Shokushu High School

Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)
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Author:  Vice [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

So this was Shokushu High, huh? His stay here had been okay so far. He'd met some of the staff here. It had been so odd finding out that there were people who ran a school and allowed savage monsters to run around and have their sweet way with the cute little college girls at will, with only a few rules, one being that you couldn't kill them, and others like no impregnation, no brutal scars, no stealing them away... for more than a few hours. Hell, the staff here even helped new monsters to the island. That evident today.

One of the staff members was doing him a huge favor. Well, not so much a favor as just helping him get a feel for this whole thing. It'd be new to him, as it probably was to many other new-comers before him. Before he came here, he had to go about it the old fashioned ways. Ya' know, meeting girls at bars in his human form, getting them drunk and having his way with them. Snatching girls off the street, having his way, and then leaving them in an alley. Of course, he was never one for killing his victims unless they made him really mad. There were occasion where he'd keep them as let's for awhile, make them do as he wanted for a few months or weeks, then erase their memories. That was the past, though.

So, today... The staff of Shokushu had hand selected a girl to be his first victim. They had organized some sort of 'gym cleanup day', and sent out flyers. Well, a flyer. They'd make sure this girl, Narissa, was the only one who'd get one. So, there Vice sat, in his human form, his short off, laying on a piece of exersize equiptment; the bench. He was currently benchpressing 250lbs, like it was nothing. The staff had told him to be careful about using him human form, since the students knew that there were little to no males on the island. But Vice was just confident enough in his wit to figure up an excuse. Plus, if worse came to worse, he could just shift and take her. All the doors were locked anyways. Now all he had to do was wait.

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Most of the female body that resided in Shokushu were students. It was safe to generalize that that number was mainly for the zero off period, where they could go go to their rooms, chill, and get out of uniform for the time being. Narissa did not share in those benign thoughts of off period. She wasn't able to enjoy it to its greatest degree anymore. Lately, she had grown more and more anxious to the thought of returning to her dorm. It was beginning to become and less like a safe haven to her and more like the perfect prison. The other night her curiosity to see why exactly no one came to her aid all those times she was . .. made to scream . . . and had left her laptop with its speakers on loud on while leaving the room door closed and outside.

Not even the bass could be heard.

On the upside, it made her paranoia of the other girls being involved with the attacks, she wouldn't have to double guess their motives as much anymore. With sound proof rooms, it left every other student vulnerable and without aid after lights out. But today didn't look like another day she would have to bare with those anxieties, a surprise on her door.

"What's this now?" Walking up to the door, she saw a flier. For extra points with volunteering their zero period for the day, a simple group clean up of the gym equipment. Narissa mulled the idea through her head. With the points, there would no doubt be other girls there, some that were just perfectionist and wanted the extra plus to their A's and those in desperate need of any freebies that came their way. Narissa had held on to a comfortable A minus for most of her class, a C plus for her worst grade . . . It could go either way for her but . . .

Looking up at the door and her wrist watch, it was still an two and a half hours until the end of the period, then a single class and the day was over . . . Maybe this flier was just the break she needed. 'And being around other girls could lower the chances of anything happening.'

Her mind was settled as she left the dorms, flier in hand as she headed towards the gymnasium. Pushing the handlebar of the door, she looked inside as she heard some noise and the waft of odor that came with most gyms. 'Must be the other girls started.' The sound came from the opposite side of the gym with some equipment blocking her view, but nothing had attacked her. . . yet, so she walked inside, the door and her only exit closing and clicking behind her. As soon as some of the other girls would start straggling in, she'd feel more comfortable, but until then, she walked forward as she saw someone bench pressing . . . A male. Warning bells rang in her head as she stood there, looking at the blond.

Author:  Vice [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Well, it shouldn't be long now, right? Lifting weights bad working out wasn't really doing a whole lot for him other than giving him that slightly-human feeling of 'pain for gain'. He could make himself look however he wanted, so it wasn't as if he needed to work out to stay fit or buff up. He had been here for about a half hour, and they had told him that the girl would be offered extra credit in return for coming down to their little fake clean up effort. She had no idea just what kind of extra credit she was in for, did she? Vice was ready for his first hunt at a new grounds. Even though this couldn't really be considered a hunt. Oh well.

