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 After Practice (for Rosalie) 
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Post After Practice (for Rosalie)
Hidden amidst various equipment designed for both indoor and outdoor activities the huntress resided in the comforts of the shadows, far from the prying eyes of any athletic members of the student body who happened to retrieve whatever devices they needed from time to time. Dust adhered to the closest apparatus which revealed that none would approach and fall into her clutches, but in the late afternoon hours Ania merely awaited the night rather than hunting luscious prey during the day.

Students were trickling in from the Sports Field once more, the second time that day and after crossing off the track team there really wasn't much else for the predatory alien to go on considering how rarely she neglected an opportunity to return to the beach in the early hours, forcing her to remain on campus unless the azure temptress sought to suffer an equivalent of heat stroke while wandering out in the sunlight.

In the passage of time, however, an interesting aroma wafted through the air which tingled within her nostrils, a familiar scent which intermingled with the various images in her mind and formed the realisation that once before she'd fallen to her whims. Slowly but surely the concealed creature stirred and scanned her surroundings for any sound, noting with delight that somebody drew near.

She spotted Rosalie from afar and immediately lightened up with excitement, her hands occupied with a net full of soccer balls whereas the other carried bright orange cones for practice out in the field, presumably returning them after concluding their activities although the responsibility of putting them back in place had the hermaphrodite wonder whether the precious emerald held any special position in the group.

Ania remained hidden for the time being, watching the marvellous beauty tend to her duties while her superior senses picked up on the other girls already departing from the showers and locker room, signalling to her that before long they were going to be all alone.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:41 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
The other girls Rosalie was with could be heard calling her captain, indicating she held leadership over the team. "Great work everyone. I'm sure we'll be ready for our next match. And this time, I'm certain we'll beat those dire wolves." This proclaimation was followed by cheers from the other girls on the team. "Alright so go clean up and rest and I'll see all of you later." She says good bye to the others as they make their way to the locker room and shower while Rosalie stays behind putting the equipment away. As she nearly finishes, one of the ball nets tips over spilling some the balls out. Rosalie sighs in annoyance and starts to pick them up, but on the last one she starts to play around a little bouncing it around on her knee and head. She has very good coordination at this, but at one point slips up and makes the ball roll into Ania's general direction. As she bends down to pick up the ball, there was a strangely familiar scent around there...

Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:06 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Raw temptation compelled the huntress to pursue the lovely vixen straight away, but an inner struggle which ruled in favor of far less frivolous entertainment had the formidable creature depart to the locker room, unseen and unheard by the human female whereupon Ania discarded the pitch black overcoat draped over her form and set out to partake of Rosalie in ways which in hindsight should serve to humiliate her even further.

She swiftly picked the lock of one of the many lockers in preparation for the premiere of her human disguise which had been limited to experimentation all along, finally at the proper stage for testing in the realm of the student body. Footsteps resounded off the nearby premises as someone approached the emerald haired student shortly after, loud enough for Rosalie to pick up on her every movement, but there would be no monster when she finally did turn around.

Flowing locks of dark yet shiny brown hair graced the tanned young woman coming her way, her voluptuous body around six feet tall yet unmistakably sexy and alluring the way her wide hips swayed in harmonic sensuality with every step, the gym clothes around her well endowed frame fairly snug and shifting almost erotically beneath even the slightest muscle movement. Brown eyes glanced at the object of her desire, the good natured smile upon her gorgeous features equally beautiful as the remainder of the newcomer.

"Good afternoon." Everything matched the human physique to perfection and now Ania decided to have some fun, speaking in a mildly flustered manner and different tone as she stopped before the athletic beauty. "You're Rosalie, right? The Captain of the soccer team? I .. I heard the other girls call you that, but I already knew who you were after watching a few of your games."

She reached out to her, offering her hand in a formal introduction as seemed to be rather commonplace in their circles. "I'm Kate Shaw, pleased to meet you. I was going to audition for your team when we last had the chance, but unfortunately I'm far too beside myself in the crowd to compete in public tryouts. I .. um .. well .." Kate paused briefly, fidgetting a bit. "I was wondering if you would mind kicking a few balls with me in order to check what I might have to improve for the next tryouts. Of course I know that your training just ended, but I would be really thankful for your help."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:53 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Rosalie noticed the scent fade and figured maybe she was just imagining it. She was just about to step out of the storage she'd when another student approaches her. "Yes I'm the team captain. I'm afraid it is way too late for tryouts, but I suppose we could see how well you're doing as it is. If it looks like you have potential for the game, I'll put in a good word for you with whoever is team captain next year." It wouldn't have been Rosalie's choice next year. Captains had to relinquish their position if it was the end of the school year, or if the rest of the team unanimously voted them out.

Rosalie goes back into the she'd taking out a few soccer balls and sets them on the field. "Do you want show me offense or defense first?"

Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:14 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Overjoyed at the possibility of showing off her talents Kate beamed at her fellow student in radiant admiration, the same unmatched vigor and excitement filling her voice in that instant. "You would?! Oh, thank you so much!"

