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 Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn] 
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Post Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
With classes done for the day, there weren't that many students sticking around, leaving the buildings virtually empty. Of course, that wasn't counting the students that had been caught by monsters and were being enjoyed. In one of the music classrooms, however, there happened to be another monster that was enjoying something else. Wearing his usual clothes, always with the buckle and straps and dark shades with the occasional flash of bright colors, he happened to be one of the most recognizable monsters on the island, for all those who had the misfortune of running into him. No doubt about it, Lujuria was here to enjoy something other than the usual student or two. Music. Especially one of his favorite genre, heavy metal.

The song that was filling up the room happened to be one of his favorite songs, Aces of Spade by Motorhead, although it had more of a snap to it because he was singing along to it on his electric guitar, plugged into the amps, headphones on him. His sunglasses wobbled slightly as he moved back and forth on his seat, patting his foot on the floor to the beat of the song. If anyone had looked in, they wouldn't have thought him to be a monster, just someone who was really enjoying himself. Occasionally, bits of the song would escape his lips as he vocalized a bit, the sounds quite attention-grabbing because of the melodic tone of his voice, something he had gotten from his other half after two of them had become one being. He was facing the door, however, and was barely keeping an eye on it just in case there were some students around.

He never did like being interrupted, that Lujuria.

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Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:15 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
She wasn't one to leave a building first, more often than not she was one of the last to leave the class building. she actually enjoyed the solitude they offered after hours now and then though if she had her way she'd be wearing her normal clothing instead of the insufferable uniform but, then again the rules had said to wear the uniform in it's entirety, she didn't remember it saying anywhere she couldn't wear the lycra shorts she had under the insufferably short skirt and so she did.

The two students she passed, one a prefect's snitch(and by snitch I mean fuck toy) were disregarded in the usual manner a simple flick of her wrist and a a bit of a 'suggestion' that they hadn't seen a soul headed into the school after hours, probably a bad idea when it came down to it but, she still did it.
Her brow shifted though as she moved toward her favorite classrooms, there weren't many students that frequented the class to her knowledge and the chairs were usually cleaner here than in other rooms of the school, also the room was a place she could play a show without the threat of being caught. The music that came from the room though wasn't her usual fare. She'd occasionally play metal but, mostly her shows were alternative and hard rock. She Didn't say a word as she peekedaround the edge of the doorway hoping not to be seen looking in at the man she was enjoying a hobby, she'd never seen him before but, assumed he was a professor, those were the only men on the island anyway; well only 'human' men anyway and he looked human at least, unlike her prior encounter on the island.

((did just realize when i looked over Lurju again they share a similar ability, that'll be fun now won't it))

Xui Ta: Alien human Hybrid; expert in the extremes of combat, distance and close
Laele, Organized, prim, proper

Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:27 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
The monster kept on playing with his electric guitar, patting the floor in rhyme with the song he had been playing, humming along with it. It didn't take long before he was done with the song, leaning back against the chair and pushing it onto the back legs and balanced himself for a bit before leaning forward and pushing himself up off his chair. Just as he had gotten up, he had glanced up at the window, making sure he wasn't being interrupted. Only, this time there was someone peeping in on him. Ah, well, at least someone had come along right as he was finishing up. Instead of showing any signs of catching the student, the monster kept on putting stuff away and laid the electric guitar against the side of one of the amplifiers, allowing himself the chance to stretch after such a fun session with the music. Now, it was time for another session. Turning his head toward the door, the monster held a hand up, gesturing for her to come into the room. He was quite sure curiosity would draw her in, at least. Maybe not all the way up to him but at least into the room. The way things were, it was possible for him to be part of the staff, and no student wanted to risk pissing off the staff, naturally. Unless they were just insane or a glutton for punishment. The monster waited before speaking. "It's after hours, young lady. Any reason why you're here?"

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Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
She couldn't help but smile as she listened to him finish up, though when here eyes caught his gesture she nearly fell back. she thought she'd been far enough to the edge of the wall not to have been noticed so easily.
Stealthy you're not lynz...
she thought as she stepped out more completely now standing in the doorway for several moments before she'd step in more completely, she felt the familiar burning in her upper arm but, through the clothing she was wearing, the uniform blouse and a red shirt beneath it, the faint red glow was invisible.
"Why I'm here? Guess there's no harm in saying that I don't like the rush and noise in the more used areas and am just a little uncomfortable alone in the forest with all those stories of students being raped so I usually like to find an empty classroom to study in... I never saw any rule against it as long as I don't deface property. It isn't a problem is it..."

as she spoke she'd slowly crept into the classroom with a sightly uncomfortable look on her face as she held her arm. she kept a faint embarassed smile on her face though as she spoke. She didn't seem as though she was asking a question at the end though, and she wasn't, she was attempting to use her ability against him without knowing the little hinderance to it working, those that had the power were more resistant to it.

