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 Rah-Rah-Shish Boom Ba! (For Janita) 
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Post Rah-Rah-Shish Boom Ba! (For Janita)
For a creature such as Grail, going on a day to day basis without seeing more than one potential victim was pretty much an impossibility. While he was off targeting one female, several more would always cross his path inadvertendly. Such was the case of one rather orangish-pig-tailed woman that had quite the endowed figure...or in Grail's somewhat highly intelligent mind...she had quite the knockers. He had seen her a few times, quite the haughty, self-absorbed was in her stride, and she seemed to be the perfect person that would put up quite the least mentally. He sat on the bleachers of the gym, knowing that the last session had just gotten finished, he had spied on the one known as Janita, and already he had a plot formulating in his mind about how he would nab this trophy girl.

In his hand a rather small, yet powerful demon sat. It looked as if it was a crab of some sort, except on the bottom of it's body it looked as if it was one giant sucker, one you would find on a tentacle. On top lurked a red eye that seemingly would be constantly moving. Grail held the top of it's body in his hand, and then moved his arm up, and curled it backwards so that he could place the small demon on the wall behind him on the bleachers. Immediately the demon went to work, and out in the middle of the gym floor began to stand a rather cute, run of the mill gym teacher. A female one. And next to her sat a box...

Down in the locker rooms, there was a note that hung outside of Janita's locker. The note told the young woman in pigtails to get dressed in her regular outfit and come back up to the gymnasium. The teacher wanted to have a brief word with her...It seemed as if she wanted to talk to Janita about extre-curricular activities that could further her grade when it came to this subject...

Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:17 am
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Sweating profusely, Janita was glad that her time in gym class was done for the day. She had always hated classes like gym, or art, or music - they all seemed like such a waste of time! Outside of the basics of reading, writing, history, and math, all she was interested in was her magic. Jumping around and getting all sweaty just made her feel like a fool.

It didn't help that she had been such an early bloomer, either, she thought as she looked down at herself in her tight gray gym t-shirt. As soon as she started to develop, gym class became uncomfortable for a whole new set of reasons.

She opened her locker just as she noticed a note pinned next to it.
"Oh, bloody hell, what now?" she asked herself as she read the note. She groaned. She had to go back to the gym? What for?

She shook her head angrily and tried to hurry; she knew that they were strict about punctuality at this school. It bothered her that she didn't even have time to shower before putting on her regular outfit - her skirt and shirt felt sticky on her sweating skin.

She stomped back into the gym with a scowl, hoping that whatever extra-credit she could earn would mean she never had to come to gym again! She saw an unfamiliar female gym teacher waiting for her next to a box, and went to stand next to her.

"Did you leave me that note? What's all this about?" she asked in her haughty British voice.

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:16 pm

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Snickering to himself, the lizardman sat there in broad daylight in the gym, not even caring about the fact that he was. Mainly due to the fact that the demon on the wall was hiding him from the public eye due to the illusion it was creating. He could tell already that this fiery little red head was going to be fun to toy with.

The gym teacher arched a brow at the rather blunt woman that was standing in front of her. She crossed her arms, tapping her for a bit before she would point to the box that was on her left, her arms still crossed. "Well...Janita isn't it? My name is Mrs. Kensington...and I am the new cheerleading instructor for the school. The principal has decided that there seems to be an overwhelming favor to have the students participate more as a team...and wish for a more 'normal' high school experience here. So we've instituted a cheerleading class. I was hoping you could join, seeings how I think that you may benefit from it a lot. Plus, you wouldn't have to necessarily participate in another gym class."

The offer seemed sweet enough as it was, but the box of uniforms next to the woman would be rather...revealing in a sense. "If you'd like to try out, we could see what you can bring after you change into one of the outfits. I'm sure there is one in there that will fit you adequately." The woman said, looking up and down Janita's body slowly, as if she was judging her. "You certainly do have the figure for it...And I get the feeling that you would do well as a seem to have the most important aspect of being one...and that seems to be you might be a tease."

Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:55 am
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Janita blushed at the woman's blunt comments on her body and her personality. She crossed her arms in front of her breasts protectively and said, "Cheerleading? Are you mad? I don't have time for that! What makes you think I'd be interested in that anyway? I am not a TEASE as you say - how dare you!"

Janita was getting very upset now, and her voice was increasing in volume and pitch. "The nerve! I'm a serious scholar and student of magic, not some bimbo to prance around and be oggled by men!"

