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 Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac) 
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Post Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
For several days now, Cukoo had gone without finding one of the lovely girls on thte campus. It appeared that his long string of luck had finally run out, finding no young girls at the beaches or any of the outdoor pools on the island. With most of his energy drained, the massive blob hoped that at least one of his old favorite locations would possibly have one of the delicious girls he craved.

Slowly, the black mass slid into the large indoor pool building. Gazing back and forth, he found the large building empty. Groaning to himself, the large blob slowly began to slide into the warm waters of the pool, settling onto it's bottom and staring upwards. Despite the building being empty, Cukoo could not shake the feeling that there was another presense in the building with him. As his blue eyes shifted back and forth, the giant blob wondered where this other presense was, and why the presense felt female...

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:38 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Lilac was indeed in the pool area, heading for the water herself after confirming that the place was indeed empty. She relied heavily on her eyes and small vibrations in the air and ground that humans called sound and hearing, for her assessment. Since her transformation into this being even things as simple as speaking and hearing took on an entirely different dimension. She did not notice Cukoo's presence in the slightest. She lacked a few ions, chlorine in particular, and knew that the pool would be a fine place to collect them. Her form was in the general shape of a human female, but it was the same color as the tiles, making her harder to spot if someone came in.

As she reached the pool's edge she dipped one 'foot' into the water and took in an unneeded breath, an echo of humanity long past, and began to siphon ions from the water through the membrane of her skin. Her yellow eyes were locked on the doors to the pool, not looking in the pool itself. She truly believed herself to be alone.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
The blob's dark blue eyes continued to shift wildly around the sides of the pool, knowing that he sensed something close by and that the presense was certainly female, but he could not pinpoint where the presense was coming from. Suddenly, a small foot slid into one of the corners of the pool. Laughing silently to himself, the massive blob began to extend several thick black tentacles out from his blobbish body, reaching towards the feet floating in the warm water.

As soon as the black appendenges were about to wrap around the unsuspecting girl, Cukoo suddenly noticed that the girl's feet were colored quite oddly. It appeared that the girl's skin was the same color of that of the tiles lining the pool area. Her small form certainly appeared as that of one of the lovely girls on the island, but her eyes glowed with a fierce yellow light, something Cukoo had never seen before on his travels across the campus. It quickly dawned on Cukoo that this was not one of the delicious girls he craved, but one of the many other creatures that stalked the island.

The massive blob had not encounted many of the other creatures on the island, but he was certain he had never come across or ever heard of one such as this before. With the exception of her strange skin and eyes, the small creature could almost pass for one of the young girls on the island. Slightly intrigued, the massive blob decided that he needed a closer look at this attractive creature. Several thick tentacles quickly lashed around the legs of the female, pulling her into the water and towards the massive black body of Cukoo. Another pair of tentacles quickly latched themselves around the creature's arms, binding them over her head and holding her tight in front of the blue eyes of Cukoo.

The massive blob had no intention of enjoying this creature as he would the other young beauties on the campus (attractive though she may be), but he was curious as to who or what this female was. A large hole slowly began to open in the front of the giant blob, forming a large mouth lined with hundreds of thin black tentacles. Suddenly, a deep, watery voice filled the water. "Who are you, little one? Why have you come to my pool?"

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:04 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Lilac began to hum a tune she had no memory of learning, probably just another fragment of her human memories that were destroyed by whatever method the scientists used to create her. Chlorine as well as several other ions that were present in the pool, some of which had no purpose being there. It seemed that some of the women here did more than swim in these waters, the thought earning a chuckle from her.

The chuckle was cut short as blackened tendrils lanced from the waters. Her yellow eyes focused on the completely unexpected intrusion into her space. Where the hell had those come from!? Before she could say or even think of doing anything she felt the tendril wrap around her legs and pull her underwater, her arms soon ensnared as well and she found herself staring at a strange, black blobbish mass. One that could apparently speak, though it too her a few seconds to readjust her hearing for water as sound carried differently in water than it did in air.

