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 Soccer Practice (Maiya) 
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Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Soccer Practice (Maiya)
He would have preferred to be out in the sun rather than lurking in the bushes, but such was the life of a monster in this place. A minor annoyance for the greater joy that the student('s) body provided. All in due time he told himself. Patience. Soon, the sun will warm your metallic skin as you have your way with one of them. For the most part, classes were over for the day and the various sports had their practices underway. Today, he'd chosen to prey upon the soccer fields. His eyes scanned over each student individually and assessed them. Soon, every player had been gone over. He went through the roster and one by one, removed undesirables until only one remained. Apparently she was a new girl at the school. Oh the welcome he'd give her.

He continued to watch and wait patiently from his camouflage in the foliage. Slowly, students began to move off the fields and back towards the buildings of the campus. It was all about timing. He shifted and prepared to take to the air to swoop down and snatch up his prey in the new girl. But, a stroke of luck came his way. There was several students left on the field, which included his target. They bounced the ball between them with their knees as they chatted about this or that. But the last thing their coach saw was the ball bouncing on Maiya's knee and then it flying through the air. Maiya hadn't kicked it, one of her teammates had, but, the coach didn't see that.

The ball sailed through the air and bounced several times before it rolled into the bushes on the far side of the field. The coach barked at the new girl and pointed her off to go retrieve the ball and then double time it back to the locker room. Then, the coach and remaining students picked up the remaining gear and made their way back to the safety of the buildings. But there, in the foliage, Timye stood, one foot on the soccer ball as he watched the new girl come walking towards him.

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:33 am

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
" Oh you gotta be kiddin' me! " Maiya said, her hazel eyes locked onto the black and white ball as it sailed through the air. The sun was in her eyes, but by lifting her hand to shield most of her vision, she was able to see that it landed somewhere in the forest.

She was about to tell the girl, a new friend of hers to go get it ( since she had kicked it ) But before she could, she heard the barking voice of her coach to go get it. She was about to argue, but he and the rest of the girls were already leaving the field. Sighing slightly, she growled to herself. " Next practice I'll show you how to nail a ball.. " She turned, and began to walk towards the forest.

Maiya was a new student here, of course. Her father had sent her here so she would stop focusing on sports so much, and to be quite honest this place will seem to do it. Soccor practice was only twice a week, instead of the "every day" type she was used to. Other than that, the only thing she really disliked was the fact that she had to wear skirts during school, which annoyed her to no end.

Maiya's pace across the field was casual, but began to pick up slightly as she heard her coach yell again. Even so far away he sounded like a drill instructor. At the moment, since it was practice, she only wore a loose white T-shirt, and a pair of blue short shorts to go along with her shoes, and of course her bra and underwear.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:46 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
The closer she came tot he edge of the forest, the farther he moved back. He stopped when he was about fifteen feet from the edge of the field and put his foot back atop the ball. This is where he'd wait for her. His right side leaned against a tree in such a manner that his side would be hidden from her view at the angle she'd approach from. The side panels had already opened and the tentacles began to slither in two directions. One set went up the tree and waited, ready to strike from above, the others wove through the underbrush and waited for her legs to come close enough.

It really was a wonder that no student ever escaped and blew the whistle as to the atrocities that wen on at this school. But, then again, if one of the girls did, she'd be locked up and put away. Nobody in their right mind would believe some little school girl about a claim that her island school was stalked by monsters who constantly raped the students. If they only knew the truth about what happened to their sisters and daughters.

His metal skin was a dull gray in the dim light under the tree. His eyes and mouth glowed an eerie green, the same color you see in movies when something is radioactive. His arms were crossed over his chest as he waited, leaning against the tree. He flexed his toes and almost chuckled. The new girl would not return in time to finish her class, she'd miss her next several, and she'd be blamed for the destruction of her clothing and the soccer ball. Oh yes, her welcoming party would come together nicely.

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:11 am

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
Finally, after a minute or so, Maiya came to the edge of the forest. She stood there, gazing into it, past the trees and brush, looking to see where the Ball had fallen. " It couldn't have gone that far into the damn woods. " She sighed. She stood there for a moment longer, taking time to enjoy the warmth of the sun on her back. She was hot, and somewhat sweaty, but she still loved the sun.

Stepping forward, she moved into the woods, moving past bushes and trees, glancing here and there to try and find the soccor ball. " Damn it " she thought to herself. " The coach is going to chew me out if I can't find this blasted ball, and I'm already late for showers.. " She glanced about more, her hazel eyes scanning the floor of the forest, unaware of the danger that lurked around her.