The girl shook her head angrily, her red pigtails slashing through the air. She gave a disdainful look at the box on the ground and kicked it a little. "The only things I care about are my grades, my studies, and my magic. I don't have the slightest interest in becoming a sex object, thank you very much. If I had known this is what this was going to be about, I never would have come here! I thought this was going to be a way to get out of gym - but this seems even worse!"

She tried to imagine herself as a cheerleader, and shuddered a little. She knew it was not for her, as long as she was not required and it didn't affect her grades at all.

"There's no way this is mandatory, right? And it can't possibly influence my grades?" Her voice was haughty and stuck-up, but there was a tremble of nervousness to it too.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:41 am

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The cheerleading teacher would arch an eyebrow at the female that seemed to have a bad attitude about it all. She looked left, and then to the right for a moment after the young woman was done talking and then cleared her throat. "Listen here missy! Cheerleading is more than just becoming a sexual object, it has NOTHING to do with that at all!" She shouted, reaching down to pick up the rather skimpy looking outfit, throwing it at the redheaded brat. "Cheerleading teaches one about teamwork, responsibility! And most importantly, to have a cheerful outlook on life, instead of being, as one would call it, a tight ass! So get your butt in gear, get this uniform out and report back to me. Post haste!"

Seemed as though the cheer coach would be a neo-nazi of sorts when it came to disrespecting cheerleading. However, Grail would be rolling in his seat at the stands, laughing so hard that he was crying almost with how great this was playing out. He composed himself soon enough, and began to think now on how he could still humilate and degrade this student. She was on a high horse, that was for sure...and knocking her off would take plenty of careful timing, and just the right situations.

Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:04 am
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Janita was floored when the woman raised her voice at her. She caught the thrown uniform in one hand, not really taking a look at it. She stomped her foot in outrage and replied,

"I am NOT a tight ass! I'm just not an idiotic bimbo! I know plenty about responsibility, thank you very much, and as for teamwork? I don't need it! I can handle everything just fine on my own!"

She threw the uniform on the floor and raised her nose in disdain. "I've never even seen you before - who the hell do you think you are, bossing me around like this? Why should I do what you say?"

Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:43 am

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Grail took into account that the rather young woman was being quite the stuck up bitch about all of this. On one hand, he was entertained by what she was doing, and on the other, he was somewhat annoyed that she seemed to be a loner...that woudl mean that he would have nothing really to use against her, but herself. That alone, however, could be potentially enough to break whatever spirit this girl had.

The cheer instructor huffed, uncrossing her arms for a moment before she drew her hand back, swinging it foward and attempting to slap the young woman across the face. "Because I am your superior you little brat...and you have absolutely no respect for anyone, including yourself. I can smell it a mile away." The rather high and mighty cheer coach raised her nose at the young woman again, grinning. "Fine, if you do not wish to pariticipate in cheerleading...then I will make sure you fail gym class. And that is final." The woman bent down, picked up the box of uniforms and began to walk away from the rather haughty young woman.

"For such a scholar, you are quite the snob. As for responsibility, you have none. You will never learn to live life, or be successful without having to know how to work with others."

Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:02 am
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Janita's cheek stung where the woman slapped it with the back of her hand. Her mouth hung open, and she was stunned. Maybe she HAD gone a little too far this time...

Fail!?! FAIL A CLASS!?! Alarm bells sounded in Janita's head, and she raced after the teacher. "No! You can't do that! I CAN'T fail a class - I've never failed anything in my life! I DON'T fail, do you hear me?"

She put her hand out and grabbed the woman's shoulder to stop her. She swallowed nervously and said with anger in her voice, "I'll try out for the damn team if it keeps me from failing. But I will NOT be 'peppy' or 'cheery' - that's just not me! And I don't want a uniform that is too revealing!"

Janita remember the woman's earlier comment about her body and blushed a little, but tried to hide it. She knew that the way she dressed attracted a lot of attention, especially because of how generous nature had been certain areas. However, inside, she really didn't like showing herself off so much. She only dressed the way she did because it exposed certain Power Centers in her chest and shoulders to the air, and allowed her to more easily access her magic abilities. No one would know it from her behavior, but she was actually quite embarrassed by her body - and sex in general.

"I don't want to look like a slut out there, you understand?" she said, attempting to regain the power in the conversation. "If I do this, I want to do it on my terms!"

