Shokushu High School

Locker attack (Monique)
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Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Locker attack (Monique)

Vanguard was getting tired of actively hunting targets, and decides to se an ambush this time. Under disguise, he walks into the girls locker and waits till the room becomes vacant.

With no one to see him set up, Vanguard reforms his parts to form, of all things, a wall of lockers. The neoplasm covers him to complete the illusion, and now all is set, all he needs now is a girl foolish enough to enter the lockers all alone.

Author:  Monique [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique enters the locker room breathing rather heavily, her dark skin shining with sweat, she had just ran a few laps around the track.

She was wearing the school issue athletic outfit..that white t-shirt with those tight shorts. She runs a hand through her hair not noticing an extra wall of lockers that she walks past moving towards the showers to wash up a bit.

Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:46 am ]
Post subject: 

[Target acquired]

Vanguard scans the girls tan body, looking up every curve and valley of her luscious form, deciding on how to entrap this dark skinned beauty.

He opens and slams one of "his" locker doors, hoping to attract the attention of his new acquisition.

Author:  Monique [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique jumps hearing the locker door slam and turns around looking about..

"Anyone there?" She calls out a bit, and shrugs thinking she was just hearing things as she moves to her locker and opens it, pulling off that t-shirt, wearing a white sports bra under it. The bra cups her nice dark breasts snugly, she then sits down and begins to take off those tennis shoes of hers.

Soon enough she is standing there in her bra, white panties, and socks. She takes off her glasses and sets them in her locker before sitting down again.

Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Vanguard does it again, but this time follows it up with another opeing and closing, knowing full well that for the girl to get out, she would have to walk past him. he watches intently for the girls reaction while admiring that curvaceous form of hers, a personality quirk programmed into him.

Author:  Monique [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique looks up hearing the locker doors slam again and she calls out louder.."Hello...anyone there?"

This time she gets up and starts to go past the new lockers intending on looking outside really quick to see if its just some of the other girls playing a trick on her.

Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:47 am ]
Post subject: 

[5 feet.. 4 feet.. 2 feet.. Attack initialize!]

As the girl walks past, all "his" locker doors burst open and send tentacles flying out, wrapping themselves around the girls torso, pinning her arms to the side. the tentacles loop around her body above and below her breast, making jut out rather erotically.

as a final note, the end of one tentacle splays out to cover her mouth, preventing her from crying out. Slowly the wall of lockers seem to dismantle and rearrange themselves till they form a sleek silver humanoid with blazing red eyes.

[Hey there, ready to get protected?] says Vanguard in a sarcastic tone.

Author:  Monique [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique widens her eyes as tentacles burst forth from the lockers she is going by, and begins to squirm, and kick trying to get free from them.

She blinks seeing the lockers change and hearing the voice she blinks again, struggling renewed.

Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:01 am ]
Post subject: 

His tentacles begin to constrict, with every breath she exhales, the the binds tighten, cutting of her air supply, and sapping her strength in the process. He squeezes just enough for her to draw breath to keep conscious, but not enough to fuel any vain attempts at escape.

sending one of his quicksilver appendages at the door, he seals them shut by leaving some of his neoplasm to harden against the hinges.

[Now its just you... and me....] he says before dragging her captive to the showers.

Author:  Monique [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:06 am ]
Post subject: 

She begins to gasp some as he squeezes the air from her, and her struggles cease.

She watches him close the door, her vision a bit fuzzy since she isn't wearing her glasses, and she weakly squirms as he drags her towards the showers, her socked feet kicking very weakly.

Author:  Vanguard [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Vanguard eases his grip as soon as they are both in the shower, pulling away the tentacle thats covering her mouth.

[Well arent you a sight for sore sensors, got a name sexy?]

His tentacles start to rub up her legs and inner thighs, so teasingly close to her crotch, while others poke and prod those cloth covered mammaries of hers.

Author:  Monique [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:41 am ]
Post subject: 

"Let me go!"

She struggles as he eases his grip, trying to pull a hand free. As her breasts are prodded they bounce a little, along with her struggling. Her hips twisting trying to get his tendrils from her thighs and legs.

Author:  Vanguard [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

[Oh? or what? your gonna scream?]. Vanguard laughs out, his mettalic voice echoing through out the shower walls.

A tentacle slips under the band between the cups of his victims brassiere, then with a quick tug, snaps the whole thing in half, the cups now hanging limply to the side, exposing her dark lumps and her even darker nipples.

the tendrils poking her breasts begin to thin themselves out, giving them more bite as they wrap around those firm mounds several times over, before coiling around the nipples.

[Whats the matter? cat got your tounge?]

Author:  Monique [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

She gives a sharp cry as her bra is ripped off her and she continues to struggle in this things grip..

"I said let me go!"

Her back arched as her breasts and nipples are squeezed, causing that dark flesh to push out more to the roughness.

Author:  Vanguard [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

[Maybe... after I get done raping you!] he responds. The tentacles on her dark mounds begin to squeeze and tug at those soft mounds of flesh and those chocolate tits, softly at first, teasing almost.

The ones on her legs begin to crawl up higher, slipping between her panties and her supple skin, slowly pulling them off her person and exposing the firm domes of her rear. another tentacle sneaks in between her ass cheeks, squirming inside as it becomes further encased in the soft flesh of her buttocks.

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