Shokushu High School

Talent (for Belzel)
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Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Talent (for Belzel)

The contacts went in. Her normally blue eyes masked by a golden brown color stared back at her from the mirror. She blinked once, twice, though the pink wig that masked the crop of golden hair was shorter than her long flowing locks.

In no way would she mistaken as Stephanie Miller at least visually. Her speaking tone, while masked would probably give her away as Andrea Summers. Her stage persona stared back at her though she had disguised herself it was her true name that she used when performing.

But here was the kicker, none of the other girls would associate her with Andrea. To them this was Stephanie Miller impersonating Andrea Summers though in truth it was Andrea Summers impersonating Stephanie Miller doing an impersonation of Andrea Summers. Wow, had the truth been so distorted?

She had practiced hard for this, had been interrupted a few times but now she was ready for the talent show. Over the summer while there was less going on, she did manage to write a few new songs. Though she wouldn't get a chance to use them tonight … well maybe just one the other though had to be a cover, though oddly was it a cover? She supposed it was since no one other than Ania and Vanessa knew who she was. There was that demon too but she had doubted he was paying attention and Ania was one of the resident creatures of the night here … well it was during the day that she had stumbled across her or rather it was the other way around.

Taking the shadow mic that Arblis created for her she found is worked marvelously. She could feel the emotions of the audience and no one minded when she did a second song, though there were no rules against it for the talent show most that did a song only did one. That emotional connection she was able to form only improved her incredible talent tenfold, or so it seemed.

Hands down she won the talent show. It was not about winning though she put a lot of work into things it was more about being able to sing again before a crowd for a little while. Since things went over so well she could try to put on a concert with little fuss, as Stephanie doing some Andrea Summers songs. She would see.

After leaving the gym she went to the locker room and got changed. Her Andrea props, clothes and what not had been in a simple brown bag with handles. She stayed behind for a bit talking with some of the girls that congratulated her on her victory or asked Andrea Summers questions to her assuming she was a fan of her work.

If they only knew. But as time dragged on she departed to the dorms alone wondering if she should just go back or find some solitude to do a little more singing since her fill had not yet been sated.

Author:  Belzel [ Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (Open)

Stephanie could have never hoped for better fans during her marvlous talent show ammoung her fellow students, her singing was simply breath taking and made those that listen happy. A true masterpiece of sound, so much so that the theater cried her name, begging for song after song, turning the sweet young girl into a fine young idol... She got so popular infact that Stephanie unknowingly attracted the attention of a very curious being from beyound human imagination and Bel didnt care about that who that voice belong too.... only that she apsolutly adored it..... so much so she kind of wanted it...she wanted to have that sound....

The sweet soothing tone ofthe idols voice made Bel's chest feel funny, tight as she had no way to explain her current feeling twords the girl. The only word she knew that was close was excitment? and well Shyness? No... mybe?... well Bel wasnt sure.... she felt.... happy. Only thing she was sure of was that the student's voice had to be hers, she wanted her voice, to hear those songs agin and agin as many times as she wanted as Bel found her self following her.... Hell stephine might not have known but she spoke to a so called "monster" afther hittingbte locker room. Bel had no clue who Andreas was but Bel did know that Stephine sounded so much better in her opion, even told her she was better and that as she and other fans crowed around Stephine to talk and congradulate her befor she left to go to the dorms..... it was up to that last seciond the wonderful idol had the thought to go back and sing some more was her discetion.... Bel didnt control minds, however shaping her reality was chids play to a world waker such as her self as Be simply watched.... Watching Stephine from her own nest outside of mortal preception as she watch Stephine make a discision that was never trully hers....

Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

She soon paused, unaware that her thoughts had been tampered with it had only caused Belzel to apply to most subtle touches on her mind as Andrea was teetering on that idea. It seemed to occur to her that by now the auditorium should be cleared out after the talent show.

At least there should only be a few people around cleaning up she revised after a moment. Still she didn't want to have interruptions though she could now get away with singing as Stephanie Miller after this performance without anyone suspecting who she was.

The auditorium was nice but it was a warm day and she had considered. She took a stroll as she thought to herself not realizing that she had attracted an audience. Outside of the school grounds she rarely strayed. She recalled the dragon that had found her again for the second time at the beach.

She opted to remain close using one of the trails that head off from the sports field. A few minutes later she was far enough away that she'd only be disturbed by a jogger or such. She moved off the path and found a clearing where she set down her bag. She had thought to gt out the mic Arblis created for her though she left it in the bag thinking she would not have it all the time and there was no audience any way. It's powers allowed her to tap into what her audience was feeling and influence human minds only, not that it gave her a huge edge but it made the selection of songs easier. If the crowd was more inclined to a sentimental tune or an uplifting one she could feel it and play to that emotion.

She had not passed any one on the way out here though someone could come by lured by her song. She didn't mind the audience as long as she wasn't interrupted too much. She figured any cleaners at the auditorium might have be so inclined so she was here instead.

