Shokushu High School

Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)
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Author:  Mercy [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(OOC: All my other characters have some stories going on and I didn't want my student to feel neglected. This is open to the first student and the first monster to post. Go for it!)

Mercy was (or at least thought she was) alone in the changing rooms of the gymnasium. Her sports class had ended and she had made sure to be the last person to use the showers, she was much too shy about her body to consider baring it in front of anyone else.

Now that she was convinced no-one could see her, she slowly began to remove her uniform. Shorts pulled down past her wide hips, exposing the curves of her ass, revealing a black thong that she would rather die than let anyone else know she wore. With a sigh, she pulled down that skimpy piece of underwear too, leaving in her flimsy gym uniform t-shirt.

Mercy gave one last look over her shoulder before placing her hands on the fabric of her top and slowly drawing it upwards.

A loud crash from somewhere inside the lockers made her stop, frozen in place. She turned to see what had caused the sudden noise, catching sight of a collection of brooms and various pieces of cleaning equipment scattered over the floor. The girl waited a moment before she was satisfied that she was alone in the room, that the collapsed brooms had been caused by a draught or perhaps a mouse.

She took her top firmly in her hands and pulled it up over her head, her massive, soft, exquisite breasts bouncing free, exposing herself to the elements of the showers. She breathed in deeply, it was a little cold here, and she couldn't wait to get underneath some warm water.

She stepped underneath the nozzle, twisting a dial on the wall until the water that spewed forth reached it's perfect temperature.

She raised her arms upwards, slicking each of them with water, rubbing her forearms, a contented moan emerging from her throat as droplets pattered onto her skin. Tiny rivers ran down her shoulders and through the collosal canyon of her cleavage.

With her eyes closed, Mercy reached out for the soap, lathering her hands up with it and applying it generously to her body, coating herself in a lather that hugged her body, sliding along her inviting flesh like a lovers hands.

Mercy sighed contentedly, and perhaps a little too loudly.

Author:  Saira [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

In fact, Mercy was indeed not alone. Though... the other person we knew about so far didn't make that noise, either. It was another student from her sports class, who was also a bit nervous about being naked in front of other girls... That other student was Saira Nejem. She had waited some, but unlike Mercy, Saira didn't rely only on there being nobody there, because there were times that just wasn't an option. Instead, Saira had found one stall on the faaaaar side of the showers that had a curved wall, which helped block her from sight - and that far away, Mercy'd likely have trouble even hearing the shower running.

Saira was farther ahead in the process than Mercy was, admittedly, her small, tight gym shorts already at her ankles while the other girl was still looking around. Panties, light lime-colored panties were quickly slid down as well... joined by the white gym shirt and a simple white bra, the lot of them being stuffed into a nearby locker. And so the arabic girl stood in the shower, naked to her caramel skin, and with a swift, uninvolved gesture, she turned on the water.

Saira exhaled softly, barely even making a sound, as the curtain of warm water coated her, making her glisten slightly. It felt... more relaxing than anything, like a massage that left no uncomfortable pressure, simply soothing the aching muscles as it went. She took a second to let her mind wander, and slightly daydreamed...

Author:  Linnis [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(If there are no objections, I'll have my monster Altima join you tow in a little bit)

Author:  Ryujin [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(Not so fast Linnis! I'd like to have a go at these two fillies too ya know! How about it ladies? Mind if I join?)

Author:  Ryujin [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Ryujin cursed silently at his blunder as he quickly drew an illusion of an open locker and it's contents spilled out over the floor. Ryujin had been patiently waiting for the girls to empty out of the locker room to let him have his way with the buxom french girl. He had been watching her all day and when he saw how reluctant to expose her body to her fellow students he knew all he had to do was wait. Despite his keen sense of smell and taste however, he was unaware of the curious, tanned girl showering in the far end of the room.

The large dragonian slid his arms and folded his wings, sliding both out of his vest to let it hang at his waist in the fashion of a towel at a bath house. Quietly he strode over to her, blissfully unaware of his presence until he announced himself, "Would you like some help washing your back?" he asked, looking down at her through his slitted pupils. He licked his lips as he gazed over her body as she soaped herself up, a slight bugle appearing at his crotch.

Author:  Linnis [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(Not cool, I asked first!)

Author:  Ryujin [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(Well I posted first. :P Don't get your nickers in a twist, if they choose you I'll delete the post.)

Author:  Linnis [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(>.> You're on Linny Poon Embargo until I forgive you, Ry.)

Author:  Mercy [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(I've got no problem with two monsters, how about you Saira?)

Author:  Saira [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(Huh! Well, that could be interesting!)

Author:  Ryujin [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

(I wouldn't mind sharing. Dibs on Mercy.)

Author:  Mercy [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mercy froze as she heard the male voice. It was inconceivable that someone else was here, she had checked. But still there was...

Slowly, the French girl turned around. The white foam still coated a great deal of her body, providing some cover on her shaven crotch and immense breasts. She looked up into the eyes of the beast that had snuck up on her. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out, she could only stare in disbelief at the creature...

Author:  Saira [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mutual ignorance was the name of the game, as for now, Saira wasn't aware of Ryujin's presence at all, and was only vaguely aware of Mercy being there. No, she was busy getting a good lather!~ The foamy frothy bubbles covered her wet, sleek form, as Saira began rubbing all over her body. The slight sound of the male voice was almost unheard, though she turned for a second, as if she thought she heard something she couldn't place.

But Saira dismissed it as nothing. There WERE times when a monster WASN'T lurking right in the shadows. Of course, she could be wrong. ...Doubly wrong if there was indeed more than just the dragon afoot...

Author:  Ryujin [ Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Ryujin adored the look of shock and fear in her eyes as her mouth hung open. The sight of her partially obscured nakedness was a deliciously teasing sight, the image of her curves and nether regions being left to his imagination. Before she had a chance to act on what her body was trying to do, her mind stuck staring at the massive creature before her, he rushed her. Covering her mouth with his right hand and pushing her against the wall of the shower, he placed his clawed hand atop her shoulder and ran it down over her mountainous globe, wiping away the foamy suds as it traveled down her stomach until he reached her hairless mound.

"Very nice." he growled out. If Mercy still had the heart to look into the reptilian creature's eyes, she could see the primal lust and hunger reflected in them as they surveyed her exposed body. He stroked her soft petals and gave her clit a slight pinch before reaching up to adjust the shwoer head, letting the warm water wash the suds off her body.

Author:  Mercy [ Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleansing (Open to one more student and one monster)

Mercy squeaked as she was pushed up against the shower wall. She would have screamed, but only a tiny amount of sound could escape from behind the reptillian beasts strong hand clamped over her mouth. As the other clawed hand began to run down her body, the girl tried to squirm away, held fast by the monster she could do nothing. Its hand travelled down over her enormous breast, the nipple rising with excitement, hard and pink.

As the beast put its hands on the girls virgin womanhood, Mercy stood up on tip toes, trying to get away from the prying fingers. It pinched her clit and she squeaked again in alarm, a tear appearing in the corner of her eye.

The water began to rush over her, removing the soapy residue and baring every inch of her perfect flesh to the monster. She tried to pull back, her shoulders, her back, her large, firm round buttocks pushing again st the shower wall...

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