Shokushu High School

Music to His Ears (for Bianca)
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Author:  Kakumaoh [ Fri May 07, 2010 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Kakumaoh lurked in a storage closet off the music room. It was actually a hiding place he used fairly frequently, although so far no student had been made aware of this. He'd originally intended to use it just as a place to look for potential playthings, since this particular closet was unused in favor of a larger one near the door, but he'd found it was a good place to indulge his interest in human music. Quite a few of the students who practiced in here, either on the room's piano or whatever other instrument they preferred, were very good. So far, although there were he'd made mental note to visit later, none of the girls he'd seen alone in here had met his standards of attractiveness well enough to cause him to interrupt their practice.

So far...

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Fri May 07, 2010 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Bianca was a bundle of nerves as she made her way to the music room, clutching her folder of sheet music to her chest. Her music professor seemed anything but pleased with her performance today, and her quarter-semester recital was quickly approaching.

She flicked on the light in the old, echoing symposium room, making her way to the impressive, polished grand piano in the far corner of the room. She got herself situated, setting up the sheet music and placing her feet on the pedals before starting Chopin's twenty-eighth opus, a rather short but difficult piece. Bianca's brow furrowed as she focused all of her energy into playing, determined to finally play the piece right.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sat May 08, 2010 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

He'd come to a decision almost as soon as he'd seen her. This girl was clearly worthy of his attention. The only question was whether he'd let her finish her practice before taking her.

The piece she chose to play answered that for him. He rather liked the work and she was better at it than most students he'd heard playing it. However, it was one that he'd heard quite a few students practicing, usually several times running as they tried to get it right.

Silently exiting the closet, he sneaked up behind the student while she was lost in concentration on the difficult music. "I don't suppose you take requests?" he asked right after she'd misplayed a passage.

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Sat May 08, 2010 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Bianca jumped, her fingers splaying akimbo on the keys, the piano responding accordingly in a haphazard symphony of chaotic notes. "Oh! Forgive me, you startled m-" She turned around.

"Oh.. oh my.." Bianca's eyes widened at the horned creature that easily toward over her, her lips parting in shock. She scrambled backward over the piano, the piano responding when she hoisted herself onto the keys, pulling herself backward over the polished black surface. "G..get away from me!"

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sun May 09, 2010 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

An evil grin crossed the wolf-like face as he moved towards her. "If I did that, it would defeat the whole purpose of showing myself in the first place." He made a grab for her ankle as she tried to back away over the piano. "Now, now. We can't have you climbing all over the furniture. You'll ruin the finish." Of course, what he had planned wasn't exactly going to keep things pristine, but that's what repair nanobots are for.

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Sun May 09, 2010 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Bianca gasped as he firmly grabbed her by the ankle, kicking at him with her extra one. She suddenly got an idea; She quickly reached down and slid her foot out of her white kneesock, getting the reaction she had hoped. The smooth material created enough slack between his grip, slinking easily from her leg. In an instant, she had flipped herself back over, ambling over to the other side of the piano and began to sprint toward the door, one foot completely bare.
"Help! Somebody, please..!"

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Mon May 10, 2010 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Her move to escape took him off-guard, allowing her to get closer to the door than she would have otherwise. Unfortunately for her, his surprise didn't last for long. With only a few steps, he had caught up to her and grabbed her around the waist. "No-one's going to hear you. The soundproofing's too good for that." To make sure she didn't get loose as easily this time, he tightened his grip slightly while his other hand took hold of her shoulder.

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Mon May 10, 2010 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

Bianca gasped as she felt the strong bulk of his arm slink around her waist with ease, his free hand on her small sholder in a vice grip. She shut her eyes, tears rolling over cheeks and turned her face away from him. "What do you want with me..?" Bianca knew that she would be no match against his considerable strength, and shamefully felt herself begin to tremble within his grasp.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Tue May 11, 2010 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

He lifted her of the ground and began to carry her back into the room. "You're still unacquainted with the schools... guests, then, I take it? Otherwise, you'd know the answer to that." Reaching the piano, he put her facing him on the bench, keeping a tight grip on her shoulders. "Let's just say I want to perform a duet with you..." His arms blurred briefly and duplicated themselves. The new hands took hold of the front of her blouse, ripping the garment open. "...In a manner of speaking."

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Tue May 11, 2010 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

The girl gasped, looking down at her newly exposed breasts, the pink rosebuds of nipples and reached up to cover them with her hands. "I... you can't!" Her mind frantically reeled for something to say; to deter him, stall him, anything from taking her as he pleased. "I.. I can play for you. My Chopin is awful, but what about Liszt? Rachmaninoff? Tchaikovsky?" She was babbling now, her anxiety making her flushed. "Anything.. please, just.. don't hurt me."

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

"I'm not really in the mood for listening to music any more. Not with such a... delightful looking plaything right before me." He took hold of one of her wrists, trying to pull it away from her breast, though without much force yet. "I will try not to hurt you..." He leaned in closer, until she could feel his hot breath on her face, before continuing, "If you don't make things too difficult."

Author:  BiancaDeMatin [ Sun May 16, 2010 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

The creamy expanse of her skin broke into nervous goosebumps as his hot breath fanned over her face, her throat, and she turned her face shyly away from him. Regardless of what she did or what he said, Bianca knew that she was completely vulnerable to his mercy; She hoped that his promise to not hurt her was sincere. "I.. I wont challenge you." The girl moved to press her thighs together discreetly, fearful of what he intended to do with her..

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sun May 16, 2010 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music to His Ears (for Bianca)

The demon pulled back somewhat, an evil grin on his face. "Good girl," he said in a slightly condescending tone before leaning back in and running his serpentine tongue down the side of her neck. He again pulled her wrists to uncover her chest, using only enough force to overcome her natural resistance. That obstacle removed, he moved his hands to fondle the now-exposed breasts.

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