Shokushu High School

Clearing frustration (need a monster{s})
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Author:  Raven [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Clearing frustration (need a monster{s})

Raven had spent a good portion of the day looking for her dormitory with absolutely no luck she had done everything from asking the administration to trying every door in the dormitory buildings. though she had met a few nice people she had the bad luck of her key snapping in half in the last door she tried... an easy enough fix with a weak spell that most basic illusionists could do with rope... well the real ones at least.

She decided to go to the school's pool placing her various bags down in a corner sitting with them around her choosing to wait a few minutes before deciding what to do. Raven owned various swim suits, wet suits goggles & other swim gear. She sat with her knees to her chest for a few minutes before she'd undo her belt and let her skirt drift to the ground and then remove her jacket and top revealing she was wearing a one piece swimsuit... or perhaps two the bottom and top were connected with various straps and buckles and the suit itself was held on well around her neck well at least once she attached it properly.

She walked stood and looked at the pool from the wall deciding what she'd do finally this late in the day she hoped no one else would arrive though given a couple of things she heard about the school, night swims were popular.

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Ayumi

Tired of studying, and eager to swim, Ayumi straddled out towards the outdoor pool. She carried alongside her, a towel and a bag, probably supplemented with an assortment of miscellaneous items. Adorning her dulcet body, was a pink bikini, tightly strapped on to obey the school's rules. [Shown in picture.]

Upon arriving at the pool, Ayumi would smile briefly, noticing the only other girl, whom had already set up near her own corner. Ayumi, being a new student, copied, and arranged her baggings near the other corner.

Now curious of the other girl, Ayumi would approach her in a subtle manner.
"Hello there. My names Ayumi."

Author:  Raven [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Raven yawned a little looking to Ayumi with a subtle wave a hand scratching slightly at her orange hair. Violet eyes on the new student to arrive. The rather... skimpy... bikini was a bit odd in Raven's eye even if she had seen smaller before.

"Raven Poe, good to meet ya Ayumi."

Her own suit was deep midnight blue seeming to finish the sun set to twilight to deep night color scheme she held from hair to body. She stretched her arms behind her head the straps shaking slightly as she did, her strange seventy seven piece swimsuit as it were, though it wasn't quite tight to her form, it was tight enough at the places that counted.

"Glad to see I'm not alone in needing a swim at this time of night."

She knelt down to her bags and pulled out a tiny book turning through the pages after sitting on the first for awhile before she'd do a simple motion scratching at her feet a moment before she'd stand again.

"Lot of nice girl's around very friendly even for a new arrival like me."

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Ayumi

Ayumi smiled delightfully at the female's boring yawn, as Ayumi herself was quite the tired one as well. She simply replied with a short yawn, and rubbed her drooping right eye, trying to emit a focused gaze at the girl's confusing outfit, analyzing her many hooks and rings. It wasn't an awful suit, but it was a unique one.

"I'm pretty much glad to see you here Raven. It's so boring when your alone... Do you have room mate? I've always wished for one."

Ayumi then notched her head into an upward position, changing her casual stance into a thinking stance. "Do we still need to wear the outfits supplemented to us..?". Ayumi thought to herself. The questing abruptly ending, when she heard the girl speak again.

"Oh.. yes I know. I'm new to."

Author:  Raven [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Raven scratched her chin offering the best aswer she could as she began to walk towards the pool itself.

"Haven't found my dorm room yet, key had no room number on it and only had a note saying I had a room mate administration works horribly I guess. don't know whose supposed to be doing what."

She snickered slightly before she'd begin to stretch her legs preping herself as best she could for a swim after so much walking and building frustration.

"And I guess you're right this might have been a bit boring by myself."

Another yawn and she'd move to a sittting positinon legs crossed outside the rool water deciding when to actually go into the comfortable looking water.

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Ayumi followed alongside the girls charade, and coasted along the sides of the pool, locating a comfortable spot in the vicinity of the female. After finding a comfortable and soothing spot, Ayumi dropped into the water, and wadded against the 7 feet deep waters, keeping close to the, like herself, new student.

"Well maybe we can go back to my dorm room after a quick swim? Your key may be the key to my dorm room."

