing it to the floor,but stopped when he caught a faint scent wafting from it.
He snuffled wetly at the book until he confirmed the scent was there.He roared loudly in triumph.

The scent leads away from here, he thought with a narrowing of eyes.
There!The gymnasium!

He stomped after the scent,tentacles waving madly.Soon she would be his!

Author:  Beth [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

She breathed a huge sigh of relief as she made across the campus and into the gym. Beth then shut and locked the door behind her but it was not long before she heard banging coming from the outside as a very angry monster seemed intent on breaking down the door that she had just shut. Beth ran deep into the dark gym it was impossible how could he of figure out were she was unless her smell. She then quickly did the only thing that she could do to lose this monster, she ran into the indoor pool and dived in fully clothed to deprieve her foe of his advantage.

Author:  Ethrach [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

The door bulged one final time before it finally exploded into fragments that pattered onto the padded floor.He growled at hearing a splash in the distance.

No!If she rids herself of her scent now,she'll escape!

He unfurled his blazing wings and lifted himself off the ground.With a surge of speed he flew through the doors that obstructed his path.Arriving at the indoor pool he scanned the floor around it,looking for tracks.
A lone door was visible on the opposite side that lead to the showers,but he could see no other avenues of escape.
He growled low in anticipation.

"You've led me a merry chase,girl,but your fun stops here."

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