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 Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya) 
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Post Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Hydra had gone to some lengths to get what he wanted before, but he had, more than once, questioned whether or not this particular endeavor was worth it. Every time, though, he realized that he was starting to enjoy the subtle... or overt... manipulations necessary to get to his prey in this day and age. He had first laid eyes on the blue haired young woman walking from one of her classes, though he dared not strike in the middle of the day with so many of her classmates around. Therein lay the problem, though. It seemed she was overtly shy, rarely emerging from her dorm room except for classes, or when summoned by a faculty member. He didn't even know her name, but her body had allured him enough to focus his hunt on her for almost a week now.

It would have been difficult, though not impossible, to sneak into her dorm room, but Hydra didn't wish to do that... he wanted her elsewhere. The student intern he had harassed in the physical education department had almost been worth it herself, but she was a stepping stone to a larger feast for the demon. He'd told the young woman the dorm room and physical description of his prey and offered to let her lure the blue haired girl to him... of course, the offer was hard to refuse, given his alternative. "Just tell her that she was supposed to be enrolled in a physical education class and to meet in the older weight room." he had instructed... the fear in the young woman's eyes assuring him of her cooperation.

And so, he waited, hovering in the low but shadowed rafters of the weight room. It was the middle of the day, but the room had become one of his favorite hideouts on account of its disuse and lack of windows. That, and there were just so many fun toys to an imaginative mind.


Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:57 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Natalya sighed as she entered the gym. She had dropped all activities after the first attack. No one seemed to have a problem with it until now, and she wasn't happy with the teacher for forcing the issue. Having told the girl who came for her that she wasn't interested hadn't worked either. The girl had informed her the instructor had threatened detention, and Nat had heard a few detention stories.

She was a little early so it wasn't a surprise to her that no one was in the older room yet. Her blue hair was pulled up in a high pony tail and streaked with red and white. Sometimes she was surprised that she got away with dying her hair. Tennis shoes squeaked as she walked across the floor towards a bench. Black shorts were semi tight and very short, short enough to show the very bottom of her cheeks when she walked. Her multi-colored tank top barely contained her breasts even with the matching bra trying to help.

Sitting down on the bench she tugged at the top of her tank. Her small size compared to her breasts made it hard to find shirts that actually fit. Tapping a foot she waited thinking to give the teacher ten minutes before she left.

Natalya's Journal

Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:12 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
The demon watched from on high as the young girl walked into the room... instantly deciding it had been worth the wait. He hadn't bothered wearing his disguise, as usual, but as she took a seat below him, he pondered the wisdom of going without it. Only his long black kilt adorned his grey skinned body, leaving him looking anything but human. This left him with a couple of options... attack her without locking the door whilst maintaining his surprise, or sacrifice his stealth but trap her in the room with him. She looked sturdy but her size had to limit her strength, he reasoned.

His vantage point had afforded him another distraction... hanging where he was, the demon was able to see directly down upon her, including her barely covered breasts, threatening to slip from the too-small top. The view was more than enough to make his tentacles dance with excitement, only pressing him to assault her sooner rather than later.

Two of his thicker tentacles started to slink their way down from his hiding point, careful to stay behind her and out of her field of vision. With careful precision they snuck behind her multicolored hair, down to about shoulder level... and struck, each trying to loop underneath one of her arms and latch tightly around a shoulder whilst at the same time lifting her slightly into the air.


Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:36 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Natalya didn't like being alone and was becoming increasing nervous. Deciding it might be better to wait somewhere with more people she started to stand. The moment something brushed her arms she screamed. Being small was usually an advantage since no one expected her to be stronger then she looked. Years and years of gymnastics and helping on a working ranch left her with slick muscles.

She didn't waste time as she began to struggle against the hold. Moving her feet quickly she tried to turn and wrap her legs around the bench. Feeling herself being lifted only sent her into a bigger struggle. The farther thing from Nat's mind though was the view the monster most have of her writhing body.

Natalya's Journal

Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:53 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Grinned as he started to reel his prey in like a wriggling fish on a line. His expression faded after a moment, however, as her legs wrapped about the bench and held on tight. The demon found himself unable to move her. "Strong for a little one..." he muttered under his breath, deciding that he was going to have to find some way to unlatch her from the bench. He paused for a few seconds to admire her heaving chest from his view, though the thought of actually revealing it completely urged him back to matters at hand.

His tendrils went slack for a moment, keeping a grip on her but allowing her to fall to the bench. The reason became apparent as the large demon dropped right in front of the girl with a *THUNK* that echoed in the mostly empty room. Immediately, his appendages began yanking on her again, hoping to scare her into breaking her grip on the equipment. "Hello miss... you're a hard one to find, you know that?" he rumbled, his voice deep and grating. "Bit of a shut in really... I haven't even heard your name."


Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:07 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
No matter how much her legs burned she refused to let go of the bench. Once she was seated back on her it she tightened her legs. After the second scream she knew no one was likely to come help her. She wouldn't doubt if the gym had cleared out or atleast the section they were in. "Stupid ass," she muttered. She pulled at her arms trying to get them free.

Nat's blue eyes went wide at his words as he began pulling on her again.
"What does my name matter you ass? Aren't all students the same in your small minds?" she hissed. Her arms being held firmly sent a shock through her body causing her nipples to tighten and push against the tank.

It seemed to take a few seconds for his words to completely sink in.
"What do you mean hard to find? Why would you be looking for someone you don't know?" she asked with confusion.

Natalya's Journal

Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:24 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
An eyebrow raised on the demon's face as she began to speak. "Quite the mouth you have on you... if you insist on thinking me as dimwitted as some of the animals of this island, I suppose I could oblige you." he says, shooting two more tentacles to her feet, each wrapping around an ankle and yanking hard, trying to get her legs free of the bench. "If you insist on acting rude, I suppose I could rape you like an animal until I tire of you, then tie your used, naked form to a bench in the locker room to be found by the next gym class that gets out." He says, his tone sounding more like a person reasoning than threatening such a punishment.

"However... if you'd like to be civil I'll return the favor. In my own way, of course." he says, eying her prominent nipples as they poked at her top. His fingers gripped tightly, wanting to feel her fleshy mounds in his grip already. "Why don't we start with your name? Simple really... and let go of that... bench..." he says, giving another, even harder tug at her ankles, trying to pull her up and away from it again.


Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:50 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
She gritted her teeth and practically hissed at him. "Like it matters. Rape is rape and no one will believe anything I say no matter what," she told him. Feeling him yanking at her legs she winced slightly feeling the burn in her legs. She hated it when they tried to sound reasonable. Honestly like it mattered once they got their tentacles around you. No matter what you were fucked...literally.

"Why do you care what my name is?" she asked trying to sound 'civil'. With another yank her legs gave way the burning sensation too much. Her jaw clenched as her nipples tightened even more. Her sex clenched feeling empty and slick, her clit started to throb. Why did they always have to hold her like this she wondered.

Natalya's Journal

Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:00 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
The demon's grin widened as she was finally pulled from the bench... not without considerable effort on his part though. He would remember not to underestimate the girl again. "Well I need something to call you by dear." He says, pulling her up into the air before re-arranging the tentacles gripping her... the two at her shoulders sliding down her arms to hold her wrists, while the ones holding her ankles pulled her feet behind her and up... up until they were nearly touching her wrists, leaving her in a sort of hogtied position... in midair.

The posture left her already prominent chest thrust out at him, a temptation he could barely resist. For the sake of his twisted 'manners' however, he did for a bit longer. A finger rose to her cheek, gently brushing along the skin there. "I'm Hydra... demon, obviously. And I've been watching you for a while now girl. You're wonderful prey you know... your body is amazing. By the way... if I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this, judging by the way your nipples are protruding in your shirt dear." He chuckles.


Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:10 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Nat wasn't about to give up getting free just because he was bigger then her. She had to admit to herself though that she was grateful she was flexable. As she watched him it struck her odd suddenly how most of the monsters sounded calm and reasonable. " name is Grace," she lied.

She only wondered for a brief second if he'd know she lied. Supressing the urge to smile she let her eyes go wide and fill with tears.
"Please don't do this to me. Can't you just let me go?" she spoke in a soft shy sounding tone. She wasn't above begging to get free.

Being held as she was wasn't a position that really turned on her. Her body being held firmly and knowing she was helpless to stop him made her sex slick. She wondered if they drugged the girls here or if she was just sick.

Natalya's Journal

Last edited by Natalya on Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:31 pm
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
The demon kept his prey suspended for a bit longer, though he began to venture through the room, his captive held in front of him, dangling helplessly. "Grace is it then?" he said, though a split second of hesitation made him ponder if she was telling the truth. "And what do you study, Grace?" He chuckled, a bit of the old, intellectual baron showing through in the demon's personality even today. "Education is important, after all."

Apparently reaching their destination, the demon gave pause for a moment before dragging his prey back against what she would eventually identify as a butterfly machine, stretching her arms out to the machine's wings. She would find that the weights had been set at 300 lbs (a function that even Hydra found a bit odd in an all girls finishing school... seeing as how most of the girls he had seen were rather petite), thus making it nearly impossible for her to move the arms of the device. His tentacles tethered her wrists there, the drawn back position of the wings spreading her arms wide and forcing her torso out slightly from the bench. Upon securing her arms, he looped her legs underneath the bench, tethering them together at the ankles but keeping her knees spread slightly, forcing her legs apart just enough for his desires.