Xui Ta: Alien human Hybrid; expert in the extremes of combat, distance and close
Laele, Organized, prim, proper

Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:32 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
Lujuria stared at the student that had come inside at his gesture, eyes hidden behind mirrored sunglasses. Well, she was certainly a cute one at that, he had to give her that. Bit on the small side but he wasn't one to complain about silly things like that, not when he had raped girls even more petite than that. All the same, he already knew he'd be enjoying this student as well. He merely smiled as he sat back down in his seat, looking at Lyn as she spoke, giving the student a pleasant smile as if it was normal for him. He did, though, realize that she was trying something on him already. It told him several things about this girl. One, she had some sort of ability similar to what he had gotten from absorbing his sister. Two, she was likely used to having her way. "Is that so? Well, you're right. It's not a problem. In fact, like you, I prefer the solitude to all the noise. Though, I doubt you're here to study. Otherwise, you wouldn't be trying to be sneaky and listen in on me playing music, would you now? Lucky for you, though. I ain't a teacher. I'm just here to help girls with the finer points of playing guitars." He grinned at her, the lie passing so easily through his lips. Gesturing at a chair just a few feet away from him, the monster relaxed back in his seat. "I could use a bit of company, and if a teacher comes along, I'll tell him that you got my permission to be here. How about it?" For the first time since he absorbed his sister, Lujuria was now using the powers he had gotten from her. As far as he saw it, she tried to use her power on him first, so it was only fair he returned the favor.

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Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:18 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
She shrugged slightly and slipped into a chair sighing softly to herself. She didn't notice his use of the ability, though her arm continued to burn as he did.
"Might as well, I was going to stay if you were or not, company probably won't kill me either way."
usually she'd have been able to ignore the power, and indeed this time she probably could have as well, but, she wanted to do this, that would easily make it look like it worked.
"You know, I really was planning to study a little, then I was just going to sit back and listen to some music for a bit until things quieted down."
she shrugged softly once more.
"You're pretty good y'know, not too much talent to hear at random around this school, always playing in private, kinda sucks... wish there were places students could play to the public..."
she smiled a little sitting in a calm pose legs crossed modestly, not that she needed to really given her state of dress beneath the skirt, but it was habitual now.

Xui Ta: Alien human Hybrid; expert in the extremes of combat, distance and close
Laele, Organized, prim, proper

Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:10 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
The monster listened to his newest prey, nodding in agreement about not having a public forum from which to entertain the students with music. It would have been the greatest show of his lifetime, having all those students being manipulated by his powers, amplified by the electric guitar that was every bit a part of him as his own hands. "Yeah, I can agree with that. If there was a place like that, I'd definitely ask the people in charge, see if they'd let me and my band play." He didn't actually have a real band, but there were times when he would put together a band in his illusion world, for the sole reason of wanting to play to a crowd and being cheered on. That part could be chalked up to his sister's personality and indeed, he could feel that part of her stirring. "But all the same, it's not so bad, usually. I get to practice in private, which is always nice. Sometimes students might ask me to give them a private show, and those are always fun. Just a pity it feels like all they want to do is sleep with me, though. You think they'd be able to keep their legs shut for a couple of years instead of throwing themselves at any guy that comes along." Lujuria shrugged as he pulled the guitar off the amp, resting it back in his arms. "How about you? Got any requests for me to play? Or you wanna try this babe out?" The monster grinned as he held the guitar out for Lyndsey, deciding it would be more fun to see how the conversation go.

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Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:24 am
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
She chuckled a bit as he spoke of the other students around the school that he'd met. she grinned slightly at that nodding to him a bit.
"Tell me about it, lost count of how many times i've passed an empty room after hours and saw a couple of girls going at it like rabbits, it's nuts... Don't worry though, that's not my thing, I don't really have a libido."
she spoke honestly about that and really, beyond being raped by ryujin, she'd never had sex in any form or touched herself. when he offered the guitar she blushed faintly shaking her head a hand moving to her shoulder.
"Well, I do love music but, I never actually learned to play anything, kinda regret it to tell ya the truth. .. was busy doing other things most of the time."
Pirate radio, commanding students to do her work for her, getting people to give her things for free, making the principal of her school strip during an assembly... these things took a lot of focus off the rest of what her free time could have been spent doing.
"but, if you know anything by like... sevenfold or maiden i wouldn't mind listening."
she shifted a little in her seat putting her feet up on the seat net to hers, it showed just enough leg to show the lycra shorts she wore under the skirt.

Xui Ta: Alien human Hybrid; expert in the extremes of combat, distance and close
Laele, Organized, prim, proper

Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:36 pm
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Post Re: Music Lovers, Unite! [for Lyn]
The monster grinned again, giving Lyndsey an acknowledging nod. Like her, he had gone through a fair few rooms himself, where girls were lost in the throes of passion. Granted, his cases were slightly different as instead of just leaving them alone, he had joined them. Or rather, forced himself on them, which was far easier than it sounded. Everything was only a snap away for him, after all, and that included physical obedience. As soon as she had made her request, Lujuria settled the guitar back in his arms, giving the strings a slight strumming, grinning once more. "Avenged Sevenfold? You got excellent taste in music, young lady." He started playing on the guitar, letting the music fill the room before slipping into one of his favorite songs from Sevenfold, mostly because it appealed to him the most due to his own nature. The lyrics of Lips of Deceit began flowing as Lujuria resumed tapping the floor in rhyme, genuinely enjoying himself as he entertained a student instead of just enjoying the girl. There was no need to rush, after all.

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:08 am
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