She began with a few choice warm ups, she was already warmed up but went through the ritual all the time so it was automatic to her. Next she began singing, a little number from her third album that had an uplifting tune.

Author:  Belzel [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

Bel had little intreast watching the creatures of the island go about their daily lifes... however latly thats all she did was watch, unless she inserted her self in the center of a class, or dorm room... However afther hearing the sweet loving tone of this blind ones voice and her up lifting song! Bel coudnt help it! She froze! and melted! It was as if she was to afraid to insert her self anywhere with the girl while the pretty one sang her fun song that made the shy waker's head bob along with each beutiful tone as Stephanie might see a figure in the woods were she was, every so often poping out from behind a tree Bel so cleverly used to hide behind simply inorder to catch the glimse of the singing idol befor her song was finilly finished.

"Agin! Agin!" Bel shouted out like a adoring fan (which was no lie) as Stephanie ended her wonderful song she didnt expect others to hear. The disguised waker stumbling out from behind a tree clapping excitedly. Bel was dressed rather... choticly... as she always is, wrapped in a shokushu school uniform blouse that was half-hazardly buttoned up and no traditional skirt to see.... instead belo she wore what apeared to be the skimpy little gym shorts the school made students wear... however Bels were a slightly diffrent shade then normal.

Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

Andrea sang, it had not been a big deal now as to who heard her. After the talent show no one was going to claim that she was Andrea Summers, sound like her, but that association was probably not going to happen now. The talent show was great for that, she could operate freely with little hindrance.

She sang and sang, though she saw someone from afar or thought she had. A student she believed hiding behind a tree. When she thought she was seeing things she saw a girl again. This time she took a few steps in that direction to have a better look while still singing but didn't have much of an angel unless she wanted to trample through some bushes which she wasn't going to do.

The girl was not bothering her after all, she was more curious then anything and after her song she had confirmation that someone had been there. The applause of one had been knew to her since she had been use to hearing a great volume of applause but she had not expected any at all.

She smiled, curtsied in the direction of the student then took her in. The blouse was standard as were the shorts though the two were not often paired together. It was as if she were changing out of or into gym clothes one garment at a time. It was a bizarre look though the track field was close she would have expected the girl to be changed into a traditional uniform or gym attire.

The girl looked paler, she had not seen her before and had chalked it up to the girl being sickly or just indoors most of the time where she was not exposed to much sun. Maybe she was an albino but she had no protection from the sun and her eyes had not been pink.

It occurred to her after a moment that with the skirts being so short she may have preferred the shorts. She took all this in but kept her thoughts to herself. Holding up an index finger she thought over her songs both old and new eventually selecting one of the new ones she wrote but had not yet perform for anyone. She didn't go for the mic, she wanted to see how this one was received first.

She had been on the fence about this one, while she knew about the monsters and knew that not all the girls knew about them either she had wrote about a stalker, nothing supernatural, more an obsessed fan that in the end got arrested after doing all sorts of crazy stuff. It was as close to the monsters she was going to get in her songs, a bit creepy but funny at parts at the ends that some people took and unlike the time she had spent here the whole situation had a happy end unless you were the stalker.

When she concluded the song she looked toward the student. “I have not seen you before. First year?” She was too but she was certain she had not been in any classes or even saw her around, if she were more an indoors sort that wouldn't be too surprising.

Author:  Belzel [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

It seemed Bel'zels first impressions have always left a strange air around her twords the cretures of the island. It wasnt somthing Bel tried to do, nor did she mind, honestly Bel really didnt even notice, she always justed acts how she likes as she came out of her hiding spot clappping at how wonderful the song was. The soothing notes, the tune, the up beat vibe she felt in her chest! It was like...Well? Music to her hears! She loved it and the fact the lovly singer choose to sing more even afther she discovered her listening made Bel even happier to hear it.

"Brovo! Brovo!" Bel clapped happly as the singers song concluded, the pale stranger steping closer out from the bushes as she happly clapped. Bel only stopping as she approched, clasping her hands together." Yes!" Bel smiled. " I'm new to this...Uhm?... place!? Bel awnsered with a soft smile. " Tell me! Can everyone make sounds like that?" Bel asked, curiously looking to the student with those bright odd multi colored eyes.

Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

Her eyes were rather unusual. Nothing screamed out to her as dangerous, yet there were a few oddities. Andrea caught the brief struggle as to being new here. She was weary, but not overly so. Filing things away at the back of her mind. She had been entrusted with a magical microphone made up of shadow stuff so the eyes could be the after effects of an arrangement with other forces or just very unusual.

They were not natural but the girl didn't seem too dangerous. Isolate more or less she felt that if this were a monster in disguise she would have drawn close as she had but would have rushed to some form of attack.

But she seemed curious about her singing. She paused, considering the question. If she took it as literal it would have been odd, sort of like knowing the sky was blue. Of course they could all sing but Andre assumed that she wasn't so literal, that she meant as well.

