Shokushu High School

unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower)
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Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower)

lily was enjoying the quiet at the pool this time of day.¨mmm such a nice day to practice.¨lily closes her eyes and begins to manipulate the water wearing a normal uniform.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

263 also enjoyed the pool in its calmer hours. During the busier hours, the area was filled with dozens of students and teachers, running around and frolicking. Although this would have been delightful eye-candy to many, 263 had very limited appreciation for anything besides actually feeling and taking a woman. Ogling girls who were out or reach held no real appeal for it. And with so many people around, securing a girl was practically impossible, let alone that trying would violate every instinct that had been ground into it to avoid large groups of people. But at this time of day, when most of the student body had gone off to other activities, the place was mostly deserted, and it was much more feasible to catch an isolated student or two.

263 had decided to see if it could do just that, and had gone fishing. Its tentacles crawled into the overflow drains of the pool. Several of its appendages stretched and flattened into then paddles, sensing currents in the waters, feeling for vibrations and disturbances that indicated a swimmer may be present. In short order, Lily began to practice her water manipulation, and the currents from her practice were similar enough to lure 263's appendages out of hiding. They blindly curled around the edge of the pool and slowly worked their way up through the water towards the source of her disturbances.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily eyes still closed dosnt notice the incoming threat. her feet on the edge of the pool. not even a foot from the filter her focus on practice blinding her to most else.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

The tentacles slowly worked their way towards the sound of Lily's splashing. They dredged through the water nearby, but come up empty. Several tentacles emerged from the water and brushed along the ledge, searching for someone who might have escaped the pool. One came across Lily's foot and quickly lunged forward, wrapping around her ankle. With a tug, it dragged the unsuspecting girl into the pool.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily screams as she is grabbed and dragged in the water.she trys to fight her way free but is far to weak. lily panics quickly parts the water just enough so she can breathe.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

A swarm of tentacles quickly rise up to her frantic paddling. She dips below the surface for a moment as the appendages ensnare her, but she quickly surfaces as a tentacle wraps around her torso, supporting her enough for her head to stay above the water line. More tentacles grab her arms and her free leg, wrapping around her and starting to bind her in place.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily screams and thrashs trying to brake free but can't.¨h-help! someone help me!¨lily frantically trys to scream for help.tears fall as she notices noones around.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

Content that their prey is secured and helpless, the tentacles begin to roam over Lily's drenched form. They press against her wet clothes, caressing her soft skin through the clingy garments. She can feel them spiraling up her legs and working their way under her skirt as she floats, bound and helpless in the water. Every time she screams, the tentacles seem to move faster and thrash more excitedly. Slowly, tentacles start to move towards her well-endowed chest.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily eks and jerks as they begin to move to her most sensitive spots. her ample chest being groped causing her to whimper trying to move the water move to make distance between her and her attacker. held as she is it is a futile attempt.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

More tentacles emerge from the water beside her head, and slowly approach the side of her face. They gently stroke her cheek and the side of her face, caressing gently, almost affectionately. A few even stroke through the strands of her hair that drift limply in the water or cling to the back of her neck. Then, she can feel and see more of them start to cross over her shoulders and down her chest. As they reach the collar of her blouse, they slip their way underneath, leaving burrows in her clothes as they work their way under her clothes, moving towards her ample chest. They make contact with her soft skin as they go lower and lower, pressing against her yielding mounds. Farther down, tentacles have worked their way up to her crotch, massaging her sensitive lower body. She can feel several tentacles touch the edge of her panties, surface tension causing them to cling tightly around her nethers. A tentacle runs over the cameltoe in her drenched underwear, lightly tracing her slit.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily gasps and whimpers sobing in defeat as she bites her lip. her hips jerk as tentacles find her womanhood trying in vein to prevent the invasion to come.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

The tentacles hold her mostly submerged in the water, only her head and neck visible above the water line. The cool water surrounding her and enveloping her skin contrasts with the warm, fleshy touch of the tentacles, and the heat spreading inside her. The tentacle running over her pussy grinds its length against her covered lips several times. Although the water surrounding her body dilutes her scent, it can feel her soft skin beneath the soaked underwear. Slowly, more tentacles rise up from the depths towards her body. These are thinner than the others, and end in rounded orbs similar to eyes. As they move around her body and stare at her pleasant feminine charms under the water, one breaches the surface and looks into her face. Tentacles are still stroking her face as it stares at her, practically petting her.

Suddenly, there's a voice nearby. Lily can't see a mouth or anything nearby, but it sounds close. It's as if it's speaking directly into her mind "Girl," it rasps slowly and insidiously. "I. Will. Fuck. This. Girl."

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

¨p-please no a-anything but that!¨ lily sobs and whimpers at the mercy of what ever is controling the limbs.her head lowers unable to stop the violation of her body.

Author:  Follower [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

The monster's taunts only continue inside Lily's mind. "Fuck. Rape. Penetrate." The tentacles begin to squirm against her skin. Suddenly, with the mental equivalent of a "whoosh", her vision starts to fill with sights that aren't hers. Though she can still see through her eyes, in her mind, she can also see her own body, as viewed by the eyes looking at her. She can see that tentacles are pouring into her blouse from top and below, leaving bumps and ridges where they dig through. Her skirt floats uselessly beneath the water, and tentacles swarm underneath it, surrounding her lower body. She can see the tentacle grinding against her entrance, highlighting her labia against her white panties. As she's forced to stare at herself, another tentacle pushes her underwear aside, exposing her young pussy to their shared sight. The tentacle returns, and begins to press its head between her lips, stroking lightly up and down, teasing her sensitive entrance without quite penetrating her.

Several thin tentacles rise up and trace her ear, tickling her gently. "I. Will. Fuck. You," the voice promises her as it strokes her in preparation.

Author:  jewel [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: unexpected(and unwanted)company at the pool(for follower

lily gasps seeing the sight and feeling the manipulations of her body as she thrashs trying desperately to prevent it but knowing its usless. lily whimpers as tears stream down her cheeks as she feels her panties pulled aside.

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