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 Never Too Old to Play With Dolls (Nisha) 
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
Post Never Too Old to Play With Dolls (Nisha)
*Most students never even realized the library had an old, locked up annex. Within sat dusty old records, damaged books, files, newspaper clippings, and other such things that were rarely needed. The area wasn't particularly forbidden, the heavy steel door was just usually locked. But not on this day. This day the door against the far wall of the Non-fiction section stood ajar, dust motes shining in rays of sunlight coming through the crack. From within comes the faint susurrus of pages turning, an odd sound to hear, as not many ever went into the disused area, let alone stayed within the dust choked rooms to read.*


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:03 am
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Nisha was on her way towards the library, a usuall sight to see after classes. She nodded and smiled at some of the girls from her classes as she passed by them. Most of them were either towards the gym or the dorms, but she wanted to get a few things done before she went back to her room.

She was dressed in the schoo's uniform, having no time to change from it as she wanted to go directly into the library. Her long golden hair was in a loose low ponytail, she forgot to remove it after their lab.

She nodded and smiled at the librarian, who just absentmindedly waved in her general direction. Leaving her bag in one of the seats in the back she made her way past the shelves.

"that's weird..." she murmurred noticing that a usually locked door was open. She heard the rustling of pages.

"I guess... if someone is there..." she carefully walked to the door and poked her head in.

"anyone here?"

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Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:15 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*The quiet rustling of pages stopped, then began again, as if the reader thought they'd heard something, then gone back to reading. As the girl poked her head in, she saw an old fashioned puppet hanging from a hook on the back of the door. A harlequin, strings attached to head, feet and hands, enigmatic smile on masked face, red and white diamonds patterned across the body. As she pushed the door inward, the puppet sagged on it's strings, almost seeming to bow it's smiling face to her in welcome. Perhaps it sees it's Columbine in her? The sunlight streaming through an un-curtained window reveals that the hallway behind the door has been swept clean of its usual dust, the doors along it still seemingly neglected, save for one at the end of the long hallway that seemed to be slightly ajar as well. Perhaps the rustling sound of pages comes from within?*


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:37 am
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"okay weird but..." she bit her lower lip and ran a hand through her hair.

This was quite different... she always thought that there was a reason why this hallway was closed.

She smiled slightly at the puppet, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. Stepping into the room she reached out and touched the hand.

:interesting..." she murmurred turning to the door on the other side of the hall. Half of her wanted to walk out and forget about it... but she knows she'll come back out of curiosity.

With an almost forced step she moved towards the other door, reaching out for the handle and knockin.

"anyone there?"

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Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:42 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*From the far end of the hall came a soft voice, sounding like that of an elderly man with a faint Greek accent to his words.*

"Is someone there? Pardon me, my hearing just isn't what it used to be...could you come down the hall if you'd like to speak...I can barely hear you."

*The voice seemed to fit the surroundings, dusty and dignified with the passing of years. Perhaps one of the professors was in the archives, doing a bit of research?*

*The girl touched the puppet, feeling the sun warmed wood and smooth painted surface. For all it's apparent age, the marionette is in fine condition, the sure sign of loving care in it's maintenance."


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:49 pm
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She smiled as she eard the voice. It reminded her of her teacher back in grade school... the one who got her hooked on reading.

And who knows maybe in the room behind the door there migh be more books of the stories she read.

She gave the puppet a last appraising look before opening thew door on the other side of the hall and stepping in.

"i hope im not botering you sir"

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Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:19 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*Strangely it seems the sound of turning pages was not coming from this room, however much it looked appropriate for it. Books lined shelves covering all four walls, many in a bad state of repair, but all dusted and neatly organized. Also inside was the figure of an elderly man, wearing a tweed coat with brown leather patches on the elbows. His skin was almost as brown as the leather, and about as wrinkly, giving him the appearance of aged and weathered teak wood. A fringe of unruly white hair stuck out from his balding head, the same cottony white growths sticking out from his ears slightly. As he turned to face the girl, she saw large black sunglasses on his face, which taken together with the cane his white gloved hand was fumbling for, probably meant he was blind. The weathered face turned in her general direction, speaking in the same voice she had heard in the hall.*

"Who's there? That you Pierrot? Did you find that statue yet?"

*The man pushed himself up from the chair on a stick skinny arm, wobbling as he picked up the cane and tap-tapped toward the girl in the doorway. The sound of turning pages continued slowly, seeming to come from a door further into the room, a light shining through the gap at the bottom. The girl could see a shadow moving, perhaps that of the person reading in the other room.*


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:55 pm
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She dimly noted that this seemed to be qiuite a big place. She moved to the side letting te man pass by, not being able to decide wether to talk to him or not. She decided to let him pass, biting her lower lip a bit. There was something about him that almost... unnerved her.

She stepped into the room he came from, going directly to one of the shelves. PLacing a a finger on one of the books she read the titles. Some were so worn, you can barely read them. She sighed softly, a sot smile touching her lips.

Then she turned back to the next door.

"well im here anyway so..." she took a deep breath and kncoked, not wanting to bare in.