Though she didn't mind being yelled at, she didn't like being scolded for things she didn't do. This was the only thought keeping her from turning around and just going back without the ball.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:28 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
He watched her move, but then hesitate at the edge of the forest. What? Was she scared? A nearly grown woman scared of stepping into a forest? What did she have to fear, nothing yet. She had no reason to assume this was anything but a normal, happy little all girls school. Her wold would soon shatter. Soon, she would fear every shadow, every bump in the night, what lurked around every corner. He listened to her talk to herself, the innocent, the fresh ones were so much more fun.

As she looked around, searching for her ball, he flexed his toes. The metal points dug into the ball and gave off a loud pop, followed by a rush of air as it escaped the ball. He bend down and picked up the deflated skin of the ball and whistled. He then tossed it a few feet in front of him, which would put her more than in range. The circular panels on his forearms spun open and the metal tendrils within waited for their command.

"Your ball is over here"

His voice was perfectly human, but his appearance was anything but. Where the voice was normally male, he synthesized a new voice, a female voice. The supposed voice of a student.

"Grab it and come join us!"

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:54 am

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
Her hazel eyes shot towards the hissing sound, which was followed by a soft thud. Where her eyes stopped, layed a rapidly deflaiting soccer ball. " What in the hell.. Damn it, the Coach is not going to like this. " She started towards it, stepping over roots and a bush, before she heard the voice. " Wha.. " She started to say, but stopped upon hearing the second voice. " Come play? Were you two the idiots who blew this ball? Come to where I can see you. " She demanded, her tone firm and bristled with annoyance. She would not get in trouble for this.

She began to make her way around the tree..

Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:20 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
When she came fully around the tree, there he stood, still leaned up against the side of the tree, his tentacles out of her view. His arms remained crossed over his chest as he looked her over. The female student voice continued for a few words, then faded into his normal one.

"Yes, we're the two idiots that popped your little toy"

The tentacles that hid in the bushes at her feet shot out with a great rustle. Six garden hose sized tentacles lashed out through the air until they found her legs. Their lengths coiled around her muscled ankles and calves. Oh, she could try to run, but she'd get no where. He finally pushed himself off the tree and circled around behind it as he followed the path his tentacles took into the brush and to her legs. The undergrowth crunched and small twigs snapped as he stomped towards her.

"Your ball being popped, the coach yelling at you, and being late are the least of your worries. Consider me your own personal welcoming comittee to the school and the island. The way you carry yourself, the way you move, and your fresh face brands you as fresh meat."

The panels on his other side opened up, but no tentacles extended yet. Then, the panels on his back slid open as well, but no tentacles extended. He was simply getting prepared.

"My creator called my Timye, the dark one. And you are?"

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:43 am

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
Maiya came about the tree, but her eyes suddenly locked onto a figure leaning against the three. She froze as her eyes made out it's details, and she found herself not being able to speak; however, it did. Her facial expression went from shock to fear, but before she could move or even turn, she felt things wrapping around her legs, almost knocking her off balance.

She tugged her legs but the grips were too tight, even for her, daring to glance down to see what they were. Tentacles.. She jerked her head back up in time to watch the metalic being move around the tree, and towards her. Every instinct in her told her to scream, yell, holler, yet she didn't. She was too far in the woods for anyone to hear her anyway, and everyone else at the field was probably enjoying a nice warm shower about now. She thought quickly, her mind racing. She could feel her heart beating against her chest as if it itself wanted to leap out and run.

Her deep hazel eyes were still locked onto the being as it spoke. It sounded like a normal human, but it looked nothing like a human save for it's shape.. " W-w... " she trailed off, but forced herself to regain herself. " Welcoming commitee? Just w-.. What the hell are you and what do you want with me? Fresh meat? " It took alot of will power, but she forced a glare towards the being.

" My name is Maiya.. Tsung. "

Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:32 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
"Yes, welcoming committee. I'm sure you've heard rumors and whispers around this place, even with being new here. Tall tales from the other girls about fantastic tales about grotesque monsters that prey upon the student body. Monsters that kidnap the students and act out every last one of their carnal desires."

The tentacles around her legs began to creep up them, towards the hem of her shorts. The ones from above began to snake down off the branch above them. He took a few steps closer to her and reached out. He didn't care if she liked it or not, he took hold of her left hand and brought it to his metal mouth. he pressed it against the opening for his vocal circuits as if he just kissed the back of it.

