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 Testing New Talent (for Aya) 
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Post Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Jarvok lounged on the roof of one of the Academy halls, enjoying a gorgeous summer day and flipping through his datapad. His last assignment had been a miserable two month stint impersonating a janitor at a snowbound research base, waiting for a chance to steal a trove of valuable data, all while dealing with the inane yammering of five socially inept scientists in tight confines. After managing to pull success out of that torture, he decided that he needed a proper vacation and booked himself a spot at Shoushu Academy, THE premier hunting ground for creatures interested in partaking of unspoiled women. He had heard stories of the look in a girl's eyes the first time she realizes that humans weren't alone in the universe and one of those aliens was about to rape her, and he intended to see it for himself.

All VIP guests were provided with a list of current students, as well as recent graduates for those interested in obtaining a more permanent playmate. Jarvok scrolled through the profiles, muttering to himself as he glanced at each photo before moving on. "Deflowered by a plant creature. Next. Raped by a demon. Next. Currently undergoing memory wipe after being fucked by an ooze. Gaahh I should have come here years ago. All of the best whores are already broken in. Wait a second...What's this? New student, blond hair, massive tits, enrolled in the music department. Looks like she got groped by some fairies, but they flew off before things progressed beyond heavy petting. She probably just thought it was a midsummer night dream or something. Aya Tsugemi huh? Looks perfect."

A few more moments on his data pad, and Jarvok was set up with reasonable approximation of a faculty email address, and was busy baiting his trap.

Ms. Tsugemi,

As you are likely aware, the Shokushu Academy musical studies program believes that career training and development is essential for the long term success of aspiring performers. As such, we occasionally partner with industry talent scouts to give students the opportunity to meet influential members of the recording industry and gain valuable real world audition experience. I am happy to inform you that you have been selected to interview with Mr. John Cummings from United Talent Agency in place of your normal second period classes.

Your meeting is scheduled for room 269 of the performing arts building at 10:00 AM. Mr. Cummings requests that you bring whatever instruments or equipment you feel necessary to best represent your skill, as well as an outfit that you feel would be suitable for a performance. Note that standard dress code regulations still apply for the remainder of your class periods.

Anna Lenox
Prefect for performance arts and music.

Jarvok smiled to himself as he hit send "There we go. If that doesn't bring her running, nothing will. Now I just need to make sure to chase off anyone wandering into that room, and I'll have her all to myself."

Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:56 pm

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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Aya plopped down on her bed leaving her backpack on the floor next to her as she opened up the laptop she brought from home. Dad bought it for her before she had left saying that most these kids who leave home for school these days need it, and made sure to leave a veritable treasure trove of music on it. The amount of hard drive space he'd manage to fill with it explained the three days straight that he spent inside his studio without leaving except to use the bathroom. Aya skimmed the folder and smiled before plugging in a pair of earbuds and clicking shuffle on the music player and laying back on her bed enjoying the sounds from home. It's not like Aya had much else left to do for the day, All of her classes had already held their introductory sessions explaining the plan for the semester, handing out rubrics that named which books would be needed from the schools library.
She spent a good thirty to forty-five minutes singing along with the music taking full advantage of the weirdly thick walls in the dorm rooms. She could barely even hear students loudly joking outside her door from inside, It was odd but she just wrote it off assuming it was for the music students who would likely be up into the wee hours practicing. Lord knows she wouldn't wanna be woken up before a test by the sounds of guitar and third eye blind. Throughout her inner monologue her thoughts started to drift somewhat to a dream she had when she first got here. It was... interesting to say the least, Fairies flying in through her window listening to her sing and then... A deep blush covered her face as the rest of the dream played out in her head before she shaked it off pulling the earbuds out placing them beside her.

"Alrighty Aya that's enough of that now!" She said out loud before hopping up and grabbing her guitar case. "Can't let the thing that got me here get rusty before the..."

