Shokushu High School

Heavenly pleasures (Seraph and Neamhain)
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Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Heavenly pleasures (Seraph and Neamhain)

Another early afternoon passed by, teaching as tasteless as every other day. Ryu tried hardly not to fall asleep and was successful in a way, she decided to do something else to keep her wakeful for some time of the day. In the end it wouldn't matter what she was going to do, but it'd be best if doing some sports afterwards.

Changing her clothes in the usual sports dress, white t-shirt and dark blue shorts, she walked through the gym area to figure out what she had in mind. The last time she played tennis she had a strange encounter, so it would become no longer necessary for some time. Her thighs seemed untrained in a way, so she decided to approach the sports ground, running some rounds to get some change in her daily life on Shokushu.

I wonder how good my constitution is after all...

Turning herself into a steady run after she started, the exhaustion built up in her body and it felt like the good old times again. The sun warmed her soft, lightly pale skin due almost no clouds were able to defeat the weather in early winter.

Finally warmed up, Ryu decided to sprint for some time due there was nothing left to do anyway but her homework. She couldn't concentrate on things like that, so it wouldn't be hard to avoid doing it just by doing sports. It felt admirable, a long time there wasn't a feeling like this passing her mind due the situations she had been in the last few weeks after she arrived. Ryu sighed to leave it behind after all, just focussing on her sprint which already turned back into a steady run.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Seraph had been sitting under the sunshine in an empty part near the sports field reading through the new chapters that the Darklight Grimore had written in itself ever since noon. He had simply cast a spell that caused light to 'bend' around him which prevented anyone from seeing him and lost himself in reading about the other beings, both human and nonhuman, who he shared this isle with.

However a sound soon broke through his awareness. The sound of running feet. Curious Seraph looked around, and like last night he saw nothing new. However he had been thinking about the problem of sight, after all he would struggle to see most students, at least initially. But as the sound of running feet grew louder and louder he closed his eyes and muttered a brief spell. As the invisible wave of force rippled along at ankle level along the sports track Seraph opened his eyes and focused on it. He could see the mana of the spell, and when it contacted whatever was running he would have a location to focus his sight on.

Suddenly he saw a slight ripple in the spell as the wave hit something, and the sound of a crash followed as the running individual was tripped by the wave and hit the ground. Seraph could see the soul a little clearer now, thanks to the pain, and he now identified it as female student, since he was starting to feel bored that was good luck indeed. Letting his mind go blank he opened the Darklight Grimore and read the page it fell onto. Ryu Tanaka. It was the work of seconds to read the page, and as he finished he pointed his finger at the ground on the side of the track that would be directly in her line of sight when she raised her head from the ground. Where he pointed two gold flowers bloomed, both containing the the combination of Compel and Hypersensitivity enchantments that had worked so well with Risa Miyasu last night after she had freed him. When Ryu looked up she would see the flowers, and the Compel would make her pick them, and the moment she did the Hypersensitivity spell would take affect and cause her body to cry out for stimulation.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

What the- Ryu hit the ground like a rope or something had been in her way and she ran directly into it. Pain flooded through her front, she had been able to cover her chin with her arms, but it still hurts amazingly. She was confident about nothing has been in her way, so what actually hit her? It didn't make sense at all. It would've been best to just stand up again, trying to find any wounds to make sure nothing had been hardly injured.

Slowly getting up on her feet again due support of her arms, she found herself looking at two golden flowers. They weren't at the same spot before, there was no doubt they actually got there by accident. Still, something forced her to approach them gently. Trying to fight against the feeling which made her grabbing the thin stems of them, ripping them off the ground mildly, she felt weird in a way.

Ryu froze abruptly. The flowers seem to affact her body somehow, starting to feel exhilarated someway. Quickly throwing the flowers out of her hand, the feeling didn't disappear, she couldn't help it. Something was going on right in her field of vision, but she had no idea exactly. Her mind turned dizzy due the state of arousal almost overwhelming her. One thing she learned during her stay at Shokushu, never get down on the ground if you are not sure about it.

