Shokushu High School

Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)
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Author:  RaindropsOnRoses [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(( Would you like another student? ))

Author:  Ryujin [ Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(I'm fine thank you. Man, what is with all the newbies trying to get in on this thread? Didn't they read the subject?)

Ryujin held the kiss for some time, making sure she could recall the taste of herself long after he broke it. When he finally broke the kiss, he smiled a big toothy grin at her and stepped back and out of the stall, keeping his back to Saira. He untied his belt, letting his vest fall to the floor, giving Mercy an unobstructed view of his cock at full mast. He grabbed her legs in the same fashion as before, spreading them open and holding them in an M shaped pattern similiar to how Saira was held. He was careful to not let Saira catch a glimpse of his cock. He wanted her to be kept in suspense, with only the helpless french girl's cries to hint at what was in store for her.

He rubbed the tip up of his prick against her sex lips and leaned in close, "I'm going to make you a woman." he whispered into Mercy's ear before thrusting his cock inside of her all the way to the hilt. He held himself there for a few moments, letting her get a little bit used to his enormous girth before he began moving his hips. He pressed himself against her, mashing her pendulous tits against his chest as he fucked her.

Author:  Saira [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

The phrase, the act, even just removing the vest. It was enough to give Saira an impression of what was to come. A tantalizing, still slightly terrifying impression...


It made her squirm in anticipation, and the drips of her fluids on the floor spoke to that. Her moans of frustrated lust, those too spoke of how she was yearning. And the sad, confused, but desirous gaze into Mercy's eyes at the moment of her impalement? That was the final sign of Saira's own lust.

Author:  Mercy [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mercy opened her eyes wide as the enormous member slid inside her, stealing her virginity and filling her tigh passage entirely. She opened her mouth and let out a pain cry, a cry that held out and became a high moan as her slick walls clamped down on the hard manhood that had pierced her. She looked skyward as she felt the beast fucking her, its hard chest pushing into her enormous breasts over and over again.

She bit her lower lip an tried not to make a noise, occasionally letting slip the occasional squeak as the enormous cock pounded into her tight womanhood.

Author:  Ryujin [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

A hissing groan escaped from Ryujin's throat as he felt Mercy's cunt clamp down on his thrusting pole. He was surprised at how quickly she had made the transition from pain to pleasure, given his girth and her inexperienced body. He felt he nipple become even more rigid as he impaled her against the wall, her soft mountains still pressed securely against his muscled torso. He licked the top of her right breast, slowly moving up her neck and under her jaw before pulling away from her cheek. Immediately he followed by planting another passionate kiss on her lips, invading her mouth with his tongue again, entwing it about her's and exploring every nook and cranny of her mouth.

As he held the kiss he glanced over to his side to regard the egyptian girl stuck to the wall, helpless to do anything but watch on in envy. He broke the kiss but left his tongue inside, slowly pulling it out of her mout in an exhibition for Saira. He let go of one of Mercy's legs and moved back a bit to reach for one of her rock hard aureols. Taking the pink bud between his thumb and index finger he twisted the hard flesh until she cried out from the sensations.

Author:  Saira [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

This was getting to be almost unbearable! The prolonged kiss, the toying with the nipples - Saira dripped for every last action she craved. She moaned for every sensation Mercy was put through. And it still wasn't enough - that charm, the one written on the ofuda?

It was... really powerful. Or maybe she was easily vulnerable to it? No matter what the remnants of her clearheadedness might have thought about that, she was still very horny. Enough to strain at her bonds futily...

Author:  Mercy [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mercy could do nothing but squirm against the huge creature as he plundered her violently with every thrust. A quiet moan escaped her as it trailed its tongue along the top of her soft breast, up her neck and into her mouth. The way this thing kissed her in a mockery of a loving gesture, it was enough to make her want to scream. As things were though, she was unable to make even the slightest noise.

Even as the reptillian beast pulled away from the kiss, its tongue remained, invading her mouth and entwining her own. Her womanhood clamped down tighter and tighter on the invading member, the muscles in her abdomen clenching with immense strength.

Author:  Ryujin [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Ryujin slowed his thrusting down to a much more casual tempo as he looked at Mercy, "What say we look in on your friend hm?". He ceased his thrusting altogether and reached up to unseal her hands from the wall and stepped back to seal them again behind her back, making her impressive melons jutt out some. He pulled her all the way off of his shaft and turned her around in midair before reimpaling her on his rod. Holding her by the thighs, he walked out of the stall and over to where poor Saira hung, unable to satisfy the need burning in her body.

Ryujin kneeled down keeping Mercy on his lap as he leered over Saira's aroused body. He pumped his hips up into Mercy, continuing the pace from before as he cupped both of her heavy tits, hefting them up to show them off. "I'll bet you'd give anything to switch places with her right now wouldn't you? You're so wet that there's a puddle under you now." he said, not lying as he followed the trail of fluid leading down the wall and onto the floor. "I think you've learned your lesson, but I'm rather reluctant to put this one aside. Her cunt is squeazing me so much I think I'm going to cum soon. Not to mention these..." he paused squeazing and unsqueazing the mounds of flesh, "Lovely melons are just to die for. They're like pillows. I can't wait to feel them around my cock." he sighed.