And, she added to herself, if I don't like what you try to make me do I just might have to get a little more extreme - like trying out that mind-control spell I've been studying lately!

Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:15 am

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The teacher arched a brow, and felt a little vein begin to pop out of her head as the young woman touched her shoulder. Spinning around on one foot, she listend to the young woman banter on about how she was going to do it, but only on her terms...and that she wasn't a slut and a bunch of other words that really didn't mean much to the teacher.

The teacher, eyebrow still twitching, reached out and grasped onto Janita's shoulders, holding her tightly as her eyes closed, her face tensing up a bit before her eyes opened. "DO NOT TOUCH ME WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!" She shouted, the force of her voice almost powerful enough to blow the young woman's pigtails back. Clearing her throat, the woman gained her composure once again, but kept the grip on Janita a bit tight.

"Now...listen here...what you are wearing right now would be today's society. All our outfit does is shorten your skirt a little bit, and the top has no sleeves, but wraps around your neck, covering your breasts but has a sizable hole in the middle to show off your cleavage, and then wraps around the bottoms of your breast, showing your middrift...that is all."

The teacher would lean back, finally letting go of the woman's body for a moment before she began to laugh softly. "Don't tell me that you're...embarrassed by your body Janita. You have no idea what I'd have done to have such a magnificent figure that you do. You should flaunt you know how many boys you could have following your every command? It's mind blowing."

Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:30 am
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The force of the woman's anger at Janita was clear, and it took all the girl's willpower not to scream right back at the teacher. No one was allowed to talk to her in this way!

Janita's face twisted into a frown as she heard the teacher describe the cheerleading outfit. She was only comfortable with what she wore every day because she had worn it so often before...this new outfit was going to show off her body in ways she was not prepared for.

The teacher again commented on her body, and Janita found herself wondering if the older woman was attracted to her. It was an unpleasant thought. The girl blushed furiously and made sure to cover up her breasts with the uniform that she was handed. "I don't WANT to flaunt my body because I don't WANT that kind of attention from boys. I'm not LIKE that." She spoke in a low voice, but her clipped, terse tone expressed her annoyance well.

Without saying a word, Janita returned to the locker room to change. She knew she had to hurry to keep from annoying this woman further, but she was too dignified to run when she could be seen. She made herself walk at her normal pace out of the gym until she was out of sight, then began running at top speed down the stairs and towards the locker room, the words "FAILED CLASS" flashing in her head.

Once in the locker room, she quickly removed her shirt and skirt. Once she was wearing nothing but her white panties she unfolded the uniform and looked at it in detail. The skirt WAS short - very short. Shorter than anything she had worn before. With an angry sigh, she pulled it on, dismayed to find that it only went a third of the way down her thighs. Although the first thing most people noticed about Janita was her large breasts, she knew that she was blessed (or cursed, in her mind) with a very round and pronounced behind as well. This skirt was obviously not made with that in mind, and her curvy rear caused it to ride up just slightly more than was decent.

Trying to put it out of her mind, she considered the top. The HAD to wear a sports-bra when doing anything like this...but the large black one she had with her would completely cover her chest, and make the peek-a-boo window in the top look ridiculous.

"Well, that's just too bad," she thought to herself, putting the bra on and then pulling on the tight top. It was exactly as the woman had described it - no sleeves, up to the neck, then opening into a hole designed to show off cleavage (and it would have plenty to show, if Janita wasn't wearing her sports-bra underneath!), and stopping a few inches below the breasts, exposing the stomach. Again, this article of clothing seemed designed for a girl without her curves, and Janita was blushing furiously thinking about how ridiculous she looked.

Angry and ready to scream at the woman, Janita walked back up the stairs and entered the gym.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:20 pm

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As the man watched the young woman turn and head back towards the locker room, he had to devise something quickly in order to attempt to break her spirit. Taking a deep breath, thinking as hard as he could, given the short time frame. He snapped his fingers, finally gaining an idea while the cheerleading coach just stood down there, waiting for Janita to hurry up with her outfit.

Up around the woman, five more women seemed to have come out of no where. Five able bodied students that all were wearing the same outfit Janita was forced to wear, sans bra. The cheer coach had her arms folded, as well as the rest of the girls, as they waited for the arrival of the darling....charming...little red head.

"Why do we have to have another girl in our squad? We work fine right now with just five." A snooty, blonde hair girl blurt out. "Yeah, and besides, with a chest like hers, she will easily steal the show...this is suppose to be about the team coach." Said the Raven haired, quite oppionated girl.

