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 The First Hunt (for Natalya) 
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Post The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Time had lost all meaning to a being like Aegir. What was a few years but the blink of an eye? Decades were little more than the time to exhale a deep breath. There had been no telling how long he had existed for certain. Aegir hadn't really kept track of the years always knowing that there was seemingly no end to them. His metabolism had been such that he had been blessed with regenerative abilities. Thus he had not truly aged for there was no cellular brake down. His tissue remained vibrant and young, always renewed, and thus without the decay brought on by advancing years Aegir had found that he and his kind had effectively become ageless. Yet, despite that quality Aegir knew that his species had been a dying race. He cared not if the rest of his ilk died out in a blaze of glory or meekly faded from all living memory. As it were they were scarcely remembered being known only to a select unfortunate few throughout the ages. Most happened to be victims that satisfied Aegir's palate and while such beings had slipped from this world of ours a small portion of them would forever live on within the monstrous entity. Their memories, their thoughts, even some of their skills lived on within Aegir. Thus while he lived they lived, though this was sheer irony considering that he was the one to have removed them from this world.

But that was neither here nor there. Such fascinating specimens these humans, whose lives were measured as a candle in the wind. A flickering flame that was destined to be smoothered out in an instant. Aegir neither had pity nor contempt for such beings, however, for they seemed ignorant to the longevity that had been denied them. Ah, how he would have liked to devour a tastey morsel wetting his appetite on that gray matter. For all their short lived lives humans possessed remarkable thoughts, splendid memories of pain and truimph. It was as if their short lived lives forced them to compress as much misery, sorrow, joy and victory into the limited years that they were afforded. But Aegir would have to forego his usual delicacies while here. Rules were rules and the fact of the matter was that by abiding by them he at least had a measure of autonomy away from the eyes of his own kind. At least here he would be capable of continuing his research unhindered.

It was this thought that drove him as he slithered across the rocky ground. Long slick tendrals stretching out to grip and grasp the trunks of trees, the rocks and other foliage in order to pull the rest of his body along the ground. Movement was always slow with the eight tentacle-like legs he possessed though as usual Aegir found no need to hurry, no need to rush. Eventually he would reach his destination and it hardly made a difference if that were now or two years from now.

His senses stretched out to take in the terrain around him more so in gathering his barings. Still relatively new to this place Aegir had yet to explore the island in full. Securing a lair had been a primary concern followed by the acquisition of a food supply. Marine life would do fine in sustaining him and while the memories of sharks were rather bland in comparison to those of humans they would do just fine. Food was little more than energy as far as he was concerned and so he would make little fuss over what he ate provided that it sustained him there was no use in grumbling over what he had been denied. Besides, his research was more important.

Getting his barings Aegir paused as he took in his surroundings. Normally he would not have been transversing through this terrain during the light of day but the forest had been ideal to suit his needs. The thick canopy of trees over head caused a filter for the light that streamed towards the forest floor and thus the dim lighting did not strain his sensitive eyes. Such acute vision in the darkness turned out as a curse in stronger lighting.

The lay of the land would provide valued information in the sense of where other monsters hunted, where prey was likely to be found and knowing the land so that he could better plan and adapt to his own environment. But Aegir hardly sat around waiting to snare prey like a spider weaving a web for an unsuspecting fly. He was a bit more active searching out his prey, looking for particular qualities that he could later harness for his own twisted research. Not just any old subject would do though Aegir wasn't the sort to simply pass up on a tasty morsel that crossed his path provided that they could be use to him of course.

On this day Aegir had glimpsed ahead. His ability to cast his mind into the future had told him that baring a drastic shift in the winds of fortune that a student would be along in a short while. It was rare for him to do this but delving into the immediate future, scrying ahead so to speak, allowed Aegir to become more familiar with the island as well as save energy by determining his avenues of attack in advance.

