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 Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka) 
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Post Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
It had been raining and while the overcast did not hurt his eyes any. Yet his preferred hunting grounds had been at the forest. With the rain though no one was going to be out on the trails and while he did go to the dorms from time to time it was much to early to catch anyone napping he thought.

There was always a chance, he thought though he was so slow moving and lazy at times that he didn't want to run the risk of no one being available. In a pinch he had considered visiting one of his favorites for he had an itching in playing. But he settled on a sure thing figuring that he visit the classes or the library, yes, the library was perhaps the easiest.

Projecting the image of the bespectacled blue haired book worm Cynthia to all the minds he touched he would appear as the student.

This projection allowed him to move about easier and the library was a little busier than usual. Given the rain many girls had come here to study so he took a little time peeking into minds, reading memories and the like when he noticed the blue haired girl, well sensed her mind anyway which alerted him of her presence.

Nodoka … what grabbed his interest was the fact that she had been apart from the others, that she was keeping to herself. A bookish type … the look was adorable too and she was a virgin? He had been tempted in knowing her physically as well as mentally but time would tell. Japanese to … he had something in mind as he drifted closer to her, creeping to the book stacks and shelves trying not to be seen as he got closer though if he was spotted that was not a concern seeing that she would only see another student.

Perhaps he would play with her mind a little then lure her some dark corner to play with her some. Time would tell though ...


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:38 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka wasn't really bothered by the sudden rain that fell down outside. Having always been who prefered huddled up somewhere with a good book. She mostly stayed indoors when not in classes, usually in her dorm room or in the library such as today. She was mostly reading a book about one of her lands figures of mythology right now. Nodoka didn't really notice the other students all around today. Her face was almost hidden by the book she was reading like she was trying to not stand out?

Nodoka was clueless about the approaching Cynthia who was creeping closer to the poor girl her mind was that of a bookworm, very shy and as the little mind scan would show somehow still a virgin despite coming to this school. Though she was only at the age of a freshman. Nodoka surprisingly didn't notice the approaching Cynthia seeming to be too focused on her book. About Japanese folklore and mythology. It was fascinating to the young teen bookworm as she smiles brushing her fingers through her blue hair.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:51 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Aegir moved up, unnoticed for the time being. She had not been too far away at a table and he pretended to be standing there reading, occasionally flipping a page as he studied her mind.

She was new here and had not encountered any of the “guests” that had dwelled here, well, at least until now. What was she reading? Japanese folklore? Ah, he knew this tale … he knew a lot of things though he had never delved into the setting before, not that he did not like it, he just used more Western influences to his works.

Today that would change though as he reached into her mind deeper then the cursory scan that he was using. Now sleep. He started making those connections, inducing sleep in her mind though once he had her in an unconscious state he went to work …

Soon the scene shifted. He was a heart throb, handsome to say the least causing her heart to flutter and yet burn with jealousy given that Konoe's lips had been adhered to her own.

She was a beauty to behold, Tamamone-no-mae, beloved of the Imperial court. The man had been her Emperor.

A hand settled upon her shoulder though gaining her attention. Kazusa-no-suke shook his head slightly. “I am afraid that you will not have much luck there, she has won his heart completely.”

She did not have her glasses but saw perfectly, yet the characters, they were familiar. Was she? Was she cast in the role of Miura-no-suke? But outwardly she had not changed, what was going on here?


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:19 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka softly smiled as she continued to read the book looking through the pages. Suddenly starting to feel drowzy as she yawned softly. Looking more cute before her eyes closed slowly and her book landed on it's spine and back of the cover open for now as Nodoka rested her head on her arms as she slept peacefully. Clueless about someone messing with her as she would soon dream...her eyes regained focus in her dream. She gasped at what she saw. She was in some kind of palace glancing around as she eeped cutely at the hand on her shoulder looking at Kazusa-no-suke.

She felt her glasses were gone but she could still see perfectly. Seeing everyone around...Kazusa...Tamano...and the Emperor Kotone as well. She looked at herself and saw she was dressed like Miura-no-suke and was very confused right now. Her heart fluttered at the sight of the Emperor despite her more love for womanly comforts. Her eyes a mixture of adoration and jealousy at Tamono though. "Y-yes..." She stuttered in a very timid tone. " would appear so.." She said softly.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:28 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
“Well, I suppose that is a good thing for me, Nodoka.” He laughed a little. So her identity had not changed, she had been cast in the role of the hunter though it seemed despite this it appeared …

“I suppose it is back to the forests to route out those bandits. I swear, nothing exciting ever happens around here.”


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:49 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka blushes and gives him a cute glare at that joke. Glad to see her identity hadn't changed. But she was confused she knew she fell asleep so she was probably dreaming...she was the hunter/huntress that killed the fox Tanamo if she remembered the tale. Nodoka sighed softly and nods at his next part. "Yes let us go for now...I need something to do to calm myself.." Nodoka said softly and timidly as she left the room with Kazusa.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:02 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Kazusa notes the glare, a bit too soon with that comment perhaps though he sees the blush as well so all in all a trade off. Of course he might not have the same thing to offer, the wealth and good looks that made the ladies swoon or the power that went along with being Emperor. He was a simple hunter after all though he had hated that things had turned out bad for her he had loved it as well for it gave him an outside chance now.