The water was freshing and relaxing, yet cold at the same time, as the swimming pool wasn't in the school's direct campus grounds so the pool wasn't supplied with an automatic heater. Ayumi ignored this overwhelming pain though, and continued to chat, loving the feeling of socializing.

Author:  Kim [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:26 am ]
Post subject: 

I came in slowly wearing a white swimsuit (same as the one in my sig) with a bag of my clothes I un tied my hair and let it fall before I notice two other girls were here as well "huh guess I wasn't the only thinking of coming out here...." I say with a giggle "well how are you two doing?"

Author:  Raven [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Raven's eyes turned to the next person to arrive and indeed this girl's suit seemed even smaller than the first's and this just caused raven to sigh deeply before finally she'd shrug to herself.

To each their own I guess...
"I'm doing pretty well, actually miss save for braking my key at first and the not finding my room after four hours... As for that invite to your dorm room... I might have tried it already been through a good number of doors trying to find it."

Raven still avoided the water for the moment until finally she'd place her toes to the water though it looked like they stopped at the very surface.

"I'm Raven by the by."

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Ayumi diligently shrugged as well, as she was almost in a state of paradise before the other female portruded in so loudly. Now awake, she seemed to have the nerve to converse once more, ignoring the skimpy outfitted female discreetly.

"The administration does mess up horribly.. It's alright though. You will find your room one day."

Now, Ayumi acknoweldged the blonde haired female, pausing shortly, before initiating her own would be brief conversation.

"I'm doing alright... Seemingly bored though."

Ayumi then engaged in her own unique rituals, trying to regrasp the pleasuring state of paradise, starting with a mere closing of both eyes.

Author:  Kim [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I noded as I dip my feet in the water and sighed "I couldn't sleep so I thought I come here and relax I looked at Raven and smiled "im Kimberly but my friends call me Kim or Kimmy."

Author:  Raven [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:35 am ]
Post subject: 

"I've never slept well... and frustration only seems to make it worse. I sleep like a feather slightest thing jars me away from it."

She sighed only before placing her other foot at the water's surface.

"I'll go with Kimmy, Sounds kinda nicer than the other two choices. Hope you don't mind... It's a good temperature given the time of night."

She nodded once more face holding onto a bit of indecision on whether to actually swim or not.

"It's a bit too quiet I expected more noise at night at a college."

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Ayumi, still wading in the open pool, began to feel frustrated and unamused. She couldn't initiate her state of paradise. No matter, Ayumi could still have a pleasurable and paradistic time in the water couldn't she?

"Sad... I guess the cozy swim may relax you? I always prefer an exhiliarating sleep. "

Ayumi then observed Raven's slight phobia of water, and giggled softly, kicking her way towards the quiet and subtle female. Before executing any actions upon the seemingly -steamed- or angry female though, Ayumi would quickly flash her hand towards Kimmy, motioning her to come.

"Maybe there are some big tests tommorow? Who knows? Usually when I'm in my dorm room, the outside halls are rumbling with excitement."

[A quick question~ Is this roleplay a casual or sexual roleplay? I'm interested in either, so you two may make your own decision.]

[If you would like, I could portray a monster at the same time? If no other monster wants to attack us.]

Author:  Raven [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

((well if goes as intended a monster will join in too so until then do as your character would is all I'll say))

Raven shook her head simply to Ayumi's words tapping her foot against the water's surface before finally standing on it's surface nearly falling over before she'd literally take ten steps on the surface then fall into it

"Afraid nothing's ever helped kind of a bit of a curse I'm stuck with.I live pretty well with it believe it or not."

she said with a bit of a triumphant laugh to herself as she pushed herself back to the edge of the pool before lifting herself back out letting a bit of the water drip off herself as she stood by the edge of the pool.

"Wonderful night though."

((as for doubling as a monster we can wait a little more before one or more of use resort to that ;^^))

Author:  Ayumi [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Ayumi just stared in amazement, as the dauntless female lunged herself into the icey coldness of the outdoor pool. Shortly after the female's anticipated plundge into the water, the dulcet and soft skinned Ayumi would give out a cheerful cry.


Her gracious face then changed, as the cursed and/or sinned female escaped the frozen numbness of the outdoor pool.

"It is a wonderful night isn't it?"

[Good Night...]

Author:  Jezebel [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

((Can I be your monster for this thread ladies? ))

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