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 I wish... (For Drakus) 
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Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:36 pm
Posts: 92
Drakus laughs, and takes a steps towards her.

"Did I deny that it was rape? Of course it is rape. And as such, your own desires do not affect what is about to happen. Tell me, do you think that the fact you don't want this to happen will change anything? I am going to tear those clothes off your body, then satisfy my needs on your warm, soft curves.

"And you... Well, you will doubtless run, or hide, and then fight, but none of this will matter. I am far stronger than you, and you are alone here, on an island where you and the other girls exist purely for the sexual pleasure of inhuman beings.

"Now then... I feel you are as tired of words as I. Shall me move on to actions?"

He takes another slow, confident step towards her.

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:09 pm
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"No. Don't touch me." Ley tried for confident, but somehow, she got the feeling it was not working. She was not scared in the sense that she was scared about what he would do to her. She knew full well what was about to happen would leave a bad memory. But right now, she was scared she was going to enjoy it.

As he walked towards her, she took a step back and hit the tree again. Think, girl, think! What was she going to do. She couldn't just let him do what he wanted. She bit her lip, watching him like a cornered animal. She knew she would not get far running. She was a gymnast, not a jogger. She looked up, hoping there was something that could help. Maybe something she could use to lift her into the tree.

But there was nothing in reach. Her eyes returned to Drakus. "Listen, I promise, if you come any closer, I will deck you." Or tru, she added silently, tensing her body and pressing herself against the tree. She was effectively fucked, whichever way she looked at it.

"Or you could just... you know... leave." She tried for reason.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:17 pm

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"Leave? I want to fuck you, Leyna. And I can do so without any consequences. Why would I want to leave? Because you want me to? Or rather, because you tell me to... What you want is, you begin to fear, something very different than me leaving."

He steps up next to her, and reaches for her shoulders.

"But struggle all you want. It makes it so much more enjoyable when you kick and wriggle, and even more so when you fight not to show how much you want me inside you."

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:20 pm
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Leyna decided it was time for action. "Fuck you, buddy." she sneered at him, now thoroughly pissed off. She took a step forward, planting her takkies in the grass solidly and the flat of her hands against him, trying to push him away so she could run, before she even grabbed his shoulders.

Now Ley was no weakling. How could she be when she could throw her body through the air the way she could. But she was in no way a match for her attacker and much as she tried, she could not move him. Shit! She cursed silently and simply pulled back her fist.

"You inside me? In your dreams." she said, aiming a quick punch pretty much wherever it would land. The way she moved showed that she had some sort of training, and the strength behind the punch was not something one would laugh at.

She only hoped it worked.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:43 pm

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The punch lands solidly in his stomach with all the focused power her training had drilled into her. But beyond the meaty thump of impact, it seems to have no effect on her still-smiling attacker.

"Ah, Leyna, you'll be a very enjoyable fuck. The feisty ones always are."

His grin gets wider, impossibly so, seeming to split his face wide open as his form swells and shifts before her eyes. His clothing tears as he grows to over eight feet tall, and his face become a nightmarish hybrid of wolf and bat.

"Now then, to the matter at hand!"

His hands grasp at her shoulders, seeking to grab her and hold her pinned helpless...

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:49 pm
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Fear was all but gone as his smile triggered a rage in her that left a red mist across her vision. It had been a long time since she had lost it like this, but could you blame her at all. She ground her teeth together to keep from screaming and twisted to avoid his claws but it was useless.

Her back scraped painfully against the tree as she moved, her hoody becoming twisted and soon hindered more than anything else. Her usually teal eyes were dark with fury and she spat curses at him no normal young lady would know.

Pinned and helpless, Kuria hissed at him, all her hatred for what was happening right now in the action. There was nothing she could do about what was going to happen, but if anything, she would try and make it as least enjoyable for him as she could.

She was strong and putting up one hell of a fight. She even went so far as to turn her head and try and bite the hands and arms that held her in place. Right now, she would do anything to get away.

"You are such an arrogant bastard!" she growled at him.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:09 am

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Drakus presses his huge form against her, pinning her squirming body against the tree. Kicking, punching, biting and gouging she inflicts many minor injuries that should give pause to any normal rapist. But the creature assailing her barely seems to notice.

"Indeed I am" he chuckles. "But I'm an arrogant bastard whose prick is about to be buried between your legs."

He catches hold of the neck of her hoodie with one hand, and with his inhuman strength and sharp claws tears it all the way down, shredding her clothing so it falls open, leaving nothing but her bra to cover her breasts. A huge, cool, taloned hand closes over one, squeezing it hard.

"Delightful" he murmurs.

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:25 am
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Twisting against the firm body pressed against her, Ley fought in vain to get free. The lack of success in that regard did nothing to deter her though, and she kept fighting. "I will absolutely, positively kill you for this." she whispered hatefully, even as the constant friction between their bodies served to heat her body in a way she knew meant trouble.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Her breath left her in a gasp as her hoodie was torn from her body. She glared at him. "That was my favourite hoodie." she ground out, cool air caressing the heated flesh of her breasts. The bra she wore, black with pink insets, cupped the round, heavy shape of her breasts and only caused them to swell upwards with each breath she took.