Forward he crept until he came forth into a small clearing. Ancient trees surround a circular patch of wild flowers so vibrant and full. Their fragrance beckoning like the aroma of a sweet perfume intoxicating the senses. Memories stormed into Aegir's mind as he drew upon those captured thoughts of such splendid scenery. It was the images captured by the likes of his victims that allowed him to relate to the natural beauty and splendor of such a place. And thus, armed with such knowledge, Aegir crept into position moving into the shadowy region generated by two of the larger trees. Once there his pigment began to alter matching the coloration of the bark itself. His maroon robe had been discarded before this sojourn, his legs became still and in such a state should they have been noticed they would have probably passed off as little more than the roots of one of these impressive trees. Still not one to take any chances Aegir enriched the place further through his powers of illusion generating a small pond near the flowers that grew here, placing more foliage around him to better conceal his presence Aegir even went so far as to draw some illusionary animals to the spot. Small chipmunks drinking from the pond, the fluttering of a few colorful butterflies to further the ensemble that he created along with small avians perched within the branches of the trees singing a merry tune.

He had learned that the island possessed a lack of wild life early on though it was his hope that such lures would neither be overlooked or disbelieved as being to hard to believe. If anything though Aegir had found in his years that humans had a tendancy to believe the most outrageous of matters at times when they wanted to believe. Being early all Aegir had left to do was patiently wait for the arrival of his quarry.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

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Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Wed May 21, 2008 10:08 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Natalya was moving through the forest slowly looking around. She only had half day of classes today. Normally she would have gone swimming or jogging, but she had decided today that she would take a long walk. Home was greatly missed even now or perhaps more now. Since being here she had learned things that most girls should never know. There was time when she felt so ashamed of the things that happened, as if they were her fault.

Before coming for her walk she had changed into a pair of shorts, a tank top, and her hiking boots. Her long hair was cobalt this week and braided down her back. She moved through the forest taking in all the sights. Natalya tried her best to stay away from everyone else, but she had recently been moved to a dorm with several other girls. It wasn't that she didn't like the girls she was just shy. All her life she had dealt with people gawking at her body. Barely reaching five three she had what people called an hourglass figure. It just so happened that in that figure her breasts were large, her waist small, and her hips wide enough to make a man think of things to do to her.

Walking into the clearing she smiled at the beauty of it. She moved over to the pond slowly talking to the animals in a soft voice. She sat down on the banks all the while talking to the animals in the soft caressing voice.

Thu May 22, 2008 12:39 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Today his patience would pay off. Aegir remained motionless as he felt a stirring breeze ripple through the trees. Their branches swaying as if caught up in an elaborate dance, their leaves rustling softly given rise to the faint music of nature. Surpressing the burbling sounds that so often came forth from his lamprey-like mouth Aegir found that having so many human memories intwined with his own could be somewhat of a bane at times especially now. For it was in these moments that he could perceive his prey through human-like eyes and thoughts even if he could not understand the rational behind all of them.

Taking in the refreshing sights cast before his eyes Aegir found the refreshing morsel before him quite appealing. Feeling a euphoric buzz sweeping through his blue blooded body gave rise to the subconscious responses of his body. The release of pheremones left a somewhat musky scent in the rich clean air though such chemicals would not affect the young woman before him the aroma could reveal his presence even if he could not be seen. Instantly he tried to gain control of himself upon picking up his own scent though it took no small amount of effort to remain stationary in the shadows from whence he observed her. Every impulse in his body screamed at him to strike, to lash out with those long tentacles of his. Every subconscious thought wished to devour her and not in the way he had normally been accustomed to. It was her body, not her mind, that he sought to feast upon.

Patience won out though. Slowly he pressed his mind against her own testing its defenses against telepathic intrusion. When his advances were not rebuffed he was aware that she had lacked psionic talent for her mind was unshielded. Piercing into her thoughts, he mentally squirmed into her mind reaching further and further in an effort to syphon forth the information that he craved. Interests, passions, fears ... her mind was like an opened book before him though he had time only to peruse a few pages.

And there, before he could find what it was that he had been searching for new knowledge slammed into him. She could speak to animals possessing some degree of magic. That only meant that his illusion would not endure for long, that unless the animals spoke back to her in kind she would become aware of something being amiss. As a telepath Aegir could handle this matter though. He could decipher what she spoke to the chipmunks easily enough simply by scanning her surface thoughts and revealing what was there. By the same process he could direct the illusions to respond though this part had been a bit trickier seeing that he had no knowledge as to the sounds or words that such animals would make to her ears. Would they chitter? Would she hear them in her native dialect? Would she hear them telepathically? It would take him another moment to draw that information from her mind but in that moment would she respond?