She began to shrink down upon hearing these words escape her lush lips, rubbing the back of her head in mild embarrassment at her own outburst of enthusiasm. "Um .. I mean .. I will try not to disappoint."

Kate eagerly followed along in their closeness, secretly inhaling the scent Rosalie carried after training which had filled the disguised huntress with a mixture of emotions, wishing nothing more than to pounce the precious young woman straight away while at the same time anticipating her surprise after successfully pulling off her newfound scheme. Brown eyes observe the positioning of these balls attentively, learning more about the game with every passing moment.

In truth Ania knew little more than nothing about soccer and therefore chose an opportunity to explore the sport in that regard and have Rosalie begin rather than try without any knowledge whatsoever and make a complete fool of herself right from the beginning. "I've always been far better in the more defensive positions, we should start with that."

Slowly the brunette walked over to the opposite side of the balls lined up in the field, expecting the green haired beauty to approach and try to get past her seeing how she understood the gist of things to come. "I'm ready."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:13 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
"Alright then, but we will need to try offense as well to see how much training you would need. All players need to be able to play both sides, with exception of the goalies." Rosalie explains before picking up one of the balls and stepping a few yards away. "In defense, you're to try and slow me down or even take the ball away as I make my way down the field. Remember though, you cannot use your hands. Okay? Here we go." With that, she drops the ball and starts running with kicking the ball with her in "Kate's" direction.

Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:55 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
"No problem, I've reserved enough time for practice today." Kate announced delightedly after receiving a better picture on the conditions required to enter the soccer team eventually and on the inside the huntress considered actually joining up, but sadly that would defeat the purpose of toying with Rosalie in the first place even though they might prevent their opposition from ever scoring any goals again. "Yeah, I'm good to go."

It was truly amazing to observe the athletic young woman in her element, flexing her muscles and using up the energy of her youth in the sport and while Ania could technically humiliate her chosen prey then and there, her fellow student decided to feign inexperience in their initial encounter and subsequently failed to slow Rosalie down, let alone take the ball from her in spite of the effort she'd shown, letting her move past without putting up a great deal of resistance either out of awe or lack of talent itself.

"Hey, you're really good. I suppose I should've expected that from the Captain of the team." She smiled warmly, however, obviously not taken aback by being outplayed nor showing any signs of a bad loser. Instead Kate wanted to try again. "Normally I don't do this poorly, that must be stage fright getting to me. Can we do defense once more?" She wouldn't let the student win that time, determined to display an abundance of talent now.

Boy, did that girl move.

Reflexes far beyond her own outmaneuvered Rosalie the very moment their confrontation began, keeping her on her toes with continuous reversals the human female simply couldn't keep up with right before Kate coaxed the ball out from beneath the emerald gem and dashed passed her with the ball close to her feet for several meters to come in order to signal her success against the Captain.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:54 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
"That's fine, but I can't stay for too long. I have a date set up for later." Rosalie returns with the ball then makes another run at it. She's completely caught off guard when "Kate" suddenly not only manages to stick to her, but also gets the ball away. Her movements weren't almost unbelievable. Rosalie couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, but she didn't feel threatened. After all, the season was coming to a close soon and newcomers couldn't be added to the team except under certain circumstances. By the time this new girl tried out, Rosalie's time as captain would be over. And while she could still play, she could not apply for team captain a second time.

Rosalie snaps out of her dumbfounded state and smiles. "Those were some amazing moves. I don't think there's any question about your abilities in defense. Now let's see how do you on offense. Take the ball over there then come at me like I did with you." She says handing Kate the soccer ball.

Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:24 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Ania doubted that Rosalie would be getting back to her date on time, but that was beyond her foremost concern for the time being. "Thank you for your kind words, but I wish it were that easy when I'm around a lot of people." She smiled through the exotic appearance of her human disguise before pressing on, positioning the ball in roughly the exact same spot as her partner did previously. "Alright, I hope you're ready."

Kate swiftly advanced and feigned trying to bypass her defense on the left before switching up directions and feigning on the right whilst deliberately drawing out their duel a little longer, her speed and maneuverability remarkable beyond words though with an opening presented to her in the form of an achilles heel, the girl guided the ball through the confusion induced gap between her legs prior to dashing past the young woman herself, beaming brightly at her most assuredly predetermined victory.

"Well played, I didn't think I was going to get past you back there." Slowly the young woman retrieved the ball from the ground, grasping it firmly with both hands. Truly an unusual form of entertainment, but admittedly fun to indulge in and perhaps next year Ania would try out for the team only to see the expression on Rosalie's face. "I suppose that'll do for a good word with the future Captain, won't it? Or do you want to keep going?"

She handed the ball over upon closing the distance between them, the gesture serving another purpose entirely other than what the student might think. "Personally I don't think I'm up for any more games."