A smirk appeared on his face, and then quickly dissappeared as he heard the door to the gyms open and close. Little did she know, that farmilliar sound of gym doors closing was also them locking this time. He heard her making her way into the gym, toward him, and the area he was in. Once he knew she was standing there watching him, he put the bar on the rack and sat up, sliding off of the bench. A small smile came to his face as he looked at the girl. "Well, it looks like you're the only one who needed a bit of extra credit, then, huh?" he asked, looking around, his human-form British accent pourin out into words. "I'm Vice. They hired me to help out the girls today. Ya' know, heavy lifting and whatnot." he said with a nod. "But since you're the only onehere, I guess we'll be helping eachother out. What can I call you?" he asked, stretching some, as if he were worn out from the workout. If only she knew how much she would be getting helped out.

Author:  Narrisa [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Narissa gave a hesitant smile. "No . . . My grades are good enough . . . There should be more coming," she said, hugging her arms under her elbows. "Yeah . ..there was . .definitely supposed to be more girls." The unease in her did not settle as she looked around the gym with all the weights and pulleys. Not one girl in a uniform like her was there, leaving Narissa with this British like model in front of her.

"So . . .you're hired help or something?" she said, giving a plastic smile. She had to buy time before anything happened. If another girl didn't come in the next minute, she needed to leave. But if she could wait it out and others began to trickle in, she wouldn't have to worry about this as much. "I didn't know the school hired employees near the end of the school year," she said, keeping back the silence and her nervousness as she tried to get herself to relax.

Author:  Vice [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

When she told him that she thought that there should be more coming, Vice looked around the empty gym. Only exersize equiptment and doors that led to locker rooms and storage rooms could be seen. "Well, it looks like they may not have gotten the memo." he said with a small laugh, shrugging. Oh, if only she knew how true that was. Vice turned and began to walk toward another set of exersize equiptment. "Well, I guess we better get to work then. I promise I'm not too much of a loser." he said with a smile. Turning back to her, and leaning against a treadmill, he shrugged. "They usually don't, but there were a few things they needed help with around the school, and I had nothing better to do." he explained. He thought tha he was doing a pretty good job of coming up with excuses. Of course, she was obviously still nervous, or anxious, or whatever the word for it was. That was to be expected, though. "So, you gonna keep me in the dark about your name?" he asked, raising his eyebrow with a small smile.

Author:  Narrisa [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

"Narissa." It would make no difference if he did or didn't have her name. Little by little she was beginning to see him less of a threat, but no less would her guard be let down until there were some more population of the feminine kind around. Until then, it would look to suspicious if she just stood there while he began, so she walked herself to where some paper towels were, her skirt swishing around her thighs with her long legs.

"Then I'll get some of the things we could use for a wipe down," she said. Inwardly, her mind had began a mental count down with the large analog clock that hung over the wall in the gymnasium. 2:21. The second the hand fell from to the :26, she'd check out. There was no reason to risk herself here. 'And . . . in the worst case scenario,' her dark eyes glimmer over the many work out utensils around her. Dumb bells, weightless handle bars, even the weights themselves . . . and a little magic. 'I wont be without weapon.'

Author:  Vice [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

"Narissa, huh?" he said with a small smile, his slightly British accent still present. "That's a unique name. I don't think I've ever heard it before." he added, grabbing wet rag from a bucket and starting to wipe off some dust from a few weights. Yeah. This wouldn't last long. Vice was so not a damn maid. But he'd give it a few minutes to see where it all went to. This girl seemed kinda nervous and anxious. She was probably expecting more people. He could see her looking at the clock from the corner of his eye. "Okay." he said as she told him that she was gonna go get the stuff to start cleaning up. It wouldn't be long now. He'd turn into his demon form and show her why it's never a good idea to go somewhere alone. "So, Narissa, if your grades are good, then why'd you come down here? Not that I'm complaining." he said with a small smile.

Author:  Narrisa [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

"Oh. Just a change of pace. Nothing better to do for off period, so might as well make something of it, you know?" So far, he was keeping his distance, Narissa couldn't ask for anything better at the moment as she took a calm breath. For one set of weights, it had appear that the cables that the person used last had knotted up, keeping it at the top. 'That's not too tall, I could probably reach it.' Standing on her tippy toes, she reached up, although barely able to get the side of it as stretched her body up to dust it. Realistically, she could really care less about it, but it would bide enough time if she looked busy.

Not to her knoweldge, was how the back of her blouse came untucked from the stretching, baring a little skin that rimmed her skirt, held ever snuggly around her waist.