With her senses readjusted to water and having no need to breathe or fear drowning Lilac responded in a slightly indignant tone, now that surprise had passed and she was able to assess the situation "My name is Lilac and you are rude. I was drinking if you must know, this pool has compounds my body lacks" She frowned, form liquefying into one resembling his, shapeless and fluid, and slipped from his grasp, sinking towards the bottom of the pool.

Upon reaching the floor her body reformed into that of a young woman and she put her hands on her hips as in a common display of annoyance and asked "Now why did you grab me?" He was just another creature in this place, that much she knew, and judging from the sheer size of him he certainly wasn't originally human like herself.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:56 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Cukoo's eyes continued to shift up and down the body of the small creature as more of his thick tentacles began to emerge from his body, ready to wrap themselves around her female-like form. However, the instance the new tentacles were ready to latch themselves around her body, the creature suddenly liquified and floated away from the thick appendenges, settling onto the bottom of the pool, quickly retaking her female form.

Laughing slightly, Cukoo slowly withdrew his tentacles back into his massive body, settling onto the bottom of the pool across from the female. "It seems that you and I have more in common than appearences let on," boomed the giant blob, keeping his blue eyes locked the yellow orbs staring back at his own. "My name is Cukoo, little one. This pool has been one of the many places on this island where I find delicious young girls and enjoy their sweet juices." The black mass inched closer towards the female creature, his massive size dwarfing her own. "If you must know, I initially suspected that you were one of the lovely girls who frequents this building, but I was obviously mistaken. However, I must admit I am curious about you, little Lilac. You are the first creature I have encounted with the same free-form and liquid abilities as myself."

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Lilac watched as he withdrew his tendrils and began to speak again, her hands falling from her hips to rest at her sides. She chuckled lightly and replied "Indeed, we do seem to share both this liquid shape and... feeding habits. Though I'm vaguely certain my motivations differ from yours." She seemed entirely unafraid of him, despite the fact that he was many times her size. In fact she seemed more curious than anything. But at his last phrase she averted her eyes and would have blushed had she been human still, being mistaken for a human to her was the highest form of flattery and praise "Thank you for the compliment."

Eyes returning to him she said politely "Well I am pleased to meet you Cukoo. Are you perhaps a failed experiment like myself or something natural to the island?" She couldn't be raped and even if he tried to absorb her like some sort of giant amoeba she was confident some hydrochloric acid would fend him off. And that compound was rather easily come by in a pool filled with chlorine.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:29 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
The massive blob had been around females for long enough to know when they were flattered, and despite the creature turning away, Cukoo knew the female was likely blushing. "You are welcome," boomed the giant mass as his eyes stayed locked on her own, curious as ever about this small female creature. It was quite obvious she had been human once, though somehow she had become not unlike Cukoo himself, though much more shapely and appealing than his own blobbish form.

The blob almost caught himself staring at her slender female form when she asked her question. The massive blob finally turned his eyes away, staring at the bottom of the pool. "I am no experiment, but I am certainly not natural." It had been ages since the black mass had given any thought to his years before becoming what he was now. For so long he had hated and cursed the humans for what had happened to him, and simply thinking about his origins filled the giant blob with anger. "I was once not unlike one of the many creatures of the sea. I had no voice, no motives, no rational thoughts. Only a simple creature of the ocean... until..."

Cukoo's eyes closed for a moment, his anger swelling inside his massive body. "Until I was changed by the poisons and toxins humans had disposed of in my watery home. My body quickly grew and mutated, turning me into the creature you see before you." His blue eyes opened and locked onto the female, trying to subdue his rage. "I quickly discovered that my only means of survival was to feast upon the sweet juices given up by young human girls. Since that discovery, this island has been my home. While I do not enjoy what I have become, I certainly enjoy the sweet nectar these young girls release when driven to sexual pleasure, and despite never being human myself, I am somehow aroused by them." Cukoo's eyes glanced up and down the female's body once again, wondering how she managed to maintain her shapely female form despite no longer being human.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Lilac listened to his words without interruption and finally shrugged lightly "I used to be human, that much I know, but not much else. My memory gets very fuzzy regarding how I came to be like this" She gestured down her form. "All I know is that I have an ability that is very useful to those who created me and they know that if they try and capture me again bad things will happen. So I live like this, taking what components I need for my abilities from the girls here and alternate sources. I could live entirely off of other sources, but quite frankly that is boring. The women here are much more fun" she grinned lightly at that.