Aegir had the option of being cautious or striking now while she was still immersed in the illusion that he had generated. To act hastily might mean a chance for her to escape, and that was something that he had wished to avoid altogether. As his mental probe had revealed Natalya had come out here to jog indicating that she could out distance him should she elude his initial strike. It was a calculated risk of course, and Aegir was patient enough to realize that a failure today did not necessarily mean a failure tomorrow. He did understand though that future hunts became more difficult as beings grew more cautious but that was simply a chance that he would have to take.

Mentally he prepared a quick yet simple plan. He syphoned for the knowledge in her mind directing the illusion to respond to her conversation all the while his body harnessed the energy for the sudden surge it would need. There was still a deal of distance between them though with the long length of his tentacle-like legs and his ability to elongate his limbs he was confident that he could reach her with a small spring. Should she flee it would likely be back the way she came, back among a safe path rather than braking off into a random direction further off into the woods. As a counter measure he supposed he could conjure an illusion of one of the trees falling baring the path should he not manage to reach her. All he would need would be a moments hesitation or indecision on her part should she elude his initial attack in order to relaunch another. Maintaining the illusion of the animals and pond just served as a distraction to further relax her into dropping her guard.

Unsure as to what an animal would have to say Aegir kept the conversation simple. He would only need the rouse for a moment longer anyway. With slow careful movements he shifted himself into a better position in which to vault forward nearly giving away his presence in the process with that burbling sound of excitement that threatened to pool out of his mouth. Though he could stop the sound from immersing he could not still the four tentacles that swarmed around his mouth, excitedly twitching and writhing in anticipation.

"Greetings," he relayed through the simple animal hoping to draw Natalya's attention away from the movements within the shadows, away from the faint musky aroma in the air.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu May 22, 2008 1:40 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Natalya spoke to the animals outloud in English. She heard them in her mind in English as well. It was something that even she could not explain. There was an illusion of peace here, of no danger anywhere near. She let herself relax as she greeted the animal that had greeted her.

Laying down in the lush grass she looked up at the forest canopy. She was feeling more relaxed then she had since she came here. Her hands pillowed her head leaving her breasts to thrust high and proud. "It's nice to see animals here when there are so few on the island," she said to them. "I can see why you would stay here when it is so peaceful."

She caught the strange scent of something, but it didn't alarm her. Even the slight rustle she had heard didn't bother her. The area surrounding her was thick with trees. Even the slightest breeze would rustle. She continued to talk to the animals while her mind wandered off to her home.

Thu May 22, 2008 2:19 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Witnessing Natalya's comfort, Aegir found that his subterfuge had paid off. It wasn't often that he employed illusions as he had difficulty in projecting such images into the minds of more than one or two individuals at a time. Further, such illusions had to be concentrated upon though his compound mind could handled multitasking it was often necessary to allocate his attention to the control of his limbs and psionic abilities that he often used in probing the world around him. Like a human that relied more upon their five senses to experience the world around them Aegir relied heavily upon a sixth sense, that brought on by his mind probing out to add even more detailed knowledge about his environment.

But now was the time at hand, he was certain of it as he sprang forward making a small leap through the illusionary foliage before him. At once that foliage faded away as if never having existed in the first place. The pond, the butterflies, even the chipmunks that were all simple conjurations of Aegir's mind projected upon Natalya's faded as the enchanting beauty of the terrain had been suddenly ripped away.

Knowing that she would have to scramble to her feet Aegir's confidence had been bolstered. Surprise was a key element for the success of a great many predators and this situation would be no different. In close he would have the advantage given that his reflexes were sound, his response time efficient enough. At range the advantage would have been decisively her own, though that hardly seemed to be a problem now. Landing close to where the pond had once been Aegir's limbs flailed out seemingly in all directions. They cut out across the open space looking to seize hold and grip her own limbs within his own. Mauve tentacles hurried towards their marks, her ankles, and elbows since her wrists were cradled beneath her head. Right now he desired to embrace her with these strong limbs, snare her up in his grip to ensure that she could not flee from her.

My sweet Natalya, his words telepathically spoken as those white eyes of his fell upon her. Had he been capable of smiling he probably would have done so though the mass of tentacles around his mouth danced like a wild fire through dry brush a sheer indication to those that new his species that he was most pleased. How I have longed for this moment my dear! Why you are to have the honor of being my first treasure, my first specimen.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu May 22, 2008 2:58 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Natalya was lost in her thoughts of home and talking to the animals. She was thinking of times when she had been happy. Her mind had conjured up images of her home, of her family. Images swirled through her mind like a slideshow. Her swimming in a lake clad in a bikini, there was her riding a horse bareback with her hair flying out behind her. They flashed and swirled, never mind never aware that something was inside her probing her brain.