Aya was about to open the case and start strumming until a notification popped up on her laptop. Seems like she was already receiving messages from the school. Reading through it her heart started beating faster and faster as her lips pursed.

"No it's fine! Perfectly fine! Absolutely 100% grade A fine!"

It's not like she wasn't expecting to have to play in front of some important people but she'd atleast like to have her room unpacked before having to decide her damn future!

"No it's fine! You've gotten past worse. Hell most of highschool was just a series of completely out of nowhere concerts!"

Aya slapped her face some to snap herself out of her sudden bout of nervousness. She knew she could handle this all she had to do was blow this guys mind and then she'd likely be on easy street as far as securing her future goes! She spent the rest of the night practicing on her guitar a few songs of different styles just in case the bigwig wanted her to do multiple to show off her range. After tuckering herself out she covered herself up in her bed a wide smile on her face as she drifted off to sleep making sure nothing filled her mind but dreams of the stage and an adoring audience.

Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:27 am
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Jarvok spent the rest of his evening in the pool locker room impersonating a mousey brunette he had noticed wandering the grounds. After just a few minutes releasing the aphrodisiac Dr. Eliza had shown him how to make, the half dozen young ladies in the room were hopelessly aroused and pairing off on benches or the concrete floor. With just a bit of extra prodding, he soon had a rather respectable orgy going. He considered dropping his disguise and assaulting all of them, but decided that it would be in poor taste to make his hosts wipe the memories of so many charges at once. Besides, the girls were so eager to lick, finger, and fuck this disguise, it seemed like a shame to ruin their enthusiasm. After a solid two hours of nonstop debauchery he allowed the aphrodisiac to disperse and gave the young ladies a chance to catch their breaths. Most of them seemed shocked at their own behavior, but one girl pulled out a clipboard and suggested they all sign up for a group called The Tramps. He had no clue what the organization was, but any group that listed lesbian orgies as one of their scheduled activities was worth looking in to. He got the time and place for the next meeting, then left to get a good night's sleep ahead of a big day.

Jarvok strode into room 269 well ahead of schedule the next day to get a feel for what he had to work with. It seemed that he was more fortunate than expected. The room was a recording studio, with a sound board and lounge area seperate from a micced performance room. The lounge was a bit larger than most, with plush black leather couches along two walls, but he supposed that was to accommodate class sizes. He took a moment to check his reflection in the large window looking into the next room. His disguise should be panty wetting enough for most girls, even without the promise of potential fame and fortune. He stood 6'3", with swept back brown hair and shining green eyes. His holosuit was programmed with a tailor fitted grey suit carefully chosen to accent his lean muscled form while projecting an aura of confident wealth. He rearranged a few stray hairs then turned back to the room. Stashed in one corner was a pair of digital cameras on tripods for recording the students, which he happily appropriated and set pointing at the coaches. Finally, he took a sheet of paper and wrote
Closed for student interviews
before taping it outside the door and sitting down to wait.

He sat there, contemplating what position to take his new toy in first, when he hear a knock on the door. Quickly standing, he swung it open to gaze down at the buxom girl standing in front of him. He offered her his hand to shake, as he introduced himself with a dazzling smile. "You must be Aya Tsugemi. I'm John Cummings with UTA, but please call me John. Come have a seat, and we can get started." He led her into the room and gestured to the couches, while he turned on the cameras. "I hope you don't mind me recording this. I find taking notes distracts me, and you'll get a copy later of course. This IS technically a real interview, but I'll stop you to point out any mistakes so you can correct them. Have you ever met with a record label rep before?" After waiting for a response, he flashed another smile and continued "I'm glad to hear none of the jackles have sunk their teeth into you yet. Well why don't you start off by telling me a bit about yourself, how you got into music, and where you see your career going after graduation?"

Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:05 pm

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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Come the day of the meeting the bell rings signalling the end of first period Aya now finds herself standing outside the door to room 269, She stood out there for a good few minutes trying to psyche herself out. "It's fine. Dad always said interviews like this were nothing back in his day. It ain't hard to be the most interesting one in the room when the only other person is a suit."