Seeing his eyes on her form she continued "And I look like this because I like this form. Color, shape and texture. I have control over them all." She seemed rather proud of that, it had taken her years to gain this level of physical control over her form. "I may regret what I have lost but i am what I am" She shrugged her shoulders lightly at that, the only real thing she regretted losing was her ability to feel pleasure like the girls whom she ravished for materials. Oh she enjoyed herself, but not physically, only mentally.

She blinked as her thoughts temporarily distracted her from Cukoo and asked "Well... would you perhaps mind the company on your hunt here? I could use the nourishment and this pool doesn't supply everything I need. I'll go elsewhere if you don't" She shrugged again. She wasn't limited to aquatic environments.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Staring intently at the female creature, Cukoo had yet to comtemplate what would happen if a young girl had happened to enter the pool building. While he was still curious about this female sitting before him on the bottom of the pool, the massive blob was never one to share the lovely girls on the island once he had captured one, or two had he been so lucky. However, the thought of seeing this other creature utilizing her abilities in unison with his own might prove enlightening, or even enjoyable for the both of them.

"Very well, little one," laughed the massive blob, stirring his giant form on the bottom of the pool and shifting his gaze upwards. "You are welcome to stay with me and join me in taking one of the young girls of this island, should one ever appear." The black mass gazed back and forth across the different entrances to the pool building, wondering if any young girls would enter this building today. "I must warn you," boomed Cukoo as his eyes shifted back to the female. "It would seem that my luck in finding these delicious young girls has run out as of late."

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Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:05 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Before long, the sound of young female voices reached the large room that housed the pool. There were several, maybe five or six in all. Their words were unintelligible, faint and all jumbled together thanks to the way they echoed slightly in the hall that lead in from the rest of the sports complex. Finally, one of the voices became clear. Had he not been underwater, Cukoo would have recognised it as belonging to an old acquaintance of his.

"Oh come on ya chickens!" Noel taunted as she and her cohorts rounded the last corner & approached the door to the pool. Her hair was dyed a deep violet now, instead of the pink she usually favored, but everything else was exactly has it had been the last time he'd seen her. "Classes've been over for hours. All the other girls are either down at the beach or in the dorms are the teachers are...wherever the hell teachers hang around after hours. We are not gonna get caught."

With a smirk, she bumped the glass door open with her hip and sauntered into the room. She wore a little blue bikini dotted with sunflowers, and a large white beach towel was draped over her right arm. If it hadn't been for the conspicuous bulges beneath her towel and the nervous looks on the faces of the five girls behind her it would have looked like she were going for a perfectly innocent swim.

"Come on Elle..."
urged a slender blond girl wearing an oversized white t-shirt over her bathing suit. "T-they gave you two weeks detention for that graffiti incident, who knows what you'll get for this!"

"I won't get anything..." she said, whipping away the towel with a flourish to reveal an arm full of bottles of pink paint. "Because we're not getting caught. Now get in here or run back to the dorms ya cowards!"

((Hey look I found a picture yaaaaay~ ... 133226.jpg ))

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Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:29 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Before the female creature could respond, Cukoo suddenly sensed several young girls approaching the building. Glancing towards Lilac, the massive blob held one of his tentacles over his mouth, signaling her to stay quiet. Slowly, the black mass shifted his eyes towards the large doors of the pool building, only to see one young beauty enter the building. While the massive blob would have certainly enjoyed more than one young beauty, this one would more than likely be tasty enough for both Lilac and himself. Her slender form was barely held in check by her tight blue bikini as she walked across the tiles, allowing Cukoo to admire her beautiful body for a moment.

Suddenly, as the young girl turned towards the pool, the giant blob recognized the young beauty. It was none other than Noel, one of the first girls he had ever taught on the island and by far one of the tastiest. Cukoo glanced back at Lilac, who had undoubtedly taken notice of the lovely young girl who had walked into the building. "It appears our luck has changed," whispered the black mass, slowly starting to extend his thick tentacles towards the surface of the water.