"Nnnnghhh... let me... go..." she managed to gasp out, even as she felt the cold of his talons grabbing her breasts, soft and slightly swollen with a desire she was fighting with everything she had. His murmur reached her ears and she swallowed a moan of protest or delight, she was not too sure which.

Twisting, the muscles of her sleek body rippled with the effort as she fought not only him, but her own reaction as well. Teal eyes flashed, biting her lip with the effort. She had to get away!

- Leyna Sharizhai

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:36 am

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Drakus fondles her breasts slowly, showing he feels no need to hurry. His sharp claws scrape lightly over the bare skin above her bra, and he grins at the struggling girl.

"Oh? Well then, if you stop fighting and undress, I shan't have to ruin the rest of your clothes, shall I?"

His fingers slice through her bra between the two cups, and he regards her bare breasts. His fingers pinch the erect nipples with sharp talons.

"You'll try to kill me, of that I have no doubt. But do you know what else will happen? You'll also climax. More than once. With me inside you, you'll have orgasm after orgasm. You know this is true, you can feel your arousal. you're fighting it even now."

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:44 am
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"You'd rip my clothes anyway." Ley had no doubt about that as her bra was halved and the fullness of her breasts bared to his gaze. She shrunk away from his touch, even as much as she wanted to arch into it. Her nipples responded to the pinch, becoming longer and harder, Ley stifling a moan byt gritting her teeth.

His words made her feel like screaming, since he was so very right. Damn her traitorous body! Even as she though that she squirmed again but it only served to push her body against his more insistently. She wanted to talk, to swear, to do something.

But she knew if she opened her mouth now, she moan like she was enjoying this and that would only make his more self-satisfied. She didn't think she could bear it.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:52 am

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He leans down, and his long, forked tongue licks out across her breasts, teasing and tasting the long, hard nipples. He weighs one, then the other, in his hand, kneading it and letting his talons press into her skin, leaving marks on her flesh and no doubt in her mind what he can do to her.

"Perhaps I will. But now they shall most definitely be ripped."

His hand releases her breasts, and moves down to unfasten her belt, then pop the button, then pull her flies open. His clawed fingers slide down into her pants, and rub at her panties.

"Already moist? Really, you're about to be raped and you're wet? DO they drug you girls somehow? Or are you just this must of a slut that you get wet at the very hint of a cock?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:59 am
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Ley writhed in delight and disgust as she felt the foreign tongue play over the heated flesh of her breasts. Twin sensations of pain shoot up her spine, curling with pleasure as his talons dig into her soft skin, sensitive, already faintly crimson marks forming. She stilled for a moment, knowing that he could seriously hurt her if he wanted to.

She makes a small sound of protest as his talons lower and expertly unfastens her pants. Her panties are tiny and black, made of thin silk material. As his talons slid across her sex, her head thrashed from side to side as she whimpered softly. His comments seemed to bring back some of this fight in her, for she glared at him.

"You shut the fuck up. Jesus, the thing about rape is not how you feel when it's happening. If I come, I come, so fucking what?" Her voice shook but she nevertheless was able to put some measure of scorn in her silken tones.

"Rape is all about how you feel afterwards." She muttered, one last attempt at escape as she lifted her leg and kicked out, the flat of her sneakers aiming straight for what she assumed to be his knee.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:07 am

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Her blow strikes him solidly, to the same effect as any of her other attacks. He laughs, and rips away her panties inside her pants. His fingers part her moist folds, rubbing across her hard clit and the entrance to her sex.

"Very well, I shall refrain from further words. Time for action instead."

He pulls her pants with one hand, awkwardly but with enough strength that they are soon tangled round her ankles. He pushes between her thighs, and his thick, hard cock buts against her belly. He grinds his hips, pushing it into her.

"Soon be inside you, Leyna. Soon be filling you, stretching you, making you scream..."

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:17 am
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Leyna finally loosed the shriek she had been holding back for most of the encounter. It was pure rage, mixed in the a vile sexual frustration she could not hide. Her panties were gone, and she would die before she ever used them again. But that thought fled almost as soon as it arrived as his clever fingers slide over her clit, stroking the whole length of by now moist pussy.

She hated herself for her body's reaction even as she writhed against his fingers, unsure of whether she wanted to push against the digits or pull away from them. It had become the kind of situation she did not like.

"Mmmmhmmm..." The lusty moan was forced out of her even as her pants slid down her slimly muscled legs and her thighs were roughly parted. If she had been the type, she would be crying right now. But Ley hadn't cried since she was thirteen years old. She was not about to start now.

Even as his hard cock pushed against the firm flesh of her belly, she fought him, as hard as she could. But in all her struggles, there was a moment when her body arched in pure invitation. Later, when she remembered that, she would tremble with shame. Now though, it was just a fight. Against herself, him and what she was feeling.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:25 am

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Drakus begins to rub the length of his hard, pulsing cock against her sex. It slides up and down, the edge of the throbbing pole rubbing her clit, the entrance to her sex, and the sensitive wet petals between.

"I think that I want to see you beg, Leyna. Yes, I will hear you begging for it. This cock is going to be inside you, hard and deep. My seed will soon be inside you, coating your hungry female core. But first, you are going to beg."

His hands start squeezing and pinching her breasts again, as his rubbing continues.

"Say it, Leyna. Say what you're already thinking. Say that you want me to fuck you. Say you want to ride my cock like the horny little slut that you are."

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:48 am
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