Shokushu High School

Deep Sorrow(Keemari)
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Author:  Darwin [ Mon May 12, 2008 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

It was a sunny warm afternoon, most of the students were happy and enjoying themselves. Darwin however was avoiding people in the gym a violin on her shoulder. as always she was dressed in her male role flat chested and athletic build wearing blue slacks and a black shift quite appropriate for her mood under it was her usual assortment of illusion techniques, a tight sleeveless shirt; her 'shifter' a men's athletic cup and of course her panties & a bra both hidden by boxers her shifter and the sleeveless shirt.
From the violin came the most depressing tune one could imagine. and her expression showed just how horrific her mood was. students who passed ended up walking the halls with tears staining their cheeks those who would normally crowd around and attempt to seduce him thinking Darwin really male avoided him letting him sit with her sit with her misery for once.

All this from what would normally make one so happy these things were making her regret what she had done in the past or perhaps regret what she'd end up doing in the future.

Author:  Keemari [ Mon May 12, 2008 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

However it appeared one indivudual did not run from her music, rather he saw it as a call for help perhaps. "When a person plays such a tune that has there emtions so tied up in it, that it radiates to everyone around, it's a wonderful thing for a musician. You however only radiate sadness." I tell her as I then sit next to her. "What's the problem?" I ask her.

Author:  Darwin [ Mon May 12, 2008 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

She stopped her music and took a glance at the man whom had stopped to speak to her.

"Oh... ummm m... most would call it kind of a stupid reason..."

She said in her false masculine tone; it was at the least well practiced though still obviously bogged down with sorrow.

"I was happy back when I just didn't care about anything and no one cared about me."

Author:  Keemari [ Mon May 12, 2008 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I see." I tell her as I take a seat next to her. "That might seem like happiness, but the truth is it's probaly not. What it sounds like you feeling is that of loss that clouds the happiness you felt when you were together with someone." I tell her.

Author:  Darwin [ Mon May 12, 2008 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Loss... maybe... or maybe regret is more the word... so far caring has only brought me pain... I made a few friends and so far I pissed one off and haven't spoken to her in over a week haven't even seen her... another has a problem there's absolutely nothing I can do about, and a third confessed to me... I can't even look myself in a mirror after that let alone look her in the eye."

she didn't include that she had failed to be able to pleasure Diana but, that didn't seem in her mind to matter.

"I don't know how other people deal with this men or women."

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 13, 2008 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

"Hmmm, I see, strange then, that you dress as a man to attract women to you, or do you merely like the appearance of a guy?" I ask her with a tiny smile. I reach out and put my hand on her head as I look at her. "How we deal with it depends on entirly on the person, we are not born with kind hearts, only instincts that drive us, kindness, adaptablte, social skills, and many others are things we learn. To stay hidden once we fail means we don't move forward." I tell her.

I then look around. "Hmmm, mind if we go somewhere else. I don't want the girls here to think I'm a gay now." I tell her sticking out my toungue.

Author:  Darwin [ Tue May 13, 2008 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

"I like the role..."

She answered simply taking her violin case returning her instruments into them before standing with a bit of a laugh at this man.

"Oh heh yeah right sure just show the way and I'll follow... ummm? Sorry I didn't catch your name; I'm Darwin."

She offered still with the male voice hoping he'd understand she couldn't let other students she barely knew know of her real gender... though this was in fact her real given name kind of a manly one for a woman.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 13, 2008 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

I smile at her as I stand up. "My name is Keemari Sulivan, just call me Keemari." I tell her as I lead her out the door and towards the green house near the gym that was next to the forest, that was off limits to students as we neared it and I reached for the door opening it up.

Author:  Darwin [ Tue May 13, 2008 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

She'd never been to the greenhouse let alone seen it; but, she didn't often look around the island. Her gray eyes looked ovewr the structure curiously.

"Keemari huh?"

She thought aloud pondering the name a little; she hadn't given him her surname mainly because other students were around; she didn't want anyone to make the connection between Darwin & Quincy

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 13, 2008 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

I open it up and walk inside, as she walks in she feels a rise in the tempture as many plants litter the structure, they are exotic and yet some familar as they all seemed to coexist as there were plants that she had never seen before and some she had, but looked different.

"I'm a botanist and this is my area of study." I tell her

Author:  Darwin [ Tue May 13, 2008 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

"It's nice."

she said simply looking around with her usual expression though her tone more feminine; her natural tone not that it was a bubbly blond or a girly girl tone; it just wasn't as deep as the one she normally used.

"I really only know music though."

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 13, 2008 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

"Hmmm, I know, which is one of the reasons I brought you here." I tell her as I take her by the hand and lead her over to a plant that had flowers that formed long tunnels with there petals so to speak and such. "Would you mind playing?" I ask her.

Author:  Darwin [ Tue May 13, 2008 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

Darwin looked at Keemari curiously before she'd shrug and ready her violin and bow.

"Oh uhm... sure I guess."

She began to play; the tune held similar yet different emotions than before though still sadness & confusion as the primary themes with a background of helplessness.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue May 13, 2008 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

As she plays she hears other intrsutments joining in, matching her music, they rythme, the scheme, a saxaphone, a flute, and a clarinet. Looking up she see's that the plant itself is doing it.

Author:  Darwin [ Tue May 13, 2008 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Deep Sorrow(Keemari)

Though she'd continue to play she'd look at the plant blinking amazed that such a thing existed.

"HGow can these be doing this??"

she asked tone lowering slightly as she noticed just how depressing the tune sounded toming from so many instruments at once.

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