Shokushu High School

In the Art class supply closet. (Anna-Gale)
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Author:  Akkiguujin [ Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  In the Art class supply closet. (Anna-Gale)

*As the door to the closet is opened, it knocks over a shabby brown teddy bear. It appears to either be unfinished or damaged, perhaps abandoned in the closet due to neglect. It certainly is a cute little fellow, despite the missing eye and tattered terry cloth fur. It looks sad and abandoned, lying on the dusty floor.*

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

It was suiting that Anna-Gale's first stop would be into an empty art supply closset, she had thought that she could possable use the empty clay pots that she saw an art class earler disscard...... .. .. .. they would be perfect for the Ginger, Rosemary, and Sage plants her mother had given her to take care of when she had sent her to this school..... .. ..

Just getting onto the Island, Anna Gale Picking one of the empty dorm rooms with enouph window space to put tall plants in front of. Sutch a perfect place to exparament... .. her mind went raceing on and on with the excitment of her knew school ... .. .. she was compleatly unaway of the growing population of the feindish creatures that found refuge here. it never had that in the broshure.... .. .. ..

jiggling the handle and pushing my way in i poked my flashlight in and directly to the thing that i just made fall of the shelf..... .. it was an old shaby doll.. .. it must have been back here for quite a while .... picking it back and setting it on the shelf it fell on i shut the door and go to the opposite side of the room bending over and picking up all the clay potts i needed for planting....... raveiling the back of my creamy pale legs and the bottom outline of pink cotton fabric panties.... that this navy blue school skirt barily covered....

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

*Akki focused his senses as he felt flesh contact his clothen prison. He oriented on the girl just as she set the bear on the shelf.*

Silently, "Hmmm.....small....but...Do I detect...a virgin?"

*The demon within the doll chuckled to himself and reached out with his mind to the manikins outside the closet used for mimicking poses. Two of the wooden figures jerked to life, like puppets whose strings were just picked up.
They ambled slowly into the room, the second manikin closing the door behind them with a soft click. The two figures turned red glowing eyes on the form of the girl facing away from them.*

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

holding one or two pots as i rise up to the sound of the closing and turning of the door bolt. Turning casualy to see who else steped in.... and all that came into veiw though the flashlights beem was two twitchy manicans...... that where..... moving..... .. BY.... .. THEMSELVES...... ... .. . . .

A wave of feer washed over Anna watching the rickety figures stumble tward her. No faces to recognize just dark eyesockets that glew red in the darkness. thinking quickly and trying to keep her wits about her.... she used the clay pots coming down hard and smashing one in the head with them sending the clay pots shattering and scattering accrose the floor.

"Get away!!!!!!!!"

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

*The struck manikin collapsed to the ground, like a puppet with cut strings. The other stopped it's ambling to look down at it's brother, then back up at the girl, a line on it's featureless face resolving into an opening mouth, filled with tiny glittering fangs. The manikin hissed at the girl, arms raising as it shambles toward her, forcing her into the corner with the bear on the shelf behind her.*

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:34 pm ]
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Although one had fallen her chances of escape where getting smaller and smaller...... backing into a corner as she punched at its chest screaming as she fought.....

"You better get away or ill do the same to you" looking anxously for somthing else to use as a weapon..... beads of sweat started to drip down her forhead on acount of her hystarical fear.

backing up my blouse getting snaged and riping on the metal supply shelves.......

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

*The girl's blow against the manikins chest rocks it backward for a moment, then it rears forward with a growl, knocking her into the wall, further tearing her clothing on the shelves. The impact causes the bear to topple off the shelf, into the girl's hands. The manikin looks at the bear and whimpers, scuttling backwards to the door, hunched over like an obscene wooden monkey. Its fingers lengthen into hooked wooden claws that drag on the stone floor with a soft scraping noise as it jitters in place, red glowing eyes fixed on the bear as it continues to whine.*

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

The teddy droping into my hands and watching the monster back away..... mabie its afraid of this bear i look down and examin it further .... .. and not knowing anything about magic or the thick black stitches she just thinks of it as a cute little stuffed animal.....

out of a wave of defiance holding the bear waving it in front of the freakish manican cowering face...... making the bear dance in the air .. ..

" are you afraid of this fluffy little cotton ball .. .. this stupid little thing" before putting it into my blouse pocket, lose to my warm breasts. Then picking up a broom and delivering a solid strike down on the last manicans head.

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:55 pm ]
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*The manikins claw whips through the air, shattering the broom in her grasp and knocking her back into the corner. It pounces on her, claws tearing her blouse open fully, dislodging the bear from her pocket in the process. It falls to the ground and rolls over, a small flash coming from it's button eye as one of the black x's snaps open. The manikin screams and scuttles back to the door, whining and scratching at the ground with it's claws, pieces of the girl's blouse dragging through the dust in their wake.*

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

shaking and scratched by the monster that is now acting oddly agen..... i need to get past the door at least and with that thing in front of it i cant leave..... picking up my riped white clothes and holding the teddy close to my body and shaking there tring to think of a way to get out

standing up slowlyand edging closer to the door my eyes always on the cowering manican..... not knowing the real deamon was close to my heart

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

*The teddy bear grows warmer as the girl clutches it to her chest, a second black stitched x bursting as the energy of her fear fed the demon within. The manikin howled, and rushed at her again, knocking her against the wall, a claw pressed against it on either side of her body. Its mouth opens and darts for her throat, only to stop as if striking a wall as the teddy bear moves into its path. The sound of wood creaking mixes with the manikins growl as it strains against the force pushing it away from the girl.*

A soft whisper rises from the bear, "Built to guard, summoned to shield, hold me close and I'll not yield."

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

pushing the wooden beast back with my legs and getting up now and unlatching the door so i could scramble my way up to the dorms.... i wasnt going to wait there any longer..... holding the bear the whole way .... this place was getting weirder and weirder...but i heard that voice and if this doll could sheld me from those things i was going to keep it.....

Getting up into my room i found that was on an abandon hallway so i could grow as meny plants as i wanted...... i locked the door and still a bit shooken up held the doll close and asked it to speak agen....hoping it would.... or have i just gone crazy...

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:29 pm ]
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*The manikin collapsed as the girl took Akki out of range. He mentally fumed, but quieted when he realized the girl was taking him to her room. Once there, he scanned her room for other dolls to manipulate and control, exulting as her fear and doubt gave him the energy to burst the third black x.*

In the same soft whisper, "Fled you have, but not for long, the beasts still come, in numbers strong. The door you'll latch, and bring me dolls, and we shall guard you in these halls."

Author:  BrightEyes [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thinking she was crazy for talking to a doll she said " yes Teddy" then seting the bear in the soft cotton sheats of the bed still wraped around her blouse...... she got up and going to more of her unpacked bags .... she got out two stuffed German sheperd dolls her mother had given her when she left to remember her dogs back home Rowen and King ..... she missed her dogs but she knew now these would take there place as guard dogs

Author:  Akkiguujin [ Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Akki smiled internally as the girl obeyed him. He mused at the strange fixation these girls seemed to have with canine dolls. He reached out to the two dolls, animating them without the usual red glowing eyes. The two stuffed dogs shook themselves and trotted to the door, taking up a position on either side, sitting at attention.*

"Pick me up, and call their names, and your dolls to my will be tamed."

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