Her hand slithered past the curve of her hips as Kate began to encircle the young woman, wondering how she might react for after being bested in her element another member of the student body wound up touching her, a complete stranger letting her touch flow over these shapely hips. "If I'm being perfectly honest, I haven't watched your games or asked you to train with me for the sake of the sport alone, Rosalie."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:23 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
This time Rosalie was going to give it her all. She wasn't going to be caught off guard like that again...or so she thought. While Kate very nearly fooled her into defending her left side, Rosalie was able to correct herself and quickly catch up. However, Kate found a brief opening in her defenses and got the ball past her right between her legs. She wasn't the first person to try that on Rosalie, but she was the first to actually succeed in pulling off that stunt on her. " one's ever been to do that with me before. I hope your skills as a team player are as good. That is also a requirement. Other than that, I'd say there's no further need to gauge your skills."

As Rosalie takes the ball back from Kate, the new girl suddenly started to get a little intimate with her. "Heheh, well uh, I'm flattered, but I'm afraid I already have a date." She then turns to put everything away again.

Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:51 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer staying? I could make it worth your while." Kate immediately followed up on being rejected and swiftly embraced Rosalie who turned away from the athletic marvel as though her resistance hadn't been apparant enough, bestowing unto her the immense warmth of her lavish breasts which nestled up against her upper back given their difference in height.

"I'll convince you." She usurped the brilliant emerald completely by hooking an arm around her waist which bent at the elbow and allowed for the silken fingers of the newcomer to trace along the slit of her body through the fabric covering her privates. Another swerved around the young woman on her right side and entrapped the respective limb beneath her own touch, letting her palm skim across one of these concealed breasts without hesitation, enhancing the sexual assault even further.

"You're incredibly hot. I bet in your position you get off at night knowing that everyone in your team keeps their eyes on you while you adress them." Feigning the strength of her own physique Rosalie might be able to break free completely with a certain amount of effort, but her intentions were beyond clear as the exotic female wasn't going to let the Captain of the soccer team escape easily and for all the girl knew her tormenter had been nothing more than another ravenous student.

They were definitely done playing games and what appeared to be little more than an enriching experience threatened to turn into yet another nightmare before long.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Last edited by Ania on Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:48 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
While Rosalie normally would have been up for a little fun, she was not going to stand her date up. The suggestion"Kate" however, gave her more reason to be more forceful and tear away from her. "How dare you make such insinuations. You asked for this." With that, she locks eyes with Kate. A quick flash would've been seen in Rosalie's eyes as she activates her sensory hypnosis, then tries to make her feel itchy all over just like when she had chicken pox as a child. Kate might have felt a slight ping from this, but nothing else.

Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:46 am
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Kate blinked in both admiration and pleasant surprise that anything even happened in the first place and yet Rosalie would notice the mischievous smile splaying over her beautifully sculpted face instead of the desired grimace of shock, downright mocking the young woman without speaking any words nor sneering laughter, merely approaching once the effect of her hypnosis pearled off the lavish beauty seemingly without any impact whatsoever.

"Nothing happened." Rubbing salt into the wound of her worthless capabilities the athletic student commenced with the onslaught of her loins, feminine fingers rubbing up against the spot near her groin where her nether lips would be while another hand slithered beneath the shirt concealing the bounty of her chest, casually skimming across the delicate heaps of flesh there beneath her bra.

With incredible strength Ania pushed Rosalie with her back against the nearest wall, pinning her against the hard surface while continuously exploiting the body at her disposal and nothing indicated that the oriental looking female would ever withdraw.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:06 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
Rosalie's eyes widen in shock noticing "Kate" seemed unaffected by her hypnosis. Before she can even snap out of it, the student once again started groping and playing with her body, even pinning her down with incredible strength. Rosalie struggles uselessly letting out whimpered moans and cries as the assault continues. "How can this be? It's never failed on other girls before..." Rosalie comes to a realization as to why her hypnosis didn't work. "'re not human at all..."

Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:01 pm
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Post Re: After Practice (for Rosalie)
"You catch on fast." Kate spoke in a mocking manner, the pitch of her voice suddenly changed and altered into something Rosalie had heard only once before seeing how there was no need to hide her true nature any longer, keeping up appearances yet letting the illusion of being another student evaporate into thin air. "I thought you would come to that conclusion by the time I beat you at your own game twice."

Suddenly the hand sliding up against the curves of her concealed breasts split apart into five equal sections, the tentacles the young woman loathed back in the day of their first encounter with Daphnee by her side, their presence bulging out the fabric of her shirt as the squirming mass of lavender colored flesh wrapped around the lovely pair and squeezed that luscious bosom, firmer now while two of them draped the bra upward as to encircle her areolae unhindered.

"Do you know who I am? What I am?" The human hand grinding up against her flower mercilessly stayed the same as did the rest of her alluring disguise while the huntress continued playing with the girl, hazelnut brown eyes slowly changing into an endearing bright blue as the newcomer leaned in closer, their lips almost touching in their closeness. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten, I simply loved pouring my personal drug into you and your friend."

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:32 am
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