Author:  Vice [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Vice had began to dust and wiped some of the equiptment as he waited for the correct time to strike. Oh, he had that anxious feeling of the first hunt in a new place in his stomach. It hadn't been too long since his last sexual experience, but it was enough to make him ready to do it again. Even if it meant by attack girls. "Ah, I know the feeling. School can get pretty boring when you have nothing to do. Especially an all girl's school." he said with a small smirk. He glanced over just in time to see her reach up and try dusting off some equiptment, and to see her shirt lift up, and a section of skin being revealed. He couldn't take it anymore. Silently, he turned into his demon form and started walking toward her. Once he had her almost in a corner, he smirked because she still hadn't heard his silent footsteps. "I hope you weren't planning on leaving soon..." he said, waiting on her to turn around.

Author:  Narrisa [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Completed with the weights, she already saw that the paper towel she used was completely shredded. "Man this school's cheap," she said, trashing the used up towel in the near by garbage bin without needing to walk there. Her eyes drifted back up to the clock. 2:27. She waited long enough. "Hey, um, I have some cleaning supplies back in my room I bought at the mall near here. I'm gonna see if I can grab it real fast." The perfect excuse to leave without seeming too nervous. If it 'just so happened' she couldn't find it and it was already too late, then she'd just head to class. On the off chance they met again, she could say an emergency phone call happened when she tried to get back.

It was the sudden sensation of the back of her neck hair rising she suddenly turned, jumping as she saw the beast somehow less than a foot from her, his words rolling from his throat. "AHH!" Ducking under the weighted equipment to get something between them. "WHAT THE HECK!?" It looked like she should have paid better attention and had left in time even more at this point.

Author:  Vice [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

"i dont think youll be going anywhere." he said, before she had turned around. Vice smirked as he saw the look on her face as she turned around. "Awe, I'm not that scary, am I?" He grabbed the weight bench and easily pushed it away. A few tentacles came out of his back and started swirling around. "What's the matter, Narissa? Scared of the little old demon?" he asked, smiling evil at her. A few of his tentacles went forward, and wrapped around different parts of her body, as others started getting the clothes off.

Author:  Narrisa [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Being scared was one thing. Being terrified of this new face was another level entirely. "No! Get your hands--things-- OFF of me!" she yelled as loudly as she could, pulling her arms away from the self-proclaimed demon as she reached for the barbell stands. They were all around from the smaller of the two pounders, to the weight building 75 pounds. The closest she could reach before hurling at the demon's face as hard as she could.

She had to buy herself as much time as she could, shirking off with her free hand the tendrils that tried unbuttoning her blouse, revealing the nubile skin that rest beneath as the over head gym lights reflected off her russet breast. With her blouse partially undone, it showed the white laced bra that cupped her mounds in checked, struggling as she wriggled in his grasp to pull away as they rocked with her.

Author:  Vice [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

As the weight came forward, plunging toward his head, Vice quickly grabbed it with his thumb and index finger like it was nothing. Then, he smirked at her, and gave a slight glare as he slung it toward her, making sure that it came within inches of her head, hitting the wall behind her. "Now, now. Was that really nessecary?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest as his tentacles got to work getting off her clothes and restraining her.

They were doing good. He smirked as her blouse came open, revealing the skin beneath it and revealing her hrs. The tentacles up there ripped her blouse off, as some others pulled her skirt down. "That's more like it." he said, stepping toward her with a smirk on his face, the tentacles having restrained her now. "Now that you can't go throwing weights around..." he trailed off, shoving his hand down her panties and beginning to rub her.

Author:  Narrisa [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nothin' Like an Afternoon Workout (Narissa.)

Narissa bunched in fright as the dumb bell crashed into the wall near her, shards of the hard tile jumping out from the force of the throw. She was too fearful as she saw him cross his arms, the extensions of his body far too eager to disrobe her as she writhed in her constraints. The demonstration in his strength was something that kept her from screaming for the moment. But now as her skirt formed a puddle at her ankles and her form only protected with her white laced bra, her panties matching as they hid her secret treasure, there was little else she could do if she wanted to buy time.

"Why . .what do you waaaAa--" the sudden sensation of his molesting hand hitched her breath as she tried pulling away. But her limbs could only tug at his extra appendages as she squeaked at his fingers. 'There's no way I can overpower him with strength. I .. have to use magic.' She quickly activated her mana sight as she tried to mutter the words under her breath, her snatch twitching as the demon played with her, dividing her focus.

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