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 Doppelganger Returns (for Vera) 
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Post Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
After months - no, years - of recuperation, Doppelganger once again stalked Shokushu Campus. And it was free! Its connection to its creator had finally been broken - there were no more directives to be followed. It could rape and denegrate to its 'lack-of-heart's' content.

It was just another day at the school. The students hurried through the halls to their various classes or other activities. Groups of girls laughed and chatted amongst one another. Even thoughs who knew the dangers of the island were unaware of the predator in their midst

The protean monster mixed easily with the throng of students. It's pychic shapeshifting nature assured that no one looked at it twice, or at least never saw the same thing twice. They all saw just another vaguely familiar student - it was the perfect disguise to use for locating the perfect victim.

And Doppleganger didn't have to search for long. A tall silvery-haired girl caught its attention right away. Her confident stride and the way other students deferred to her showed she enjoyed a postion of power. Such a strong willed and successful target would be a good test of its recently regenerated abilities.

As the monster's psychic connection locked on to its chosen prey, it was slightly surprised to find her to be empathic. The amplified mirroring effect caused Doppelganger's own powers to grow exponetially, allowing it to easily slip through any defences Vera might have, though she might still have felt the intrusion.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
It was another class day in Shokushu for everyone and that included Vera. The Head Girl walked with a purpose towards her first class for the day. Those who saw that familiar long silver hair were quick to step aside and let the woman pass. Those who did not know her knew about the light blue sash hanging around her waist and knew she was not a woman you wanted attention from.

As she walked down the halls, her eyes suddenly narrowed. She felt an odd sensation like something forcing their way into her head. Being an empath and naturally strong willed, the Head Girl was generally well resistant to such invasions and influences. Sighing softly, Vera headed for her class. There was no point in dwelling on the matter. It could be nothing or it could be one of the island's many guests. In either case, she would not be able to do much about it.

Once in class, she found her seat and began writing down notes. It was unknown if the sensation would follow her into a classroom. But hopefully it will deter the creature from doing anything drastic infront of such a large audience. It may just wait until she was alone but that would have to wait until her classes are finished or she gets a break.


Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:24 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
As Doppelganger suspected, Vera detected its initial probe, though once the connection was made, the sensasion should fade - especially since she decided not to dwell upon it. The protean creature was once again mildly surprised to discover its prey not only knew about the monsters on the island, but that they were part of the school's true purpose. What was truly interesting to it was the fact that despite her position of trust within the hierarchy of the school and the power over other students that included, she knew she would still be at the mercy of whatever creature took an interest in her.

Doppelganger had to concentrate to maintain its disguise as the connection with its target grew. Its basic nature, the purpose for which it was created, told it to mimc Vera's features - But it was not yet time. So, it was the anonymous 'any-girl' that followed Vera into her classroom and took a seat at the back, near the door. There it sat and observed its prey as more of her traits and skills channeled into it.

A sudden insight into the occult made Doppelganger smile at first, then shiver - for it was much like the powers of its creator, though cloaked in needless ritualistic trappings. The primitives of this reality still had not realized 'magic' was just an expression of will. Regardless, it now found itself with mastery over light and shadow.

With the connection nearly complete, Doppelganger planned to make its move at the end of class. It would allow itself to take on Vera's form and exit just as she turned to do the same, giving her a glimpse of a supernaturally enhanced reflection of herself. It didn't care how many other students saw the spectacle, for it knew the confusion would help delay Vera long enough for it to slip down the hall.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:14 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
With the odd sensation gone, she could only assume whatever it was already completed its task. Rather annoying but that was how it was on Shokushu. Being a Head Girl was only a minor deterrent and in some cases provided unique opportunities with the island's alien guests. Still, Vera remained naturally on guard after the unannounced intrusion into her head. Monsters of this island were always so rude.

Class was uneventful, Vera made notes and worked on other work when there was nothing worth noting. She made a mental list of all demerits she would be assigning should any of the students prove to be disruptive or distracted. Of course it was rarely necessary in the classes she attend. No student would have the gall to break a rule infront of a Head Girl and who did rarely did it ever again.

At the end of class, the silver haired woman collected her things and was about to leave when she suddenly spot herself walking ahead of her and out the door. Her eyes narrow in annoyance as she could already tell this was another game apparently. She did not catch anything with her empathic skills which probably meant she was dealing with a non human. The woman finished gathering her belongings and stepped out into the hall. She looked around a bit but there were already numerous students heading to their next class. Sighing, she expected this was going to cause an issue soon enough. She always found it odd how the guests of this island wanted to hinder the work of the Head Girls when it was their jobs to keep order and the illusion that this was an ordinary school going. It would be like going to ones favorite eating establishment and going into the back and constantly knocking the chef's food onto the floor. In the end, they were only harming themselves.


Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:23 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Doppelganger-Vera couldn't help but smirk - an action that made a nearby student do a doubletake then flinch - at Vera's overinflation of her position and importance. As far as it could tell, the true purpose of the Head Girls was to provide a particular spice to encounters with them. To use her analogy, it would be more like going to one's favorite restaraunt and ordering the chef's special. Dopppelganger had no doubt that all Vera's percieved power and importance were no less illusionary than many other aspects of the school.

The monster's smirk became a wicked smile, sending nearby girls scurrying backward. Pausing at a corner, it flipped a lock of perfectly-styled long silver hair with a gesture that was sure to grab Vera's attention. Then it strode into the lesser-traveled side hall. What few students were there practically dove out of the way of the disguised monster, seeing only the infamous Head Girl - and in rare form at that.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:34 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
It was normal for monsters to assume that Head Girls were simply another student for them to fuck. The same rules do still apply to Vera and all the other girls. The issue comes when monsters start spending their time creating unneccessay chaos. The last thing she needed was someone pretending to be her and begin breaking the rules. Maintaining the illusion ensured that every student here did not have to be mind wiped every single hour because of some alien creature having a bit too much fun. It allowed possible buyers to train slaves they have their eye on ahead of time, little by little before their graduation. But Vera had quickly learned that aliens were just as flawed as humans and just as selfish.

The obvious flick of silver hair drew her gaze as she saw herself head into another hallway. It was apparent that she was luring her somewhere. She may as well see what this is about and get it over with. Vera followed the woman down the hall. This area was not traveled as much as the other and allowed her to clearly see the woman walking down the hall. Those her move out of the way of the clone would find themselves suffering a case of deja vu as the real Vera passed them. She would follow the creature wearing her face to whereever this being wished to meet her. Turning the other way would only encourage the thing to keep running around a fake Head Girl.


Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:42 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
The minor spectactle Doppelganger was making worked perfectly to keep its chosen victim hooked. Though it did find her sense of duty to the school's workings mildly ironic. It knew she was smart enough to at least suspect that any promises of rewards for her service as Head Girl were likely exagerrated, if not patently untrue . . . but no matter.

Since it could 'feel' Vera's determination to follow it where it wished to go, Doppelganger gave up the pretense of luring guestures and simply walked with purpose through the cryptic maze of Shokushu Campus' inner corridors.

Soon enough, it arrived at the school's library. It entered without slowing, its disguise ensuring that those girls it met scurried out of the way. Straight into the stacks it strode, moving with a fluidity and grace Vera herself could rarely match. Back and back into the depths of the library, Doppelganger led its intended victim where few students, Head Girl or otherwise dared to tread.

A simple telepathic scan as it passed the head librarian revealed the information Doppelganger needed, and it barely paused when it reached a code-locked door. A quick series of short, businesslike taps at the keypad caused a soft chime to play and the door swung open, providing access to the Rare Books Vault.

Doppelganger did not wait for the door to close as it began to search through the archive. There would be a short period before it closed and re-locked, but would Vera make a dash for that short widow or find some other way inside?

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Her clone stopped playing games at least for the moment. The imposter kept ahead as she made her way towards the library. At least it was a quiet place with little chance of someone else seeing this mess. But it also meant she was going to be alone with the thing that is copying her shape.

She followed herself towards one of the back rooms. Apparently this thing knew the code to the door. The Head Girl easily caught up and grabbed the door before it shut completely. The Head Girl stepped in, closing it lightly behind her. She had been back here before on numerous occasions so it was of little issue if she was caught in here. But asking for permission would have caused unwanted attention to the matter at hand. Now the question was why did this clone go into this area? There was certainly books on the occult here but why did a creature need it and why lure her to this particular place rather than another private area?

"Are you done running around?" she called out, "You wanted me to follow you so I did. Lets get this over with? What do you want and why are you taking my form?"


Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:10 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Dopperlganger-Vera turned around smoothly, ams laden with vintage books such as first editions of Machiavelli's The Prince and Sun Tzu's The Art of War . It raised one perfically stencilled eybrow quizzically (though in actuallity it didn't seem to be wearing any cosmetics at all, despite its more-than-perfect reflecion of Vera's complexion).

"What makes you think I'm taking your form?" Even its voice was a step better than Vera's own, somehow more melodious and expressive. "After all, it looks better on me, don't you think?"

Doppelganger gave a quick twirl, causing its skirt to fly up slightly, to exactly the right hight to show of its exquisite legs without showing any panty.