She repeats this to herself two or three times before taking a deep breath and knocking a few times on the door and letting a big showmans smile spread across her face as she adjusted her uniform making sure it looked presentable. A bit of surprise hit Aya as she saw the man in charge of her interview, Dad always said it was some stuffy looking suit rocking at most a six out of ten. This man easily a strong nine or ten! A bit of red crept across Ayas face as she was invited inside. She sat down on one of the couches once again taking a deep breath as he quickly ran through the beginning and what to expect.

"Well... I'd have to say that my passion for music might kinda' be genetic, Dad used to be one back in the day and Mom also had a bit of love for it since it kinda helped bring'em together you know? At home almost everything we did had some sort of musical accompaniment from cooking and cleaning to the occasional random break out while watching TV." Aya giggled some at the memory before composing herself again. "As far as the career goes, I wanna be able to tour all across the world, See all the sights, and play in sold out arenas with all those eyes being on me. During School I used to bring whatever instruments I could get away with and put on impromptu shows wherever teachers wouldn't just shoo me out so I guess I'm kinda looking to up the scale some."

Aya eyed Mr.Cummings up and down during her answer. The guy seemed almost impossible to read. Maybe she was doing good so far since he hasn't stopped her yet, Is this even the kind of answer people from labels even want? Some seem so fake and planned out, Is he going to make her do that?

Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:37 pm
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Jarvok listened to her answer with quiet attention, nodding at a few opportune moments, all while considering how best to break her to his will. He decided the best way would be to cut her legs out from under her right from the start and demonstrate just how badly she needed him. That should either leave her in tears or have her desperate to please him. Either way, she'd be entirely at his mercy.

When she finished his face was split by a wide smile and looked excited. "That's great! It sounds like you've really got music in your blood. I can absolutely feel your passion for this, and that's really important. Why don't we get you micced up, and we'll see if your talent matches your enthusiasm!" In an instant, his optimistic expression fled, replaced by dead seriousness. "Or at least that's what I would have said if this was a real interview. By the end of the meeting, I'd have you ready to sign on the dotted line, then toss your file to an intern to make sure you got a gig or two a month. At best, you might get some work as a backup singer or opening act for someone with serious star power.

The entire point of these interviews is to measure a prospective client's star power, and as far as most agents would be concerned, this meeting is a formality as of right now."
He held up a hand and began ticking off fingers as he listed her failings. "You came here in your school uniform, when I know you were instructed to dressed for a performance. Your dyed hair tells me you aren't some gospel or country singer, but you wear those clothes like you are on your way to Sunday school not a wanna be rock star. I noticed your blush when you saw me, that's fine and can even be a benefit if you are talking to the right guy, but girls with more confidence will generally be flirting with me by this point. That shows that they have a drive to go after what they want and implies that they are comfortable with taking risks. You haven't shown me any of that. Literally the first sentence out of your mouth admitted that you are generic, and nothing else in your answer told me differently. As far as you've shown, you are a little girl with good enough technical skill to get into this music program and a nice body that you aren't willing to show off."

He raised one arm and pointed at the performance room, finger outstretched, and said with a tone that brooked no argument. "Now I want you to go in there, get changed, and the woman who comes out that door had better be ready to make the world forget the names Sheryl Crow, Christina Aguilera and Joan Jett"

Now to see what the girl was really made of. The massive window looking into the other room would give him clear visibility of all but the very corners of the chamber. Was she would she break down and give up at the prospect? Maybe she'd take his flirting suggestion to heart and put on a bit of a show for him. More likely she'd just huddle in a corner to try to avoid his gaze. Either way, he had no intention of missing the show. Once she had closed the door a thin tendril of flesh slithered out from his pants leg and wormed its way across the floor to the window. A tiny eye formed at its tip and pressed itself up against the bottom corner of the glass, affording a clear view if his prey decided to be shy.

Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:43 pm

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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Ayas heart dropped down into her stomach hearing Mr. Cummings tear into her. Every single failing felt like knife jabbing right into her and it took a large amount of what she had to hold back tears. She didn't realize he had been reading that far into her from the very moment she said hi. When the guy pointed into the studio to get changed Aya at first gave him a confused glance, There was a big ass window in there. If she'd changed he could see everything except for a small portion of the room. It's not like She didn't have anything to bring though, She had put together a bit of a show outfit along with Catherine some time before she was invited to Shokushu. It was far from a professionally designed outfit like they got in the 70's and 80's but it was the best she could do with the budget a young girl was afforded. Only thing stopping her from wearing it from the beginning was Shokushus dress code extending to the hallway between classes.

Aya closed the door to the studio and started making her way to one of the corners before stopping abruptly. "No...this is a test. The vanilla answers I gave him said I gave off no self confidence. Fine I'll show him just how far I'll go for my dream."

Aya moved right to the center of the window allowing him to see into the room, dropped her backpack and with a smile started to disrobe right there in clear view. This was skeevy as hell but she already knew she'd have to deal with it if she wanted to make it big. Atleast he had the decency show her early. She dropped her uniform to the floor even doing a small dance as she started to unhook her bra making a show as she took it off letting her massive breasts drop free of their binds. They bounced up, down, and side to side as she continued her little dance eventually moving to pull her outfit from the backpack. She felt like she was dying inside of embarrassment but this guy wanted to see confidence, So she was gonna give him some damn confidence. She turned around making sure you could see her ass as she slowly pulled up the short plaid skirt bouncing her butt from side to side before spinning around and showing the American flag bikini and putting that on tying the string behind her back before suddenly striking a pose in front of the window to top it all off.

She then exits back into the lounge area smile still on her face. "Sorry bout that hun. I wasn't expecting the schools modest style to start dragging me down that bad." She gave him a wink before returning to her seat.

Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:07 pm
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Mr. Cummings sat watching the display with his arms crossed and an unreadable smile on his face. Was he proud, impressed, or just plain horny? Aya had no way to tell. She probably wouldn't guess what was really going through Jarvok's mind as he watched her huge melons sway as she danced: the image of her pressed back on one of the couches, her hands tied with tentacles, another forcing it's way down her throat while he straddled her chest and mashed those sweet teets around his rock hard members. The picture was so vivid and arousing that he nearly ended the charade then and there, especially after she started shaking her plump tan ass, but no. This little slut was so malleable, he could turn her into a perfect little pet with just a bit of patience. Breaking her now would be the worst kind of waste.

When she sat back down, Jarvok began a slow appreciative clap, grinning broadly. "I can honestly say that I didn't think you had it in you. Bravo Aya! Bra-fucking-vo! That's the kind of self confidence, poise and fearlessness I expect from a rock star. Your subtlety could use a bit of work, but still, nicely done. Just be aware that if you put your goods on display people will assume they are for sale. Be careful with that unless you are ready to deliver."

He clapped his hands once more and pointed at her. "Let's start over from the beginning. Tell me about yourself, your music, and where you want your career to go, but this time remember that you are here to convince me that you are the Norse goddess of rock." He listened to her answer with exactly the same expression he had shown her the first time through, but this time her answers didn't draw nearly the same levels of scorn as before. He pointed out a few spots where she got overzealous, corrected her when she gave the wrong impression and basically fine tuned her presentation, but it was clear that he approved of her changes.

"Alright, let's move on to what you are probably most excited to talk about. Tell me about your music. What instruments can you play? Do you write your own songs or play covers? What has your band experienced been like? How many paying shows have you had before? If an agent asks you this question, he isn't looking for you to brag, he is trying to gauge your real world experience with music so far. NOW would be the time to bring up that your father is a musician and how you sometimes went on the road with him. Don't bring up any performance where you didn't either get paid or win something. Every musician performs for fun, an agent is only interested in what you can do when there is something on the line. If you feel like you can have a real discussion of your technical skills sitting across from an expert, this is your chance to geek out. If not, then don't try. With a body like yours most scouts will view brains as an optional bonus, but trying to fake competence is a big red flag."