He takes her to the stables where they mount up and debark from the palace.

Both have bows being hunters and both have swords though not the katana or wakashasi that samurai carry seeing that they are not in that cast.

This is a simple foray into the forest as scouts seeing that they knew the land fairly well.

Riding at a leisurely pace Kazusa turns to face her. “Just a simple scouting expedition, find where the bandits are located and let the samurai deal with them, it should be easy for us.”

He paused then broke the silence after a bit. “Why do you like the Emperor? I can see why he has fallen for Tamamone seeing there is not a question she cannot answer and her beauty at the courts does not go without notice but surly there must be someone better suited for you then the Emperor. Have not you parents arranged a marriage for you yet? You are older than most entering into them now.”


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:30 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka carefully got onto her horse as she and Kazusa mounted up and headed away from the paalce into the forests. Nodoka closed her eyes as she let the sounds of nature soothe her soul as she smiles softly. Her bow was across her back along with her sheathed sword on her left hip. She felt safe with those weapons in her hands.

The Pair rode at a leisurely pace as Nodoka heard Kazusa and turned to face him and nodded at the first part about they're job to locate the bandits and let the Samurai handle the fighting but they would fight if they had to..

Nodoka sighed softly as she heard him ask why she liked the Emperor. "What women don't like the Emperor?" She asked softly looking ahead for now blushing at combined thoughts of the Emperor and Tanamo herself. "I sadly don't have any parents that can arrange a marriage for me," Nodoka whispered trying to make something up right now about this. "They were killed during a raid by some bandits. I barely escaped with my life. It wasn't that long ago either...I'd say about 3 years ago...I continued my hunting and become a scout for the Emperor just as you are Kazusa," She said softly.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:39 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
She certainly was getting into the spirit of things Aegir had thought given that she had gone to make up an answer. He smiled from his place at the bookshelves though he let this continue out. There were a lot of things he was planning on doing, stuff not covered in the folklore at all though he wished to keep the general theme the same.

Of course if she began to go off track then events would go off track too for he tended to go with the flow rather than fight against it.

Kazusa grimaced a little. “I am sorry to hear that.” Her first answer he figured was a rhetorical question that his mind turned over.

“I suppose there is no reason not to like him, he is a fine Emperor after all. What would you say is his most redeeming quality?” He looked away briefly to scan for the signs of anything passing through the area. He was casually making his way to the river figuring that all beings needed water and the bandits were probably set up some place close to a water source.


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:58 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka sighed softly as she glanced at Kazusa. "I don't quite know how to explain it. He just feels so powerful and he could do anything...that unshakeable confidence during his rule of the land." Nodoka said softly as she trotted behind him while they headed to the river. "It's why me and no doubt various other women wish to become his once or twice in our lives," Nodoka said softly. "But I know when I am outclassed that woman is everything a man would want in a woman...beautiful, intelligent and she seems to have an answer to everything.." Nodoka said softly.

Meanwhile back in the real world the real Nodoka just continued to dream snuggling into her arms as she laid on the table looking content so far despite not knowing she was in another beings tricks.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Kazusa's steed halted as he turned his head sharply, he looked angry no doubt and his volume was a bit loud.

“You are too in her league!”

He calmed a few moments after though. “Do not sell yourself short. Indeed Tamamone has both beauty and grace. She might have an answer for everything but -” he stopped abruptly as he heard something.

It sounded like a low pitched groan. “What's that noise?” And he went silent to listen. It was close and Kazusa seemed to pinpoint where it was coming from first as he spurned his horse in that direction.


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Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:31 pm

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka showed actual surprise at his reaction as she blushed at being told she was in the league of Tamamo. Before she could speak she also heard the groans and narrowed her eyes. She followed Kazusa and got one hand on her sword just incase of any dangers. "Be careful it may be a trap," Nodoka warned him as she followed him on her own horse towards the location of the sounds staying back a bit just incase of an ambush.


Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:34 pm
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
It was wise to be weary though no one seemed to around, at least not this time save for the person they had gone to see. Kazusa had his hand on the hilt of his sword as well, bandits were around after all and there was an outside chance that this had been a trap bu them.

Yet he could not shake the image of Nodoka's blushing face though it seemed that they would have to finish the conversation later.

They had seen the target, the source of the groans … a two foot tall creature, turtle-like, a malicious water imp, a kappa. It's head had a basin shaped bowl normally full of water but this one had none and had been laying there upon his back groaning, a series of brushes on his body ...


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Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:19 am

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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
Nodoka soon caught up with Kazosa and gasped softly at the sight. "A kappa?" She asked curiously and moved off her horse carefully as she approached the creature with a concerned look on her face as she looked the creature over seeing it's bowl empty and helped it to the river to refill that bowl. "Are you okay?" She asked softly showing that kind side that probably got Kazusa's attention.


Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:30 am
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Post Re: Tamamo-no-Mae (for Nodoka)
“It appears so.”

On his own the Kappa was incapable of moving without he water in it's head basin being filled. Kazusa gazed about, Kappa were malicious water imps though Nodoka approached it and that was good enough for him.

He dismounted himself and after securing the horses to a tree he helped her move the Kappa to the river to refill the water in it's basin. Of course being a malicious entity it had not understood why she was displaying such an act of kindness to him.

“Yes, thanks to you. Why did you help me?”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:00 am
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