Shokushu High School

Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)
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Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Ishtar wiped the sweat off her brow as she entered the locker room. It had been a long tough practice today in volleyball. Her entire body ached from the workout today, but she was happy. She finally was on the SHS volleyball team and she could wait to play in a game. Of course, being the new girl she wouldn’t get much time in the first few games, but that would chance as the team saw how talented she was.

Ishtar looked around the locker room, but everybody was long gone. Ishtar sighed, that was the problem with being the new girl. The newest girl’s responsibility was to make sure all the equipment was put away. This was to ensure the new girl was committed to the team and a way of her gain the respect of her teammates. Still it meant that before the blue haired student was done, the rest of team had cleaned up and left for the dorms or the cafeteria.

Ishtar looked down at her sweat soaked gym shirt, though she was still tired it was still clear she was still quite excited about being on the team. The evidence was in the little tents that formed on her shirt. Well she still need to clean up, so she grabbed her gym bag and headed over towards the showers…

Author:  Elizia [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

"Lovely day, isn't it Eliz?" said the red, flying bat-like servant to Elizia as they walked around the campus while being invisible, the goddess in her ghost state and Gii hidden by her magic. "Indeed, Gii. I believe it's perfect to look for more students," replied the deity with some jubilation. "Ah, would my mistress like me to go around and search for a worthy one?"

"That won't be necessary, just don't get in the way." Gii just acknowledged her order and remained silent, though he still kept that funny face of his. The two of them walked around the grounds, and around the cafeteria, but it seemed difficult to get alone with one student while everyone seemed to be in their free time. It wasn't until they passed by the gym that they noticed a group of girls playing volleyball. And so, Eliz told Gii to wait and if someone would have been capable to see her eyes, they would see she had a look filled with lust.

They stayed out of the way and saw how the exhausted girls went to the showers just to come out ready to continue their day. However, there was one left alone. A beautiful student with blue hair that let out a faint aura of magic, that obviously just helped to attract the goddess even more. She let Gii watch them if he wanted but he usually stayed outside of the action anyway, so he could only see how the deity entered the gym and made her body appear. She had watched the soaking wet shirt of Ishtar and she could practically lick her lips in anticipation as her black dress and wings disappeared, only to be substituted by a set of gym clothes, soaked in what was her own sweat that magically appeared and headed towards the showers as well while trying to guess what she could do with her.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Ishtar had already arrived at the showers and she put her gym bag down. It was certainly going to take a nice hot shower. She pulled out her towel and placed it on a nearby bench where she could reach it after the shower. The blue haired student then placed her soap, shampoo and washcloth in the shower. With everything set it was time to disrobe.

Ishtar pulled up her soaking wet shirt, not realizing that she was not alone in the showers. Worse than that she didn't realize with the shirt wrapped around her head she was showing off her round breasts glistening in the sunlight to the person who had just entered the shower...

Author:  Elizia [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Eliza had a wide smile when she approached the showers, but she definitely didn't expect to see Isthar like that when she entered. She was calmly humming when suddenly she stopped, frozen to see the beautiful form of Ishtar being displayed like that before her, her round orbs practically staring back at her. She even had to hold back a gasp of surprise and block her mouth with her hand.

Before Ishtar removed her shirt completely, however, Eliz could notice that she had gone to the showers not ready for the items the blue haired student had. With a flick of a finger, a bag of her own appaered inches above the ground and fell, along with a towel on the bench and a shampoo and a soap.

With a sigh of relief, the goddess knew she had at least a more solid excuse to be there. Since the sound of the bag probably alerted Ishtar of her presence, Eliz decided to speak. "Ah, I didn't know there'd be someone here, I thought the volleyball team left a while ago." Even if she sounded like she could have liked a bit more of privacy, Elizia's actions made it obvious that she wasn't uncomfortable with being with Ishtar there, even getting ready to discard her clothes as well, her hands pulling the shirt swiftly, the fabric pulling her large mounds and making them bounce before Ishtar just like she had before.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

As Ishtar had her shirt over her head, she heard someone had put down their stuff on a nearby bench. It a bit of relief for the blue haired student when she had heard a female voice. The rookie volleyball player finished pulling her shirt off and held it close to her chest to cover her orbs.