He let her answer, adding in probing questions here and therw to guide her towards the "right" answers. When she was done he stood up and offered her a hand, "I think that's enough talking for the moment. Grab your gear and let's see what you are made of."

Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:41 pm
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
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Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:41 pm

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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
It seemed like that little show Aya put on for him had certainly regained the guys attention, atleast it had better have. It's not like she did that kinda thing for just anyone but he was right... Maybe Aya should start thinking about possible ways to stand out that don't involve giving every single agent that comes in a free strip tease. When he started asking the questions he had given her before again Aya inhaled some before Aya still gave the same story started embellishing here and there, making the whole thing more interesting to listen to as well as changing the entire tone in which she said it. He was right, Anyone can just be that girl next door who's daddy inspired her. She had to sell why she was the star everyone should be looking at.

"Now to answer your questions on Music and real world experience. Honestly I had figured out a few different instruments, but this baby here is my life blood" She held up her guitar case even hugging it some to keep the enthusiasm going. "I was told when I played guitar, it was like Jimmy Hendrix himself had been possessing me. I certainly do more covers for now but I actually have several different songs in the works that I'm planning on using to wow my way to the top here at school. Before enrolling here I had been mostly doing some small time stuff in the town I lived in but that's all gonna change throughout my time here in Shokushu academy. Now about experience with my Dad, I sadly never got to see him in his prime. I was born long after the industry had decided to let his talent go to waste. He had taught me as much as he could but going on tour just wasn't in the cards for me. I was always a solo performer and since the neighborhood I lived in didn't seem to have any connections to any major scouts before I was invited here, I never got to do much aside from the occasional local event. If we're being honest, I may lack the experience some others have upon entering the school, but what I think I have over them is the will fight my way from the bottom all the way up one show at a time."

She sat back listening to his coaching with a newly lit fire in her eyes, one that only grew brighter the moment he said those magical words to her. Suddenly it stopped being about how she could talk the talk and it came to the language she could speak more fluently than any other, The sweet twang of her acoustic. She stepped into the studio tightening her guitars strap around her, Her choice of song was clear as day. He didn't want to hear how well she could sing other peoples songs, He needed to hear HER voice. She began to play an original song, one that she had finished up the night before. The whole song she never broke eye contact with Mr.Cummings. She was pouring her heart and soul out and she was gonna prove herself one way or the other even if the interview turns out to be a botch.

Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:29 am
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
Mr. Cummings sighed and looked at her seriously, trying to gauge her determination. "It sounds like you have a LOT of work to do still. You're showing the right attitude now, but at the end of the day there is no substitute for practical experience. You say that you're willing to work your way up from the bottom, but I'm not sure you really know what that means in this industry. It means working 3 jobs just to afford to drive to your show on your night off. It means playing backup guitar for a guy who just wants you around for your tits. It means that when someone with even the slightest chance of getting you to the big time says he can help you out if you "entertain" some of his friends, you do whatever he asks and thank him for the opportunity. This business is 10% talent, 20% looks, 30% who you know and 40% willingness to do whatever it takes to stand out."

Let's see how she deals with THAT! Jarvok was close to breaking character with how much fun he was having. Here's this sexy little things saying she's willing to so whatever it takes to make it to the top, practically begging to sell herself for a chance at the big time. All he had to do was give her the chance and she'd probably be pulling out his cock on her own. Not that he intended to give her that much control over the situation once things got started but it would make her training soooooo much easier if they started the relationship with the understanding that she was a whore.

Once she got into the booth, he was actually pleasantly surprised. She was by no means the best musician he had hear, afterall she was only human limited by 10 fingers and unmodified vocal cords, but she was certainly acceptable. The fiery look in her eyes when she played was a big part of her appeal. It was like she was challenging him to be anything less than awed by the show. He met that gaze pound for pound and didn't flinch for a second. His eyes were steel and showed nothing more than professional respect for the music. She might think she was pouring out her soul, but that wouldn't be enough to entrance a seasoned veteran of this profession.