A light moan escaped her mouth as the stimulation continued even though she did nothing to herself. The misterious influence made her hand reaching down, stopping in the air as her mind told her it was wrong. Confused about the situation, she stamped once on one of the flowers with aggression.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Seraph watched curiously as she reacted to the gold flowers, her soul becoming more and more visible. Somehow only part of the compel spell had worked. she had been able to throw them away, and even step on one. However somehow the Hypersensitivity enchantment remained, even after the flowers broke contact. Thats what I get for doing a sloppy cast and not practicing, I end up casting something so basic in a chaotic manner. Seraph shook his head, annoyed at his own sloppy casting. The crushing of one of his flowers only added to that annoyance, and he decided that unless the situation changed rapidly he was going to speed things up.

A rapid gesture with his hand dispelled the spell that was causing light to bend around him, revealing his form. Two of his wings were wrapped around him, while the other two flapped slowly behind him. "Are you OK?"

Where he stood she was still outside the mana 'bubble' that his own excessive mana created, but not by much. All it would take is either of them to take a single step forward and she would feel it.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

A silhouette of something like an angel appeared not far away. He looked like Calidare in a way, but on the other hand, he had four instead of two wings, two of them wrapped around him while the other ones flapped slowly behind him. He asked her if she was allright, and Ryu was about to know what was going on.

I... am allright I guess. But what do you want?

Ryu looked on the ground, the flowers lying around, one of them crushed due her quick movements. It was obvious the angel had something to do with it, but certainly nothing was about to be a random event here. Turning her head upwards, she stared at the appeared figure of a male creature. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, focussing on the close intruder again. The pleasure stayed inside her, but she was capable of bkeeping it as a secret. It wouldn't be too hard to distract herself about natural emotions.

I am quite sure you have something to do with these things...

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

"What do I want? Simply to pass the time." Ryu's soul was slowly becoming more and more visible as the pleasure she was feeling increased.

As she looked at the curshed flower Seraph's gaze followed hers and he too appeared to study them, although he did not raise his head when she asked him if the flowers were his doing.

"Do you mean those flowers?" Seraph walked towards the one intact flower before picking it up and studying it. His gaze didn't leave the flower, although he could guess just what effect his mana was having as it rippled over her skin, which was still hypersensitive from the chaotic enchantment he had placed on the flowers.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Um, I think so.

Hardly able to caress her back to remove the pain, she faced him again due it seemed like his gaze didn't leave the flower any moment. The hand was about to reach under her own skirt, he may not notice but in the end it would've been too embarassing to do so. It feels too good...

Ryu didn't care about the angel anyway. He just appeared out of nowhere, she won't trust him at any cost. Even though the pleasure could disappear by advantages of a male person like him, she tried to withstand the satisfaction for some more time.

Well, um... Couldn't you "simply to pass the time" somewhere else? I... um... feel uncomfortable around here...

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Whats the matter? You seem distracted by something.

Seraph looked up, but did not seem to react to her posture, or the fact one of her hands was edging slowly closer to the bottome of her skirt. He locked gazes with her for a moment, and used the distraction to recast the enchantment on the flower, and properly this time. Now the compell spell would not only cause Ryu to want to take the flower, but she would struggle to let it go and her mind would come up with all sorts of excuses to hold on to it. The Hypersensitivity spell was also recast, although Seraph did not dispell the enchantments that were amplifying the effects of his mana flowing into her body, causing her to feel more and more enegetic, and more importantly (at least in this stage) aroused.

Inside Seraph smiled as he saw her soul was becoming visible faster and faster. She was trying to control herself, but was losing that battle. His face of course betrayed none of this.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

I-It's nothing, really...

Ryu got ashamed due her own weakness, feeling his eyes resting on her movements. Abruptly her head turned towards the flower in his hand, she didn't know why, but the need to grab it and holding it became stronger. Resisting was futile, she wanted to get it in her hands once again. Forcing her hands to rest on her hips even though she was about to increase the pleasure by herself, she wanted to stay calm. She closed the distance between her legs completely to make sure if some of her liquid showed up, nothing would be able to leave.

Would you mind... passing me this flower of yours?

It sounded rather desperate than confident in a way, the fight in her head continued as her eyes kept focussing the desired flower in the angel's hand. She didn't know why, but the only thing she knew was that she has to get it at any cost.

