Shokushu High School

Physical Magic (For Bonjoceiv)
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Author:  Raven [ Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Physical Magic (For Bonjoceiv)

Raven stretched her legs a moment or two before kneeling close to the ground. the sky was a bit cloudy and the day as a result had a comfortable chill to it. Raven wore a long sleeved shirt, a short skirt her usual belt & jackets along with a pair of denim leggings to help deal with the minor chill & her modesty. She was in the gymnasium today the room empty save for her no one seemed to use it on a day when the air conditioner was stuck on and it wasn't hot. a tad ironic really; it never worked when you needed it.

Raven as usual held a small note pad sized book in her hand, it was thick as a mini thesaurus at least seven hundred pages. She smiled a bit as she read a page slowly nodding to herself before she'd close it and return it to her skirt pocket as usual. She'd perform a few simple gestures & a few sparks lept from her finger tips, it was a simple spell designed just for show; it didn't do anything dangerous or painful but, it was a nice display either way one looked at it. She didn't know much dangerous magic from her book, save for five or six spells she had just begun to use this little indestructible book... after four or five years of trying to destroy it. from burning the pages and scattering the ashes to dumping it in acid to giving it to a willing stranger it always returned to her side whether in her pocket or by her head after her sleep.

"Didn't expect that from the description; really pretty little display though... flash powder can do the same thing I guess this is cheaper and I guess they haven't always had flash powder. Wonder what else is in the beginners spells chapter..."

With that she turned to the next page which listed a few spells for healing scrapes, scratches and bruises. the book didn't have much of a rhyme or reason to it no real order except for the beginner, intermediate, advanced and mastery chapters along with it's index of inhuman creatures though Raven also seemed to notice something.

Is this book bigger than yesterday?

Well it didn't matter to her much as long as she had time to study it for herself. She'd look over the spells listed on this page then glance at the next which listed a few spells for her physical abilities. these interested her greatly and she'd cast the first one, a minor boost to her agility and physical endurance; though no more than one might get from a health shake.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 06, 2008 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The newly appointed substitute music teacher was in the mens locker room, preparing for what seemed to become part of his daily routine, a little working out in the gym with his shirt off, shades in. He usually had an orgy of girls watching him, giving him sometime to pick out the next lucky girl he'd "take care" of. So it was a surprise when he stepped into the gym, shades on, shirt off, cig lit in his mouth, and there was only one girl there. Don't get him wrong, she was quite the looker, but he was used to an audience, not one girl with a book. " Shit... " he mumbled realizing that there some big meet, like a box social or whateber or something important for the students today. He realized he was lucky to get just one then, he put out the cigarette and began his stretches.

Author:  Raven [ Tue May 06, 2008 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

She stretched slightly putting her book into her pocket and cast two or three more on herself nothing major just an elaborate physical ability boost set. She'd stretch a few times rolling her neck before she'd finally notice she wasn't alone in the gym today. for some reason or another there was a man here.

She'd stop stretching and approached the man whom apparently just put out a cigarette. Evidently enough he wasn't wearing a shirt not that she knew why. Her nerves were a bit shaken; She had a fear of men well at least men that looked around her age.

"Is... isn't this a... an all girl's school?"

Her voice noticeably shaking though of course she was counter phobic and often did exactly what scared her. Her clothes weren't quite flattering to her form keeping a good bit of her curve hidden.

"And why aren't you wearing a shirt in here it's freezing!"

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 06, 2008 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bon smiled at her, stretching still. "Ever heard of a substitute teacher?... that's my job...". He quickly began jogging and running around the gym, he was unaware of the temperature due to his demonic blood and the heat that resided within his body. He stopped in front of her, panting slightly, "I'm shirtless because I don't want to get sweat on my shirt..." He then began jogging again.

Author:  Raven [ Tue May 06, 2008 11:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Raven blinked blankly as he jogged around the gym once. She was new though she didn't think a school like this would have a substitute program given the island was so far away from civilization but, she didn't have much need to question it. Then he'd jog away again after commenting about his shirt. She'd move to catch up with him; backwards it seemed to easy to jog forward. She huffed slightly as she caught up to jogging by his side.

"Umm I guess it would be nice to have someone to uhhh workout with... It's sort of boring to just work out with four walls and a book..."

Of course this was her counter phobia speaking but even still she stuttered as she spoke to the strange demon whom she was beginning to get a strange air from.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 06, 2008 11:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bon smiled, stopping in his tracks. He knew something was different about this one, she could probably sense his slight demonic pressure. He figured he could bullshit his way through this one, he could pass it off as a man who had just fought off a monster if he wanted to. "I know what you mean... but I've never seen you here before, usually there's a bunch of girls here around the time I work out... and isn't there some kind of box social or whatever you kids do these days today?".

Author:  Raven [ Tue May 06, 2008 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

She decided to stop as well standing still looking him with still curious lavender eyes.

"Not sure, Pretty new here myself; I assumed it was just because the AC decided to work during a cool flash but, I guess I did hear a few girls talking about some event."

She didn't even seem short of breath in the slightest given jogging backwards she was well energized. The spells worked better than she had thought. Still that strange feeling persisted she wondered what it could be; so far she had only felt a similar feeling once before... when a demon had attacked her but, this feeling was definitely different.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Wed May 07, 2008 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Bon smiled at her, "new huh?... well since you're new and apparently my new work out partner... what should we do next?" He smiled silently waiting for her response.

Author:  Raven [ Wed May 07, 2008 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

"Well... umm Usually I just run since there's never anyone else around when I end up working out... There's a rope over there I sometimes climb but, other than that I don't have much insight on working out."

She admitted scratching a hand thought her short orange hair hoping perhaps he'd have an idea.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Wed May 07, 2008 12:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Bon smiled and pointed towards the punching bag, "why don't we give your rope a climb, then try a little bit of that?" He smiled, maybe she'll get the hint and guess that I'm trying to look up that nice skirt of hers.

Author:  Raven [ Wed May 07, 2008 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

While she did get the hint she was wearing denim legging so knew there wouldn't be anything to see really beyond what one would see if she were wearing tight jeans.

"Alright That'll work."

With that she cracked her knuckles and moved to that rope grabbing it and placing her feet in the proper place. preparing herself to climb quickly and then she began to pull herself up without too much struggle she was stronger than she looked at the very least and the view up her skirt was better than raven would have thought.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Wed May 07, 2008 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Bon noticed that he couldn't see anything up there, so he climbed the robe getting his head close to her legs. He knew if she noticed it'd freak her out and they'd both fall, either way, she'd land on him.

Author:  Raven [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Raven climbed to the top of the rope which is when she'd finally notice he was climbing right below her the view not too much better even close up all he'd see was the denim matching her curve & her panty lines of course. It freaked her out certainly to have someone whom she didn't know the name of that close, especially a man whom was obviously trying to see something more than he had. though she didn't let go in fact she held on tighter to the rope.

"What the heck are you doing I could have fallen you scared me so much!"

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:13 am ]
Post subject: 

He chuckled lightly to himself, looking up at her for a moment, "sorry beautiful girl... irresistible to me... you have to under-". And with that his hands slipped off the rope, and he was sent falling to the floor. He smiled lightly as he hit the floor, making an "Opmh" sound, laying there.

Author:  Raven [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

She sighed slightly as he plummeted to the ground she herself slipped down the rope surprisingly quickly somehow avoiding rope burn; a spell most likely.

"What's your name anyway or should I just call you perv from now on?"

she seemed just a bit aggravated but, not furious yet at least.

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