"A pleasure to meet you Maiya, but those rumors aren't rumors. Every last word is truth. I'm just glad I got my hands on you first and get the pleasure of breaking you in before all the others take their turns with you. That's what I mean by welcoming committee and fresh meat."

The tentacles that crept up her legs stopped once they were woven around her legs and their tips hooked around the legs of her shorts. The tentacles from above trailed along her neck for a moment before they dipped beneath the material and threaded themselves through the arms of her shirt. His blank, glowing eyes stared right back at her as she glared at him, cold and emotionless.

"Now, are you going to be a good girl and drop to your knees, or do I have to drag you there?"

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:22 am

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
It - He - Or whatever gender it was was right. She had heard rumors about strange things happening around the school, and a few wild and vivid stories but she never thought them to be true, just tales made up to satisfy ones sexual urges, or just to scare new kids.. But, now she knew the truth, and if the tentacles moving up her legs and now the ones that had wrapped around her arms were any indication, she knew what was going to happen soon.

She didn't think it possible, but she was even more still than she already was when the thing took her hand. He was cold.. and she watched him "kiss" it, or atleast she figured thats what it was, in his own way. Fear was still with her, alot of it, but she fought to keep it under control. There still may yet be a way out of this.. but, she couldn't help but feel slightly aroused by the fact something was dominating her.

She ignored his last sentance, trying to stall him in hopes someone would appeare. " There.. there are others? More of you? " She asked, her voice was low, slightly shaky. "

Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:43 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
"Oh, I haven't seen any others like me, but let your worst nightmares meet each and every one of your fantasies and you'll find one of us that will deliver for you. There's dozens of us, in every shape size and color. But, like I said, I'm the lucky one who gets to initiate you to your new life."

The Tentacles around her legs began to push at the back of her knees, and the moment there was a shift in her weight, they would begin to pull her down, as he promised. At the same time, the tentacles that wound through the arms of her shirt pulled off, and whisked the garment away from her and tossed it aside. There was something special about a new girl and gazing upon their semi nude bodies. They always thought it was a nightmare, a dream.

"Apparently it looks like you're not going to be a good little girl and cooperate. I'm glad, that will make things more fun for me."

As the tentacles around her legs pulled her down, their tips shot up into her shirts. They didn't caress or tease her yet though, they had a different mission. The ends of the tentacles all pulled in different directions. The sound of cloth ripping would reach their ears as the material was torn into several pieces and fell to the ground at her feet.

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:28 pm

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
Her eyes, deep and hazel, never left him, and the moment she felt preasure against her legs to try and force her to kneel, she fought back, squirming once more to try and break free - but it was to no avail, she gritted her teeth as she felt her knees touch the grass. She knew her shorts had been ripped off but payed no attention to that untill now. She could feel the grass against her knees, and the rush of slightly cool air that assaulted her bare skin. She wore underwear, though, but not panties. They were a pair of briefs, she prefered them to panties because they were comfy and tight. They were mostly white, save for the red trimmings.

She tried to jerk her arms several times, but finally gave up. Leaning her head down, she closed her eyes for a moment before finally regaining part of herself. Looking up at him, she gave him a most dangerous glare. " I swear to God, if you hurt me you'll be sorry.. these things.. " She tugged at her arm again. " ..are the only thing keeping me from turning you into scrap metal. " She finished, her voice low and deadly, but even she knew she couldn't harm him even if she tried. All the while, she began to notice the increasing state of arousal she was in.

Last edited by Maiya on Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:19 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
(I just realized that I typo'd in my last post and didn't catch it. In the last paragraph should have been shorts, not shirts.)

"We'll have to arrange another time and place for that my dear, I would love to see that."

He tilted his head to watch her as she looked up at him from her knees. Just where he wanted her. From his side a single tentacle wound through the air until it reached her. His ran over her breasts through the sports bra, letting her feel it's strength. The tentacle continued to tease her by pressing down and rubbing her nipples through the fabric and weaving itself around her breasts in a figure eight. Finally, the tentacle slid down and shoved it's way between her bra and her skin. He pulled up slowly on it, making sure the material drug over her, teasing her further, until her breasts were freed from their prison. He let the tentacle bunch the material up above her breasts as it retreated back into his side.

"I have no plans on hurting you if you be a good little girl"

The paneling over his crotch slid away and revealed the reddish purple biologial material underneath. It moved and pulsated for a moment before his first cock extended, followed by it's balls. He reached down and took himself in one hand, around the base. The other hand set itself gently atop her head. His fingers curled as he grasped up a handful of her hairand pulled her head to force her to look up at him.