Please... Give it to me.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Seraph looked down at the flower in his hand as he twirled it around in a circle, his mind considering. If you wanted the flower why did you throw it away?

Seraph could hear the desperation in her voice, and it had sparked something in him. She had annoyed him earlier by crushing the other flower, and he intended to make her suffer for that. He started to pour some additional mana into the compell enchantment on the flower, strengthing its affect on her.

Didn't you ask me to leave earlier? Good day.

With that Seraph turned around and started to walk away, his hand dropped to his side and the flower remained in her view. Hopefully the combination of the pleasure that was starting to take control of her body and the compell spell would turn what had been a desperete request into an offer of something in return for the flower.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Letting out a puzzled laughter, she tried to focus on an answer to make sure he would pass it to her. Not able to form such an answer, she just said something else instead.

Um, heh... Y-you know the feeling if you want something, but if you get it you don't want it anymore?

"Good day." Ryu got frustrated due she wanted that flower at any cost, no matter what even though she didn't know why. It was just a flower, nothing else than a golden flower. They affected her earlier, maybe her own body wanted to be affected by them? Obviously the truth, mentioning the lust building up inside her after she touched the flowers for a short amount of time.

Like he wanted to upset her while he walked away, the flower stayed in her field of vision. Anything she could think about was losing control of her body and the desired flower in his hands. It wasn't a conversation anymore, she'd have simply walked away, but she didn't. She needed something to offer to get what she wanted, like a deal or something. Ryu's eyes looked down at her body, was she going to offer her own body just to get a flower? It wasn't her own fault, it was the fault of her mind. Walking two or three steps forward, she opened her mouth to say something.

P-please wait, I... could do you a favor if you don't mind. A deal. You pass me the flower, I'll do you a favor.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

At Ryu's words Seraph stopped and turned to face her. What sort of favor?

Seraph had to be careful to not let his emotions show in his voice. He wanted to make her ask him to take her, to make her beg for it. If he could manage that before he even had to touch her, than all the better.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Ryu gulped hard as the angel finally stopped and asked what sort of favor she'd offer him. Nothing was about to stop her from taking that flower of him in the end. And a deal is a deal, even with an angel.

Um, well... I-I guess you are male, right? So... I thought about, um... a sexual favor...

Paying with her body would ashame her even more, but still she'd be pleased afterwards and could handle the anger about herself. Even though he seemed like an angel, Ryu thought he won't be able to ignore his sexual manners if he had some.

J-just mentioned it due you are male after all...

Author:  Seraph [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

At Ryu's words Seraph felt his body stiring, but his response was hidden by the two wings wrapped around him, at least for the moment it was. Assuming you can entertain me, we have a deal. Walking towards Ryu he reached towards the side of her head with the hand still holding the flower and stroked her cheek once before entwining it in her hair, causing the compell spell to shift to making her want to keep the flower with her whenever possible, and activating the hypersensitivity enchantment.

As Seraph saw her bodies response to the enchantment he unwrapped his two wings from his body before speaking a single word. Strip. His own response was minor, he was only semi-erect and his face remained neutral. And remember, if you do not entertain me I will simply take the flower back and leave.

Author:  Ryu [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavenly pleasures (Seraph)

Um, allright...

As the flower made its way inside her hair, she finally got what she wanted. She didn't expect him from refusing her anyway, but this was quite a surprise. His gentle way of handling these situations made Ryu shiver for a moment, and the fact her own excitement increased like as it did as the flowers were in her hands the first time.

Hardly trying not to stare at his semi-errected seeming member, she tried to figure out what exactly to do. Just running away? No, that was impossible. They had a deal after all, even though Ryu never did something like a striptease for anyone. She nodded once to make sure he'd understand that she agreed.

D-don't take it away... I will do what you want.

Blushing lightly, she started to move her hips, every now and then doing a step to the side, turning around to show her entire body sometimes. While doing so, her hands slowly walked down the shirt she wore, grabbing it gently to remove it mildly above her head after some seconds, revealing her bra helding the orbs of her. She'd reveal more, but checking frequently if he dislikes it to make sure he won't remove the flower filling her with enjoyment slowly.

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