The nazi-esqe coach turned around arching an eyebrow and kept on with the show. "Cheerleading isn't about outdoing someone, it's about acceptance, and spirit! Now...not another word out of any of you. Cheerleading is suppose to be cheerful and uplifting...not about who's bra is bigger than the others." Stomping her foot once, she turned around, just in time to see Janita step back in with a sports bra underneath her outfit.

The girls giggled, laughing at how rediculous it looked and some shook their hair from their eyes. "Um...I don't think that's part of the outfit Red." The blond would shout out, gently backhanded by the couch a second later. "Hush you...Now...Janita...what are you....wearing under your outfit?" The coach asked, a vein gently popping out of her head.

(RL BS came up unexpectedly >_< sorry for the wait)

Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:01 pm
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Janita stumbled as she entered the gym, shocked to see that five girls in the same cheerleading outfit as hers were now standing impatiently around the coach. What was going on here? Who were these girls? Was she going to have to try out in front of all of them? That wasn't part of the deal!

She glared at the blonde who made a comment about her sports bra, and was about to snap back with a comment of her own when she bit her tongue. It was too late to back out of this now, and she didn't want to make any more enemies...maybe if she was only one of a group, she would attract less attention? She resolved to try and fade into the background until this ordeal was over.

In response to her coach, Janita said quietly and firmly, "It's my sports bra. I need it, if you want me to do any sort of physical activity."

Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:07 pm

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As Janita spoke to the female coach, the woman did her best to keep her composure, even though she was fumming. She took a deep breath, letting out a long sigh as she looked over Janita. Raising her hands into the air, she seemed to push something down as she lowered them, perhaps her temper, maybe stress, maybe both. A few short, deep breaths later she was crossing her arms again, tilting her head at the redhead that was standing in front of her.

"Janita. I won't say you look rediculous with a sports bra on, but, you can not wear that during practice or during the actual event. You must wear only the uniform we provided for you, and nothing else. I know y ou don't want to fail this class, or else you'll have to stay a year over." The teacher sighed again, expecting quite the verbal abuse to come from the pipey redhead.

That was when the five other girls would stand in front of the coach, walking towards Janita and put a hand on her shoulder gently tapping her. "Don't sweat it Red...if you look rediculous, that'll just make the rest of us look better than you. You'd be doing us a favor." And with that, the five began to walk off towards the locker room.

Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:23 am
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"A year over!?!" Janita asked in a high-pitched voice dripping disbelief. "You cannot be serious! I've never failed a class in my life, and I'm not going to start with something as idiotic as PE!"

The threat to her academic record and the rudeness of the other girls was enough to get Janita to lay aside her modesty. If there was one thing that could motivate the red-head to do things, it was a threat to her pride.

She turned her back on the gym teacher and the girls who were leaving. Taking a deep breath to up her courage, she pulled her arms inside the cheerleading shirt, performed a few complex maneuvers, and then turned around, holding her sports bra outward in one hand like a trophy.

"There, damn it!" She said, her face red with anger and embarrassment. "Now you will NOT fail me! Let's just get this over with!"

Janita tossed her bra aside with disgust, repeatedly adjusting her top to make sure she was as covered as possible.

Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:31 pm

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Snickering loudly to himself from the stands, the lizardman would crack his neck to the side, standing up and looking over the young red head as she stood there, talking to herself. That was the reality of the situation, and he was rather pleased with how the illusion was working out as well. He loved that little demon more than ever now. He had a clear view of Janita as she removed that sports bra, allowing her large breasts to bounce with every step that she took inside of that tight uniform. Licking his lips, he knew that he would soon be interjecting himself into this illusion.

The coach watched as the young female turned around and showed off that sports bra that was now completely off. The vein in her head stopped throbbing, and she snapped her fingers towards the other students. "Get back here ladies...we got work to do!" The coach came up to Janita and gave her a firm not, and a tight grip on her shoulder, squeezing a bit. "Already I have high hopes for you. You already have shown sacrifice, and that is pivitol in any activity that involves a team. I'm proud of ya."

The coach then turned away, picking up a whistle and then blowing it deeply. "Alright, we're going to start a pyramid...and our new recruit is going to top it." The other girls sighed, shaking their heads before a few of them began to form the bottom layer and the second layer to the female pyramid. "Don't be shy off your physical prowress...I know you can do it." The coach...coached.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:04 pm
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