"You may be the new girl, but you know what I want... don't play the young and dumb angle. Trust me, if you don't want hurt and you don't want me to use your mouth the way I see fit for it, you'll wrap your lips around it."

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:07 pm

Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:40 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
( I changed what I said to shorts when I saw what you said but didnt realize you still went with it. My bad. )

Her eyes never left him, but she tried to move again when she noticed the tentacles coming at her. But, it was to no avail. She felt his strong tentacles over her breasts. She didn't think they would feel this strong to her, but the fact that they were added towards her arousal, considering Domination was a turn on. She fought back a small moan that tried to escape her lips as she felt the tentacles molest her nipples through her bra, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. By the time she suppressed it, they had stopped and began to tighten themselves around her breasts, into a figure 8. She started to say something, but stopped once she felt friction against her skin and the sensation of her breasts being lifted - " He's taking it off... " She thought to herself. She thought of trying to squirm again but she knew it would do no good.

A rush of cool air, a feeling of slight looseness; her breasts fell free from their prison, but not by much. They were naturally like that, firm in a way but very squishy nonetheless. She blushed even more now, and found herself fighting a losing battle to control it. Her attention, however, was divered when she saw a plate open where his croch should have been. Her eyes watched as a large, long object appeared, followed by a sack, and knew what it was. Her arousal spiked.

"You.. don't have to do this.." She fought to say. She may be a tom boy and very prideful, but her arousal was taking over her. Eventually it would probably get to the point where he wouldn't have to hold her down.

Before she could say anymore, she watched as he took his shaft and held it, while his other hand grasped her head to pull it up. She winced slightly, feeling a few hairs being pulled free. Her hazel eyes stared up at him now; fierce, but weakened.

She listened to him and anxiety filled her again.

" Fine..." she said lowly, her eyes lowering with her voice to meet the object infront of her. Leaning forward slowly, she parted her pink lips, opening her mouth all the way. Moving over it she made sure not to let it tough her lips, but failed due to it's size. Arousal passed through her at the realization of what she was doing, and slowly she let her lips clamp down on it while her tongue was pressed against it's underside, lathering it with her saliva.

Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:32 am

Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 pm
Posts: 73
Post Re: Soccer Practice (Maiya)
(Christmas lag, hope you had a good one :) )

"You're right, I don't have to do this, I WANT to do this. Let me put it this way, you could have gotten a much, much more aggressive creature to welcome you properly. Since this will be your first time, I'll show you a bit of mercy."

His head was tilted down and he loved the sight before him. The student was held down on her knees, her lower half completely bare and her legs slightly parted. Her chest, large yet firm hung out in the open with her shirt bunched up above her orbs. Her head was tilted up, her eyes on his with his hand in her hair. His words were a complete lie. He'd show her no mercy. While her look and her position contributed to the decision, the main factor was what she did next. When her lips wrapped around him and her tongue slid underneath, that was when he decided to experience every inch of her. His head rolled forward, after looking up for a moment, and his eyes returned to hers.

"You're going to suck it, not just let it sit there and make me do all the work. But, I warn you, if you don't show much enthusiasm, perhaps I could motivate you a bit..."

His hand gave her hair a harsh tug as he pulled her towards him, forcing more of his shaft into her warm mouth. That ought to drive the point home. He had another piece of encouragement in store for her. The tentacles that held her legs pulled them apart a bit more, giving him more access to her waiting slit. As her legs were pulled apart, a second set of tentacles slithered between her legs from behind and wrapped around one another. The tentacles melted together and the tip opened like a mouth. Inside the mouth was thousands of small feelers and a long, narrow, reptilian like tongue in the center. They all glistened with what could only be compared to saliva. from the main tentacle behind the mouth, several smaller tentacles whipped forward.

The smaller tentacles let themselves fall over her outer lips. they pressed against them, idly rubbing up and down, then pulled her lips apart. The mouth turned and closed in on her, but did not yet come in contact. She could feel the warmth coming from it as it hovered below her. The tongue in the center reached out and very lightly ran up the center of her parted lips, from bottom to top, but it made a point of ignoring her clit. It lapped at her in this manner several more times, and on the last stroke, it gave her the attention he knew her body craved. The slick, warm tongue flicked over her clit rapidly from side to side.

...I'm a device of horny steel, you need to believe in the dirty lovin', o' lusty passion, you need a spin in the torture wheel...
Lordi - Biomechanic Man

Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:21 am
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