He seemed to turn his attention back to Mercy, increasing his pace of fucking the bound french girl on his lap. His final taunting of Saira though came as he extended his tongue out to her tanned flesh, flicking his tongue over the lips of her sex and erect bud.

Author:  Saira [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Saira practically cringed as Ryujin got near her. Not because he wasn't right... but because even in her lust she could think enough to know that he wasn't going to give it to her. No, not yet... Even so, she struggled again, stuck in her bindings, gritting her teeth in frustration. She was so desperate, even just to rub it a bit, even something as little as that.

But the torment continued, and she yelped in both surprise and pleasure as the tongue slowly, ever so slowly glided over those soft folds. Louder, even, was the yelp when it reached her nub! And at that point, Saira began whimpering. She didn't even know how to put it in words - she just needed it. So bad, so bad she didn't even put a name to her desire, she just wanted.

Author:  Mercy [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mercy cried out as her arms were pulled behind her and rebound, pushing her impressive chest outwards. She was turned in the air and she gritted her teeth as the monster impaled her on his cock once again.

"Ngh!" She let out a small grunt as the immense cock slipped into her waiting folds, slick with her juices. The hands on her thighs kept her in place, but also began pushing her further onto the monsters member as he walked her to where Saira was. Mercy shouted out in weak defiance as Ryujin grasped her enormous breasts, but soon found herself moaning in pained-pleasure as the ruthless length of meat pounded her rapidly tightening pussy.

Author:  Ryujin [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Ryujin smiled in sadistic satisfaction when he heard Saira cry out from the stimulation to her clit and pussy. "Mmmm you have a nice yelp." he said before sighing as he felt Mercy's pussy squeeze him even harder. He seized her stiff nipples between his thumb and index finger and pinched one as he cruelly twisted the other, still moulding the heavy mounds with his other fingers. "And you have a first rate cunt." he whispered to Mercy before licking her earlobe, "But you should learn to appreciate your position. It's far better than your would be rescuer's." he continued as he hastened his pace, already fighting off his climax.

Ryujin leaned Mercy forward until she was face to face with Saira's gushing twat. "Why don't you show some Mercy to your fellow man er, woman. I think she would be eternally grateful."

Author:  Saira [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

((Sorry, for some reason I had thought it was Mercy's turn!))

Now, now was the time. After an excruciatingly long time spent just staring, watching in absolute need of something, anything to rub her, caress her, dig deep into her cunt and pleasure her... She was being given the chance. And after so long silent? Saira couldn't help herself anymore. She looked down towards Mercy, staring deeply at the big-breasted girl.


That was all. There was a sound of whimpering afterwards, but that was the only word.

Author:  Mercy [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Normally Mercy would have thought this through. She hadn't ever really thought of herself as being attracted to women, but then she hadn't ever really thought of herself being violated by a monster in the school showers. As Ryujin ruthlessly pounded in and out of her tight pussy, Mercy found herself extending her tongue.

Her arms bound and therefore unable to steady herself, the French girl leaned her face closer, pressing her tongue against Saira's womanhood. She probed for a moment, tongue exploring the outer lips, before her inhibitions took another heavy blow. Mercy pressed her mouth against the other girls hot opening and pushed her tongue inside, swirling it rapidly and lapping up her bountiful juices.

Author:  Saira [ Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

The feeling of that tongue, that wonderful tongue... was like water in the desert, a warm blanket in the depth of the Siberian wastes - a relief. Saira's mind was reeling, and she cried out in a loud, then deep moan as she felt the soft wet flesh slide against her pussy. The noises she was making by now were almost sultry... which would seem odd to anyone who knew the girl. Even sexually, Saira was certainly not the type!

But... inside every seemingly passive, calm, scholarly (submissive) type of person... there remained some lasting spark of animal desire. The only difference was that here, there were ways to force it to the surface. Of course, while animal desire was being brought to the surface, Saira began flexing! Flexing her hips forward to push Mercy's tongue deeper in...

Author:  Ryujin [ Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

The lascivious beast sighed and hummed to himself as Saira cried out her relief. Ryujin too soon decided to join in and slipped his tongue out to attack Saira's small, erect nipples, lazily dragging the tip across the rigid peaks.

Ryujin slipped Mercy closer so she wouldn't have to lean out as far to get at Saira's soaked nether lips. He slowed the pace of his thrusts down a little bit, giving more priority to the length of his thrusts. The position Mercy was in as she ate out the egyptian girl fastened to the wall allowed for a much deeper penetration, and he wanted her to feel every inch of it as he fucked her. His large hands massaged her equally massive breasts as they hung like ripe melons in his clawed digits. Because of their size he had to work to keep them from bouncing to and fro as he humped her from behind.

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