What she was in front of her was physical perfection in human form. The blond woman had the perfect proportioned body, with the curves to drive any male in the area crazy. In addition, she had a set of orbs that made Ishtar feel inadequate as the blonde's mounds bounced carelessly in the breeze as they escaped the new student's sweaty shirt.

Oh I'm sorry, I am the new girl on the team. As a result, I had to put everything away from practice. That took me awhile so the rest of team has already left. Ishtar stiffened up as she got into a formal position, while she held her shirt over her chest. She bowed to the new student. I am Ishtar Rocha. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Author:  Elizia [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Isthar's voice seemed to echo around the deity as Eliz listened carefully. She was focusing entirely on the beauty of the blue haired student and was a bit disappointed when she covered her chest with her chest unlike the deity, but Elizia didn't show any sign of it. It was obvious that the goddess had the perfect body for a voluptuous type, there wasn't a single living thing capable of being more beautiful than her, but that never stopped her from admiring other females. In fact, she was very fond of Ishtar's own beauty, even if she wasn't as well-endowed as her and tried to hide her own assets.

"Is that so? I didn't know they forced the newest member to do all the job by herself! That's a bit harsh, but I guess it's meant to help in something," the deity replied with a smile, her voice sweet as honey and echoing around the locker room. She found Ishtar's change in pose to be quite amusing, but didn't laugh, instead, bowing before her as well and introduced herself. "I'm Elizia Val Rausten, but you can call me Eliz. It's my pleasure to meet you, Ishtar."

The goddess bowed like the blue haired student and in doing so her luscious orbs swayed beneath a little and her blonde hair falling next to her face before her back straightened again. Eliz then proceeded to take off her shorts next, placing a hand for support on a nearby locker and the other one between the fabric and her skin. Her body bent a little as she pulled the shorts and lifted one leg after the other, her mammaries swaying along the hair as she finally put the shorts on the bench, revealing her thighs and pubic mound to Ishtar, standing completely naked before her.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Ishtar watch as Eliz continued to remove her clothes as she got ready to shower. It became clear she had been out doing something and was taking a shower before she proceeded with the rest of her day. They are teaching me responsibility. Since I new to the team, I have to work twice as hard to get up to speed. So by having me put up the equipment, I beginning understand how much I need to help out and team is learning how much they can rely on me.

Ishtar put her own shirt on the bench nearby. She bent over and pulled down her shorts and panties (a hint of her orange blossom themed panties showed) and also put them on a near by bench. As she stood up, the volleyball player realized how beautiful of a student stood in front of her. Ishtar smiled a bit as she got her wash cloth, shampoo and soap and headed into the showers. So Eliz, why are you here so late today.

Author:  Elizia [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

"That seems to be a well planned method to get the team members to know each other. It's good to see you that you're taking it seriously and are doing your best to let your team they can count on you." Elizia replied with a smile as she took her cloth, shampoo and soap, but instead of going straight to the showers, she looked at Ishtar take her shorts and panties off, noting the distinctive design they had.

To avoid being caught watching her so intensely, Eliz walked for the showers just when Ishtar was picking up her own stuff and then heard her question. "Well, I was running a few laps outside. Just wanted to get some exercise done, you know, since the P.E. class doesn't do it for me." The goddess approached a shower and let the water run, but careful not to get wet with the cold water before it eventually heated up. After placing her things beside, Elizia straightened her back and stretched her arms above her head, as if a bit tired from the running and letting Ishtar have a perfect view of her large orbs and awesome body as she tried to think of a topic to talk about while waiting for the water to be comfortably warm.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Well I can see that, it looks like you put a lot of work into your body. Because it looks really excellent. I am sure you turn the heads of all the boys when you can find them. Ishtar kinda looked down a bit as she felt she might made the wrong comment.

Ishtar held out her hand as she felt the water of the shower, it was still a bit cold but it was beginning to warm up. Well the shower starting to warm up and it won’t take it long now.