When the first song was done Mr. Cummings had her perform some covers so that he could see how well she could make other artist's music her own. He also told her to be sure to move as if she was on stage. Stage presence is a big part of star power and relies heavily on improvisation. Having a good instinct for how to please the crowd is critical unless she can afford a dance coach.

(I'd love to know what songs she plays to get a feel for what the show was like)

He let her continue for a solid half hour and work up a good strong sweat, all the while keeping the cameras pointed on her. Then he opened the booth door and gestured her back in. "Alright, come on back and sit down. Tell me how you think you, where you felt you did your best and where you need improvement, then I'll give you my assessment. This is a teacher question, not part of the interview, so I want the real answer, not bravado. "

He sat down next to her, this time on the same couch so that they were only about a foot apart. This close she could practically feel the intensity coming off the man next to her in waves. He looked like every fiber of his being was focused entirely on her, her words, her voice, her face, and her body. There was also a sort of primal musk in the air. It wasn't cologne, just the natural smell of an incredibly attractive man sitting within arms reach, staring at a beautiful young woman.

Of course Jarvok was releasing a low grade aphrodisiac on purpose, but only in extremely small amounts. Just enough to enhance Aya's attraction but without any hint that something was amiss.

Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:12 pm

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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
On the first song Aya clearly put her all into it. It was an energetic rock song fairly reminiscent of Paramore in the lyrics, but the instrumental was played using Acoustic guitar. Despite lacking an electric guitar she was able to keep up the energy in the song giving it a fairly Tenacious D kinda feel minus the comedic lyrics, His talk definitely resonating in her mind. She knew from the start it wasn't all gonna be spotlights and interviews, especially at first. In fact the thought of being brought on as a background musician just for her looks even ran through her head on more than one occasion but she even relished the chance to do that much. Her dad told her a few years ago, "Yeah Some douche bag front man will probably bring you onto the band just to give the audience something to stare at, but what he doesn't get is that all eyes will be on you instead of his dumb ass. Given some time what was supposed to be the bands sex appeal will turn into a fan favorite and when you eventually leave to do your own work, you'll bring their fan base with you."

Eventually Ayas first song ended and she was instructed to try other peoples songs, she gave Mr.Cummings a thumbs up and after a quick 3 count in a slower tempo she began playing an acoustic rendition of Gorillaz Feel good Inc. a much more chill song to help come down from the last song before Moving ramping the energy back up with Holy Diver by Dio. Back in Highschool it became a common part of her sets in the courtyard. It was rough in places but she had been working through the years to smooth the transition from classic metal to Acoustic rock.

After finishing her performance and being gestured back into the lounge area, she wiped the sweat off her forehead clearly a bit tired from playing a full set. She sat down on the couch a bit of an adrenaline fueled giggle escaped her as Mr.Cummings sat beside her.

"Uhhh well Honestly sir, While I thought long and hard about the set I'd use if you asked me to go all the way with it... It was kinda difficult choosing songs that I could cover on an acoustic guitar while keeping the energy they had before. Especially Dio... It kinda took me till Sophomore year to get that to a presentable state. I guess in a way that song acts as a progress marker for me as a musician. While I'm proud of how I could capture those styles in acoustic I know I'm kinda shooting myself in the foot playing the style I do while only having an acoustic guitar to express it. Hopefully the campus here allows on-site jobs so I can save up and not have to make my dad ship off every relic he has of his days in the industry."

Another giggle left Aya as she said that. Honestly she didn't seem to focus on it too much before but... This guy is... kinda hot. She realized he was good looking but sitting this close to him was kinda making her nervous all over again and a deep blush was starting to wash over her face.

Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:58 am
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Post Re: Testing New Talent (for Aya)
(If this is the version of Feel Good Inc. she plays, Jarvok would be much more impressed.

Jarvok let her finish, then tilted his head in what could only be described as the look you see from a curious puppy. "I'm sorry, WHAT? Are you seriously telling me that you got a scholarship to the prestigious Shokushu University, one of the best funded music programs in the world, and you didn't even think to ask them for an instrument to match your skill set? I heard a story about one girl who got to borrow a fucking Stradivarius for her debut solo performance, and here you are talking about needing to work gigs to afford a cheap Yamaha. I know its your first semester here, but still. I would have thought you'd be beating down the supply room door within an hour of stepping off the plane. See what they have on hand. I'll give you my card, and if nothing is a good fit I'll get you hooked up." After what he intended to do to the girl in a few minutes, he highly doubted she would willingly put herself in his debt, but it was something Mr. Cummings would do, and Jarvok was nothing if not a superb actor.

With that out of the way, turned back to the point of the conversation. "Alright, back to business. You have some serious potential, but there is definitely work to be done. You're right that acoustic is holding you back, but so is your lack of experience. You were a hair off tempo on the second verse of Feel Good, and you were sitting a touch to close too the mic for part of Holy Diver. Not something people will throw fruit over, but definitely not professional quality. Your own composition was your strongest showing, which is a point in your favor. I don't suppose you've made a recording of it with the base and drum tracks added? If not, do so. Better yet, find some girls around campus to record it with you. Overall, I'd give you a B or B-. You have the voice, you have the mechanical skill, but you are missing a lot of the UMPH that gets people jumping out of their seats. Luckily you are sexy as all hell, and that should help you get through the training wheels period." He could already see the flush rising on her cheeks after her lame attempts at humor. Her heart must be pounding like a drum after a compliment like that, even if it came at the end of a rather critical appraisal of her skills.

Jarvok turned on the couch so that he was facing Aya, one knee gently bumping hers as if by accident. He steepled his fingers and looked grim. "Now we get to the awkward part of the conversation. Part of the talent scout's job is to spot scandals before they get into print, and that means I'm going to need to ask you some pretty personal questions. If a scout catches you lying to him about these, you're done. Period. No one label wants to invest in a ticking tabloid time bomb waiting to blow. That said, this is rock and roll. A good agent can turn anything shy of murder into teenaged angst and edginess as long as he sees it coming. Ready to start?" He waited for her to nod before pushing ahead to the first questions of the interview that he actually cared about at all. He let her answer each one, keeping a careful eye out for any signs of deception or weakness that might give him a hint into her personal vulnerabilities.

"How much experience have you had with drugs? What about alcohol? Have you ever blacked out and woken up the next morning without remembering the night before?"

"Have you had any run ins with the police? Anything bigger than a traffic ticket is public record somewhere, and I guarentee paparazzi will find it."

"What is your sex life like? Any disgruntled ex boyfriends? You seemed pretty eager to lose your clothes earlier, any chance there are nude photos of you out there somewhere? Any kinks you'd be embarrassed to have get out?" Jarvok listened intently to her describe her past sexual encounters and outwardly frowned when she said she only had experience with women. Inside he was ecstatic. Not only was this girl untouched by other monsters, she hasn't even had a human man before. She was in for a very informative after interview lesson.

Once she was done, he looked at her seriously. "While it isn't unheard of for gay girls to get ahead, it probably isn't the image you want to portray if you can avoid it. Its one thing to be bi. Guys view that as sexy, and girls either find it hot or don't hold it against you. We're past the scandals of Freddy Mercur, but there is still a very really stigma. I'd suggest you find yourself a guy and getting laid, but I'm just about the only man on the island at the moment." He winked flirtatiously at her before continuing. As he did, he increased the pheromone output just a tad, enough to push his quarry into something rash without being perceptible.

"Well that just about wraps up the interrogation. Do you have any questions or last minute additions to make before I decide whether or not to make you an offer?"

Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:42 pm
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