Shokushu High School

Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)
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Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

Walking into an empty, smaller room used for possibly dance or gymnastics, Crystal, in an almost completely black workout outfit of an Underarmor tanktop and Capri pants. The spandex material of both trimmed in neon pink outlining stuck like a second skin to her graceful and nubile body. Flexing and stretching with each move she made.

Her white running sneakers squeaked on the waxed wood floor as she made her way to the blue mat in the middle of the room. Before stepping onto the mat she removed her shoes. The starch white cotton of her socks making no noise as she stepped onto the mat, the nylon covered thing squeekng softly high her steps.

She made her way to the middle and after some stretches and a department sigh she let down her long brilliant and straight light blond hair out of the bun it was in. The student wanted to practice her martial arts during some downtime she had this evening due to not having doneso in a while and the finding out about this island's more... amorous residents, she wanted to try and defend herself better against them. Her hair being down was to pseudo simulate the condition she would be in if another encounter occurred.

The ripe blond beauty began to move in a clearly well practiced set of motions of a Kara from one of the styles she learned.

Author:  Raziel [ Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice makes perfect!(for Raziel)

Raziel paced the back halls of the gymnasium... still exploring the large complex. It was dark outside and the building was so deserted that he probably could have walked right down the main halls without much worry. Still, it was good practice to learn these corridors, he reminded himself, in case he wished to stalk prey here later... when it was more crowded. The tall Daeva paused as he rounded a corner, looking through a small one way mirror and down into a tiny gymnastics room... devoid of most of the equipment of the gym, save a large workout mat and a beautiful, shapely young woman who seemed to be letting her magnificent blonde hair down at the moment.

As he continued to watcher start to practice what looked to be some sort of martial art, he began to think about just what he would do to her... how he would do it... and then remembered there was nobody else about... nothing to stop him. Raziel didn't have his cloak with him so subtlety was out, though he wondered if the pretty young thing would run in fear or try to fend him off, the way she was practicing now. He stalked down the access chamber that ran the length of one side of the room, and cracked open the "janitor's closet", as the students knew it... peering inside at her more closely, watching her lovely form as it bounced and spun across the mat.

Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

She moved with grace and speed. A bit faster than her slender frame would suggest. The angelic student moved from technique to technique in a dance of punches, kicks, blocks and sweeps, fuild and graceful. It would be apparent to the trained eye that she was doing no particular style, but a mixture of several styles. Her hair whipping around her, she came to a stop after a particularily flashy spinning kick. Her socked feet landing with a solid thud as she landed in a readied stance. Her back towards the Janitors Closet.

Not bad Crystal. If you can get these moves down faster you might be able to disable one of those bastards before anythign can happen again.

Author:  Raziel [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

Raziel watched with some fascination as she seemed to dance, as much as fight, through her routine. He had seen plenty of war himself, but those days were long gone. It would be an easy matter to use his powers and subdue her but... perhaps he felt nostalgic. For whatever reason, he allowed the door to part enough that he could slip through, stepping out from the darkness... his form dwarfing hers... chains clanking noisily against his belt and crudely stitched leather pants, and making no excuses for his demonic horns or grey skin.

"One wonders, young miss, what drives a woman as pretty as yourself to such lengths? Do you fancy yourself a warrior? Or just looking to protect yourself?" He asked, letting the door back into the tunnels close behind him. He moved slowly to block the door back to the main part of the gym that she would undoubtedly try to run for otherwise.

Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

Crystal watched in horror as the door opened and some... thing walked through, with chains clanking noisily the being moved toward the door. Crystal's eyes widened in panic as she bolted for the door. Ignoring the thing's words she moved as fast as her lithe legs would carry her. She had to make it, had to get out. Better to escape, than to fight and risk being... She didn't want to think about it.

Author:  Raziel [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

Raziel sighs as she bolts for the door. "Well that's no fun..." he mutters to himself, suddenly letting three of the chains at his belt loose, extending and flying at the door in front of her like spears. Despite being blunt, the chains nearly embedded themselves in the doorframe, wrapping around the handle to cut her off from her exit.

"Leaving so soon? Probably the wisest strategy but, why practice all that fighting if you aren't going to use it when you need to? Wouldn't you like a sparring partner? Would certainly make it more realistic." He offered, grinning madly the whole time. "We could even add in some real world consequences for losing. I'm sure that will get your blood pumping faster."

Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

Crystal skidded to a stop as the chains embedded in the door and she turned to face the creature. Her mind panicking it looked like she had no way out but to try and fend off this mosnter.

"w...what is it you want from me?" She managed to get out as she slowly entered a readied stance, her hands coming up infront of her.

Author:  Raziel [ Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

"What I want will become apparent in due time, I'm sure." He said cryptically, though the way his eyes danced over her form probably answered her question anyhow. "Do you have a name, girl? A name to match your beauty, perhaps?" He teased, moving towards the barred door and trying to get her to back into the room.

With a thought, the chains from his belt detached and slung themselves across the door, wrapping the handle and effectively jamming it shut for the time being. And then... with a slow but deliberate pace... he began to stalk towards her, chains rattling with each stride... his cold eyes finally fixing on her own , a certain anticipation in them.

Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

She steadied her stance as she heard the chains wrap around the door handle. A sinking feeling in her stomach. The lecherous gaze she recieved said volumes, but his tone and pace, was so very different from the others.

"C..Crystal" she managed to finally get out. "Stay back! I don't want to hurt you!" She exclaimed, sounding no where near as confident as she wanted to.

Author:  Raziel [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

He laughed... his voice not entirely monstrous, but still imposing... perhaps more so that an even vaguely human voice should come from something so clearly inhuman. As he continued to pace towards her, he began to circle once again, not unlike a wolf circling its prey.

"And yet, I want you to try to hurt me... the idea of it amuses me. I'm not sure you're even capable but you're still so willing to try... or at least to threaten me." he taunts, getting a little close to her now... his towering frame beginning to cast a shadow across her. "Just what are you going to do little one? What are you WILLING to do to escape me?"

Author:  Crystal-Rose [ Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginning to Rise(For Raziel)

She began to slowly back away from him, but his words taunted her, frustrating her. his final words cut through her as he stepped closer. The student shot up her fist in a palm strike towards his chin.

"Get away from me!" The student screamed as her attack was executed. Her speed and technique were admirable, but something was off... Her body was moving as fast as it should have, and it seemed like her control over the strike was off.

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