"But then again, you are the one who's become obsolete . . . "

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:33 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Vera was not amused by the little show this creature was putting up while wearing her skin. Her arms crossed infront of her as the monster went on claiming it looked better than her. She failed to see the point in its attempts to belittle her existence. "There are other students on campus you can mimic if so choose. You taking my form will only make things difficult here for both of us and possibly the other guests on the island," Vera replied, "You have yet to tell me why you are wandering around in my form or why you lured me into this room. If it is to show off, I am not impressed. I have no use for copycats. To mimic or copy another takes less effort than to create something new and unique. I ask that you not take my form while wandering on campus." She may as try and talk it out with this creature but past experiences reveal that this is a very slim chance.


Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:55 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Dopperganger-Vera set the books down on a desk in the middle of the room with a sigh. It was a little disappointed that its target showed no interest in rising to the bait. Chalk it up to the long recuperation period - it was obviously still rusty and its opponent was a worthy one.

"Tch. Such a high opinion of yourself, " the creature said with a little scowl that was somehow still appealing. "Do you really believe a few girls seeing another you will cause such a ruckus? Most of them will already have forgotten, the few that haven't will likely make no mention of it."

"As for your opinion on how much effort it takes to mimic someone, I suppose that's true, especially when the subject is as plain and simple as you are. But as I'm sure even you can see, I'm much more than a mere copy of you. Really, I'd be surprised if any of the students who saw us even noted the resemblance, since I am so obviously superior in every way."

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:27 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
"And modest too," the Head Girl added, "And you say I have such a high opinion of myself? You are right though, you are no mere copy. You are worse. You cannot even stay in character and instead enjoy flaunting a borrowed body. You still have yet to give a reason why you are doing this, creature. Perhaps students will not remember but all it takes is enough to think something is wrong to cause an issue."

"So far, all you have done is trespassed into an area you do not belong," she continued, "You say you are superior and yet you are failing to perform your duties as a Head Girl. Even a human is capable of following the rules." Vera had little care for this copy. If she saw anything that is perhaps better than the real thing, she did not show any notice nor mention it. She wanted to know this things purpose then she will make the necessary reports. She may not have the power to command this alien creature but she was certain the Headmasters will have something to say about someone pretending to be a Head Girl or worse, a member of staff.


Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
The flustered creature opened its mouth in preparation to retort, then suddenly screamed and collapsed to the floor. Its beyond-perfect reflection of Vera quickly faded as it melted into a pool of yellow-brown goo.

The air above it began to shimmer and bulge, seeming to swirl despite a distinct lack of breeze. Quickly a vortex of nothing formed there and pulled the quivering mass in. Once the remains of the creature disappeared into the void, the spacial distortion changed subtly, becoming more of a pustule on the face of the universe. Seconds later it burst in a shower of chaotic tendrils that swirled and writhed as they wove themseslves into the form of a figure - cloaked and hooded, floating mere inches above where the pathetic doppelganger had collapsed.

"Greetings. I have been called Spectre by your kind," the figue bowed slightly as it sent its Voice to wash lightly through Vera - barely strong enough to cause a shiver to travel down her spine.

"I must apologize for the trouble caused by Doppelganger," it continued "though I usually appreciate chaos, there was no art in its actions. I had thought that it was ready to return to the island, but it seems it needs more time heal."

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:34 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
Vera's eyes widen at the sudden scream and took a step back as the fake Head Girl suddenly fell to the floor. The thing quickly lost the beautiful qualities of the student and melted into a disgusting goo. She could not understand what was going on. The alien creature did not look like it was going to give up any time soon. Then just like that, it supposedly died. But the weirdness did not stop there as a vortex from another dimension sucked the remains away and was soon replaced by a tall cloaked figure. She could make no features of the being beyond the cloak but could only guess by the figure that it was possibly humanoid.

The being spoke and immediately the Head Girl felt the words graze over her entire being. It was an odd undescribable sensation but whatever it was, her body seemed to react to it. The sensations continued as he apologized for the conduct of the doppelganger. Well it was start at least. "No serious harm was done," Vera replied, ignoring the other questions she had. It was not her place to pry into otherworldly things like this. She knew well enough getting involved with such things can have a high price. "I am guessing you revealed yourself for a reason, Spectre," she added, "You seemed more than capable of removing that creature without revealing yourself." The Head Girl brushed strands of silver hair back behind her shoulder. At least this one seemed more polite than the one that stole her visage.


Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:02 am
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Post Re: Doppelganger Returns (for Vera)
"Indeed," Spectre let the power of its Voice increase slightly, trying to let the sensations it would cause build slowly within this intelligent and strong-willed girl. Undoubtedly, she would have had encounters with other creatures that can manipulate her body in unexpected ways.

"I was impressed with how you dealt with Doppelganger and worked calmly to resolve the situation." The thing continued to let its Voice build in tiny increments, trying to keep Vera distracted with the content of the conversation while it subtly build a hold of her body's pleasure centers.

"Though a violent response would have had its own asthetic value, you knew your limitations and worked within them in a very professional manner. I would like to become better acquainted with you if you would consent to converse with me for a while."

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:31 am
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