"I'm curious... why are you so withdrawn? Did some great tragedy befall you dear? Or are you just that introverted?"
he asked curiously, walking to one side of the girl and kneeling next to her so that their heads were at an even level. One of his hands came to rest on her bare thigh, kneading the muscles hungrily but in an almost massaging manner.


Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:31 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Giving a nod she barely contained the snicker. "Yeah sure my name's Grace," she said with a roll of her eyes. She didn't really care if the monsters knew her name, this one had just struck her wrong. They all did truthfully but anytime one made her body respond with little effort, well it just pissed her off.

Grinding her teeth she snarled at his attempts to make conversation. It wasn't anything unusually, but it was something that just never made sense to her. Did the monsters expect to make friends with the girls they raped? With a metal shrug she tossed away the thoughts.
"I study whatever I want," she replied all too sweetly. In truth she was very smart and well ahead of most girls her age. She took whatever classes she wanted along with those that were required.

Usually only came to the gym when it was very crowded, and she never went into the inner rooms. Natalya always kept to the main room where the gymnastic equipment was. It didn't take her long though to identify what she was being tied to. After many years in a gym she knew most of the things one could find there. Once her arms were secure she pulled testing the weight. Frowning she knew that the monster had been smart enough to set a heavy weight even though she was small. After her legs were tied she realized she was still dressed. Mentally she groaned at what that meant.

"Can't you freaks for once undress a girl before you tie her up? Or is there something about ripping her clothes to shreds then making her walk across campus naked? Doesn't matter you just raped her, oh no that don't matter, let another monster take her as well when she tries to get back to her room," she ranted at him. She was trying to distract her mind and body of the fact she was tied, held down and at his mercy. Didn't matter though because her nipples were hard begging for attention, her sex slick, hot and swollen. Mentally she berated herself for letting the position get to her.

"Being repeated raped my freaks isn't a good enough reason? Trying to get through life without being raped idn't good enough for you? Oh no that's not a good enough reason to not what to be out and about here," she sneered at him. She wasn't about to tell him that she was often lonely and didn't make friends easily.

Natalya's Journal

Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:06 pm
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
With each response she gave, each snippy little comment made in complete spite of her increasingly helpless situation, Hydra began to consider teaching her a lesson. As she continued to yell at him, he removed one of the numerous belts holding up his kilt... a rather slender, leather ones, hardly what you could call fancy. But as she spoke, barely letting her finish her last rant at him, he quickly pulled the belt tight between her lips, fastening it snugly behind her head.

"I figured you for the quiet, shy type, not the foul mouthed little girl that you apparently are. I was going to rape you, yes... but now I think I'll teach you some perspective first, child." He growled, his red eyes seeming to almost glow in his fury. One of his hands clapped down, not excessively hard but probably enough to make her jump, on her covered sex, grabbing her young sex mound through the stretchy shorts and kneading it possessively.

Likewise his other hand descended upon one of her full breasts, grabbing the fleshy orb in her tank top and squeezing it once... twice... slowly but firmly. "I'm going to make you want me to rape you now... maybe even beg for it. The only real question is how long it will take. Look at yourself... your tits are already hard, you're breathing harder, your heart rate is probably going higher by the moment. No matter how much you tell yourself you don't want this... there's a part of you, a very animal, basic part, that does."


Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:50 am
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Post Re: Forcibly enrolled (for Natalya)
Natalya was in the middle of her so unlike herself rant when the belt slipped between her lips. Had she been paying better attention she might have been able to avoid it. Her head hung for a second before she looked up at him. The anger had died as quickly as it had been born. Her huge blue eyes filled with tears making them shiny. The very real her took over and the change was almost visible. She looked at him like the shy submissive she was.

Her body tremble in what could only be classified as fear.
"Pese dun I sawwe," she tried to talk through the belt. When his hand clapped over her mound she jumped slightly before holding still once more. She knew that he would be able to feel the moist heat through her shorts. Behind the belt she whimpered and tilted her hips towards his hand. Puckered nipples turned rock hard against his hand. Her head fell to the side resting on her shoulder as he touched her.

"Pese," she muttered through the belt looking into his red eyes. Her body trembled as her sex moisten even more soaking her panties and shorts. A part of her was still confused at herself for reacting in such a hostile nature at first.

Natalya's Journal

Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:26 am
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