Her eyes took survey of her surroundings as something alarmed her. The beautiful peaceful place was no more. She caught sight of the monster and screamed in terror. She tried her best to move away, to get up and run. The thing was on her before she could move.

Even as he caught ahold of her she struggled to fight. Her arms were out from behind her head now swinging to hit anything they could reach. Her legs kicked hoping to catch something to hurt the monster. "Get the hell away from me," she screamed.

Last edited by Natalya on Fri May 23, 2008 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 22, 2008 6:18 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Thoughts and images stormed into his mind bringing a feast of information to his attuned senses even as he acted. She was quick, he would give her that, for she had nearly scrampled up to her feet before his tentacles had secured purchase upon the warmth of her flesh. Such a contrast to his own, that silky warmth that played against him. Literally he could taste her through that touch and would have enjoyed basking in the delightful taste of a delicacy but her struggles had to be overcome. There was nothing quite as frustrating as snaring your prey only to have it elude you by wriggling free.

Looping his tentacles around her in the same fashion that a phython would loop its body around its latest meal before crushing the life out of it Aegir ensured that he had a firm grasp upon her. One ankle, then the other was secured while those upon her arms did their utmost to hold her still.

Her fiestiness did allow her to land a few shots in against his tentacles though wisely Aegir's body had been kept at a reasonable distance letting his longer limbs take the abuse of her retaliation. Quite vulnerable to blades Aegir's boneless structure afforded him some resistance to blundgeoning attacks. Rubbery flesh was struck in places making a tell tale squishing sound as the damp tissue suffered against her blows. One or two of those tentacles even retracted a bit while the one on her left arm loosened enough for her to wriggle the limb free.

Though there were plenty more tentacles all too willing to take the place of those that had rescinded. Another looped around one of her wrists squeezing against it tightly while drawing the limb to the side where it would no longer be in the way. Another coiled around her right leg smoothing upwards with a drawn out slowness until it wriggled beneath her shorts. Popping out from the top of her shorts the tentacle looped about as it tugged against the clothing drawing it down the expanse of her legs.

All the while those white eyes regarded her. The tentacles about its mouth writhed in delight as the endorphines of fear, her fear, reached out to touch upon his own mind.

Her demands burned like a passionate fire as they reached his ears though he did not relent Aegir did seem to hesitate for the briefest of moments. In truth he was simply drawing in the scene, basking in this moment of truimph as he brought enough of his tentacles to bare to fully ensnare her.

My, my, my, you are not in a position to make such demands, Aegir cooed telepathically the creature delighting in its position of power though he retained his cautious baring as he retained a small distance with his body. Like a fly caught up in a spider's web he knew that her continued struggles would eventually tire her out, yet at the same time he found himself growing a bit anxious at what he beheld.

Another tentacle, one that had earlier recoiled, swept back towards her having made a prompt recovery it saw to her top drawing it upward to reveal the swell of her breasts. They may have been clad with her bra but that was a momentary hinderance.

Yes ... such sweetness. You'll do well my dear. Aegir moved in closer his confidence overflowing. Why struggle when you can simply enjoy what I have to offer? The question a rhetorical one, Aegir's hands had already moved to fondle her breasts through the material of her bra. Elongated fingers pressing firmly againt her, squeezing her with the same firmness that his tentacles exerted upon her captured limbs, not too fierce but firm enough.

In that moment he heard the shredding sound of fabric, her panties gripped and torn aside by one of his sinewy tentacles all too eager to fully taste his captured prey.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu May 22, 2008 7:31 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
"No don't you dare touch me," Natalya screamed twisting against his hold. "Damnit go find you someone else and leave me alone." She wasn't going to let him do whatever he had in mind willingly. Even as the tentacle coiled around her she drew her legs back and kicked with force hoping to hit something. Her hopes were quickly taken from her as she was snuggly secured.

Natalya twisted with a growl as she felt a tentacle sliding up her leg. "Get away from me," she hissed as she felt it slid up into her shorts. Her fear was increasing as her strength was waning. She was shaking her head in denial as her shorts were being pulled. The terror was visible in her wide blue eyes.