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Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:35 pm
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*The old man walked right past her, cane tap-tapping along as he fumbled his way through the door, closing it behind him.*

"Pierrot, stop playing around! We've got work to do yet! Now where are you, you clown?"

*The rustling of pages stopped as the girl knocked on the door, the shadow stilling in motion. A faint creak comes from the door as it opens slightly, the warm light of burning candles coming through the crack. A soft gust of moving air blows through the opening, carrying the musty smell of old books and melting wax. No further sound emerges from the room.*

Muffled by the closed door,
"Now where've you been Pierrot? And don't walk up on me like that, you know my eyes don't work right. Hmm? You didn't? Then who just did? No matter, did you find the statue?"

*From the hallway comes the sound of a slamming metal door as the voice fades into distance.*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:40 am
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She jumped a bit at the door before shrugging. She better tell the person inside what happened.

The opened door should be invitation enough.

She pushed it open even more and stepped cautiosly in the room

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:36 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*The girl's first impression of the room is that she's stepped out of the library, and into the Art department. Candles sit on the corners of tables, protected by brass catch basins to prevent a fire from starting. On the tables lie pieces of clay, wood, cloth, and other materials, all in various states of craftsmanship. A tiny arm here, a small leg there, there sitting on a small pedestal an exquisitely detailed doll head, mischievous expression almost alive. Completed dolls lined the shelves along walls, rows of tiny reflective eyes dancing in the candlelight. Hanging from hooks on the empty spaces where puppets of various figures, some comic, some tragic, all made with a master's touch. In one corner sat a small bin, full of stuffed animals, a wolf here, a lion there, all seemingly made by the same hand. As the girl took in the strange room her eyes finally rested on the lone chair in the room, large and clad in cracked leather. It was facing away from her, the open pages of a book just visible past the edge of the seat. As the girl slowly approaches the chair, she got the strange impression that all of the tiny lifeless eyes in the room were turning to follow her progress. Perhaps just a trick of the flickering lights?*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:37 pm
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When she entered the room she actually gasped.

Everything was.. wonderfull.

"Who knew this would be... here?"

She looked around and looked at each doll. The smoothness of their polished faces, the texture of their clothes... all of that was just so... in a way utterly exhilarating .

:everything is so beautifull..." she murmurred smiling slightly. "I wonder..."

She crept closer to the chair until she was behind it.

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Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:04 am
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*As she looked over the back of the chair, she first saw the open book, what appeared to be a very old and worn copy of....Pinnochio? The apparent reader of the book seemed to be a small shabby brown teddy bear, one black button glinting in the candle light, the other missing. It appeared to be of a different make than the rest of the dolls, the four black x's on its chest stitched crudely and with coarse thread. Incongruously, a tiny pair of wire rimmed spectacles sat on the fuzzy face, as if the little bear had needed them to read the story of a doll come to life. As the girl stared down at the book and the bear, a quiet cough came from the doorway. As she turned about, there stood the elderly figure she had let pass moments ago.*

"What are you doing here? Looking for an old book or some other such thing? Or did you need a book repaired?"

*The elderly voice was calm and quiet, the sunglasses covered face pointed almost directly at her. The tap-tapping cane wavered in front of the figure as it stood in the doorway, one glove covered hand on the door frame to steady himself.*

"I've found the statue Professor! Where do you want it?"

*The new voice was younger sounding, and gave the impression that the speaker wasn't very bright. It came from the hallway leading into the outer room.*

"Leave it in the hall Pierrot. Then go get Harley and tell him we have a guest. *The man turns back to the girl.* Sorry about that. Pierrot couldn't find his head if it wasn't attached."

*The weathered face broke into a smile as the man chuckled softly.*


The Doll House

Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:13 am
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Nisha actually giggled before pausing and bushing slightly.

"uimmm nothing really i guess ijust got curious" she mumbled. "i love to read and seeing this part of the library open"

"Are the dolls your work sir? they're quite amazing... and this one is just... sweet" She asked her hand gently brushing the bear's head.

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Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:54 pm
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"My work? Oh heavens no child. These dolls were all made by a master of his craft. I am just a humble professor of history. Professor Apomomisi at your service. And you are, miss....?"

*The man continued to smile, face orienting more directly on her as she spoke. Behind him the sound of two pairs of footsteps approached, entering the outer room. A new voice spoke up from within, young, masculine and full of good humor and wit.*

"You summoned me, oh most puissant master of the arts historical? I hear tell we have a guest round abouts...shall I prepare a most delightful welcome for them? A bit of cake, a cup of tea, perhaps later a dance with me?"

"Yes Harley, please bring me a cup of tea for our guest. Unless I mistake my hearing, it is a young girl, so bring the sugar as well. Pierrot, go with him and try not to break anything this time."

*The two sets of footsteps fade as they leave the outer room, the elderly man turning back to face her. The bear under her hand seems warm, perhaps from the proximity of the candles. The fur is soft and worn, as if the doll had seen many years of loving cuddles.*


The Doll House

Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:33 pm
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