Shokushu High School

The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)
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Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar quietly opened the door as she looked into the dark room. She flipped on the light, the room reveiled that she had found the room she was looking for. With its accoustical properties as well as the way the chairs were arranged, it was clear that this was the choir room. Ishtar smiled happily that for once her notebook hadn't led her astray.

Ishtar quietly closed the door as she brushed back to her long blue hair. She had chosen chosen her favorite dress. A two piece dress that has a backless, shoulderless, bright yellow top that emphasizes her chest. While the bottom is red and produces a good contrast to her top. She always felt empowered when she wore and could accomplish any task.

Ishtar headed to center of the chairs where she felt the accoustics would be best in the room. She stood there in silence as she mentally prepared herself. Then with little warning, Ishtar's voice filled the room as she began to sing a simple song to warm up.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Laughing loud enough to get the attention of most of the girls he passed by, Nathaniel dashed through the halls. He loved that game, as long as he didn’t get caught. Tan hour ago he dashed through the girl’s locker room, startling them and causing some of them to chase after him.

“Better luck next time love!” he grinned to himself as he dashed through another hallway,, sped up the stairs and ducked into a side corridor. Finally exhausted she pressed his hand against the door, doubling and trying to catch his breath.

Feeling the gentle rhythmic vibrations under his palm he looked up and blinked. Without realizing it his feet brought him to the choir room.

“but there isn’t a practice till tomorrow…” he remembered. Curious at who would be using the room, he opened the door a crack to listen to the voice.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar continued her song, complete unaware that that the door to the choir room had opened and someone was observing her performance. Nontheless as she became more comfortable with her simple melody, she began to put more heart into her singing.

She was quite pleased pleased with herself as she sang, as singing was one of her best stress relievers. She allowed the tempo of the song to envelope her as she focused only on the song. Slowly she began to incorporate little hand jestures to emphasize the high notes in the melody. Her chest swelled as she breathed in deep as to gather up enough air to finish her warm up song.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Truly impressed by the voice and it’s quality Iel let out a soft unheard whistle as he slipped through the door. Hugging the wall’s shadows he made his way through the room, right to where he spied a few instruments lying around. Listening intently he studied the melody as he picked up a guitar and plugged it. With a mischievous grin he turned up the volume and strummed a cord,.

Carefully he played the melody of the song alongside of her voice, making changes to make sure it matched with her song.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar stumbles through a bit through the chorus as a guitar started playing. Before she was about to quit singing and find out what was going on, she had noticed that the guitar began to play alongside her voice. She redoubled her effort pouring her heart into her song as she to make sure her voice work in harmony with the guitar that joined her song. As she continued to sing, she began to look around the room to see who was the mysterious guitarist.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Seeing her eyes scan the room, Nathaniel grinned and spun the guitar, rock style.

“That should get her attention” he chuckled softly to himself, drowning his words by continuing the song. Finally getting the hang of it, he even managed to do a few flourishes, a small riff here and a chord there, to make the tune a little more upbeat and interesting.

As a final touch, on her final line he struck and sustained the note, letting it’s clear tone echo before letting it fade.

“Well that was fun, why not another song?”

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar eyes suddenly caught the spinning guitar, as it spun briefly in place just before it suddenly stopped and the mysterious guitarist began to play the finale. She was surprised to see a young man playing in just leather pants and a net shirt which hid none of his toned chest and abs. The collar, chains and studded cuffs showed that he liked to viewed as a man who likes to be on the edge.

Whoever he is, he sure knows his stuff. His guitar playing was perfect stay in beat and tempo with her singing. Even more interesting he was improvising, adding some interesting embleshments to the music in between her notes. The finale of his sustained note provided a great ending to the song.

Ummm, sure. You are a fabulious guitarist.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

“Well thanks you, after all I aim to please” he bowed to her, half jokingly. Shooting Ishtar a sweet, yet slightly mischievous grin he placed the guitar down and flopped himself back into the chair. Adjusting himself, he turned the chair around and sat down, arms crossed on the back rest, and legs on either side. Placing his chin in his arms he smiled again.

“But now that I’m done showing off and getting the attention of a pretty girl like you, how about a song untainted by my superbness? You have a voice as sweet as your face either way”

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar smiled as the mysterious guitarist smiled at her. She put her hands behind her back as he placed the guitar down. Sure, is there any particular song you would like to here, or should I surprise you.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

“Surprise me little song bird.” Iel grinned at her and winked, every bit as confident as he can. Still her voice was captivating, and he wanted to appreciate it fully, especially since she’d be singing for him.

“I think a smart pretty girl like you can have surprise in store”

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Well, I'll start with something simple. Ishtar smiled as she took a moment to prepare. She couldn't believe she had audience of one personally asking her for a song. She blushed a bit just thinking about it, but quickly refocused herself. Ishtar then began singing "How Do I Live" for her audience of one.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Iel had no choice but to smile at the irony. Of all the songs she chose, she had to pick a love song. Her voice was a little on the sweet side though, and admittedly iel couldn’t see her singing anything but that.

When Ishtar was done with her performance Iel clapped enthusiastically. Leaning back and brushing a lock of hair from his shoulder he grinned mischievously at her.

“Here I was thinking that you were dedicating a song to me. Judging by the lyrics and the songs meaning, allow me to ask this small question.”

“Are you thinking of your old boyfriend or have you fallen that fast for me?” he chucked, winking.

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Ishtar blushed a bit at the guitarist's question. It was the first song I could think of. It was a fairly simple song that would demostrate my voice. Although she did have to admit to herself that did find the person she chatting with handsome.

Of course now she wanted to find out more about her audience.I apologize for not introducing myself until now. I am Ishtar Rocha.

Author:  Belladonna_geminii [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

“Nathaniel…but feel free to refer to me as Iel” he answered coolly, before chuckling. “I haven’t seen you around yet, but I’m betting you probably have glimpse of me. I’m usually the one running around this stuffy campus.”

She motioned to the chair before him and beside him, silently asking her tot take a seat.

“So how long have you been singing?”

Author:  Ishtar_Rocha [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Aquarian chorus (for Nathaniel)

Oh, was that you? I had always assumed that it was one of the other students.

Ishtar smiled as Iel offered her a seat next to him. She decided to take him on the offer and sat down next to him.

Well, I've been singing since as long as I remember. But I really only sang in school in high school. So Iel, how long have you been playing guitar?

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