(OOC - Like the picture!)

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Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:17 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
Lilac chuckled at his admission and acceptance of her request and replied casually "Well my luck has been positively wonderful as of late so perhaps I'll be able to add mine to yours" And sure enough it was not long before the muted sounds of voices echoed through the water. She sent him an amused smile and melted down into a puddle, remaining the same color as the tiles and becoming essentially invisible. Lightly she whispered as they came closer "Told ya"

Lilac wasn't an impatient monster, nor was she usually fast moving. As such waiting in ambush at the bottom of the pool suited her just fine. In fact it gave her time to finish collecting the chlorine she needed that she had been distracted from doing so earlier. And her color was just close enough to green that she was also able to absorb some sunlight and begin to build up her energy. She wondered how many of those voices would actually reach and enter the pool, their words a bit too garbled for her to comprehend, but she wasn't used to listening to things underwater. Maybe Cukoo could being more used to this.

OOC - Awesome pic

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Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:27 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
The girls who had followed her hovered around the door, nervously watching Noel as she crossed the room. The tiled floor was dotted with little puddles of cold water from the activities earlier in the day, and each time Noel stepped in one with a little splash her cohorts jumped in fright, as if expecting a faculty member or head girl to burst out of some shadowy corner and issue them all detentions.

With a flick of her thumbs, Noel popped the caps off of two of the cans of paint. The plastic tops fell to the floor with a clatter and the girls at the door shrieked as one and bolted back down the hallway. "That was me you-...ugh!!" Noel shouted, glaring after them. This was going to take much longer if she was working on her own. As the caps rolled away from the girl she spun to face the tiled wall and stalked towards it, scowling to herself. With a grim determination she began to paint a complex mess of pink lines over the wall, working from the top down to the floor before starting on the floor itself. Slowly she worked her way backwards, inching closer to the pool as she defaced the pale blue and white tiles.

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Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
The massive blob continued to extend several of his thick, black tentacles towards the surface of the water, gazing up and down Noel's lovely body as she had her fun. Drool formed across the blob's mouth at the thought of enjoying Noel's delicious body once again, remembering how many times he had enjoyed her in the past and how tasty her body had been. Cukoo shifted his eyes back down towards Lilac for a moment as he whispered, "I hope you don't mind if I make the first strike."

As the purple haired beauty continued to paint across the floor towards the side of the pool, the blob's thick tentacles slowly began to emerge from under the water, extending towards the delicious prize that waited for them. Cukoo's dark eyes shifted back towards Noel, ready to take her tasty body once again, though this time, it appeared he would have some new and welcome help...

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:40 am
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Post Re: Sticky situation at the pool (for Noel and Lilac)
As she worked she was forced to bend over at the waist, her skimpy blue and yellow bikini bottoms stretched tightly over her well-sculpted rear. Her ample breasts swayed and jiggled below her, occasionally bumped or jostled by the movement of her arms as she worked. It felt as if she could spill out of the flimsy top at any moment but she paid it no mind; even if she did it wasn't as if there was anyone around to see. Somewhere at the back of her mind, she knew it wasn't that easy. She wasn't safe. She was never safe.

Inch by inch Noel moved closer to the creatures still hidden beneath the cool, clear water. She was absorbed in her work, seemingly oblivious to the faint sounds of tentacles breaking the surface of the water as they loomed up behind her. She couldn't hear the faint ripples in the water over the steady hiss of spray paint and her own soft footsteps. A foot slipped over the wet tiles, nearly sending the girl crashing back into the calm waters when she reached the pool's edge without realizing just how close she'd come. She gasped, dropping her paint cans and grabbing the metal bars of a ladder just to her left to stop her fall. A moment later she let out a sigh, standing slowly, carefully. She'd heard at least one of the cans fall into the water and turned to retrieve it. Her bright green eyes fell upon the dark tentacles and fear froze her to the spot.

"NO!!" she screamed a heartbeat later, turning to flee in a blind panic.

Noel's Bio - threads

Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:23 am
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