Shokushu High School

Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)
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Author:  sakuraacr [ Wed May 19, 2010 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Jojo walked towards the gym after school wearing the wretched uniform. She looked around and changed into her shorts and tank. She then locked it away as she easily began to head for the track. She passed many students that were happy gym was over, but jojo didn't mind. She prefered it quiet anyways. She started to sprint down the strait aways and jogged the curves wearing down her stamina slowly.

Author:  Dendrite [ Thu May 20, 2010 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite was, daringly, resting beneath a large set of bleachers on the side of the track, away from the main athletic buildings. The space was cool, dark and quite well-kept; perhaps someone had an interest in maintaining a clean and private area...

The alien was dozing, but then its alien senses noticed the telltale trace of a human female. Dendrite slithered to the side of the bleachers and watched, slit-pupil dilating as it focused on the running girl--and what a delightful specimen she was. Muscles in her arms and legs flexed as she pounded along the track, chest rising and falling, generous breasts bouncing in their confines of fabric, and pretty purple hair waving in the breeze...

As the girl ran past the bleachers, Dendrite made its decision. The alien lunged forth from its hiding place and pulled itself along the ground, its bulk almost swimming through the air as it began to overtake the girl. Its tendrils stretched out in eager anticipation for her...

Author:  sakuraacr [ Thu May 20, 2010 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Jojo jumped sideways barrel rolling through the air over the tenticaled beast. Jojo kept her eyes on the beast as tentical were shocked away from her electrical shield on her skin. She stared at you wondering what your language was as she tried just basic asking, "Who are you?"

Author:  Dendrite [ Thu May 20, 2010 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite skidded to a stop and focused on the girl with its eye. The creature 'stood' there, watching her, its tentacles flexing irregularly. "Mmmm-hmmm-hm-hm." A deep, rumbling sort of sound came from, as far as the girl could tell, right out of the air. And then words. "Call me 'Dendrite'..." A moment's pause, then one of the tendrils lashed out to grab for the girl's left ankle.

Author:  sakuraacr [ Thu May 20, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Before Jojo had time to react the monster had wrapped a tentical around her ankle. She tripped and before you knew it she was upside down. "Ugh..." She stared at the beast's eyes curious.

Author:  Dendrite [ Fri May 21, 2010 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite hoisted the girl up into the air until her face was level with its single large eye. The pupil dilated as it focused on her, and a chuckle emanated from the alien. "And who are you, little treat?" The tentacle holding the girl began sliding and twining around her leg, reaching steadily 'down' toward her shorts.

Author:  sakuraacr [ Fri May 21, 2010 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Zoe folded her arms as she stared back, "I am Jojo, the student who'll give you the most annoyance possible." With that said her body sent waves of electricity at the single tentacle.

Author:  Dendrite [ Fri May 21, 2010 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite's body jerked and it snarled something--like a gurgle mixed with whale song. Its tentacle released Jojo, but another lashed out to catch her before she hit the ground; it whipped around her shoulders and pulled her tightly against the alien. Jojo ended up being 'hugged' to the alien, held upside down with her head about a foot above the ground.

Dendrite growled, then it appeared to calm slightly. "Humans don't have electrocytes," it said. "Most humans don't. Hmmm! You're a rare find." The creature laughed darkly. "Oh, now I want to study you..."

Author:  sakuraacr [ Mon May 24, 2010 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Jojo laughed as she sent more electrical charges jumping out of the grip. "Study me? Like i'll allow an alien to study me."

Author:  Dendrite [ Mon May 24, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite growled and its tentacles squirmed as the girl slipped free. "Oh, I've dealt with creatures like you in the oceans of--" The alien trailed off into growling, then it stood upright and gazed at Jojo. "You're not the only being that can induce electric currents. That's not going to stop me." Suddenly a tentacle lashed out to wrap around Jojo's waist.

Author:  sakuraacr [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Jojo squirmed under the preasure of the alien's grip as she knew her power of elecrical currents switched to self auto which wasn't helpful at all. She even went as far as to scream for help.

Author:  Dendrite [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite laughed and wrapped a tendril around the girl's face like a gag, pushing into her mouth. "Shhhh," the creature murmured. " one seems to be around, in any case. The monster pulled her close, in an embrace almost like a hug, and another tentacle yanked up her shirt to expose her breasts. "Mmm, look at that!"

Author:  sakuraacr [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Jojo could no longer scream as the gag like tentical stopped her. She felt her shirt shift upward and exposed herself more than she wanted as she squirmed even more.

Author:  Dendrite [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

Dendrite held the girl close, a couple of tendrils catching her wrists, holding them out to the side as she struggled. "Aren't you tasty," the creature murmured, rubbing itself up against her chest, her nipples dragging along its rubbery flesh. "Hmmmm...Looks like nobody's watching. Let's do it right here." The creature chuckled and coiled its tendrils around her bottom, squeezing and groping eagerly.

Author:  sakuraacr [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a run or going to a trap? (Dendrite)

"NOO!" Jojo let out the muffled reply as she felt her breast rub againt the alien skin as well as the groping of her lower parts. She was gaining in lust but it was not what she hoped to feel as her body thankful gave a wave of charges around her body.

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