Her fear only continued to increase as she saw the tentacles at his mouth. "Please let me go," she said her voice waivering. Maybe if she changed her way of struggling he would let her go. Though of course she still had no idea he could read her thoughts. "No, no.." she whispered as her shirt was shoved up exposing her large breasts.

The moment he touched her breasts she started twisting again. Her breasts giggled in his hands with each turn. As he caressed her nipples firmed in response. Hearing the fabric of her panties being ripped she cried out in fear. "No, just leave me alone," she shook her head as she tried to close her legs tightly together.

Last edited by Natalya on Fri May 23, 2008 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 22, 2008 9:07 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Waiting out her thrashing Aegir let her hopelessness settle in upon her. The physical fight seemed to leave her once he had secured her limbs with his own flexible appendages even if she still tried to rebuff his advances. Simply drinking in the endorphines that she released Aegir found himself savoiring the moment. There was something delightful about her cries, something thrilling that only spurned him on further.

Why settle for another, my sweet, when I have already obtained you? The creatures tentacles began to dance wildly as his white eyes took in the terror filled blue ones of her own. Fingers drew back against her breasts only to grab hold of the covering fabric. A quick tug and he drew her bra down revealing those luscious mounds. Tight nipples greeted his eyes while her movements caused her well endowed chest to jiggle in such a way that his attention wavered for a lengthy moment.

Dropping his head he lowered a mouth down over the globe of her left breast the surrounding tentacles fanning outward as they slide across the soft tissue. A suckle, soft at first, followed by a tender lick from his slender tongue as it swept over her hardened nipple. With her struggles renewing themselves he felt the tug of her legs as she tried to close them, to bare herself from him in some fashion. Exerting a little more pressure he used his abnormal strength to forbide her from such an action not that it would have really mattered given how he could compress himself he could have probably squeezed his appendages between her pressed legs. Uncertain of this, for he never had to try such a thing in the past, Aegir simply elected to err upon the side of caution rather than allowing her to make things more difficult than they had to be.

Not to neglect her right breast Aegir swept the tip of his finger against her erect nipple allowing the digit to dance upon it with a touch so light and gentle that it could only have been meant to illicit a response from her. With no shortage of tentacles at his disposal Aegir shot one forward sweeping the tip up against her sex. The smooth digit tasted her body in its passing, an effect that caused Aegir to make a strange burbling sound. Slipping the tip further against her body he lifted the tentacle upward even higher using the poignant tip to flick against her clit. A second tentacle, far rougher than the first drew itself up against her backside drawing itself over her right ass cheek.

Further his mind reached out into her own navigating through the neurons and pathways of her mind, seeking out the pleasure centers of her brain all the while the sounds of his own mouth suckling against her flesh echoing in his ears. A tug, the limbs securing her arms lifted elevating her upward as his own posture straightened, his mouth still affixed to her while the tentacles about his mouth squirmed around her. Slowly he retracted himself from her breast using the elasticity of his limbs he lifted her higher still planting his face quite suddenly against the heat of her body.

Surely you won't mind if I have a little taste, his telepathic words pressed into her mind just as those tentacles that rung his mouth began pressing into her, the tip of one, than another followed by the third and forth all compressing themselves given their boneless structure. Each squirming and fighting against one another in an effort to displace the others to be the first to pierce the veil of her nubile body.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu May 22, 2008 10:10 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
"No just leave me alone," Natalya said as her breasts were freed of the bra. Her peaked nipples stood up proudly as if asking for attention. "Don't even think about touching me damnit," of course she knew her words meant nothing he was afterall already touching her. Feeling his mouth close over her breast she twisted weakly trying to get him to stop. The feel of his tongue brushing over her erect nipple sent shivers through her body causing her slit to become damp.

No matter how hard she tried she was unable to close her thighs. Another shiver ran threw her as he rubbed over her other nipple. Her body tensed as she felt a tentacle brush her sex. "No.." she whispered softly, just moments before the tentacle touched her clit. At that touch her eyes closed and she bit back a moan. Just as her body was beginning to relax something rubbed against her ass. "Don't even think about it asshole," she hissed as she was lifted to it's mouth.

Feeling the tentacles around his mouth trying to push into her body jerked. "Stop it," she whispered. She could feel those tentacles around his mouth fighting to enter her. All four squirmed to get inside her. As they squirmed her entire sex seemed to be touched, brushing over her nether lips, between them, and over her engorged clit. As they fought and squirmed her sex became even slicker starting to drip sweet nectar from it.