Author:  Elizia [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Elizia acted as if she froze when Ishtar made her comment and then looked straight at her with her hands still above her head. "Ah? Haha, well... Yes, and the heads of some girls too," Eliz replied with a smile and wink, letting her arms fall back again and feeling the water warming up slowly. The goddess then turned at Ishtar again, feeling her lust increase. "I can the same thing about you, you know. You are really beautiful, I'm sure you broke a boy's heart when you joined this place," she added.

After that, she felt the water once more, having warmed up enough at last and then letting her entire arm and shoulder get soaked with the shower. "Ah yes, quite perfect now..." With that, the deity's body let the water fall on her perfect and voluptuous body, her hands caressing her hair as the trails of the water curved down her luscious mammaries and down her belly, trying to attract Ishtar's attention while holding back a sly smile.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Ishtar smiled, Thank you. Although if I ever did break a boy's heart, he never admitted it to least I don't think one ever did. Ishtar couldn't be exactly sure due to her memory issues. But she was sure if she remembered anything she would remember something like that.

It was then Eliz stepped into the shower, it was apparently warm enough for her to enter. Ishtar stepped into the shower, letting the warm water fall on her face and front. The gym showers were communal, leaving no privacy for the two students as they began to bath. As the blue haired student began to build a lather for her soap, she could help but noticed how even more stunning Eliz was while she was glistening in the shower's warm water.

Author:  Elizia [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

"Oh, are you sure? A boy rarely tells when his heart gets broken, though that would only make it more sad... But, nothing to worry about now, right?" Replied the deity, her face turning thoughtful for a second before turning to her usual happy face and enjoying the warm water running down her voluptuous body. She let hand caress her hair down as the water made it fall on her skin as she looked how Ishtar began to lather her soap and then an idea came to her mind. "And what else do you do besides playing volleyball, Ishtar?"

She had felt the magic energy coming from Ishtar. It was somewhat, specially compared to her own, but it was enough to manipulate the energy around them more easily. The subconscious aura around the blue haired student would feel that Elizia's body almost wanted her to notice the blonde faux student. Slowly but surely, the goddess would try to imprint the idea that Ishtar was interested in Eliz in more than just being a friend.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Ishtar continued to lather herself up, but she couldn't take her eyes the blonde beauty in front of her. She couldn't understand why, but there was just something about the woman that kept her interest. Um well, I especially like anything with a good beat. I also like Theatre and keeping track of the latest fashions. What are you interested in Eliz. The blue haired student was quite interested in what Eliz considered fun.

Author:  Elizia [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

Elizia had turned slightly to get her own soap and put it under the shower's warm water. As her hands rubbed the soap's surface to finally get a lather on it, from the corner of her eyes she could see how Ishtar never moved her blue eyes from her naked gorgeous body. Her manipulation of the energy around them would make the feeling the student was getting start increasing in intensity. Ishtar would realize that there was no girl more beautiful than her and what would she do to be closer with the deity or stay with her a bit longer?

"Well... I like to exercise, read books, and take loooong walks around many places. I also love food and mostly fun things," Eliz replied, looking at the nude form of Ishtar and her eyes as her hand started to rub the soap over her body, standing just a bit outside of the water. The soap would appear to dance over her soft skin, reaching the valley of her cleavage and molding her large orbs as it covered them with a layer of soap. Ishtar would then feel the soap in her own hand fall from it, making it look as if she suddenly dropped it. It would then slide across the floor slowly, near the blue haired student, but as she tried to take a grip to pick it up, it would slip and slide forward until eventually it would come to a rest between Elizia's legs.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Meeting of the Goddesses (for Elizia)

I see. Did you know there was a book club on campus. I am sure they would love to have you join...Ahhh! Ishtar's soap slipped out of her hands as it fell to the floor. Embarrassed the blue haired student reached down to grab the elusive it only to have it slide out of her hand. She followed the soap as it remained just out of her grasp, until it slid under Eliz.

It was then she looked up to see Eliz molding her own maginificant orbs with her soap as she built up such a lather. Ishtar blushed being this close to the blonde haired student. The view was even more amazing up close. Still there was the little issue with the soap. [collor=LightSkyBlue]Umm, my soap slid underneath you, would you grab it for me. Thank you.

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