“Hmm … well I guess we all possess talent of various degrees. But I've had countless hours of voice training too so I have a leg up on many of the other girls here.”
She smiled. She knew she was good though it wasn't often that she got to boost a little. Just a little.

“I take it you haven't sang in a choir or got involved in any clubs yourself? I could give you a few lessons. The main tip is breathing though, vocal control.”

Author:  Belzel [ Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

(Srry aboutthe long wait, I just get so hung up.)

"Uh!? Training?..." The odd stranger repeated as her even odder eyes open widly as tho she was suprised by the singers straight forward statment. "You mean you make those wonderful sounds becused you practiced doing it?..... Thats amazing!" Bel concludedbefor she smied and almost cheered happly as she gazed into the singers eyes and took a step closer as she got more intrested in her new friend and her singing.

"You would do that for me? Uh! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Bel smiled as she casually steped around Stephine, scanning her eyes carfully over her, eyeing her head to two. "I guess in return I can do somthing for you.... " Bel giggled.

Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

(No worries :))

This girl was confusing, things that would be common place seemed new and yet she had not gotten that feeling to bolt, no harsh or threatening nature and Andrea knew that whatever head start she would have had narrowed considerably as she came forth, looking her over.

She did not know why, almost as if she were doing a threat analysis or maybe even checking her out. That thought caused her to blush, she could feel a degree of heat before chastising herself with such an errant thought. If it were true then the girl did it more subtly then all the lewd things she had encountered before hand.

“Breathing is key, it lets you hit those high notes and allows you to sustain one at times. Everyone can sing, though there is a difference between being able to sing and doing it well.”

She was thinking of were to begin, thinking what was a simple first lesson that would give her the best results. But her mind shut off for a moment as she looked at the girl with the strange colored eyes.

“And sure I'll do that ... What do you mean?” She asked, curious. She wasn't after an exchange, flattered to help out someone that appreciated music. Despite her growing suspicions that there was something off here she did not act any different. She was nervous though, waiting for that other shoe to drop not sure what other agenda the girl had, experience told he to be a little weary but she tried not to show this in the event she was wrong and he suspicions had been for naught.

Author:  Belzel [ Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

"Oh! Breathing you say! That is intreasting! So I coud sing well if I breath too!?" Bel replied excitedly, refearing to breathing as tho it were alien concept as she rounded Stephanie with a big smile on that cute happy face of hers. Bel finilly stopping once she was back infront of the wary singer, those colorful eyes gazingly deeply into hers as Bel's eye lids slyly nerrowed as if sensing the singers uneasyness twords her, among otherthings.

"What do I mean!" Bel said as she suddenly leaned forward closly, invading Stephines personal bubble as she met the girl eye to eye. "Well! I think the real question is!.. what do you mean!" Bel giggled as she clasped her fingers together behind her back. " You help me sing! and I'll help you... It all depends on what you mean! What can I do to help you Help me!" Bel awnsered. " Becuse I want nothing more then to sing just like you!"

Author:  Stephanie Miller [ Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Talent (for Belzel)

Breath … she didn't breath … that made it certain unless this was a student messing with her though she had too much experience here on the island to think that was the case. She watched, a little nervous but knowing she won't get far but she was not necessarily afraid, not yet, the stranger was more confusing, more curious then terrifying

She nodded. “Similar to what you're doing now,” she explained noting that the girl didn't seem to be breathing, the only time she noted movement in her chest had been when she was speaking. “You're drawing in air to speak, manipulating your vocal cords to produce sound, you can use them to alter pitch too or extend syllables.”

She demonstrated with a quick run throw the musical scale holding each note a little longer, varying their pitch just a bit so she could get a feel of the difference.

“Timing is another thing you have to work on too as far as when to emphasis notes by drawing them out but you only want to highlight particular words other than doing it all the time, it makes the whole song seem bland.”

She thought, she was one of the guests, one of the more attractive sorts and she had wondered if that had anything to do with her own tastes. The males were brutes or strange but all the females were quite attractive though the stranger seemed to be the most human thus far.

Was this an opportunity? Like Arblis, she knew what was going to happen but he gave her that microphone for her participation. Had she not agreed the end results would have been the same and she would have had nothing to show for the elapsed time. Had the stranger been making an offer to her? Such an open offer was overwhelming, she had to think, though there were a few things she wanted, other things that she wished to keep safe.

Early on she had asked Dendrite how to get stronger, if there was a way she could effectively fight back but that option was off the table. Oh, there were a few things she could think of but she didn't think she was capable of granting any of her wishes. Besides, she liked to sing.

“I'd love to sing in front of an audience again like I use to, but you need not feel obligated, to get to my level takes a bit of time but we should be able to make good progress otherwise,” she smiled. “I suppose you don't know any songs either?” That would be a challenge but there were a few simple ones she could teach her in a few minutes like Happy Birthday. The girl was still close, their had been a mixture between comfort and discomfort delighting in that attractiveness and yet at the same time feeling that she was a bit too close at the same time but Andrea wasn't about to pull back, not now.

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