Her eyes flew open as she felt herself being lifted into the air. "What the hell do you think you're doing now," she demanded. "Yes I mind,' she hissed again.

Fri May 23, 2008 4:27 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Finding that the volume of her voice had shrunk in response to his actions Aegir still found that there was fire within her voice. But contrary to her words her body responded to his own actions.

That is a pity, his telepathic words came in response to her own. The tipis of his tentacles flickered against her damp sex drawing in some of the moisture found there. A splendid taste, one that he had foregone for quite some time seeing that he was more or less kept on the run for the better part of half a century. Quite the pity seeing how you really don't have much of a say in the matter my dear.

Holding her aloft Aegir found it easier to molest her. Those tentacles fought and squirmed for the sweet nectar her body produced busily working as if bees gathering it up for honey. Pushing forth it was perhaps best that her body had begun preparing for this as her dampness combined with the slick moisture upon his mauve flesh and his talent of compression allowed the tips of those tentacles to find the inner warmth of her body. Uncontent with that, however, they pressed forward sinking deeper as they slide against her interior silken walls wriggling all the while in their passage.

Thrilled when she had to fight back a moan Aegir felt a sudden influx of adreniline, another rush of excitement that drained his blue blood through his body to his nether regions. The pulse of his three hearts beat strongly within him and with each beat he could feel the swelling stirring through his cocks. The three of them stiffening as his own blood caused them to swell rapidly. His telepathic abilities allowed him to hone in on her pleasures preparing him for his very own.

The mixture of responses and emotions was like a heedy aroma to his olfactory senses. His mind abuzz as he simply immersed himself into this moment.

Bringing one hand upward he lightly grazed his finger tips against her ribcage brushing his hand against her body until he could feel the full weight of her plomp breast against his palm. Cradling it, his fingers smoothly rushed against her flesh while one of his tentacles, against her earlier protests, ran itself against the crack of her ass.

It would be apparent that he was in no rush. There was no place that he needed to be and Natalya had been unfortunate in that she was his first subject in what to humans would have amassed to a great deal of time ... at least twice her years in time. So there was little wonder that Aegir would prove to be quite patient.

And while her pleasure was not necessary Aegir's own neurosis worked against him. He perceived himself as a being to be worshipped, on to be remembered and idolized. Wasn't it his objective to gain revenge against his own kind and ultimately enslave these short lived beings that needed his direction and guidance if they were to truly live?

There was something he found enticing about hearing a woman's cries of pleasure though. Those that had known or believed that he had been tainted by the memories of the minds he had consumed may have thought that this quirk in his development was brought forth by being tainted by humans. This would only partially be true considering that he was always susceptible to sounds. Soft music could lull him into a state of lethargy and while cries, screams and moans didn't quite pull off that effect within him they were soothing nevertheless.

So Aegir had learned that the best way to get something he wanted was simply to give something that was wanted in return ... the fact that Natalya didn't want this didn't seem to enter into Aegir's equations. She was still fighting him, yet her body had already begun its surrender. Her struggles were less passionate while her body was betraying her given the hardening of her nipples and the slickness of her pussy.

Wondering if he should silence her harsh words with the application of one of his tentacles Aegir refrained for the time being. To do so would have meant consigning defeat in a way, a small victory for her but one nonetheless. And besides, should he do that how could he hope to coax such luscious sounds from her?

His free hand began to roam, first gliding itself over one of her legs. Her shorts, which he had only managed to pull down to her knees, would be in the way and needed to be discarded in time but for the moment he hadn't allowed that to bother him. Since it had illicited a response from her earlier even if she had struggled to keep it from him Aegir brushed the tips of his fingers against her clit even as his mouth tentacles began sweeping in and out of her body.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Fri May 23, 2008 6:25 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Natalya couldn't suppress the moan any longer as the tentacles around his mouth moved over her slick slit. When the four pressed into her she cried out in a mix of pleasure and protest. Her sweet nectar coated the tnetacles even as she tried to fight once more. Her entire body felt the orgasm building as his tentacles pressed deeper.

"Stop it," she cried out softly even as she felt her inner walls constrict to draw the tentacles deeper into her. "Leave me alone," she groaned as he palmed her breast. Feeling a tentacle once more near her ass her hips jerk forward. A loud whining moan sounded as the jerk caused one of the tentacles to brush her engorged clit.

She felt his other hand sliding up her leg. "No," she managed to say. Her mind was strong enough that she would be able to fight him for a little while. The only thing that made her lose her mind was the little bundle of nerves that was at the moment engorged. So far she was thankful that he hadn't paid much attention to it. There had mostly just been accidental brushes of it.

No she thought as she felt his hand near that bundle of nerves. When his finger touched her tiny clit that had came out of hiding as if begging to be touch she moaned. "Ahhh...ahhhh..." her moan was once more long and loud, almost like she sang it. Her body was tense now not from fight but from the climax that was rushing up on her. Her bowed towards the tentacles sliding in and out as her pussy contracted around his tentacles. Her sweet nectar flowed freely dripping to the ground whatever wasn't lapped up.

Fri May 23, 2008 6:22 pm
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
It was a battle between resistance and surrender, Aegir could sense the conflicting emotions as much as he could experience them with his own senses. Her will was strong as she continued to battle against him though it was quite apparent that she could do little about the situation she found herself in. The jerking of her hips as she attempted to evade the tentacle against her backside brought with it the incredible contact of another tentacle against her clit. In her effort to escape one situation Natalya had been thrust clear into another, her clit stimulated in the process Aegir immersed himself into the sweetness of that moan that stumbled out from her lips. White eyes pressed themselves closed a brief moment that stretched into eternity for he had simply basked in those sounds that followed. Such a harmonious sound brought on by a simple touch. Aegir felt the constriction of her pussy against those invading tentacles, the continued spasm that had followed brought with it the storm of her own release the taste of which oozed down over those slender mauve appendages as they continued to squirm within the tightening confounds of her body. Ah, such sweetness would coat his tongue. The rich taste of her body rushed over his senses as he drank from her like a parched man quenching his thirst at a discovered oasis after the long burning journey through an arid desert.

The pitter patter of the droplets of moisture he had failed to consume pounded within his mind like a drum. To think that such a splendid taste would be wasted! Yet Aegir knew that there was more from whence this came. His eyes reopened, his hand compressing itself against her ripe breast he set his eyes upon her glancing up the expanse of her body. Slick dots of perspiration had collected against her skin in places perhaps due to her struggles. What light that had filtered through the trees seemed to hit upon that moisture at odd angles given her skin the illusion of a golden glow that only seemed to accenuate the natural graces and curves of her body.

Why struggle against this? It could be far worse could it not? Aegir's telepathic voice issued into her mind as he came upon the pleasure centers of her brain. A little push here, a nudge there, mentally he probed against her brain's pathways as he searched out the right combination of sensations. Her willpower made his task harder than it should have been for he had to cut through her stubborness to get to what remained beneath, what existed on a more primal level though this appeased him. She was no simple conquest even if he had snared her, even if he could stimulate her body he was still yet to get her to fully give in. A little resistance would only heighten this moment for him for it would make the truimphs of victory all the more sweeter.

Rather than drawing his mouth tentacles out from her body to give her a moment to recover her senses Aegir pressed his attack. Letting his appendages wriggle within her he could feel his own excitement escalating. Blue blood continued to sweep through his body at the direction of his three hearts, his cocks swelling as the flow of blood coursed into them. Eagerness began to battle against his own patience though the monstrosity tempered his own rush of excitement. Far too long it had been since he could enjoy himself and thus he would not allow this moment to pass in a simple flash.

With the tip of a tentacle exerting itself against her ass Aegir could feel its tip squirming against her. Toying with her Aegir let her squirm, let her evade him simply to prolong the inevitable before he would thrust the tip into her. His fingers against her clit and tentacles pressing into the depths of her pussy had not let up in the least.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Sat May 24, 2008 2:42 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Even if her body was giving in Natalya's mind continued to resist. She had been raised to be strong and that she was. Despite the fact that she had already came once her mind was struggling for control of her body. There was no way that she was going to give up easily. He wasn't that talented she thought, anyone or anything would make her cum while playing with her sensitive little clit.

She could actually feel him drinking up every drop of her sweet nectar that he could. The feel of his tentacles scrambling to drink up the juices she was releasing was strangely arousing. Her breasts jiggled with each movement and her tight nipples ached.

A soft moan escaped her lips as he continued to stroke her inside with those tentacles. The feel of him stroking them inside her tight tunnel sent aftershocks quaking through her. "Don't...stop," she said softly trying to incourage him to leave her alone. Unrealized to her the words had came out backwards and sounded as if she wanted him to continue.

"No I said not to," she growled as she felt the tentacle against her ass. She could feel it teasing her, and she knew that he would thrust it inside her tight hole. Her thoughts were sliding off to somewhere unknown as his fingered her clit and his tentacles continued their assult.

Sat May 24, 2008 3:34 am
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Post Re: The First Hunt (for Natalya)
Delving through a mind, even an unprotected one, wasn't always as easy as it seemed. The brain controlled a plethora of functions and contained a vast array of memories both detailed and vague. Years of practice allowed him to map out the human mind braking down each region, knowing what each controlled or their apparent function though that had only allowed him to access the general region in question. Thoughts that were not upon the surface of an individuals mind took a little prying to get at as it meant sifting through a great stack of information. Simply put it had been similiar to going through a filing cabinet looking for a single scrap of information amongst volumous records. Eventually you would find what you were looking for though it took time. He had grown good at such searches learning quite a number of tricks in his time to simply speed up the process. Easier than this though was reaching into regions of the mind that controlled all aspects of life. He had mapped out these regions long ago and thus it was easier to navigate through them since the basic structure remained consistant from individual to individual though it could vary from species to species.

With her thoughts shifting gears Aegir had less to syphon through making his task a little easier. Finally finding what he had been looking for Aegir begun to caress the pleasure centers of her brain with a mental touch. Lightly at first as he felt his way around, then exerting a little more force in effort to further stimulate her body by touching her mind in such a fashion. It was here that he had begun drawing upon the erotic images within her mind. Past dreams and fantasies being tugged to the fore of her conscious thoughts.

Her words came out misconstrued. Mistakenly he had interpretted them as such rather than simply draw the reasonable conclusions that they had not matched up with her own conscious thoughts. An error upon his part that had been largely in part due to his own neurosis and a failure to completely understand humans. Had he a more pleasing form he might have been able to learn more about these fascinating creatures through interacting with them. He supposed he could have drawn upon his powers of illusion even though they were not his forte.

Don't stop ... he had no intentions of stopping though his finger slipped away from the manipulation of her clit. His tentacles eased the passage inside her then withdrew as those securing her limbs set her down upon the ground though retaining their grasp upon her. Even the tentacle that had been playing with her backside rescended only to snake around her chest to coil around and squeeze one of her pert breasts.

I don't intend on stopping my dear.
His mass of mouth tentacles flailed about glistening in the dim light given the coating of her own sexual fluids against them. One curled backwards towards his own mouth before vanishing inside, the monstrosity suckling against the tentacle drawing all moisture from it only to repeat the process with the three others not to waste the essence her body had supplied to him. His gaze had hungrily been set upon her all the while, his excitement continuing to rise as she received a momentary respite even if his tentacles were manipulating her tits, suction cups rubbing over those erect nipples as they traced against the warmth of her body one even finding her lips and pressing against them in order to fill that pretty mouth of hers.

From this vantage point she would be able to see the tendrils extending forth from beneath his body. One large central shaft poked out, extending as it throbbed with a life of its own. Massive, the appendage that was the thing's cock had to be a good 16" in length with a considerable thickness to it. If that hadn't made matters worse it was flanked by two smaller 6" inch appendages though each were narrower than their centermost counter part. While barbs could be extended from the smaller ones they were thankfully retracted at present though the central cock's end opened and closed in a fashion much like a mouth. Within the hollowed out shaft of his body she might even spy something, a mass of something moving inside him. Tiny miniature versions of itself, the nodes which had become an extension of his own consciousness dwelled within the safety of Aegir's body when not being employed in the tasks they were assigned or when not implanted within a subject.

Drawing closer to her awaiting sex the end of his shaft pressed closed containing the creatures inside him as the shadow of his body cascaded down upon her Aegir seemed to be positioning himself in order to take her. A tug from a tentacle brought her shorts and panties down even further drawing them practically to her ankles where they had been stopped by those tentacles that had gripped her there. Needing more space in which to work with he used his tentacles to tug upon her ankles stretching her legs further apart in order to have greater access to the ambrosia that was her.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Sat May 24, 2008 5:15 am
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